Malta Centre

Bibliography of Maltese Linguistics

Matching entries: 0
AuthorTitleCollection/JournalReference Type YearLink
Abela, Giovanfrancesco Della descrittione di Malta isola nel mare Siciliano con le sve antichita: ed altre notitie, libri quattro Book 1647 Link
  author = {Abela, Giovanfrancesco},
  title = {Della descrittione di Malta isola nel mare Siciliano con le sve antichita: ed altre notitie, libri quattro},
  publisher = {P. Bonacota},
  year = {1647},
  url = {}
Abela, Maria Flora and Mallia, Mariana Nomi ma' mino: a multimedia software package for year 1 and year 2 students Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 1999
  author = {Abela, Maria Flora and Mallia, Mariana},
  title = {Nomi ma' mino: a multimedia software package for year 1 and year 2 students}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1999}
Abela, Serafin L-ewwel Karmelitani f'Malta: il-Lunzjata l-Qadima 1418-1659 Book 1993
  author = {Abela, Serafin},
  title = {L-ewwel Karmelitani f'Malta: il-Lunzjata l-Qadima 1418-1659},
  publisher = {Edizzjioni il-Karmelu},
  address = {Malta},
  year = {1993}
Agius, Alexia What goes on inside chatrooms: a language analysis Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 2005
  author = {Agius, Alexia},
  title = {What goes on inside chatrooms: a language analysis}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2005}
Agius, Albert W. It-teżawru : ġabra ta' sinonimi u antonimi Book 2010 Link
Abstract: Maltese language - Synonyms and antonyms
  author = {Agius, Albert W.},
  title = {It-teżawru : ġabra ta' sinonimi u antonimi},
  publisher = {BDL},
  address = {San Gwann (Malta)},
  year = {2010},
  url = {}
Agius, Albert W. Qwiel, idjomi, laqmijiet Maltin u trufijiet oħra Book 2004 Link
Abstract: gabra ta' tagrif dwar qwiel, idjomi, laqmijiet Maltin, u bosta wejjeg ora : jinkludi tifsir u informazzjoni dwar il-qwiel u l-idjomi kollha fis-sillabu gall-ezamijiet fil-licej u fl-iskejjel sekondarji, u gas-SEC ta' l-Universita' ta' Malta
  author = {Agius, Albert W.},
  title = {Qwiel, idjomi, laqmijiet Maltin u trufijiet oħra},
  publisher = {Book distributors},
  address = {Pembroke},
  year = {2004},
  url = {}
Agius, Dionisius Formality-Intimacy Continuum in Maltese Journal of Arabic Linguistics, Vol. Article 1998
  author = {Agius, Dionisius},
  title = {Formality-Intimacy Continuum in Maltese},
  journal = {Journal of Arabic Linguistics},
  year = {1998},
  number = {35},
  pages = {29--51}
Agius, Dionisius Morphological alternatives in the Gozitan dialects of Maltese Materiaux Arabes et Sudarabiques, Vol. 4 Article 1992
  author = {Agius, Dionisius},
  title = {Morphological alternatives in the Gozitan dialects of Maltese},
  journal = {Materiaux Arabes et Sudarabiques},
  year = {1992},
  volume = {4},
  pages = {111--161}
Agius, Dionisius Review: Al-miklem Malti - A Contribution to Arabic Lexical Dialectology British Society for Middle Eastern Studies. Bulletin, Vol. 17 Article 1990 Link
  author = {Agius, Dionisius},
  title = {Review: Al-miklem Malti - A Contribution to Arabic Lexical Dialectology},
  journal = {British Society for Middle Eastern Studies. Bulletin},
  year = {1990},
  volume = {17},
  number = {2},
  pages = {171--180},
  url = {}
Agius, Dionisius Semitic Maltese Inventory with a Possible Siculo-Arabic Intervention Journal of Arabic Linguistics, Vol. Article 1981
  author = {Agius, Dionisius},
  title = {Semitic Maltese Inventory with a Possible Siculo-Arabic Intervention},
  journal = {Journal of Arabic Linguistics},
  year = {1981},
  number = {6},
  pages = {7--15}
Agius, Dionisius Maltese: A Semitic and Romance Language Journal of the American Association of Teachers of Arabic, Vol. 13 Article 1980
  author = {Agius, Dionisius},
  title = {Maltese: A Semitic and Romance Language},
  journal = {Journal of the American Association of Teachers of Arabic},
  year = {1980},
  volume = {13},
  pages = {14--27}
Agius, Dionisius and Kalmár, Ivan Verb-subject order in Maltese Journal of Maltese studies, Vol. 14 Article 1981 Link
  author = {Agius, Dionisius and Kalmár, Ivan},
  title = {Verb-subject order in Maltese},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese studies},
  year = {1981},
  volume = {14},
  pages = {22--31},
  url = {}
Agius, Josette Incorporating environmental education into the year 3 Maltese language curriculum Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 2003
  author = {Agius, Josette},
  title = {Incorporating environmental education into the year 3 Maltese language curriculum}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2003}
Agius, Joseph G. Language analysis of bilingual Maltese-English stuttering children Phdthesis: M. Sc. thesis 1995
Abstract: This study is a comparison of language skills in four bilingual Maltese stuttering children (3 boys and 1 girl) mean age 6:10 (years:months)and four bilingual Maltese nonstuttering children (3 boys and 1 girl) mean age 6:10 (years: months).
Three questions are addressed in the study:
Are there significant variations in the Maltese and English expressive and receptive scores of the bilingual stuttering Maltese children and the bilingual nonstuttering Maltese children? Is there a higher frequency of code-switching in the Maltese and English language of the bilingual stuttering children then in the bilingual nonstuttering children? Is there a higher frequency of stuttering types preceding mixed utterances in the stuttering children's speech sample? The expressive and receptive language ages on the Reynell Developmental Language Scale (RDLS) (1985) in Maltese and English language were compared. The stuttering children scored lower in the receptive and expressive language score of the English language (Mann Whitney U=0, p textless.05). No significant difference was noted in the receptive scores of the Maltese language but nonstuttering children scored significantly higher in the expressive language score of the Maltese language (Mann Whitney U= 0.5, ptextless.05).
A spontaneous speech sample in English and Maltese of 50 utterances was tape-recorded from each child. The stuttering bilingual children used a larger number of mixed utterances in the Maltese language and irregular syntax in the English language then the nonstuttering bilingual children.
Perceived disfluencies were also identified in the stuttering children's speech sample. It was found that a higher frequency of stuttering types preceded mixed utterances in the Maltese language and irregular syntax in the English language.
Two models of disfluencies were used to interpret the results ; the Demands and Capacities model (Adams, 1990; Starkweather, 1987) and the neuropsycholinguistic model (Perkins, Kent, & Curlee, 1991). This suggests that in some bilingual children fluency breakdown occurs as a result of the relationship between linguistic demands and capacities or because of dysynchronies in the development of lexical and syntactic aspects of both languages.
  author = {Agius, Joseph G.},
  title = {Language analysis of bilingual Maltese-English stuttering children},
  address = {Dublin}
  school = {Trinity College, University of Dublin},
  year = {1995}
Agius, Mary Anne and Borg, Rowena Analiżi u tgħallim ta' korpus ta' testi ta' Malti mitkellem Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 1996
  author = {Agius, Mary Anne and Borg, Rowena},
  title = {Analiżi u tgħallim ta' korpus ta' testi ta' Malti mitkellem}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1996}
Agius, Maria and Borg, Pauline Analysing orthography in composition and comprehension components of the 2001 year 4 Maltese annual examination Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 2003
  author = {Agius, Maria and Borg, Pauline},
  title = {Analysing orthography in composition and comprehension components of the 2001 year 4 Maltese annual examination}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2003}
Agius, Mary Rose L'influenza linguistica e letteraria dei romanzi italiani sui romanzi maltesi d'appendice del primo novecento: „il bacio di una morte" di Carolina Invernizio liberamente tradotto da Giuseppe Cumbo in „id-delitt tal-miżnuna‟ (1934) Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 1994
  author = {Agius, Mary Rose},
  title = {L'influenza linguistica e letteraria dei romanzi italiani sui romanzi maltesi d'appendice del primo novecento: „il bacio di una morte" di Carolina Invernizio liberamente tradotto da Giuseppe Cumbo in „id-delitt tal-miżnuna‟ (1934)}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1994}
Agius de Soldanis, Giovanni Pietro Francesco Damma tal-Kliem Kartaginis mscerred fel fom tal-Maltin u Ghaucin Book 1759
  author = {Agius de Soldanis, Giovanni Pietro Francesco},
  title = {Damma tal-Kliem Kartaginis mscerred fel fom tal-Maltin u Ghaucin},
  address = {Valetta},
  year = {1759}
Agius de Soldanis, Giovanni Pietro Francesco Della lingua punica presentemente usata dai maltesi Book 1750
  author = {Agius de Soldanis, Giovanni Pietro Francesco},
  title = {Della lingua punica presentemente usata dai maltesi},
  publisher = {Generoso Salomoni},
  address = {Rome},
  year = {1750}
Agius de Soldanis, Giovanni Pietro Francesco Nuova scuola di grammatica per agevolmente apprendere la lingua Punica-Maltese aperta agli studenti Maltesi e forestieri abitanti in Malta Book 1750
  author = {Agius de Soldanis, Giovanni Pietro Francesco},
  title = {Nuova scuola di grammatica per agevolmente apprendere la lingua Punica-Maltese aperta agli studenti Maltesi e forestieri abitanti in Malta},
  publisher = {Generoso Salomoni},
  address = {Rome},
  year = {1750}
Agius Muscat, David Il-kanonku Fortunato Panzavecchia (1797-1850): il-lingwista u l-edukatur Phdthesis: M.A. dissertation 2005
  author = {Agius Muscat, David},
  title = {Il-kanonku Fortunato Panzavecchia (1797-1850): il-lingwista u l-edukatur}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2005}
Akkademja tal-Malti Tagħrif fuq il-kitba Maltija II Book 2004
Abstract: Fl-14 ta’ Novembru 1920 saret l-ewwel laqgħa tal-Għaqda tal-Kittieba tal-Malti li llum tissejjaħ l-Akkademja tal-Malti u nħatret Kummissjoni biex tfassal alfabett li fuqu kellhom jinbnew ir-regoli tal-kitba bil-Malti. Sena wara, dan l-afabett kien finalizzat u l-Kummissjoni, l-aktar permezz tal-ħidma ta’ Ninu Cremona, baqgħet taħdem fuq ir-regoli tal-ortografija li tlestew fl-1924 u ġew stampati mill-Gvern Malti fi ktieb li jġib l-isem Tagħrif fuq il-Kitba Maltija.
L-ewwel taqsima ta’ dan ix-xogħol tagħti r-regoli dwar kif wieħed għandu jikteb bil-Malti, imqassmin f’għaxart irjus. It-tieni taqsima tfisser aħjar l-għamla u t-tiswir ta’ kull kelma li għandha tinkiteb jew aħjar, il-morfoloġija tal-ilsien Malti u għalhekk tittratta l-għamliet tal-kliem Malti, in-nisel, it-tiswir u l-bini tal-kelma fil-Malti. Din it-taqsima hija maqsuma fi ħmistax-il ras. Permezz ta’ dan ix-xogħol naqas sew it-taħwid li kien hawn fil-qasam tal-kitba bil-Malti li kien qed jagħmel ħsara kbira l-aktar fl-oqsma tat-tagħlim u tal-letteratura. Fl-1934 l-alfabett u l-ortografija tal-Għaqda tal-Kittieba tal-Malti, saru uffiċjali u kull min jikteb bil-Malti jrid jintrabat li juża dawn ir-regoli.
  author = {Akkademja tal-Malti},
  title = {Tagħrif fuq il-kitba Maltija II},
  publisher = {Klabb Kotba Maltin},
  address = {Santa Venera [Malta]},
  year = {2004}
Akkademja tal-Malti Regoli tal-kitba tal-Malti Book 1998
Abstract: Meta mqabbel mal-kitba ta’ ilsna oħra, nistgħu ngħidu li l-mod ta’ kif għandu jinkiteb il-Malti jista’ jitqies bħala avveniment pjuttost reċenti. Kellna nistennew sal-1921 biex ikollna alfabett iffinalizzat u sal-1924 biex ikollna grammatika li suppost ikunu aċċettati minn kulħadd. Qabel din id-data kien hemm bosta tentattivi oħra biex jitfasslu alfabett u grammatika ta’ lsienna, xi wħud minn dawn it-tentattivi kienu serji u oħrajn, anqas serji, xi wħud qabdu l-art u oħrajn ma sabux xorti. Uħud mill-ewwel tentattivi li nsibu huma dawk tal-Kanonku Ġanfranġisk Agius De Soldanis bil-grammatika (1750) u d-dizzjunarju tiegħu f’erba’ volumi, ix-xogħol tal-Kavallier Thezan u l-grammatiki u d-dizzjunarju ta’ Mikiel Anton Vassalli. Nistgħu ngħidu li Vassalli għaraf tassew it-tiswir tal-ilsien Malti. Fl-ewwel perjodu tiegħu, meta kiteb Il-Grammatica Melitensis jew Mylsen Phoenico-Punicum (1791) kif ukoll fil-Lexicon (Dizzjunarju Malti – Latin – Taljan), kien għadu jemmen li l-Malti kien imnissel mil-Lhudi u l-Feniċju iżda aktar tard, ta’ studjuż li kien, intebaħ li l-Malti kien aktar jixbah lill-Għarbi.
Nistgħu ngħidu li Vassalli kien l-ewwel wieħed li assoċja ittra waħda ma’ ħoss distintiv wieħed fit-tfassil tal-alfabett tiegħu. Madankollu, b’xorti ħażina, xi simboli li uża ma ntlaqgħux tajjeb minħabba li kienu pjuttost strambi għax kienu meħudin fost l-oħrajn, mill-alfabett Feniċju u Grieg. Huwa bidel xi wħud minn dawn l-ittri fil-Grammatica della Lingua Maltese (1827). Wara l-grammatika ta’ Vassalli nkitbu bosta grammatiki oħrajn, fosthom dik ta’ Francis Vella (1831). Ir-regoli tal-ortografija f’din il-grammatika nistgħu ngħidu li kienu bbażati fuq ir-regoli tal-kitba bit-Taljan. Fl-1839 ħareġ il-ktieb English and Maltese Reading Book for the use of Government Primary Schools. L-ortografija użata f’dan il-ktieb kienet taħlita ta’ ittri Rumani u Għarab.
Fl-1843 is-Società Filologica Maltese magħrufa wkoll bħala l-Accademia Filologica fasslet alfabett ieħor. Dan l-alfabett kellu 33 ittra u l-għan ewlieni tiegħu kien li jħaffef il-proċess tat-tagħlim tal-kitba Taljana bil-Malti. Dan l-alfabett kien ukoll iddaħħal fl-iskejjel fl-1850 mill-Kanonku Paolo Pullicino iżda ta’ min jgħid li dan l-alfabett ma kellux sisien lingwistiċi u xjentifiċi sodi. Ġara li aktar ma bdew jinħolqu alfabetti ġodda, aktar bdiet tikber il-konfużjoni ta’ kif għandu jinkiteb il-Malti u saħansitra kien hemm żmien li t-tagħlim tal-kitba Maltija fl-iskejjel tal-gvern kellu jieqaf proprju minħabba nuqqas ta’ alfabett tajjeb. Fl-1845 insibu l-grammatika tal-Kanonku Fortunato Panzavecchia: Grammatica della Lingua Maltese u fl-1882 ix-Xirka Xemija ħarġet l-alfabett fonetiku tagħha li kien fih 29 ittra. Ir-regoli tal-ortografija tax-Xirka Xemija nistgħu ngħidu li kienu tajbin u maħsubin bir-reqqa u mibnijin fuq prinċipji sodi u li servew ta’ bażi għax-xogħol li ħarġet l-Għaqda aktar tard. Insibu bosta tentattivi oħra, bħal ngħidu aħna dawk ta’ Ġanni Vassallo fl-1901. L-alfabett ta’ Vassallo kien simili għal dak tal-Accademia u għall-alfabett fonetiku mfassal minn A.E Caruana fl-190l.
  author = {Akkademja tal-Malti},
  title = {Regoli tal-kitba tal-Malti},
  publisher = {Klabb Kotba Maltin},
  address = {Valletta},
  year = {1998}
Alfieri, Gabriella
Editor(s): Brincat, Joseph M.
Malta e Sicilia. Continuit e contiguit linguistica e culturale: a proposito degli Atti del Convegno di Catania Languages of the Mediterranean - Substrata - The Islands - Malta: Proceedings of the Conference held in Malta 26-29 September 1991 Incollection 1994
  author = {Alfieri, Gabriella},
  editor = {Brincat, Joseph M.},
  title = {Malta e Sicilia. Continuit e contiguit linguistica e culturale: a proposito degli Atti del Convegno di Catania},
  booktitle = {Languages of the Mediterranean - Substrata - The Islands - Malta: Proceedings of the Conference held in Malta 26-29 September 1991},
  publisher = {Institute of Linguistics, University of Malta},
  address = {Msida},
  year = {1994},
  pages = {202--208}
Aloisio, Jason Incorporating environmental education into the year 5 primary school Maltese language curriculum Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 1993
  author = {Aloisio, Jason},
  title = {Incorporating environmental education into the year 5 primary school Maltese language curriculum}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1993}
Amaira, Mark Il-kategoriji grammatikali tal-Malti: in-nomi, il-verbi u l-aġġettivi Phdthesis: M.A. thesis 2014
  author = {Amaira, Mark},
  title = {Il-kategoriji grammatikali tal-Malti: in-nomi, il-verbi u l-aġġettivi}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2014}
Amaira, Mark L-Ordni tal-kostitwenti fil-Malti: fil-qafas lessikufunzjonali Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 2008
  author = {Amaira, Mark},
  title = {L-Ordni tal-kostitwenti fil-Malti: fil-qafas lessikufunzjonali}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2008}
Ambros, Arne A. Bonġornu, kif inti? Einführung in die maltesische Sprache Book 1998
  author = {Ambros, Arne A.},
  title = {Bonġornu, kif inti? Einführung in die maltesische Sprache},
  publisher = {Reichert},
  address = {Wiesbaden},
  year = {1998}
Ambros, Arne A. "Sprachfehler" als Indikatoren von Sprachwandel im Maltesischen der Gegenwart Journal of Arabic Linguistics, Vol. Article 1995
  author = {Ambros, Arne A.},
  title = {"Sprachfehler" als Indikatoren von Sprachwandel im Maltesischen der Gegenwart},
  journal = {Journal of Arabic Linguistics},
  year = {1995},
  number = {29},
  pages = {51--58}
Angermann, Nadine English and Maltese in Malta Phdthesis: M.A. dissertation 2001
  author = {Angermann, Nadine},
  title = {English and Maltese in Malta}
  school = {University of Chemnitz},
  year = {2001}
Apap, George and Baldacchino, Stephanie It-tfassil u t-tħaddim ta' sillabu ta' l-ortografija tal-Malti fis-sekondarja Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 2005
  author = {Apap, George and Baldacchino, Stephanie},
  title = {It-tfassil u t-tħaddim ta' sillabu ta' l-ortografija tal-Malti fis-sekondarja}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2005}
Aquilina, Helene Il-Malti u l-istorja fil-ħidma ta' Ġużè Cassar Pullicino Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 1972
  author = {Aquilina, Helene},
  title = {Il-Malti u l-istorja fil-ħidma ta' Ġużè Cassar Pullicino}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1972}
Aquilina, Joseph
Editor(s): Battisti, Carlo and Mastrelli, Carlo Alberto
Influenze arabe sulla toponomastica maltese Atti del VII Congresso internazionale di scienze onomastiche [e memorie della sezione toponomastica] Incollection 1962
  author = {Aquilina, Joseph},
  editor = {Battisti, Carlo and Mastrelli, Carlo Alberto},
  title = {Influenze arabe sulla toponomastica maltese},
  booktitle = {Atti del VII Congresso internazionale di scienze onomastiche [e memorie della sezione toponomastica]},
  publisher = {Università di Firenze. Istituto di glottologia},
  address = {Firenze},
  year = {1962},
  pages = {135--146}
Aquilina, Joseph
Editor(s): Briguglio, Lino and Bezzina, Joseph
Language and village dialects Gozo and its culture. Proceedings of the 1995 Lowenbrau Seminar Incollection 1995
  author = {Aquilina, Joseph},
  editor = {Briguglio, Lino and Bezzina, Joseph},
  title = {Language and village dialects},
  booktitle = {Gozo and its culture. Proceedings of the 1995 Lowenbrau Seminar},
  publisher = {Formatek Ltd.},
  address = {Malta},
  year = {1995},
  pages = {106--114}
Aquilina, Joseph
Editor(s): Bynon, James and Bynon, Theodora
The Berber element in Maltese Hamito-Semitica: proceedings of a colloquium held by the historical section of the Linguistics Association (Great Britain) at the School of Oriental and African Studies, Univ. of London, on the 18th, 19th and 20th of March 1970 Incollection 1975
  author = {Aquilina, Joseph},
  editor = {Bynon, James and Bynon, Theodora},
  title = {The Berber element in Maltese},
  booktitle = {Hamito-Semitica: proceedings of a colloquium held by the historical section of the Linguistics Association (Great Britain) at the School of Oriental and African Studies, Univ. of London, on the 18th, 19th and 20th of March 1970},
  publisher = {Mouton &Co.},
  address = {The Hague},
  year = {1975},
  volume = {200},
  pages = {297--314}
Aquilina, Joseph
Editor(s): Cohen, David and Caquot, André
Prepositional verbs in Maltese Actes du premier congrès international de linguistique sémitique et chamito-sémitique Incollection 1974
  author = {Aquilina, Joseph},
  editor = {Cohen, David and Caquot, André},
  title = {Prepositional verbs in Maltese},
  booktitle = {Actes du premier congrès international de linguistique sémitique et chamito-sémitique},
  publisher = {De Gruyter Mouton},
  address = {Paris},
  year = {1974},
  pages = {309--321}
Aquilina, Joseph
Editor(s): Pellat, Charles and Cahen, Claude
Some dialectal aspects of Maltese Études arabes et islamiques : II- Langue et littérature, vol. 1 / XXIXe congrès international des orientalistes Incollection 1975
  author = {Aquilina, Joseph},
  editor = {Pellat, Charles and Cahen, Claude},
  title = {Some dialectal aspects of Maltese},
  booktitle = {Études arabes et islamiques : II- Langue et littérature, vol. 1 / XXIXe congrès international des orientalistes},
  publisher = {L'Asiathèque},
  address = {Paris},
  year = {1975},
  pages = {19--23}
Aquilina, Joseph Concise Maltese English, English Maltese dictionary Book 2006
Abstract: Prof. Joseph Aquilinas Maltese-English-Maltese Dictionary in six volumes was published between 1987 and 2000. Since then, a number of the published are no longer used in the spoken language. Moreover, a number of new words have been introduced and are regularly used by the majority of the Maltese. The aim of this Concise Maltese-English-Maltese Dictionary is to help students, translators and the general day-to-day speaker.
  author = {Aquilina, Joseph},
  title = {Concise Maltese English, English Maltese dictionary},
  publisher = {Midsea Books},
  address = {Sta Venera},
  year = {2006}
Aquilina, Jesmond It-tfassil ta' grammatika pedagoġika għall-ħames Klassi fil-livell primarju Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 1998
  author = {Aquilina, Jesmond},
  title = {It-tfassil ta' grammatika pedagoġika għall-ħames Klassi fil-livell primarju}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1998}
Aquilina, Joseph Maltese: a complete course for beginners Book 1995
  author = {Aquilina, Joseph},
  title = {Maltese: a complete course for beginners},
  publisher = {NTC Pub. Group},
  address = {Lincolnwood, Ill.},
  year = {1995},
  note = {Originally published under title: Teach yourself Maltese. London : English Universities, 1966}
Aquilina, Joseph Maltese-English dictionary. Vol. II: M-Z Book 1990
  author = {Aquilina, Joseph},
  title = {Maltese-English dictionary. Vol. II: M-Z},
  publisher = {Midsea Books},
  address = {Sta Venera},
  year = {1990}
Aquilina, Joseph Il lessico agricolo e metereologico nel maltese e le sue fonti arabe e siciliane Journal of Maltese studies, Vol. 17-18 Article 1987 Link
  author = {Aquilina, Joseph},
  title = {Il lessico agricolo e metereologico nel maltese e le sue fonti arabe e siciliane},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese studies},
  year = {1987},
  volume = {17-18},
  pages = {6--12},
  url = {}
Aquilina, Joseph Maltese-English dictionary. Vol. I: A-L Book 1987
  author = {Aquilina, Joseph},
  title = {Maltese-English dictionary. Vol. I: A-L},
  publisher = {Midsea Books},
  address = {Sta Venera},
  year = {1987}
Aquilina, Joseph Maltese-Arabic comparative grammar Book 1979
  author = {Aquilina, Joseph},
  title = {Maltese-Arabic comparative grammar},
  publisher = {The Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya},
  address = {Malta},
  year = {1979}
Aquilina, Joseph Language in contact in Malta Journal of Maltese studies, Vol. 12 Article 1978 Link
  author = {Aquilina, Joseph},
  title = {Language in contact in Malta},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese studies},
  year = {1978},
  volume = {12},
  pages = {45--62},
  url = {}
Aquilina, Joseph Problemi dei rapporti fra la fonetica siciliana e la fonetica maltese Bollettino dell' Atlante Linguistico Mediterrano, Vol. 16-17 Article 1978
  author = {Aquilina, Joseph},
  title = {Problemi dei rapporti fra la fonetica siciliana e la fonetica maltese},
  journal = {Bollettino dell' Atlante Linguistico Mediterrano},
  year = {1978},
  volume = {16-17},
  pages = {193--206}
Aquilina, Joseph Maltese linguistic surveys Book 1976
  author = {Aquilina, Joseph},
  title = {Maltese linguistic surveys},
  publisher = {Univ. of Malta},
  address = {[Msida]},
  year = {1976},
  note = {viii, 216 S ; 23 cm}
Aquilina, Joseph Maltese etymological glossary Journal of Maltese studies, Vol. 8 Article 1973 Link
  author = {Aquilina, Joseph},
  title = {Maltese etymological glossary},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese studies},
  year = {1973},
  volume = {8},
  pages = {1--62},
  url = {}
Aquilina, Joseph Maltese plant names Journal of Maltese studies, Vol. 8 Article 1973 Link
  author = {Aquilina, Joseph},
  title = {Maltese plant names},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese studies},
  year = {1973},
  volume = {8},
  pages = {63--92},
  url = {}
Aquilina, Joseph Verbs Journal of Maltese studies, Vol. 8 Article 1973 Link
  author = {Aquilina, Joseph},
  title = {Verbs},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese studies},
  year = {1973},
  volume = {8},
  pages = {93--98},
  url = {}
Aquilina, Joseph A comparative dictionary of Maltese proverbs Book 1972
Abstract: A comprehensive collection of over 4,630 Maltese proverbs collected from oral and written sources.
  author = {Aquilina, Joseph},
  title = {A comparative dictionary of Maltese proverbs},
  publisher = {Royal University Press},
  address = {Msida},
  year = {1972}
Aquilina, Joseph Due epoche linguistiche nella lingua Maltese Journal of Maltese studies, Vol. 7 Article 1971 Link
  author = {Aquilina, Joseph},
  title = {Due epoche linguistiche nella lingua Maltese},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese studies},
  year = {1971},
  volume = {7},
  pages = {1--36},
  url = {}
Aquilina, Joseph The role of Maltese and English in Malta Journal of the Faculty of Arts, Vol. 4 Article 1971 Link
  author = {Aquilina, Joseph},
  title = {The role of Maltese and English in Malta},
  journal = {Journal of the Faculty of Arts},
  year = {1971},
  volume = {4},
  number = {3},
  pages = {171--182},
  url = {}
Aquilina, Joseph Nomi maltesi di pesci, molluschi e crostacei del Mediterraneo. Studio basato sul questionario dell' Àltante Linguistico Mediterraneo ed altro materiale Book 1969
  author = {Aquilina, Joseph},
  title = {Nomi maltesi di pesci, molluschi e crostacei del Mediterraneo. Studio basato sul questionario dell' Àltante Linguistico Mediterraneo ed altro materiale},
  publisher = {Malta University Press},
  address = {[Valletta]},
  year = {1969}
Aquilina, Joseph Comparative Maltese and Arabic proverbs Journal of Maltese studies, Vol. 5 Article 1968 Link
  author = {Aquilina, Joseph},
  title = {Comparative Maltese and Arabic proverbs},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese studies},
  year = {1968},
  volume = {5},
  pages = {3--13},
  url = {}
Aquilina, Joseph Maltese dialect survey Zeitschrift für Mundartforschung, Vol. 1 Article 1967
  author = {Aquilina, Joseph},
  title = {Maltese dialect survey},
  journal = {Zeitschrift für Mundartforschung},
  year = {1967},
  volume = {1},
  pages = {19--30}
Aquilina, Joseph La stratificazione del vocabolario marinaresco maltese Bollettino dell’Atlante Linguistico Mediterraneo, Vol. 8-9 Article 1966
  author = {Aquilina, Joseph},
  title = {La stratificazione del vocabolario marinaresco maltese},
  journal = {Bollettino dell’Atlante Linguistico Mediterraneo},
  year = {1966},
  volume = {8-9},
  pages = {221--232}
Aquilina, Joseph Teach yourself Maltese Book 1965 Link
  author = {Aquilina, Joseph},
  title = {Teach yourself Maltese},
  publisher = {English Universities Press},
  address = {London},
  year = {1965},
  url = {}
Aquilina, Joseph A comparative study in lexical material relating to nicknames and surnames Journal of Maltese studies, Vol. 2 Article 1964 Link
  author = {Aquilina, Joseph},
  title = {A comparative study in lexical material relating to nicknames and surnames},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese studies},
  year = {1964},
  volume = {2},
  pages = {147--176},
  url = {}
Aquilina, Joseph Linguistic Activities in the Royal University of Malta Orbis, Vol. 11 Article 1962
  author = {Aquilina, Joseph},
  title = {Linguistic Activities in the Royal University of Malta},
  journal = {Orbis},
  year = {1962},
  volume = {11},
  pages = {347--351}
Aquilina, Joseph Maltese meteorological and agricultural proverbs Journal of Maltese studies, Vol. 1 Article 1961 Link
  author = {Aquilina, Joseph},
  title = {Maltese meteorological and agricultural proverbs},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese studies},
  year = {1961},
  volume = {1},
  pages = {1--80},
  url = {}
Aquilina, Joseph Papers in Maltese linguistics Book 1961
  author = {Aquilina, Joseph},
  title = {Papers in Maltese linguistics},
  publisher = {Royal University of Malta},
  address = {Valetta},
  year = {1961}
Aquilina, Joseph The role of language in society Journal of the Faculty of Arts, Vol. 2 Article 1960 Link
  author = {Aquilina, Joseph},
  title = {The role of language in society},
  journal = {Journal of the Faculty of Arts},
  year = {1960},
  volume = {2},
  number = {1},
  pages = {1--17},
  url = {}
Aquilina, Joseph The structure of Maltese. A study in mixed grammar and vocabulary Book 1959
  author = {Aquilina, Joseph},
  title = {The structure of Maltese. A study in mixed grammar and vocabulary},
  publisher = {The Royal University of Malta},
  address = {[Valletta]},
  year = {1959},
  edition = {1}
Aquilina, Joseph Maltese as a mixed language Journal of Semitic Studies, Vol. 3 Article 1958 Link
  author = {Aquilina, Joseph},
  title = {Maltese as a mixed language},
  journal = {Journal of Semitic Studies},
  year = {1958},
  volume = {3},
  number = {1},
  pages = {58--79},
  url = {},
  doi = { 10.1093/jss/3.1.58}
Aquilina, Joseph A brief survey of Maltese semantics Orbis, Vol. 3 Article 1954
  author = {Aquilina, Joseph},
  title = {A brief survey of Maltese semantics},
  journal = {Orbis},
  year = {1954},
  volume = {3},
  pages = {68--88}
Aquilina, Joseph Maltese Lexicography Orbis, Vol. 2 Article 1953
  author = {Aquilina, Joseph},
  title = {Maltese Lexicography},
  journal = {Orbis},
  year = {1953},
  volume = {2},
  pages = {474--483}
Aquilina, Joseph The two approaches to the study of language Scientia, Vol. 15 Article 1949 Link
  author = {Aquilina, Joseph},
  title = {The two approaches to the study of language},
  journal = {Scientia},
  year = {1949},
  volume = {15},
  number = {2/3},
  pages = {64--77 / 135--144},
  url = {}
Aquilina, Joseph Maltese philology Scientia, Vol. 13 Article 1947 Link
  author = {Aquilina, Joseph},
  title = {Maltese philology},
  journal = {Scientia},
  year = {1947},
  volume = {13},
  number = {2},
  pages = {85--96},
  url = {}
Aquilina, Joseph Race and language in Malta Scientia, Vol. 11 Article 1945 Link
  author = {Aquilina, Joseph},
  title = {Race and language in Malta},
  journal = {Scientia},
  year = {1945},
  volume = {11},
  number = {3/4},
  pages = {124--137 / 174--188},
  url = {}
Aquilina, Joseph A comparative survey of semitic Maltese Scientia, Vol. 9 Article 1943 Link
  author = {Aquilina, Joseph},
  title = {A comparative survey of semitic Maltese},
  journal = {Scientia},
  year = {1943},
  volume = {9},
  number = {2/3},
  pages = {89--96 / 133--144},
  url = {}
Aquilina, Joseph A comparative study in mixed Maltese Scientia, Vol. 8 Article 1942 Link
  author = {Aquilina, Joseph},
  title = {A comparative study in mixed Maltese},
  journal = {Scientia},
  year = {1942},
  volume = {8},
  number = {3/4},
  pages = {133--144 / 174--187},
  url = {}
Aquilina, Joseph The Maltese language Book 1940
  author = {Aquilina, Joseph},
  title = {The Maltese language},
  address = {Malta},
  year = {1940}
Aquilina, Joseph and Cassar Pullicino, Joseph Lexical material in Maltese folklore Journal of the Faculty of Arts, Vol. 1 Article 1957 Link
  author = {Aquilina, Joseph and Cassar Pullicino, Joseph},
  title = {Lexical material in Maltese folklore},
  journal = {Journal of the Faculty of Arts},
  year = {1957},
  volume = {1},
  number = {1},
  pages = {1--36},
  url = {}
Aquilina, Joseph, Isserlin, Benedikt S.J. and Annan, W.R.B. A new dialect survey of present day spoken Maltese: preliminary notice Journal of Maltese studies, Vol. 3 Article 1966 Link
  author = {Aquilina, Joseph and Isserlin, Benedikt S.J. and Annan, W.R.B.},
  title = {A new dialect survey of present day spoken Maltese: preliminary notice},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese studies},
  year = {1966},
  volume = {3},
  pages = {42--46},
  url = {}
Aquilina, Nicolette Klassifika sintattika-semantika ta' għadd ta' verbi fil-Malti Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 1987
  author = {Aquilina, Nicolette},
  title = {Klassifika sintattika-semantika ta' għadd ta' verbi fil-Malti}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1987}
Attard, Anton
Editor(s): Briguglio, Lino and Bezzina, Joseph
The folklore of an island Gozo and its culture. Proceedings of the 1995 Lowenbrau Seminar Incollection 1995
  author = {Attard, Anton},
  editor = {Briguglio, Lino and Bezzina, Joseph},
  title = {The folklore of an island},
  booktitle = {Gozo and its culture. Proceedings of the 1995 Lowenbrau Seminar},
  publisher = {Formatek Ltd.},
  address = {Malta},
  year = {1995},
  pages = {83--96}
Attard, Anton F. The dual number in the Maltese language (il-għadd imtenni fl-ilsien Malti) : a linguistic study. Book 2008
  author = {Attard, Anton F.},
  title = {The dual number in the Maltese language (il-għadd imtenni fl-ilsien Malti) : a linguistic study.},
  publisher = {Victoria, Gozo : the author},
  address = {Victoria, Gozo},
  year = {2008}
Attard, Anton F. Maltese sound plurals : stem +-an or -ien endings (Plurali sħaħ bid-deżinenza -an jew -ien) : a linguistic study. Book 2008
  author = {Attard, Anton F.},
  title = {Maltese sound plurals : stem +-an or -ien endings (Plurali sħaħ bid-deżinenza -an jew -ien) : a linguistic study.},
  publisher = {Victoria, Gozo : the author},
  address = {Victoria, Gozo},
  year = {2008}
Attard, Cynthia and Spiteri, Nadine The use of Maltese and English as media of instruction at primary school level (year iv) Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 1998
  author = {Attard, Cynthia and Spiteri, Nadine},
  title = {The use of Maltese and English as media of instruction at primary school level (year iv)}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1998}
Attard, Keith Ir-Reġistru tal-Futbol fl-Ilsien Malti Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 2011
  author = {Attard, Keith},
  title = {Ir-Reġistru tal-Futbol fl-Ilsien Malti}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2011}
Attard, Melissa A comparison of connected speech processes in standard English and Maltese Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 1998
  author = {Attard, Melissa},
  title = {A comparison of connected speech processes in standard English and Maltese}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1998}
Attard, Sarah School teachers’ awareness of the use of language in bilingual courses Phdthesis: B.ED (HONS) 2013 Link
Abstract: This study looks into primary school teachers’ awareness of their use of language in Maltese bilingual classrooms. It investigates deeply the issue of bilingualism and code-switching, both in the local and foreign contexts with special emphasis given to the bilingual situation in the USA, where most of the bilingual education programs were developed. It also gives a detailed account of the Maltese bilingual context with special attention to Curricula and school language policies. During the course of research eleven teachers, hailing from different school sectors, were interviewed about their thoughts on bilingualism and code-switching. They were also observed in their own classrooms. The research outcomes revealed that most school and education policies in Malta endorse a bilingual approach which is in favour of separating the two languages from each other. However, most teachers whether they agree to it or not, still make use of code-switching for various reasons which are deeply analysed in the discussion of this dissertation.
  author = {Attard, Sarah},
  title = {School teachers’ awareness of the use of language in bilingual courses}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2013},
  url = {}
Attard, Saviour and Attard, Doris Fil-baħar mad-denfil, vol. 2: studju morfoloġiku dwar "id-denfil taż-żgħar" u "id-denfil 1" Phdthesis: PGCE 1978
  author = {Attard, Saviour and Attard, Doris},
  title = {Fil-baħar mad-denfil, vol. 2: studju morfoloġiku dwar "id-denfil taż-żgħar" u "id-denfil 1"}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1978}
Audino, Marco It-teorija mfassla mill-prattika: Analiżi semjotika msejsa fuq it-traduzzjoni mit-Taljan għall-Malti ta' La Coscienza di Zeno ta' Italo Svevo Phdthesis: Unpublished M.A. thesis 2010
  author = {Audino, Marco},
  title = {It-teorija mfassla mill-prattika: Analiżi semjotika msejsa fuq it-traduzzjoni mit-Taljan għall-Malti ta' La Coscienza di Zeno ta' Italo Svevo},
  address = {Msida, Malta}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2010}
Avram, Andrei A.
Editor(s): Grigore, George and Sitaru, Laura
The fate of the interdental fricatives in Maltese Romano-Arabica, Vol. XIV Article 2014 Link
Abstract: It is well known that Modern Maltese no longer has interdental fricatives, which have been replaced with stops. The loss of the interdental fricatives is believed by some (e.g. Cohen 1964, 1967, Vanhoeve 1991, 1994, 2000) to have taken place in the so-called "pre-Maltese" stage, i.e. before the separation of Maltese from the Arab world. Instances of interdental fricatives in Caxaro’s Cantilena (c. 1450) or in Megiser’s wordlist (collected in 1588) have been dismissed as archaic, irrelevant or debatable (given the possibility of faulty transcriptions). The present paper re-examines the currently available textual evidence, including Thezan (c. 1640), Abela (1647) and de Soldanis (1750, 1750-1767). It is shown that varieties of Maltese appear to have preserved the interdental fricatives until the second half of the 18th century (cf. Avram 1999, 2012 and 2013, Vella 2013). Therefore, the loss of the fricative interdentals is a much more recent phenomenon than has hitherto been assumed. Also discussed are some of the implications of these findings.
  author = {Avram, Andrei A.},
  editor = {Grigore, George and Sitaru, Laura},
  title = {The fate of the interdental fricatives in Maltese},
  journal = {Romano-Arabica},
  year = {2014},
  volume = {XIV},
  pages = {19--32},
  url = {}
Avram, Andrei A Some phonological changes in Maltese reflected in onomastics Bucharest Working Papers in Linguistics, Vol. Article 2012 Link
Abstract: The present paper evaluates the onomastic evidence for some of the changes effecting consonants in the history of Maltese. The analysis is based on a rich corpus of surnames, nicknames and place-names recorded between early 15th century and late 18th century. Onomastics is shown to offer valuable insights into the gradual emergence of the system of consonantal phonemes of Modern Maltese and of some of its specific phonological rules. It is also shown that evidence from onomastics disconfirm previous claims regarding the chronology of some of the changes affecting the consonants of Maltese.
  author = {Avram, Andrei A},
  title = {Some phonological changes in Maltese reflected in onomastics},
  journal = {Bucharest Working Papers in Linguistics},
  year = {2012},
  number = {2},
  pages = {99--121},
  url = {}
Avram, Andrei A. On word-final */a* :/ in Maltese Revue roumaine de linguistique, Vol. 39 Article 1994 Link
Abstract: L'A. tente d'expliquer certains changements ayant affecté la voyelle longue */a:/ en position finale de mot en maltais. Il propose une explication historique, tenant compte du contexte, à ce changement phonologique
  author = {Avram, Andrei A.},
  title = {On word-final */a* :/ in Maltese},
  journal = {Revue roumaine de linguistique},
  year = {1994},
  volume = {39},
  number = {1},
  pages = {65--73},
  url = {}
Axiaq, Joseph It-tagħlim tal-Malti b'mod awtonomu fis-sitt klassi postsekondarja Phdthesis: M.A. dissertation 1998
  author = {Axiaq, Joseph},
  title = {It-tagħlim tal-Malti b'mod awtonomu fis-sitt klassi postsekondarja}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1998}
Axisa Farrell, Deborah Ir-Realizzazzjoni Fonetika Dittongali -ej/ -aj tas-Sekwenza Miktuba -għi- Phdthesis: M.A. thesis 2015
  author = {Axisa Farrell, Deborah},
  title = {Ir-Realizzazzjoni Fonetika Dittongali -ej/ -aj tas-Sekwenza Miktuba -għi-}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2015}
Axisa Farrell, Deborah L-Eqdem Kliem bil-Malti Ddokumentat fil-Prietki ta' Ignazio Saverio Mifsud Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 2011
  author = {Axisa Farrell, Deborah},
  title = {L-Eqdem Kliem bil-Malti Ddokumentat fil-Prietki ta' Ignazio Saverio Mifsud}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2011}
Azzopardi, Carmel Gwida għall-ortografija: għajnuniet għall-kitba bil-Malti Book 2007
Abstract: Fi 'Gwida għall-ortografija: għajnuniet għall-kitba bil-Malti’ l-istudenti u l-għalliema jsibu għajnuna prattika bħalma huma l-ħmistax-il appendiċi, miżgħuda b’mudelli siewja u mfissra f’tabelli ċari. Dan ix-xogħol jinkludi wkoll indiċi analitiku li għandu jiswa wkoll lil min irid jikkonsulta dan ix-xogħol bħala referenza. Permezz ta’ dan il-ktieb l-interpretazzjonijiet tar-regoli li jagħti l-awtur fuq punti ortografiċi jiċċaraw f’għajn l-istudenti.
  author = {Azzopardi, Carmel},
  title = {Gwida għall-ortografija: għajnuniet għall-kitba bil-Malti},
  publisher = {Klabb Kotba Maltin},
  address = {Sta Venera},
  year = {2007}
Azzopardi, Carmel Gwida għall-ortografija: it-taħriġiet Book 2006
Abstract: Il-ktieb ’Gwida għall-ortografija: it-taħriġiet’ huwa mibni fuq il-ktieb tal-istess awtur Gwida għall-ortografija: għajnuniet għall-kitba bil-Malti. Il-ktieb huwa intenzjonat bħala biċċa għodda f’idejn min irid jitħarreġ sew fil-kitba korretta tal-Malti, u b’mod partikolari hu intenzjonat biex jintuża mill-għalliema u mill-istudenti tal-Malti. Billi r-regoli tal-ortografija jvarjaw f’dak li hu toqol il-ktieb mhuwiex immirat lejn livell partikulari ta’ studenti imma jolqot il-firxa kollha ta’ livelli. Il-preġju ta’ dan il-ktieb jinsab fuq kif l-awtur jiffaċilizza l-użu ta’ dawn it-taħriġiet billi jaqsamhom f’ħames livelli li jibdew mil-Livell 1 u jibqgħu tilgħin sal-Livell 5 li hu l-itqal.
  author = {Azzopardi, Carmel},
  title = {Gwida għall-ortografija: it-taħriġiet},
  publisher = {Klabb Kotba Maltin},
  address = {Sta Venera},
  year = {2006}
Azzopardi, Carmel L-ortografija uffiċjali tal-Malti: analiżi lingwistika kritika b'suġġerimenti għal titjib Phdthesis: M.A. dissertation 1997
  author = {Azzopardi, Carmel},
  title = {L-ortografija uffiċjali tal-Malti: analiżi lingwistika kritika b'suġġerimenti għal titjib}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1997}
Azzopardi, Catherine Aspetti lessikali tal-Malti fil-matrikola ordinarja u avvanzata (fil-komponiment) Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 1987
  author = {Azzopardi, Catherine},
  title = {Aspetti lessikali tal-Malti fil-matrikola ordinarja u avvanzata (fil-komponiment)}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1987}
Azzopardi, Christopher and Borg, David 'lanġasina u l-istaġuni': a multimedia package for the teaching of Maltese in year three Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 1999
  author = {Azzopardi, Christopher and Borg, David},
  title = {'lanġasina u l-istaġuni': a multimedia package for the teaching of Maltese in year three}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1999}
Azzopardi, Ludvic Biblijografija magħżula ta' traduzzjonijiet (1752-1994) Phdthesis: M.A. dissertation 1997
  author = {Azzopardi, Ludvic},
  title = {Biblijografija magħżula ta' traduzzjonijiet (1752-1994)}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1997}
Azzopardi, Maria The Maltese Sign Language (LSM) variety of two deaf Maltese children: an analysis Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 2001
  author = {Azzopardi, Maria},
  title = {The Maltese Sign Language (LSM) variety of two deaf Maltese children: an analysis}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2001}
Azzopardi, Marie The phonetics of Maltese: some areas relevant to the deaf Book 1981
  author = {Azzopardi, Marie},
  title = {The phonetics of Maltese: some areas relevant to the deaf},
  publisher = {University of Edinburgh},
  address = {Edinburgh},
  year = {1981}
Azzopardi, Sherilyn The translation from English into Maltese of a chapter of Chris Beckett's Human Growth and Development Phdthesis: Unpublished M.A. thesis 2011
  author = {Azzopardi, Sherilyn},
  title = {The translation from English into Maltese of a chapter of Chris Beckett's Human Growth and Development},
  address = {Msida, Malta}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2011}
Azzopardi-Alexander, Marie
Editor(s): Caruana, Sandro, Fabri, Ray and Stolz, Thomas
The vowel system of Xlukkajr and Naduri Variation and Change: The Dynamics of Maltese in Space, Time and Society Incollection 2011 Link
Abstract: The paper examines the vowel systems of two Maltese dialects in contrast to that of Standard Maltese. The first dialect is Xlukkajr, the dialect used in Marsaxlokk, and the second is Naduri, the dialect used in the Gozitan village of Nadur. The vowel systems of these two dialects are different from that of Standard Maltese. The two dialects differ from each other and particularly from Standard Maltese both in their systemic organization or phoneme inventory as well as in terms of the phonetic realiyations. The paper uses the work done on these dialects to reflect on both the changing attitudes of dialect speakers in Malta and Gozo as well as on how this affects the way forward in data colletion. It also discusses listeners' adaptation to dialects other than their own.
  author = {Azzopardi-Alexander, Marie},
  editor = {Caruana, Sandro and Fabri, Ray and Stolz, Thomas},
  title = {The vowel system of Xlukkajr and Naduri},
  booktitle = {Variation and Change: The Dynamics of Maltese in Space, Time and Society},
  publisher = {Akademie Verlag},
  address = {Berlin},
  year = {2011},
  number = {9},
  pages = {235--253},
  url = {}
Azzopardi-Alexander, Marie
Editor(s): Fabri, Ray
Iconicity and the development of Maltese Sign Language Maltese Linguistics: A Snapshot ; In Memory of Joseph A. Cremona (1922 - 2003) Incollection 2009 Link
Abstract: This article considers the phenomenon of iconicity in languages, particulary in sign languages. It examines iconicity within a consideration of the need for languages to have the potential to use arbitrary signs in order to continue to meet the growing needs of their users. A variety of means used to construct signs in Maltese Sign Language is examined. Maltese Sign Language is seen to be developing signs that start as mimetic and move away to becoming opaque.
  author = {Azzopardi-Alexander, Marie},
  editor = {Fabri, Ray},
  title = {Iconicity and the development of Maltese Sign Language},
  booktitle = {Maltese Linguistics: A Snapshot ; In Memory of Joseph A. Cremona (1922 - 2003)},
  publisher = {Universitätsverlag Brockmeyer},
  address = {Bochum},
  year = {2009},
  number = {1},
  pages = {93--116},
  edition = {1},
  url = {}
Azzopardi-Alexander, Marie
Editor(s): Ferrando, Ignacio and Sánches Sandoval, Juan José
The vowel system of Maltese: from production to perception AIDA, 5th conference proceedings, Cadiz, September 2002 Incollection 2003
  author = {Azzopardi-Alexander, Marie},
  editor = {Ferrando, Ignacio and Sánches Sandoval, Juan José},
  title = {The vowel system of Maltese: from production to perception},
  booktitle = {AIDA, 5th conference proceedings, Cadiz, September 2002},
  publisher = {Servicio de Publicaciones, Universidad de Cadiz},
  address = {Cadiz},
  year = {2003},
  pages = {321--334}
Badger, George Percy A letter on the eligibility of the Maltese dialect as a written medium of instruction in the gouvernment primary schools adressed to his excellency Sir H. F. Bouverie Book 1841
  author = {Badger, George Percy},
  title = {A letter on the eligibility of the Maltese dialect as a written medium of instruction in the gouvernment primary schools adressed to his excellency Sir H. F. Bouverie},
  address = {Malta},
  year = {1841}
Badger, George Percy Description of Malta and Gozo Book 1838
  author = {Badger, George Percy},
  title = {Description of Malta and Gozo},
  publisher = {Weiss},
  year = {1838}
Badia, Ignasi El rei malalt i l'estilet o notes sobre les relacions entre el maltès i el català Quaderns: revista de traducció, Vol. 11 Article 2004 Link
Abstract: This article describes the relationship between the Catalan and Maltese languages. After a short history of Malta the article focuses on two crucial issues for Maltese language: its Semitic and Arab origins and its current sociolinguistic situation with an intense presence of English. The current Maltese situation evokes last century European colonies in Africa more than the language of one of the new members of the European Union. Regarding the reception of Catalan literature in Malta, and Maltese literature in Catalonia it may be the case that no translation has ever been made from Catalan to Maltese, while translations into Catalan from Maltese literature are reduced to some isolated instances which could be considered anecdotic: a popular song and some poems by the Maltese poet Oliver Friggieri.
  author = {Badia, Ignasi},
  title = {El rei malalt i l'estilet o notes sobre les relacions entre el maltès i el català},
  journal = {Quaderns: revista de traducció},
  year = {2004},
  volume = {11},
  pages = {117--125},
  url = {}
Badia i Capdevila, Ignasi A view of the linguistic situation in Malta Noves SL. Revista de Sociolingüística, Vol. Spring-Summer Article 2004 Link
Abstract: The object of this article is to provide an introduction to the Maltese language, giving a brief overview of its history and the conditions under which it is developing at the present time. The uniqueness and interest of Maltese in the European context is obvious: it is Europe's only Semitic language, and at the same time an authentic example of a mixed language owing to deep Sicilian and Italian influence. It has never enjoyed a dominant position in its own territory despite the fact that it is spoken by virtually all the inhabitants of the Maltese islands. Subordinated first to Italian, and then to English, it is today the only European language existing under colonial conditions analogous to those pertaining in a large part of the so-called Third World. The language has co-official status in Malta and is an official language of the European Union, but its future is not, however, assured, since it has to compete with English in many domains, the real language of power and prestige in Malta, and cannot rely on the language loyalty of its speakers.
  author = {Badia i Capdevila, Ignasi},
  title = {A view of the linguistic situation in Malta},
  journal = {Noves SL. Revista de Sociolingüística},
  year = {2004},
  volume = {Spring-Summer},
  pages = {52--59},
  url = {}
Bagley, Melissa Joan Attitudes towards Maltese and English in bilingual Malta: a socio-psychological perspective Phdthesis: M.A. dissertation 2002
  author = {Bagley, Melissa Joan},
  title = {Attitudes towards Maltese and English in bilingual Malta: a socio-psychological perspective}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2002}
Baglioni, Daniele
Editor(s): Borg, Albert, Caruana, Sandro and Vella, Alexandra
Italian loanwords in Maltese and the vocabulary of "Levant Italian" Perspectives on Maltese linguistics Incollection 2014
Abstract: Although the majority of the Italo-Romance borrowings of Maltese is undoubtedly of Sicilian origin (Vàrvaro 2004), there is a relevant number of loanwords in Maltese deriving from Literary Italian and Italian dialects other than Sicilian. Unlike Sicilianisms, most of which date from the Middle Ages, borrowings from Literary Italian and regional varieties other than Sicilian started circulating in Maltese during the Knights’ rule of the island. These words concern not only the highest levels of the language, that is to say bureaucracy, justice and science, in which case their penetration is due to the use of Italian as a written language in the schools and in the public chancelleries, but also some peculiar semantic areas, such as trade and seafaring, that are evidence for the spread of Italian as a not only written lingua franca among the merchants, sailors and slaves of several nationalities who crowded Valletta’s harbour (Brincat 2003: 203-11).
  author = {Baglioni, Daniele},
  editor = {Borg, Albert and Caruana, Sandro and Vella, Alexandra},
  title = {Italian loanwords in Maltese and the vocabulary of "Levant Italian"},
  booktitle = {Perspectives on Maltese linguistics},
  publisher = {Akademie Verlag},
  address = {Berlin},
  year = {2014},
  pages = {45--60}
Bahagiar, Ian and Micallef, Paul Web Based Maltese Language Text to Speech Synthesiser Proceedings of WICT08 Incollection 2008 Link
Abstract: An important factor which has led to the growth of the internet is the ease of professional website development. A generic platform was required for the successful implementation of a number of applications so that they become available on the internet as easily as possible. The aim of this paper is to identify methods by which one can setup a web based interactive system on which various website applications can be developed for different tasks. Such system should lead to the development of websites which are aimed to be low cost, robust, secure, support multi-lingual content, aesthetically professional, fast to develop and easy to maintain at the same time. The flexibility of the chosen system was examined by implementing on it a handler to achieve the first web based Maltese language Text to Speech (TTS) software. The results obtained clearly show that open source content management systems offer a free platform on which high quality and secure websites can be built with limited knowledge of web development. The flexibility of such systems makes them ideal for various application developments. In this case, the first web based Maltese language TTS system was successfully implemented.
  author = {Bahagiar, Ian and Micallef, Paul},
  title = {Web Based Maltese Language Text to Speech Synthesiser},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of WICT08},
  publisher = {University of Malta},
  address = {[Valletta]},
  year = {2008},
  url = {}
Baldacchino, Annabelle L-użu tal-Malti u ta' l-Ingliż fl-iskola primarja: analiżi ta' klassi Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 1996
  author = {Baldacchino, Annabelle},
  title = {L-użu tal-Malti u ta' l-Ingliż fl-iskola primarja: analiżi ta' klassi}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1996}
Banti, Giorgio
Editor(s): Ramat, Paolo and Roma, Elisa
Trends in the diachronic development of Semitic verbal morphology Europe and the Mediterranian as linguistic areas. Convergencies from a historical and typological perspective Incollection 2007 Link
Barbara, Marica and Scicluna, Karl Il-lingwaġġ taż-żgħażagħ bħala wieħed mil-lingwaġġi settorjali ta' Malta Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 2002
  author = {Barbara, Marica and Scicluna, Karl},
  title = {Il-lingwaġġ taż-żgħażagħ bħala wieħed mil-lingwaġġi settorjali ta' Malta}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2002}
Barbara, Victor The contrastive linguistics of English and Maltese Phdthesis: M.A. dissertation 1979
  author = {Barbara, Victor},
  title = {The contrastive linguistics of English and Maltese}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1979}
Barbera, Giuseppe Maria Dizionario maltese-arabo-italiano, con una grammatica comparata arabo-maltese Book 1939
  author = {Barbera, Giuseppe Maria},
  title = {Dizionario maltese-arabo-italiano, con una grammatica comparata arabo-maltese},
  publisher = {Imprimerie Catholique},
  address = {Beirut},
  year = {1939}
Bartholy, Heike Sprache, kulturelle Identität und Unabhängigkeit: dargestellt am Beispiel Maltas Book 1992
  author = {Bartholy, Heike},
  title = {Sprache, kulturelle Identität und Unabhängigkeit: dargestellt am Beispiel Maltas},
  publisher = {Schuch},
  address = {Weiden},
  year = {1992}
Bartholy, Heike Sprache, kulturelle Identität und Unabhängigkeit: dargestellt am Beispiel Maltas = Language, Cultural Identity and Independence: Represented by the example of Malta Phdthesis: Ph.D. dissertation 1991
  author = {Bartholy, Heike},
  title = {Sprache, kulturelle Identität und Unabhängigkeit: dargestellt am Beispiel Maltas = Language, Cultural Identity and Independence: Represented by the example of Malta}
  school = {University of Augsburg},
  year = {1991}
Bartolo, Dorianne Il-lingwaġġ tat-tfal: studju tat-taħdit ta' tifla ta' sitt snin Phdthesis: B.A. (HONS) thesis 2014
  author = {Bartolo, Dorianne},
  title = {Il-lingwaġġ tat-tfal: studju tat-taħdit ta' tifla ta' sitt snin}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2014}
Bartolo, Raymond Le componenti Italiane nel lessico Maltese Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 1989
  author = {Bartolo, Raymond},
  title = {Le componenti Italiane nel lessico Maltese}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1989}
Bellermann, Johann Joachim Phoeniciae linguae vestigiorum in Melitensi Book 1809 Link
  author = {Bellermann, Johann Joachim},
  title = {Phoeniciae linguae vestigiorum in Melitensi},
  publisher = {Typis Dietericii},
  address = {Berlin},
  year = {1809},
  url = {}
Bellizzi, Susanne The negative transfer from Maltese to English Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 1991
  author = {Bellizzi, Susanne},
  title = {The negative transfer from Maltese to English}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1991}
Berghäuser, Kirsti EU-Sprache Maltesisch: sprachliche Entwicklung, Sprachpolitik und sprachlicher Alltag Book 2007
Abstract: Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit der Geschichte des Maltesischen, der aktuellen Sprachsituation in Malta und der Bedeutung des EU-Amtssprachenstatus für die maltesische Sprache. Im Rahmen einer Fragebogenumfrage wird die maltesische Diglossie untersucht und ein Meinungsbild der Bevölkerung zu verschiedenen Themen erstellt. Dazu gehören das unterschiedliche Prestige der beiden maltesischen Amtssprachen Englisch und Maltesisch, der EU-Beitritt Maltas und die Bedeutung der maltesischen Zweisprachigkeit. Des Weiteren wird der Status Quo des Maltesischen als EU-Amtssprache mittels Experteninterviews untersucht, Herausforderungen und Zukunftsaussichten werden identifiziert. Aus den ermittelten Daten kann eine positive Bilanz der maltesischen Diglossie und der Stellung des Maltesischen als EU-Amtssprache gezogen werden.
  author = {Berghäuser, Kirsti},
  title = {EU-Sprache Maltesisch: sprachliche Entwicklung, Sprachpolitik und sprachlicher Alltag},
  publisher = {Universitäts Verlag Hildesheim},
  address = {Hildesheim},
  year = {2007}
Bezzina, Anne-Marie La variation stylistique en maltais : étude des usages concrets de la langue appuyée sur une approche contrastive des phénomènes variationnels en maltais et en français Phdthesis: Ph.D. dissertation 2014
  author = {Bezzina, Anne-Marie},
  title = {La variation stylistique en maltais : étude des usages concrets de la langue appuyée sur une approche contrastive des phénomènes variationnels en maltais et en français}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2014}
Bezzina, Christopher L'influence des eléments phonétiques et phonologiques de la langue maternelle sur l'apprentissage d'une langue etrangère = native phonetic and phonological elements influencing the learning of a foreign language Phdthesis: M.A. dissertation 1999
  author = {Bezzina, Christopher},
  title = {L'influence des eléments phonétiques et phonologiques de la langue maternelle sur l'apprentissage d'une langue etrangère = native phonetic and phonological elements influencing the learning of a foreign language}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1999}
Bezzina, Carmel P.P. Saydon's contribution to the study of Maltese language and literature Phdthesis: M.A. dissertation 1979
  author = {Bezzina, Carmel},
  title = {P.P. Saydon's contribution to the study of Maltese language and literature}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1979}
Bezzina, Daniel Dokumentazzjoni Lokali tal-Kliem Sqalli li Daħal fil-Malti fis-Sekli 15 u 16 Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 2011
  author = {Bezzina, Daniel},
  title = {Dokumentazzjoni Lokali tal-Kliem Sqalli li Daħal fil-Malti fis-Sekli 15 u 16}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2011}
Bin-Bovingdon, Rigu Further comments on Peter Caxaro's Cantilena Journal of Maltese studies, Vol. 12 Article 1978 Link
  author = {Bin-Bovingdon, Rigu},
  title = {Further comments on Peter Caxaro's Cantilena},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese studies},
  year = {1978},
  volume = {12},
  pages = {106--118},
  url = {}
Blasi, Silvana de Una presentazione della situazione linguistica a Malta Phdthesis: Tesi di laurea 1984
  author = {Blasi, Silvana de},
  title = {Una presentazione della situazione linguistica a Malta}
  school = {University of Bari},
  year = {1984}
Bliss, A. J. A possible Norman loanword in Maltese Scientia, Vol. 22 Article 1956 Link
  author = {Bliss, A. J.},
  title = {A possible Norman loanword in Maltese},
  journal = {Scientia},
  year = {1956},
  volume = {22},
  number = {1},
  pages = {43--48},
  url = {}
Block, Madeleine and Zammit, Jacqueline Maltimedja: il-binja ta' l-ilsien Malti fuq l-isfond ta' listorja: proġett multimedjali: il-fażi kompilatorja (3 vol.) Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 1998
  author = {Block, Madeleine and Zammit, Jacqueline},
  title = {Maltimedja: il-binja ta' l-ilsien Malti fuq l-isfond ta' listorja: proġett multimedjali: il-fażi kompilatorja (3 vol.)}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1998}
Blouet, Brian W. Some observations on the distribution of xagħra place-names in Malta Journal of Maltese studies, Vol. 4 Article 1967 Link
  author = {Blouet, Brian W.},
  title = {Some observations on the distribution of xagħra place-names in Malta},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese studies},
  year = {1967},
  volume = {4},
  pages = {81--84},
  url = {}
Blundell, Daniel Analiżi tal-iżbalji ortografiċi fil-bulettini tal-aħbarijiet televiżivi Phdthesis: B.A. (HONS) thesis 2014
  author = {Blundell, Daniel},
  title = {Analiżi tal-iżbalji ortografiċi fil-bulettini tal-aħbarijiet televiżivi}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2014}
Boffa, Christa Analiżi tad-diskors politiku Phdthesis: B.A. (HONS) thesis 2013
  author = {Boffa, Christa},
  title = {Analiżi tad-diskors politiku}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2013}
Bonanno, Graziella Bilingualism and the educational system in Malta Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 2007
  author = {Bonanno, Graziella},
  title = {Bilingualism and the educational system in Malta}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2007}
Bondin, Elaine and Bonnici, Karen L-influwenza ta' xi lingwi barranin fuq il-kitba tal-Malti fil-livell primarju Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 2000
  author = {Bondin, Elaine and Bonnici, Karen},
  title = {L-influwenza ta' xi lingwi barranin fuq il-kitba tal-Malti fil-livell primarju}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2000}
Bonelli, Luigi Il dialetto maltese Supplementi periodici all'Archivio Glottologico Italiano, Vol. 4 Article 1897
  author = {Bonelli, Luigi},
  title = {Il dialetto maltese},
  journal = {Supplementi periodici all'Archivio Glottologico Italiano},
  year = {1897},
  volume = {4},
  pages = {53--98}
Bonello, Daniel J. Il-Malti fil-Bibbja ta' Mons. Prof. P.P.Saydon Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 1968
  author = {Bonello, Daniel J.},
  title = {Il-Malti fil-Bibbja ta' Mons. Prof. P.P.Saydon}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1968}
Bonello, Elizabeth It-teżijiet dwar il-lingwa Maltija: ġabra sħiħa kompjuterizzata u valutazzjoni tagħhom (tinkludi wkoll cd) Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 2000
  author = {Bonello, Elizabeth},
  title = {It-teżijiet dwar il-lingwa Maltija: ġabra sħiħa kompjuterizzata u valutazzjoni tagħhom (tinkludi wkoll cd)}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2000}
Bonello, Giovanni The earliest Maltese encyclopeadia, 1644 The Sunday Times (Malta), Vol. Article 1996
  author = {Bonello, Giovanni},
  title = {The earliest Maltese encyclopeadia, 1644},
  journal = {The Sunday Times (Malta)},
  year = {1996},
  pages = {46--47}
Bonello, Romano R. Toward a theory of the base component of Maltese Phdthesis: M.A. dissertation 1968
  author = {Bonello, Romano R.},
  title = {Toward a theory of the base component of Maltese}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1968}
Bonnici, Lisa
Editor(s): Comrie, Bernard, Fabri, Ray, Mifsud, Manwel, Stolz, Thomas, Vanhove, Martine and Hume, Elizabeth
Maltese English. History of use, structural variation and sociolinguistic status Introducing Maltese linguistics : selected papers from the 1st International Conference on Maltese Linguistics, Bremen, 18 - 20 October, 2007 Incollection 2009 Link
  author = {Bonnici, Lisa},
  editor = {Comrie, Bernard and Fabri, Ray and Mifsud, Manwel and Stolz, Thomas and Vanhove, Martine and Hume, Elizabeth},
  title = {Maltese English. History of use, structural variation and sociolinguistic status},
  booktitle = {Introducing Maltese linguistics : selected papers from the 1st International Conference on Maltese Linguistics, Bremen, 18 - 20 October, 2007},
  publisher = {Benjamins},
  address = {Amsterdam},
  year = {2009},
  number = {113},
  pages = {393--414},
  url = {}
Bonnici, Lisa Aspects of Maltese morphology based on fieldwork Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 2000
  author = {Bonnici, Lisa},
  title = {Aspects of Maltese morphology based on fieldwork}
  school = {University of California},
  year = {2000}
Bonnici, Lisa, Hilbert, Michaela and Krug, Manfred
Editor(s): Kortmann, Bernd and Lunkenheimer, Kerstin
Maltese English The Electronic World Atlas of Varieties of English Incollection 2013 Link
Abstract: Maltese English ("MaltE") is a postcolonial English variety spoken on the Mediterranean island-nation of Malta by Maltese-English bilinguals. According to the 2005 census, English is spoken by 318,354 Maltese residents, or 87.9% of the population; Maltese is reported as being spoken by 97.9% of the population. MaltE is acquired as an L1 and L2, both simultaneously with Semitic Maltese and sequentially. While the majority of people acquire MaltE largely outside the home as an early L2, MaltE is also acquired at home as an L1 by a minority of speakers residing largely in the Northern Valletta Harbour region. MaltE is the main language in independent and church schools and at the University of Malta, yet there is good evidence of high-levels of codeswitching in teacher-pupil discourse (Camilleri 1995). Both languages are used in the workplace to varying degrees. MaltE exhibits deviations from British and American varieties at all levels of linguistic structure, it displays structural regularity conditioned by linguistic, social, and stylistic factors, and shows influence from Maltese and Italian.
  author = {Bonnici, Lisa and Hilbert, Michaela and Krug, Manfred},
  editor = {Kortmann, Bernd and Lunkenheimer, Kerstin},
  title = {Maltese English},
  booktitle = {The Electronic World Atlas of Varieties of English},
  publisher = {Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology},
  address = {Leipzig},
  year = {2013},
  url = {}
Bonnici, Lisa Marie Variation in Maltese English: The Interplay of the Local and the Global in an Emerging Postcolonial Variety Phdthesis: Ph.D. dissertation 2010 Link
Abstract: In our current era of increased globalization, constraints on language variation in postcolonial English varieties are multifaceted. Local and global language ideologies collide and multiple sources of influence converge in present-day patterns of linguistic variation in emerging English varieties. While research into the structure and socio-historic backdrop of new English varieties is burgeoning, this work has largely ignored tools of quantitative sociolinguistic analysis. This dissertation explores the outcomes of the re-rooting of English to Malta. It considers the diverse influences on language ideologies and variation in Malta in light of diachronic and synchronic events including Malta's colonial history and the rise of English as a global linguistic commodity. To examine these issues, this dissertation analyzes local language ideologies and variation in post-vocalic (r) and the quotative system using ethnographic data and sociolinguistic interviews conducted in 2008 with bilingual, English-dominant participants from four age groups. Results for post-vocalic (r) demonstrate an apparent-time change in progress, with a move from extremely r-ful behavior to r-lessness and back to increased rhoticity. This is understood in light of dramatic shifts in access to r-ful varieties and local stigmatization of features ideologically linked to being "English-speaking," i.e., salient features of Received Pronunciation. An analysis of the quotative system reveals the presence of be "like" in speakers under 35 and a local quotative, "tell". Results demonstrate the same constraints at work in standard language varieties to be operating on "be like" in Malta. As "be like" entered Maltese English, the constraints on the existing quotative system remained intact while overall rates of "say" have decreased. This dissertation brings together theories of world Englishes and ethnographic, variationist approaches. While this approach has a longstanding tradition in sociolinguistics and has been hallmarked as necessary for exploring the processes and outcomes of globalization in sociolinguistics (Blommaert, 2003), it is still sparse in world Englishes research, and the rich internal variability in emerging English varieties is unexplored. This dissertation also expands on research into variation in bilingual communities and assesses claims concerning the "glocalization" of incoming global variants, which have been examined largely among monolingual speakers in standard language cultures. [The dissertation citations contained here are published with the permission of ProQuest LLC. Further reproduction is prohibited without permission. Copies of dissertations may be obtained by Telephone (800) 1-800-521-0600. Web page:]
  author = {Bonnici, Lisa Marie},
  title = {Variation in Maltese English: The Interplay of the Local and the Global in an Emerging Postcolonial Variety}
  school = {University of California},
  year = {2010},
  url = {}
Bonnici, Mark and Callus, James Analiżi tal-parti grammatikali tal-karta ta' l-eżami talMalti tal-junior lyceum u tas-sitt sena fl-iskola primarja, 1995 Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 1997
  author = {Bonnici, Mark and Callus, James},
  title = {Analiżi tal-parti grammatikali tal-karta ta' l-eżami talMalti tal-junior lyceum u tas-sitt sena fl-iskola primarja, 1995}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1997}
Bonnici, Thomas Maltese and Portuguese in contact Journal of Maltese studies, Vol. 21-22 Article 1991 Link
  author = {Bonnici, Thomas},
  title = {Maltese and Portuguese in contact},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese studies},
  year = {1991},
  volume = {21-22},
  pages = {1--9},
  url = {}
Borg, Alexander
Editor(s): Aguadé, Jordi, Corriente Córdoba, Federico and Marugán, Marina
Observations on some evolutionary parallels and divergences in Cypriot Arabic and Maltese Actas del Congreso Internacional sobre interferencias lingüísticas arabo-romances y paralelos extra-iberos : celebradas en Madrid del 10 al 14 de diciembre de 1990 Incollection 1994 Link
  author = {Borg, Alexander},
  editor = {Aguadé, Jordi and Corriente Córdoba, Federico and Marugán, Marina},
  title = {Observations on some evolutionary parallels and divergences in Cypriot Arabic and Maltese},
  booktitle = {Actas del Congreso Internacional sobre interferencias lingüísticas arabo-romances y paralelos extra-iberos : celebradas en Madrid del 10 al 14 de diciembre de 1990},
  publisher = {Zaragoza},
  address = {Madrid},
  year = {1994},
  pages = {21--40},
  url = {}
Borg, Alexander
Editor(s): Biggam, Carole P., Hough, Carole A., Kay, Christian J. and Simmons, David R.
Towards a diachrony of Maltese basic colour terms New Directions in Colour Studies Incollection 2011 Link
Abstract: Colour studies attracts an increasingly wide range of scholars from across the academic world. Contributions to the present volume offer a broad perspective on the field, ranging from studies of individual languages through papers on art, architecture and heraldry to psychological examinations of aspects of colour categorization, perception and preference. The chapters have been developed from papers and posters presented at a conference on Progress in Colour Studies (PICS08) held at the University of Glasgow. The volume both updates research reported at the earlier PICS04 conference (published by Benjamins in 2006 as Progress in Colour Studies volumes 1 and 2), and introduces new and exciting topics and developments in colour research. In order to make the articles maximally accessible to a multidisciplinary readership, each of the six sections following the initial theoretical papers begins with a short preface describing and drawing together the themes of the chapters within that section. There are seventeen colour illustrations.
  author = {Borg, Alexander},
  editor = {Biggam, Carole P. and Hough, Carole A. and Kay, Christian J. and Simmons, David R.},
  title = {Towards a diachrony of Maltese basic colour terms},
  booktitle = {New Directions in Colour Studies},
  publisher = {Benjamins},
  address = {Amsterdam},
  year = {2011},
  pages = {73--90},
  url = {}
Borg, Albert
Editor(s): Brincat, Joseph M.
Complementation in Maltese Languages of the Mediterranean - Substrata - The Islands - Malta: Proceedings of the Conference held in Malta 26-29 September 1991 Incollection 1994
  author = {Borg, Albert},
  editor = {Brincat, Joseph M.},
  title = {Complementation in Maltese},
  booktitle = {Languages of the Mediterranean - Substrata - The Islands - Malta: Proceedings of the Conference held in Malta 26-29 September 1991},
  publisher = {Institute of Linguistics, University of Malta},
  address = {Msida},
  year = {1994},
  pages = {218--227}
Borg, Albert
Editor(s): Caruana, Sandro, Fabri, Ray and Stolz, Thomas
Lectal variation in Maltese Variation and Change: The Dynamics of Maltese in Space, Time and Society Incollection 2011 Link
  author = {Borg, Albert},
  editor = {Caruana, Sandro and Fabri, Ray and Stolz, Thomas},
  title = {Lectal variation in Maltese},
  booktitle = {Variation and Change: The Dynamics of Maltese in Space, Time and Society},
  publisher = {Akademie Verlag},
  address = {Berlin},
  year = {2011},
  number = {9},
  pages = {11--31},
  url = {}
Borg, Albert
Editor(s): Council of Europe
The maintenance of Maltese as a language. What chances? European Workshop on multicultural studies in higher education Incollection 1986
  author = {Borg, Albert},
  editor = {Council of Europe},
  title = {The maintenance of Maltese as a language. What chances?},
  booktitle = {European Workshop on multicultural studies in higher education},
  address = {Strasbourg, Valletta},
  year = {1986},
  pages = {86--106}
Borg, Alexander
Editor(s): Izre'el, Shlomo and Raz, Shlomo
On some Levantine linguistics traits in Maltese Studies in Modern Semitic Languages Incollection 1996 Link
  author = {Borg, Alexander},
  editor = {Izre'el, Shlomo and Raz, Shlomo},
  title = {On some Levantine linguistics traits in Maltese},
  booktitle = {Studies in Modern Semitic Languages},
  publisher = {Brill},
  address = {Leiden},
  year = {1996},
  number = {16},
  pages = {148--152},
  url = {}
Borg, Alexander
Editor(s): Kaye, Alan S.
Maltese phonology Phonologies of Asia and Africa Incollection 1997 Link
Abstract: The structural profile of contemporary Maltese represents the outcome od a diachronic process in which an erstwhile vernacular of spoken Arabic - brought to the Maltese Islands apparently in the late 9th century (A.D. 870[?]; cf. Rossi 1936, Wettinger 1986, Barbato 1990)- evolved during most of the present millennium in virtually complete isolation from the mainstream Arabic vernaculars. Prolonged interaction with literary and dialectal varieties of Italian, the Mediterranean Lingua Franca - in the sense of Kahane and Tietze (1958) - and English, has acted as a strong catalyst of diachronic change accentuating the formal distinctiveness of Maltese (henceforth M) from native varieties of vernacular arabic, particularly in the domains of lexicon, syntax, and phonology.
  author = {Borg, Alexander},
  editor = {Kaye, Alan S.},
  title = {Maltese phonology},
  booktitle = {Phonologies of Asia and Africa},
  publisher = {Eisenbrauns},
  address = {Winona Lake},
  year = {1997},
  pages = {245--285},
  url = {}
Borg, Albert
Editor(s): Kniffa, Hannes
Historical reflections on the indigenous grammar of Maltese Indigenous grammar across cultures Incollection 2001
  author = {Borg, Albert},
  editor = {Kniffa, Hannes},
  title = {Historical reflections on the indigenous grammar of Maltese},
  booktitle = {Indigenous grammar across cultures},
  publisher = {Peter Lang},
  address = {Frankfurt},
  year = {2001},
  pages = {421--432}
Borg, Alexander
Editor(s): Lüdtke, Jens
On some mediterranean influences on the lexicon of Maltese Romania Arabica: Festschrift für Reinhold Kontzi zum 70. Geburtstag Incollection 1996 Link
  author = {Borg, Alexander},
  editor = {Lüdtke, Jens},
  title = {On some mediterranean influences on the lexicon of Maltese},
  booktitle = {Romania Arabica: Festschrift für Reinhold Kontzi zum 70. Geburtstag},
  publisher = {Narr},
  address = {Tübingen},
  year = {1996},
  pages = {129--150},
  url = {}
Borg, Alexander
Editor(s): Sivan, Daniel, Talshir, David and Cohen, Chaim
Between typology and diachrony: some formal parallels in Hebrew and Maltese Book 2009
Abstract: In this study Alexander Borg delves deeply into pre-Arabic Semitiv traits which the author cautiously interprets as indicating a possible Phoenico-Punic substrate of Maltese.
  author = {Borg, Alexander},
  editor = {Sivan, Daniel and Talshir, David and Cohen, Chaim},
  title = {Between typology and diachrony: some formal parallels in Hebrew and Maltese},
  publisher = {Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Press},
  year = {2009}
Borg, Alexander
Editor(s): Wexler, Paul
Some Maltese toponyms in historical and comparative perspective Studia linguistica et orientalia memoriae Haim Blanc dedicata Incollection 1989
  author = {Borg, Alexander},
  editor = {Wexler, Paul},
  title = {Some Maltese toponyms in historical and comparative perspective},
  booktitle = {Studia linguistica et orientalia memoriae Haim Blanc dedicata},
  publisher = {Harrassowitz},
  address = {Wiesbaden},
  year = {1989},
  pages = {62--85}
Borg, A. The basic colour terms of Maltese Journal of Arabic Linguistics, Vol. Article 2011
  author = {Borg, A.},
  title = {The basic colour terms of Maltese},
  journal = {Journal of Arabic Linguistics},
  year = {2011},
  number = {53},
  pages = {5--35}
Borg, Albert Innaqqsu l-Inċertezzi 2: Il-Kliem ta’ Nisel Ingliż fil-Malt Inproceedings 2008
  author = {Borg, Albert},
  title = {Innaqqsu l-Inċertezzi 2: Il-Kliem ta’ Nisel Ingliż fil-Malt},
  address = {Malta},
  year = {2008}
Borg, Albert Innaqqsu l-Inċertezzi 1: Il-Varjanti Ortografiċi Inproceedings 2007
  author = {Borg, Albert},
  title = {Innaqqsu l-Inċertezzi 1: Il-Varjanti Ortografiċi},
  address = {Malta},
  year = {2007}
Borg, Albert The structure of the noun phrase in Maltese Rivista di Linguistica, Vol. 8:1 Article 1996
  author = {Borg, Albert},
  title = {The structure of the noun phrase in Maltese},
  journal = {Rivista di Linguistica},
  year = {1996},
  volume = {8:1},
  pages = {5--28}
Borg, Albert Il-lingwa f'Malta Ilsienna: Studju grammatikali, Vol. Article 1988
  author = {Borg, Albert},
  title = {Il-lingwa f'Malta},
  journal = {Ilsienna: Studju grammatikali},
  year = {1988},
  pages = {1--36}
Borg, Albert An aspectual distinction in nouns and verbs in Maltese Archivum Linguisticum, Vol. 11 Article 1980
  author = {Borg, Albert},
  title = {An aspectual distinction in nouns and verbs in Maltese},
  journal = {Archivum Linguisticum},
  year = {1980},
  volume = {11},
  pages = {107--117}
Borg, Alexander A historical and comparative phonology and morphology of Maltese Phdthesis: unpublished Ph.D. thesis 1978
  author = {Borg, Alexander},
  title = {A historical and comparative phonology and morphology of Maltese},
  address = {Isreal}
  school = {The Hebrew University},
  year = {1978}
Borg, Alexander Historical aspects of auxiliary vowels in Maltese Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes, Vol. 70 Article 1978 Link
  author = {Borg, Alexander},
  title = {Historical aspects of auxiliary vowels in Maltese},
  journal = {Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes},
  year = {1978},
  volume = {70},
  pages = {15--34},
  url = {}
Borg, Alexander A male-female speech-habit differnece in Maltese individuals: a preliminary comment Journal of Maltese studies, Vol. 11 Article 1977 Link
  author = {Borg, Alexander},
  title = {A male-female speech-habit differnece in Maltese individuals: a preliminary comment},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese studies},
  year = {1977},
  volume = {11},
  pages = {39--41},
  url = {}
Borg, Alexander The imaala in Maltese Israel Oriental Studies, Vol. 6 Article 1976
  author = {Borg, Alexander},
  title = {The imaala in Maltese},
  journal = {Israel Oriental Studies},
  year = {1976},
  volume = {6},
  pages = {191--223}
Borg, Alexander Reflexes of pausal forms in Maltese rural dialects Israel Oriental Studies, Vol. 7 Article 1976
  author = {Borg, Alexander},
  title = {Reflexes of pausal forms in Maltese rural dialects},
  journal = {Israel Oriental Studies},
  year = {1976},
  volume = {7},
  pages = {211--225}
Borg, Alexander Maltese morphophonemics Journal of Maltese studies, Vol. 10 Article 1975 Link
  author = {Borg, Alexander},
  title = {Maltese morphophonemics},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese studies},
  year = {1975},
  volume = {10},
  pages = {11--28},
  url = {}
Borg, Alexander The segmental phonemes of Maltese Linguistics, Vol. 11 Article 1973 Link
  author = {Borg, Alexander},
  title = {The segmental phonemes of Maltese},
  journal = {Linguistics},
  year = {1973},
  volume = {11},
  number = {109},
  url = {},
  doi = {}
Borg, Alexander The sound system of Maltese Phdthesis: M.A. dissertation 1971
  author = {Borg, Alexander},
  title = {The sound system of Maltese}
  school = {University of Pittsburgh},
  year = {1971}
Borg, Albert and Azzopardi-Alexander, Marie
Editor(s): Comrie, Bernard, Fabri, Ray, Mifsud, Manwel, Stolz, Thomas, Vanhove, Martine and Hume, Elizabeth
Topicalisation in Maltese Introducing Maltese linguistics : selected papers from the 1st International Conference on Maltese Linguistics, Bremen, 18 - 20 October, 2007 Incollection 2009 Link
Abstract: Buliding on earlier work (Fabri & Borg 2002), this paper establishes that a topicalised object is not in a strict grammatical relation to the rest of the sentence, and explores what other constituents can be topicalised, bringing to light the possibility of multiple topicalisation. For the first time in the study of this phenomenon in Maltese, there is an exploration ot the part intonation plays in topicalisation and it is shown that topicalised expressions (independently of their grammatical status) constitute a seperate tone group distinct from the tone group for the rest of the sentence.
  author = {Borg, Albert and Azzopardi-Alexander, Marie},
  editor = {Comrie, Bernard and Fabri, Ray and Mifsud, Manwel and Stolz, Thomas and Vanhove, Martine and Hume, Elizabeth},
  title = {Topicalisation in Maltese},
  booktitle = {Introducing Maltese linguistics : selected papers from the 1st International Conference on Maltese Linguistics, Bremen, 18 - 20 October, 2007},
  publisher = {Benjamins},
  address = {Amsterdam},
  year = {2009},
  volume = {113},
  pages = {71--82},
  note = {ed. by Bernard Comrie ....; XI, 422 S. : Ill., graph. Darst; Includes bibliographical references and index.; International Conference on Maltese Linguistics; 113 (DE-601)130068012},
  url = {}
Borg, Albert and Azzopardi-Alexander, Marie Maltese Book 1997
Abstract: Focusing primarily on Standard Maltese, the authors clarify many areas which, until now, remain undefined, with emphasis on syntax and intonation. English loanwords continue to find their way into Standard Maltese, especially as the Maltese inhabitants become increasingly bilingual, and the variations are studied, as well as their morphological behavior. The book describes the syntactic, morphological and phonological structure of Maltese as one integrated linguistic system composed of different strands (Arabic, Romance and English).
  author = {Borg, Albert and Azzopardi-Alexander, Marie},
  title = {Maltese},
  publisher = {Routledge},
  address = {London},
  year = {1997}
Borg, Albert and Mifsud, Manwel Il-pożizzjoni tal-Malti f'Malta Il-Malti, Vol. 77 Article 2005
  author = {Borg, Albert and Mifsud, Manwel},
  title = {Il-pożizzjoni tal-Malti f'Malta},
  journal = {Il-Malti},
  year = {2005},
  volume = {77},
  pages = {6--16}
Borg, Albert and Mifsud, Manwel Fuq l-għatba tal-Malti Inproceedings 1997
  author = {Borg, Albert and Mifsud, Manwel},
  title = {Fuq l-għatba tal-Malti},
  address = {Strassburg},
  year = {1997}
Borg, Albert J. To be or not to be a copula in Maltese Journal of Maltese studies, Vol. 17-18 Article 1987 Link
  author = {Borg, Albert J.},
  title = {To be or not to be a copula in Maltese},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese studies},
  year = {1987},
  volume = {17-18},
  pages = {54--71},
  url = {}
Borg, Albert J. Localism: a method for describing meaning in Maltese Journal of Maltese studies, Vol. 14 Article 1981 Link
  author = {Borg, Albert J.},
  title = {Localism: a method for describing meaning in Maltese},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese studies},
  year = {1981},
  volume = {14},
  pages = {3--13},
  url = {}
Borg, Albert J. A study of aspect in Maltese Book 1981 Link
  author = {Borg, Albert J.},
  title = {A study of aspect in Maltese},
  publisher = {Karoma},
  address = {Ann Arbor},
  year = {1981},
  number = {15},
  url = {}
Borg, Albert J. Towards a study of aspect in Maltese Phdthesis: Ph.D. dissertation 1979
  author = {Borg, Albert J.},
  title = {Towards a study of aspect in Maltese}
  school = {University of Edinburgh},
  year = {1979}
Borg, Albert J. Elementi per un'ortografia fonemica del Maltese Phdthesis: dissertation 1975
  author = {Borg, Albert J.},
  title = {Elementi per un'ortografia fonemica del Maltese}
  school = {University of Rom},
  year = {1975}
Borg, Albert J. Professor J. Aquilina and Maltese linguistics Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 1972
  author = {Borg, Albert J.},
  title = {Professor J. Aquilina and Maltese linguistics}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1972}
Borg, Albert J. and Comrie, Bernard
Editor(s): Plank, Frans
Object diffuseness in Maltese Objects: Towards a Theory of Grammatical Relations Incollection 1984 Link
Abstract: Like many other languages, Maltese shows some peculiarities in the behavior of its experiential verbs. While the case-marking and agreement, several behavioral properties make the experiencer argument appear more similar to subjects. Different sub-types of experiential verbs can be distinguished, and a number of individual verbs (most notably the possessive verbs ghandu/kellu 'have', well-known from the earlier literature) show further peculiarities. The various groups of verbs or individual verbs can be arranged on a continuum which shows an increasing number of subject properties of the experiencer (or possessor) argument, Thus subject properties are not distributed in a clear-cut manner, and we observe a certain amount of "subject diffuseness".
  author = {Borg, Albert J. and Comrie, Bernard},
  editor = {Plank, Frans},
  title = {Object diffuseness in Maltese},
  booktitle = {Objects: Towards a Theory of Grammatical Relations},
  publisher = {Academic Press},
  address = {London},
  year = {1984},
  pages = {109--126},
  url = {,d.Yms&cad=rjt}
Borg, Claudia and Gatt, Albert
Editor(s): Calzolari, Nicoletta, Choukri, Khalid, Declerck, Thierry, Loftsson, Hrafn, Maegaard, Bente, Mariani, Joseph, Moreno, Asuncion, Odijk, Jan and Piperidis, Stelios
Crowd-sourcing evaluation of automatically acquired, morphologically related word groupings Proceedings of the 9th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC'14) Incollection 2014 Link
Abstract: The automatic discovery and clustering of morphologically related words is an important problem with several practical applications. This paper describes the evaluation of word clusters carried out through crowd-sourcing techniques for the Maltese language. The hybrid (Semitic-Romance) nature of Maltese morphology, together with the fact that no large-scale lexical resources are available for Maltese, make this an interesting and challenging problem.
  author = {Borg, Claudia and Gatt, Albert},
  editor = {Calzolari, Nicoletta and Choukri, Khalid and Declerck, Thierry and Loftsson, Hrafn and Maegaard, Bente and Mariani, Joseph and Moreno, Asuncion and Odijk, Jan and Piperidis, Stelios},
  title = {Crowd-sourcing evaluation of automatically acquired, morphologically related word groupings},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 9th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC'14)},
  publisher = {European Language Resources Association (ELRA)},
  address = {Reykjavik},
  year = {2014},
  pages = {3325--3332},
  url = {}
Borg, Donna Lexical epistemic verbs in Maltese: an analysis of some semantic and grammatical properties Ilsienna - Our Language: Working Papers of the International Association of Maltese Linguistics (GĦILM), Vol. 2 Article 2012 Link
  author = {Borg, Donna},
  title = {Lexical epistemic verbs in Maltese: an analysis of some semantic and grammatical properties},
  journal = {Ilsienna - Our Language: Working Papers of the International Association of Maltese Linguistics (GĦILM)},
  year = {2012},
  volume = {2},
  pages = {13--46},
  url = {}
Borg, Donna Il-Modalità Epistemika fil-Malti: Analiżi ta‟ xi Espressjonijiet Verbali Phdthesis: M.A. dissertation 2011
  author = {Borg, Donna},
  title = {Il-Modalità Epistemika fil-Malti: Analiżi ta‟ xi Espressjonijiet Verbali}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2011}
Borg, Donna Il-modalità fil-Malti Phdthesis: Unpublished M.A. thesis 2011
  author = {Borg, Donna},
  title = {Il-modalità fil-Malti},
  address = {Msida, Malta}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2011}
Borg, Eric Traduzzjoni annotata ta' kapitlu 1 (d) "Why do we forget our dreams after we wake?" (Għaliex ninsew il-ħolm wara li nqumu?) mill-ktieb "The interpretation of dreams" (L-interpretazzjoni tal-ħolm' ta' Sigmund Freud) Phdthesis: unpublished M.A. Thesis 2010
  author = {Borg, Eric},
  title = {Traduzzjoni annotata ta' kapitlu 1 (d) "Why do we forget our dreams after we wake?" (Għaliex ninsew il-ħolm wara li nqumu?) mill-ktieb "The interpretation of dreams" (L-interpretazzjoni tal-ħolm' ta' Sigmund Freud)},
  address = {Msida}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2010}
Borg, Karl Lingwa u lingwistika Book 1998
  author = {Borg, Karl},
  title = {Lingwa u lingwistika},
  publisher = {Klabb Kotba Maltin},
  address = {Valletta, Malta},
  year = {1998}
Borg, Marthese Drinking too much (water): an online study of the processing of non-literal meaning in Maltese Phdthesis: B.A. (HONS) thesis 2014
  author = {Borg, Marthese},
  title = {Drinking too much (water): an online study of the processing of non-literal meaning in Maltese}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2014}
Borg, Marc, Bugeja, Keith, Vella, Colin, Mangion, Gordon and Gafà, Carmel
Editor(s): Borg, Albert, Caruana, Sandro and Vella, Alexandra
Preparation of a free-running text corpus for Maltese concatenative speech synthesis Perspectives on Maltese linguistics Incollection 2014
Abstract: Text-to-speech systems based on concatenative speech synthesis employ the use of database of recorded utterances which are stringed together to produce speech output. The corpus of recorded speech is segmented into units of concatenation such as individual diphones, and is often read from a training text compiled to provide a high degree of coverage of these basic units.
  author = {Borg, Marc and Bugeja, Keith and Vella, Colin and Mangion, Gordon and Gafà, Carmel},
  editor = {Borg, Albert and Caruana, Sandro and Vella, Alexandra},
  title = {Preparation of a free-running text corpus for Maltese concatenative speech synthesis},
  booktitle = {Perspectives on Maltese linguistics},
  publisher = {Akademie Verlag},
  address = {Berlin},
  year = {2014},
  pages = {297--318}
Borg, Maria and Dimech, Anna Maltese readers in year 1: relevance of content to pupils experience Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 1998
  author = {Borg, Maria and Dimech, Anna},
  title = {Maltese readers in year 1: relevance of content to pupils experience}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1998}
Borg, Marie Claire and Mifsud, Anabel Żvilupp ta' sit elettroniku għat-tagħlim tal-Malti filprimarja għat-tielet sena Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 2003
  author = {Borg, Marie Claire and Mifsud, Anabel},
  title = {Żvilupp ta' sit elettroniku għat-tagħlim tal-Malti filprimarja għat-tielet sena}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2003}
Borg, Rosanne Correlation between the religion, Maltese and social studies 1978 secondary school annual examination papers Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 1981
  author = {Borg, Rosanne},
  title = {Correlation between the religion, Maltese and social studies 1978 secondary school annual examination papers}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1981}
Borg, Sephora Poeżiji inediti ta' Ludovik Mifsud Tommasi u s-siwi lingwistiku tagħhom Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 2010
  author = {Borg, Sephora},
  title = {Poeżiji inediti ta' Ludovik Mifsud Tommasi u s-siwi lingwistiku tagħhom}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2010}
Borg, Steven Id-disa' forma verbali fil-Malti: studju deskrittiv u komparattiv Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 2005
  author = {Borg, Steven},
  title = {Id-disa' forma verbali fil-Malti: studju deskrittiv u komparattiv}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2005}
Borg Xuereb, Elayne The phonology of 7-year old Maltese speaking children with hearing impairment: an exploratory study Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 2003
  author = {Borg Xuereb, Elayne},
  title = {The phonology of 7-year old Maltese speaking children with hearing impairment: an exploratory study}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2003}
Borland, Helen Intergenerational language transmission in an established Australian migrant community: what makes the difference? International Journal of the Sociology of Language, Vol. 2006 Article 2006
Abstract: Diasporic communities formed as a result of recent migration movements face particular issues and challenges in supporting the intergenerational transmission of their heritage language, especially when the language involved is not one that has high visibility and status in the surrounding society. This article is a case study of a mature migrant community in Melbourne, Australia — people of Maltese background — and aims to explore in some depth factors that are promoting and inhibiting intergenerational language transmission within the community. Two groups of factors are identified — facilitating factors and motivating factors — and these are discussed and related to the experiences and attitudes of the interviewees. The parents interviewed represent two vintages of migration: pre- and post-independence in Malta. Superficially, it appears that the post-independence migrants have a stronger commitment to intergenerational language transmission. However, it is argued that this only partially explains the observed differences. For both vintages, changes in the opportunities for diasporic engagement and in government policy settings in both the homeland and in Australia are creating an environment which is more facilitative of intergenerational language transmission for families motivated to support such transmission.
  author = {Borland, Helen},
  title = {Intergenerational language transmission in an established Australian migrant community: what makes the difference?},
  journal = {International Journal of the Sociology of Language},
  year = {2006},
  volume = {2006},
  number = {180},
  pages = {23--41},
  doi = {}
Borland, Helen Heritage languages and community identity building: The case of a language of lesser status International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, Vol. 8 Article 2005 Link
Abstract: Diasporic communities formed as a result of recent migration movements face particular issues and challenges in supporting the intergenerational transmission of their heritage language through language maintenance and heritage language education (HLE) initiatives, especially when the language involved is not one that has high visibility and status in the surrounding society. This paper reports on a case study of ongoing action-oriented research to raise awareness and use of the heritage language within the second and third generations of such a community, Maltese-background people in Melbourne, Australia. The community is well established with the ageing first generation having primarily migrated in 1950s and 1960s. Within the community poorer than average educational outcomes for the second generation led to a programme of research and action to enhance ethnic identification and involvement with the heritage language and culture. Questionnaires, interviews and focus groups were conducted to investigate attitudes to and use of Maltese within the community. These data have formed the basis for other ongoing initiatives to strengthen heritage language maintenance and education efforts, described and evaluated below.
  author = {Borland, Helen},
  title = {Heritage languages and community identity building: The case of a language of lesser status},
  journal = {International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism},
  year = {2005},
  volume = {8},
  number = {2-3},
  pages = {109--123},
  url = {},
  doi = {}
Bovingdon, Roderick From language to ethnolect: Maltese to Maltraljan Current Issues in Language Planning, Vol. 5 Article 2004 Link
Abstract: This paper outlines the influences that led to new ethnolect formation among an immigrant group, the Maltese, in Australia. Their sociolinguistic background and new linguistic environment brought about a divergence, particularly in terminology, from Standard Maltese, and necessitated the compilation of a glossary of the new ethnolect, Maltraljan. The newly emerged terminology has found acceptance by a government agency as a result of community-led rather than government-planned influence.
  author = {Bovingdon, Roderick},
  title = {From language to ethnolect: Maltese to Maltraljan},
  journal = {Current Issues in Language Planning},
  year = {2004},
  volume = {5},
  number = {2},
  pages = {166--175},
  url = {},
  doi = {}
Bovingdon, Roderick Maltese dialects in Australia: Maltraljan Inproceedings 2003
  author = {Bovingdon, Roderick},
  title = {Maltese dialects in Australia: Maltraljan},
  year = {2003}
Bovingdon, Roderick The Maltese language of Australia: Maltraljan: a lexical compilation with linguistic notations & a social, political and historical background Book 2001
  author = {Bovingdon, Roderick},
  title = {The Maltese language of Australia: Maltraljan: a lexical compilation with linguistic notations & a social, political and historical background},
  publisher = {LINCOM Europa},
  address = {München},
  year = {2001},
  number = {16}
Bovingdon, Roderick The Maltese language in Australia: a select glossary with linguistic observations Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 1998
  author = {Bovingdon, Roderick},
  title = {The Maltese language in Australia: a select glossary with linguistic observations}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1998}
Bovingdon, Roderick In the mould of a new environment : the Maltese language in Australia Journal of Maltese studies, Vol. 19-20 Article 1989 Link
  author = {Bovingdon, Roderick},
  title = {In the mould of a new environment : the Maltese language in Australia},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese studies},
  year = {1989},
  volume = {19-20},
  pages = {110--115},
  url = {}
Bovingdon, Roderick and Dalli, Angelo
Editor(s): Wilson, Andrew, Archer, Dawn and Rayson, Paul
Statistical analysis of the source origin of Maltese Language and Computers. Corpus Linguistics Around the World, Vol. 56 Article 2006 Link
Abstract: This paper presents the results of the first ever large-scale statistical analysis of Maltese using the newly formed Maltilex Corpus. Traditional etymological and categorical analyses were supplemented with data mining techniques to provide accurate results with reduced effort.
Statistics about the relationship between etymology and word classes were analysed from different viewpoints. Maltese grammar and morphology remain to this day largely Arabic, but with distinct Romance and English morphological accretions. Italian lexical influence upon present day Maltese has exceeded the Arabic content in a quantitative sense, enriching Maltese from a purely root based morphology with additional productive Romance features.
  author = {Bovingdon, Roderick and Dalli, Angelo},
  editor = {Wilson, Andrew and Archer, Dawn and Rayson, Paul},
  title = {Statistical analysis of the source origin of Maltese},
  journal = {Language and Computers. Corpus Linguistics Around the World},
  year = {2006},
  volume = {56},
  number = {1},
  pages = {63--76},
  url = {}
Brame, Michael
Editor(s): Brame, Michael
On the abstractness of phonology: Maltese ʔ Contributions to Generative Phonology Incollection 1972
  author = {Brame, Michael},
  editor = {Brame, Michael},
  title = {On the abstractness of phonology: Maltese ʔ},
  booktitle = {Contributions to Generative Phonology},
  publisher = {University of Texas Press},
  address = {Austin},
  year = {1972},
  pages = {22--62}
Brame, Michael K. The cycle in phonology: stress in Palestinian, Maltese, and Spanish Linguistic Inquiry, Vol. 5 Article 1974 Link
  author = {Brame, Michael K.},
  title = {The cycle in phonology: stress in Palestinian, Maltese, and Spanish},
  journal = {Linguistic Inquiry},
  year = {1974},
  volume = {5},
  number = {1},
  pages = {39--60},
  note = {ArticleType: research-article / Full publication date: Winter, 1974 / Copyright © 1974 The MIT Press},
  url = {},
  doi = {}
Briffa, Charles
Editor(s): Clews, Stanley J.A.
Varieties of English and Maltese Malta Year Book 1993 Incollection 1993
  author = {Briffa, Charles},
  editor = {Clews, Stanley J.A.},
  title = {Varieties of English and Maltese},
  booktitle = {Malta Year Book 1993},
  publisher = {De La Salle Publications},
  address = {Malta},
  year = {1993},
  pages = {442--446}
Briffa, Charles Il-letteratura maltija : l-istorja tan-narrattiva Book 2008
  author = {Briffa, Charles},
  title = {Il-letteratura maltija : l-istorja tan-narrattiva},
  publisher = {Malta University Pub.},
  address = {Malta},
  year = {2008}
Briffa, Charles Mis-semantika Maltija: Termini deskrittivi bil-Malti ghall-kuluri Symposia Melitensia, Vol. 4 Article 2007
  author = {Briffa, Charles},
  title = {Mis-semantika Maltija: Termini deskrittivi bil-Malti ghall-kuluri},
  journal = {Symposia Melitensia},
  year = {2007},
  volume = {4},
  pages = {66--92}
Briffa, Charles Aspetti ta' l-istruttura tal-Malti modern Book 2006
  author = {Briffa, Charles},
  title = {Aspetti ta' l-istruttura tal-Malti modern},
  publisher = {Publishers Enterprises Group},
  address = {San Gwann, Malta},
  year = {2006}
Briffa, Charles Rhythmic patterns in Maltese literature Book 2001
Abstract: A stylistic research on the patterns of the rhythm of the Maltese language.
  author = {Briffa, Charles},
  title = {Rhythmic patterns in Maltese literature},
  publisher = {Midsea Books},
  address = {Valletta, Malta},
  year = {2001}
Briffa, Charles Maltese fictional prose forms Letteratura/Kritika, Vol. 25-26 Article 1994 Link
  author = {Briffa, Charles},
  title = {Maltese fictional prose forms},
  journal = {Letteratura/Kritika},
  year = {1994},
  volume = {25-26},
  pages = {146--165},
  url = {}
Briffa, Charles White dipping sails Journal of Maltese studies, Vol. 19-20 Article 1989 Link
  author = {Briffa, Charles},
  title = {White dipping sails},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese studies},
  year = {1989},
  volume = {19-20},
  pages = {62--70},
  url = {}
Briffa, Charles The correlation between the home and the school environment and language learning in Malta Phdthesis: M.A. dissertation 1980
  author = {Briffa, Charles},
  title = {The correlation between the home and the school environment and language learning in Malta}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1980}
Briffa, Charles and Briffa, Angela Iż-żmien fuq sider Malta Book 2011
  author = {Briffa, Charles and Briffa, Angela},
  title = {Iż-żmien fuq sider Malta},
  publisher = {Horizons Publishing},
  address = {Malta},
  year = {2011}
Brincat, David It-tagħlim tal-grammatika Maltija fl-ewwel sena sekondarja Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 1994
  author = {Brincat, David},
  title = {It-tagħlim tal-grammatika Maltija fl-ewwel sena sekondarja}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1994}
Brincat, Giuseppe
Editor(s): Brincat, Joseph M.
Gli albori delle lingua maltese: il problema del sostrato alla luce delle notize stroriche di al-Himyarī sul perido arabo a Malta (870-1054) Languages of the Mediterranean - Substrata - The Islands - Malta: Proceedings of the Conference held in Malta 26-29 September 1991 Incollection 1994
  author = {Brincat, Giuseppe},
  editor = {Brincat, Joseph M.},
  title = {Gli albori delle lingua maltese: il problema del sostrato alla luce delle notize stroriche di al-Himyarī sul perido arabo a Malta (870-1054)},
  booktitle = {Languages of the Mediterranean - Substrata - The Islands - Malta: Proceedings of the Conference held in Malta 26-29 September 1991},
  publisher = {Institute of Linguistics, University of Malta},
  address = {Msida},
  year = {1994},
  pages = {130--142}
Brincat, Giuseppe Un esempio di -LL-textgreater-DD- nel maltese Journal of Maltese studies, Vol. 17-18 Article 1987 Link
  author = {Brincat, Giuseppe},
  title = {Un esempio di -LL-textgreater-DD- nel maltese},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese studies},
  year = {1987},
  volume = {17-18},
  pages = {27--31},
  url = {}
Brincat, Giuseppe Critica testuale della Cantilena di Pietro Caxaro Journal of Maltese studies, Vol. 16 Article 1986 Link
  author = {Brincat, Giuseppe},
  title = {Critica testuale della Cantilena di Pietro Caxaro},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese studies},
  year = {1986},
  volume = {16},
  pages = {1--21},
  url = {}
Brincat, Joseph
Editor(s): Armangué i Herrero, Joan
Il contatto linguistico come motivo comico nella narrativa di consumo e nella farsa teatrale a Malta Le lingue del popolo. Contatto linguistico nella letteratura popolare del Mediterraneo Occidentale Incollection 2003
  author = {Brincat, Joseph},
  editor = {Armangué i Herrero, Joan},
  title = {Il contatto linguistico come motivo comico nella narrativa di consumo e nella farsa teatrale a Malta},
  booktitle = {Le lingue del popolo. Contatto linguistico nella letteratura popolare del Mediterraneo Occidentale},
  publisher = {Arxiu de Tradicions},
  address = {Càller},
  year = {2003},
  pages = {35--44}
Brincat, Joseph
Editor(s): Bombi, Raffaella, Cifoletti, Guido, Fusco, Fabiana, Innocente, Lucia and Orioles, Vincenze
Anglicismi a confronto: l’uso di parole inglesi a Malta e in Italia come viene riflesso nei dizionari Studi linguistici in onore di Roberto Gusmani Incollection 2006
  author = {Brincat, Joseph},
  editor = {Bombi, Raffaella and Cifoletti, Guido and Fusco, Fabiana and Innocente, Lucia and Orioles, Vincenze},
  title = {Anglicismi a confronto: l’uso di parole inglesi a Malta e in Italia come viene riflesso nei dizionari},
  booktitle = {Studi linguistici in onore di Roberto Gusmani},
  publisher = {Edizioni dell'Orso},
  address = {Alexandria},
  year = {2006},
  number = {1},
  pages = {293--301}
Brincat, Joseph
Editor(s): Bonanno, Anthony and Militello, Piedro
Before Maltese: languages in Malta from prehistory to the Byzantine age Interconnections in the Central Mediterranean: the Maltese Islands and Sicily in History Incollection 2008 Link
  author = {Brincat, Joseph},
  editor = {Bonanno, Anthony and Militello, Piedro},
  title = {Before Maltese: languages in Malta from prehistory to the Byzantine age},
  booktitle = {Interconnections in the Central Mediterranean: the Maltese Islands and Sicily in History},
  publisher = {Officina di studi medieviali},
  address = {Palermo},
  year = {2008},
  pages = {233--244},
  url = {}
Brincat, Joseph
Editor(s): Brincat, Joseph, Stolz, Thomas and Boeder, Winfried
Purism and Neologisms in Contemporary Maltese Purism in minor languages, endangered languages, regional languages, mixed languages: papers from the conference "Purism in the age of globalisation" Bremen, September 2001 Incollection 2003
  author = {Brincat, Joseph},
  editor = {Brincat, Joseph and Stolz, Thomas and Boeder, Winfried},
  title = {Purism and Neologisms in Contemporary Maltese},
  booktitle = {Purism in minor languages, endangered languages, regional languages, mixed languages: papers from the conference "Purism in the age of globalisation" Bremen, September 2001},
  publisher = {Brockmeyer},
  address = {Bremen},
  year = {2003},
  volume = {2},
  pages = {155--170}
Brincat, Joseph
Editor(s): Bruni, Francesco and Marcato, Carla
La caccia alla fenice: Glossari e vocabolari del maltese dal Seicento all’Ottocento tra mitomania,nazionalismo ed etimologia Lessicografia dialettale. Ricordando Paolo Zolli Incollection 2006
  author = {Brincat, Joseph},
  editor = {Bruni, Francesco and Marcato, Carla},
  title = {La caccia alla fenice: Glossari e vocabolari del maltese dal Seicento all’Ottocento tra mitomania,nazionalismo ed etimologia},
  booktitle = {Lessicografia dialettale. Ricordando Paolo Zolli},
  publisher = {Antenore},
  address = {Venezia},
  year = {2006}
Brincat, Joseph
Editor(s): Fiorini, Stanley and Mallia-Milanes, Victor
Language and demography in Malta. the social foundations of the symbiosis between semitic and romance in standard Maltese Malta. A Case Study in International Cross-Currents Incollection 1989
  author = {Brincat, Joseph},
  editor = {Fiorini, Stanley and Mallia-Milanes, Victor},
  title = {Language and demography in Malta. the social foundations of the symbiosis between semitic and romance in standard Maltese},
  booktitle = {Malta. A Case Study in International Cross-Currents},
  publisher = {Malta University Publications},
  address = {Malta},
  year = {1989},
  pages = {91--110}
Brincat, Joseph
Editor(s): Gambin, Kenneth
Languages in Malta and the Maltese Language Malta: Roots of a Nation Incollection 2004
  author = {Brincat, Joseph},
  editor = {Gambin, Kenneth},
  title = {Languages in Malta and the Maltese Language},
  booktitle = {Malta: Roots of a Nation},
  publisher = {Midsea Books},
  address = {Malta},
  year = {2004},
  pages = {213--224}
Brincat, Joseph
Editor(s): Lepschy, Anna Laura and Tosi, Arturo
Languages and varieties in use in Malta today: Maltese, English, Italian, Maltese English and Maltaliano Rethinking Languages in Contact. The Case of Italian Incollection 2006
  author = {Brincat, Joseph},
  editor = {Lepschy, Anna Laura and Tosi, Arturo},
  title = {Languages and varieties in use in Malta today: Maltese, English, Italian, Maltese English and Maltaliano},
  booktitle = {Rethinking Languages in Contact. The Case of Italian},
  publisher = {Legenda},
  address = {Oxford},
  year = {2006},
  pages = {152--159}
Brincat, Joseph
Editor(s): López Díaz, Montserrat and Montez López, María
Standard e commutazione di codice in una nazione bilingue: il maltese e l’inglese a Malta Perspectives Fonctionnelles: Emprunts, économie et variation dans les langues Perspectives Fonctionnelles: Emprunts, économie et variation dans les langues Incollection 2006
  author = {Brincat, Joseph},
  editor = {López Díaz, Montserrat and Montez López, María},
  title = {Standard e commutazione di codice in una nazione bilingue: il maltese e l’inglese a Malta Perspectives Fonctionnelles: Emprunts, économie et variation dans les langues},
  booktitle = {Perspectives Fonctionnelles: Emprunts, économie et variation dans les langues},
  publisher = {Axac Editorial},
  address = {Lugo},
  year = {2006},
  pages = {305--308}
Brincat, Joseph
Editor(s): Marachino, Nicoletta, De Martino, Domenico and Stanchina, Giulia
Dal Risorgimento a oggi: la lunga lotta tra l’inglese e l’italiano a Malta si può dire conclusa L’italiano in Europa. Per Gianfranco Folena Incollection 2012
  author = {Brincat, Joseph},
  editor = {Marachino, Nicoletta and De Martino, Domenico and Stanchina, Giulia},
  title = {Dal Risorgimento a oggi: la lunga lotta tra l’inglese e l’italiano a Malta si può dire conclusa},
  booktitle = {L’italiano in Europa. Per Gianfranco Folena},
  publisher = {Accademia della Crusca},
  address = {Firenze},
  year = {2012},
  number = {3},
  pages = {121--133}
Brincat, Joseph
Editor(s): Marachino, Nicoletta, De Martino, Domenico and Stanchina, Giulia
Bilinguismo storico, statale e scolastico a Malta. Vantaggi e pericoli Esperienze di multilinguismo in atto Incollection 2010
  author = {Brincat, Joseph},
  editor = {Marachino, Nicoletta and De Martino, Domenico and Stanchina, Giulia},
  title = {Bilinguismo storico, statale e scolastico a Malta. Vantaggi e pericoli},
  booktitle = {Esperienze di multilinguismo in atto},
  publisher = {Accademia della Crusca},
  address = {Firenze},
  year = {2010},
  number = {1},
  pages = {205--216}
Brincat, Joseph
Editor(s): Mocciaro, Antonia G.
Lingua e demografia a Malta: appunti per la storia del maltese standard L’Europa linguistica: contatti, contrasti, affinità di lingue Incollection 1992
  author = {Brincat, Joseph},
  editor = {Mocciaro, Antonia G.},
  title = {Lingua e demografia a Malta: appunti per la storia del maltese standard},
  booktitle = {L’Europa linguistica: contatti, contrasti, affinità di lingue},
  publisher = {Bulzoni},
  address = {Rom},
  year = {1992},
  number = {30},
  pages = {69--81}
Brincat, Joseph
Editor(s): Pierno, Franco
Sicilianismi, italianismi e anglolatinismi nel vocabolario della lingua maltese Aspects lexicographiques du contact des langues dans l'espace roman Incollection 2008
  author = {Brincat, Joseph},
  editor = {Pierno, Franco},
  title = {Sicilianismi, italianismi e anglolatinismi nel vocabolario della lingua maltese},
  booktitle = {Aspects lexicographiques du contact des langues dans l'espace roman},
  publisher = {Université Marc Bloch},
  address = {Strassburg},
  year = {2008},
  pages = {199--214}
Brincat, Joseph
Editor(s): Ramat, Paolo
Linguistic Crosscurrents in the Central Mediterranean. Malta as a Focal Point Mediterranean Languages. Papers from the MEDTYP Workshop, Tirrenia, June 2000 Incollection 2000
  author = {Brincat, Joseph},
  editor = {Ramat, Paolo},
  title = {Linguistic Crosscurrents in the Central Mediterranean. Malta as a Focal Point},
  booktitle = {Mediterranean Languages. Papers from the MEDTYP Workshop, Tirrenia, June 2000},
  publisher = {Universitätsverlag Brockmeyer},
  address = {Bochum},
  year = {2000},
  volume = {1},
  pages = {65--85}
Brincat, Joseph
Editor(s): Sardo, Rosaria and Soravia, Giulio
Il siciliano e il maltese in contatto con l’inglese: sviluppi paralleli e contrastanti Malta e Sicilia. Continuità e contiguità linguistica e culturale Incollection 1988
  author = {Brincat, Joseph},
  editor = {Sardo, Rosaria and Soravia, Giulio},
  title = {Il siciliano e il maltese in contatto con l’inglese: sviluppi paralleli e contrastanti},
  booktitle = {Malta e Sicilia. Continuità e contiguità linguistica e culturale},
  publisher = {C.U.L.C.},
  address = {Catania},
  year = {1988},
  pages = {65--76}
Brincat, Joseph
Editor(s): Silvestri, Domenico, Marra, Antoinetta and Pinto, Immaculata
La situazione attuale a Malta: l’anglicizzazione alimentare e lessicale Saperi e sapori mediterranei. La cultura dell’alimentazione e i suoi riflessi linguistici Incollection 2002
  author = {Brincat, Joseph},
  editor = {Silvestri, Domenico and Marra, Antoinetta and Pinto, Immaculata},
  title = {La situazione attuale a Malta: l’anglicizzazione alimentare e lessicale},
  booktitle = {Saperi e sapori mediterranei. La cultura dell’alimentazione e i suoi riflessi linguistici},
  publisher = {Istituto Universitario Orientale},
  address = {Napoli},
  year = {2002},
  pages = {1023--1033}
Brincat, Joseph
Editor(s): Trovato, Salvatore Carmelo
Sicilianismi e pseudosicilianismi maltesi e il Vocabolario Siciliano Studi linguistici in memoria di Giovanni Tropea Incollection 2009
  author = {Brincat, Joseph},
  editor = {Trovato, Salvatore Carmelo},
  title = {Sicilianismi e pseudosicilianismi maltesi e il Vocabolario Siciliano},
  booktitle = {Studi linguistici in memoria di Giovanni Tropea},
  publisher = {Edizioni dell'Orso},
  address = {Alexandria},
  year = {2009},
  pages = {111--116}
Brincat, Joseph
Editor(s): Versteegh, Kees
Malta Encyclopedia of Arabic Language and Linguistics Incollection 2008
  author = {Brincat, Joseph},
  editor = {Versteegh, Kees},
  title = {Malta},
  booktitle = {Encyclopedia of Arabic Language and Linguistics},
  publisher = {Brill},
  address = {Leiden},
  year = {2008},
  pages = {141--145},
  edition = {3}
Brincat, Joseph Lingue romanze a nord, semitiche a sud: contatti e contrasti nelle isole del Mediterraneo centrale Il Mare che unisce. L’italiano, lingua franca del Mediterraneo. Quaderni della Dante Anno LVII, Vol. 5 Article 2007
  author = {Brincat, Joseph},
  title = {Lingue romanze a nord, semitiche a sud: contatti e contrasti nelle isole del Mediterraneo centrale},
  journal = {Il Mare che unisce. L’italiano, lingua franca del Mediterraneo. Quaderni della Dante Anno LVII},
  year = {2007},
  volume = {5},
  number = {14},
  pages = {25--39}
Brincat, Joseph I Cavalieri e la lingua maltese: la promozione scientifica e la formazione della varietà standard I Cavalieri di San Giovanni e la loro presenza in Sicilia Inproceedings 2000
  author = {Brincat, Joseph},
  title = {I Cavalieri e la lingua maltese: la promozione scientifica e la formazione della varietà standard},
  booktitle = {I Cavalieri di San Giovanni e la loro presenza in Sicilia},
  publisher = {Collana di Studi},
  address = {Palermo},
  year = {2000},
  pages = {77--87}
Brincat, Joseph Incontri siculo-maltesi: contiguità e continuità linguistica e culturale Journal of Maltese studies, Vol. Article 1988
  author = {Brincat, Joseph},
  title = {Incontri siculo-maltesi: contiguità e continuità linguistica e culturale},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese studies},
  year = {1988}
Brincat, Joseph L'utilità di un atlante linguistico siciliano per lo studio del maltese: il carattere meridionale della componente romanza Etimologia e lessico dialettale Inproceedings 1980
  author = {Brincat, Joseph},
  title = {L'utilità di un atlante linguistico siciliano per lo studio del maltese: il carattere meridionale della componente romanza},
  booktitle = {Etimologia e lessico dialettale},
  publisher = {Pacini},
  address = {Macerata},
  year = {1980},
  pages = {597--608}
Brincat, Joseph Etimologia e lessico dialettale del maltese: il carattere meridionale della componente romanza Inproceedings 1979
  author = {Brincat, Joseph},
  title = {Etimologia e lessico dialettale del maltese: il carattere meridionale della componente romanza},
  year = {1979},
  pages = {597--608}
Brincat, Joseph Sviluppi locali di termini marinareschi nello strato romanzo del maltese Bollettino dell' Atlante Linguistico Mediterrano, Vol. Article 1979
  author = {Brincat, Joseph},
  title = {Sviluppi locali di termini marinareschi nello strato romanzo del maltese},
  journal = {Bollettino dell' Atlante Linguistico Mediterrano},
  year = {1979},
  number = {18-19},
  pages = {217--233}
Brincat, Joseph Vicende dell’articolo in maltese e in italiano Le lingue del mondo, Vol. Article 1973
  author = {Brincat, Joseph},
  title = {Vicende dell’articolo in maltese e in italiano},
  journal = {Le lingue del mondo},
  year = {1973},
  number = {28},
  pages = {392--397}
Brincat, Joseph Avventure semantiche di vocaboli italiani nella lingua maltese Le lingue del mondo, Vol. Article 1972
  author = {Brincat, Joseph},
  title = {Avventure semantiche di vocaboli italiani nella lingua maltese},
  journal = {Le lingue del mondo},
  year = {1972},
  number = {27},
  pages = {392--396}
Brincat, Joseph M.
Editor(s): Caruana, Sandro, Fabri, Ray and Stolz, Thomas
Describing literary Maltese: concordances to Dun Karm and Rużar Briffa Variation and Change: The Dynamics of Maltese in Space, Time and Society Incollection 2011
Abstract: In 2007 Oliver Friggieri published in one volume all the poems written by Dun Karm Psaili, which were previously scattered in various newspaper and rare periodicals. This provided a long-awaited opportunity to study the local variety of Italian belonging to the literary genre and I decided to start with a concordance in Dun Karm's poems.
  author = {Brincat, Joseph M.},
  editor = {Caruana, Sandro and Fabri, Ray and Stolz, Thomas},
  title = {Describing literary Maltese: concordances to Dun Karm and Rużar Briffa},
  booktitle = {Variation and Change: The Dynamics of Maltese in Space, Time and Society},
  publisher = {Akademie Verlag},
  address = {Berlin},
  year = {2011},
  number = {9},
  pages = {33--43}
Brincat, Joseph M.
Editor(s): Fabri, Ray
Francesco Vella and the standadization of Maltese Maltese Linguistics: A Snapshot ; In Memory of Joseph A. Cremona (1922 - 2003) Incollection 2009 Link
Abstract: Inspired by Arnold Cassola's recent publication on Francesco Vella, an almost forgotten, or at least underestimated author of grammar and reading books for schools, the study will attempt to describe Francesco Vella's role in the standardisation of Maltese when the great majority of the population was illiterate, and will trace his dept to Padre Soave whose empirical pedagogical principles he followed.
  author = {Brincat, Joseph M.},
  editor = {Fabri, Ray},
  title = {Francesco Vella and the standadization of Maltese},
  booktitle = {Maltese Linguistics: A Snapshot ; In Memory of Joseph A. Cremona (1922 - 2003)},
  publisher = {Universitätsverlag Brockmeyer},
  address = {Bochum},
  year = {2009},
  number = {1},
  pages = {7--15},
  edition = {1},
  url = {}
Brincat, Joseph M.
Editor(s): Lüdtke, Jens
Maltese words. An etymological analysis of the Maltese lexicon Romania Arabica: Festschrift für Reinhold Kontzi zum 70. Geburtstag Incollection 1996 Link
  author = {Brincat, Joseph M.},
  editor = {Lüdtke, Jens},
  title = {Maltese words. An etymological analysis of the Maltese lexicon},
  booktitle = {Romania Arabica: Festschrift für Reinhold Kontzi zum 70. Geburtstag},
  publisher = {Narr},
  address = {Tübingen},
  year = {1996},
  pages = {111--116},
  url = {}
Brincat, Joseph M. Maltese and other languages : A linguistic history of Malta Book 2011
Abstract: Throughout the ages, the Maltese language has undergone a series of internal changes as well as modifications and accretions caused by various external forces. Internal changes are not easy to date and explain because they require a painstaking comparative exercise that can be carried out only by experts in Semitic languages. As a result, their systematic description in a historical grammar of Maltese has not been published yet. By contrast, the external history of Maltese is essentially an account of its contact with various languages. All languages are marked by contact, albeit to varying degrees.
  author = {Brincat, Joseph M.},
  title = {Maltese and other languages : A linguistic history of Malta},
  publisher = {Midsea Books},
  address = {Sta Venera, Malta},
  year = {2011}
Brincat, Joseph M. Maltese - an unusual formula MED Magazine, Vol. Article 2005 Link
  author = {Brincat, Joseph M.},
  title = {Maltese - an unusual formula},
  journal = {MED Magazine},
  year = {2005},
  number = {27},
  url = {}
Brincat, Joseph M. Malta: una storia linguistica Book 2003
  author = {Brincat, Joseph M.},
  title = {Malta: una storia linguistica},
  publisher = {Le Mani-Microart'S},
  year = {2003}
Brincat, Joseph M. Malta e Pantelleria: alla ricerca di un sostrato comune Journal of Maltese studies, Vol. 11 Article 1977 Link
  author = {Brincat, Joseph M.},
  title = {Malta e Pantelleria: alla ricerca di un sostrato comune},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese studies},
  year = {1977},
  volume = {11},
  pages = {42--54},
  url = {}
Brincat, Joseph M. Alcuni esempi di omonimia risultante dalla convergenza fonetica di voci italiane nel maltese Journal of Maltese studies, Vol. 10 Article 1975 Link
  author = {Brincat, Joseph M.},
  title = {Alcuni esempi di omonimia risultante dalla convergenza fonetica di voci italiane nel maltese},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese studies},
  year = {1975},
  volume = {10},
  pages = {80--88},
  url = {}
Brincat, Lara and Caruana, Sandro
Editor(s): Caruana, Sandro, Fabri, Ray and Stolz, Thomas
Il-Malti Mgħaġġel: Maltese in computer-mediated chat conversations Variation and Change: The Dynamics of Maltese in Space, Time and Society Incollection 2011 Link
Abstract: The necessity to comunicate rapidly and efficiently when using computer chat on the internet often takes precedence over grammatical correctness and over the use of syntactic structures normally employed in written Standard Maltese. The language variety used on this medium is predominantly a written one, although in style and structure it resembles a spoken form. In this contribution we call this Il-Malti Mgħaġġel (literally, 'the hurried Maltese'). After providing a description of this variety of Maltese, based on criteria already used for other languages, we discuss results that emerged through research carried out among university students following courses in the Faculty of Education. In this part of our research we investigate future language teachers' view on the way language is being used on computer chat and we provide some insight as to wether, according to our subjects, the use of computer chat influences students' wrinting in Standard Maltese.
  author = {Brincat, Lara and Caruana, Sandro},
  editor = {Caruana, Sandro and Fabri, Ray and Stolz, Thomas},
  title = {Il-Malti Mgħaġġel: Maltese in computer-mediated chat conversations},
  booktitle = {Variation and Change: The Dynamics of Maltese in Space, Time and Society},
  publisher = {Akademie Verlag},
  address = {Berlin},
  year = {2011},
  number = {9},
  pages = {65--88},
  url = {}
Brincat, Viktor de Ir-rebħa tal-Maltin Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 1964
  author = {Brincat, Viktor de},
  title = {Ir-rebħa tal-Maltin}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1964}
Brincat Massa, Marianne Interferenze inglesi sulla lingua maltese Journal of Maltese studies, Vol. 16 Article 1986 Link
  author = {Brincat Massa, Marianne},
  title = {Interferenze inglesi sulla lingua maltese},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese studies},
  year = {1986},
  volume = {16},
  pages = {45--52},
  url = {}
Brother Henry Grammatika Maltija Book 1967
  author = {Brother Henry},
  title = {Grammatika Maltija},
  publisher = {De La Salle Brothers},
  address = {Malta},
  year = {1967}
Bugeja, Paul Maltese: How to read and speak it Book 2004
  author = {Bugeja, Paul},
  title = {Maltese: How to read and speak it},
  publisher = {Gutenberg},
  address = {Sliema},
  year = {2004},
  edition = {Reprinted},
  note = {118 S}
Bugeja, Paul Pocket dictionary and phrase book: English-Maltese with imitated pronunciation Book 2004
  author = {Bugeja, Paul},
  title = {Pocket dictionary and phrase book: English-Maltese with imitated pronunciation},
  address = {Sliema},
  year = {2004},
  note = {153 S.}
Bugeja, Paul Kelmet il-Malti: Dizzjunarju Malti-Ingliż, Ingliż-Malti Book 1999
  author = {Bugeja, Paul},
  title = {Kelmet il-Malti: Dizzjunarju Malti-Ingliż, Ingliż-Malti},
  publisher = {Associated News Group Ltd.},
  address = {Floriana, Malta},
  year = {1999},
  edition = {4. Edition},
  note = {XV, 535 S}
Bugeja, Tiziana Dizzjunarju storiku msejjes fuq ix-xhieda tal-ismijiet talinħawi mxandrin fil-Place-Names ta' Wettinger: I-Z Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 2009
  author = {Bugeja, Tiziana},
  title = {Dizzjunarju storiku msejjes fuq ix-xhieda tal-ismijiet talinħawi mxandrin fil-Place-Names ta' Wettinger: I-Z}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2009}
Buhagiar, Graziella and Portelli, Mary Anne Dizzjunarju ta' termini folkloristiċi għal studenti fil-livell sekondarju Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 2000
  author = {Buhagiar, Graziella and Portelli, Mary Anne},
  title = {Dizzjunarju ta' termini folkloristiċi għal studenti fil-livell sekondarju}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2000}
Buhagiar, Joseph Folklor fir-rħajjel qadim ta' Bubaqra Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 1988
  author = {Buhagiar, Joseph},
  title = {Folklor fir-rħajjel qadim ta' Bubaqra}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1988}
Bunanno, Maria L-użu tal-lingwa f'Ħaż-Żebbuġ Phdthesis: B.A. (HONS) thesis 2014
  author = {Bunanno, Maria},
  title = {L-użu tal-lingwa f'Ħaż-Żebbuġ}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2014}
Buscuttil, Maria, Farrugia, Maria Claire and Farrugia, Moira An item analysis of measures of phonemic awareness administered to Maltese infants Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 2002
  author = {Buscuttil, Maria and Farrugia, Maria Claire and Farrugia, Moira},
  title = {An item analysis of measures of phonemic awareness administered to Maltese infants}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2002}
Busuttil, E.D. Kalepin Dizzjunarju Ingliż-Malti (English-Maltese Dictionary) Book 1976
  author = {Busuttil, E.D.},
  title = {Kalepin Dizzjunarju Ingliż-Malti (English-Maltese Dictionary)},
  publisher = {Giov. Muscat},
  address = {Valletta},
  year = {1976}
Busuttil, Liza Il-qasam lessikali tax-xagħar Phdthesis: B.A. (HONS) thesis 2013
  author = {Busuttil, Liza},
  title = {Il-qasam lessikali tax-xagħar}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2013}
Busuttil, Naudi Lorian It-tagħlim tas-smigħ u tat-taħdit fl-iskejjel primarji mirraba' sas-sitt sena Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 1996
  author = {Busuttil, Naudi Lorian},
  title = {It-tagħlim tas-smigħ u tat-taħdit fl-iskejjel primarji mirraba' sas-sitt sena}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1996}
Butcher, May Grammar of the Maltese language Book 1938
  author = {Butcher, May},
  title = {Grammar of the Maltese language},
  publisher = {Oxford University Press},
  address = {Oxford},
  year = {1938}
Buttigieg, Alfred Maltimanija 1: Malti għall-ewwel sena: eżerċizzji Book 2006
  author = {Buttigieg, Alfred},
  title = {Maltimanija 1: Malti għall-ewwel sena: eżerċizzji},
  publisher = {Klabb Kotba Maltin},
  address = {Valletta},
  year = {2006}
Buttigieg, Alfred Maltimanija 1: Malti għall-ewwel sena: L-alfabett Book 2006
  author = {Buttigieg, Alfred},
  title = {Maltimanija 1: Malti għall-ewwel sena: L-alfabett},
  publisher = {Klabb Kotba Maltin},
  address = {Valletta},
  year = {2006},
  note = {31 S. : Ill}
Buttigieg, Alfred Maltimanija 6: Malti għas-sitt sena: Grammatika u Orthografija Book 2006
  author = {Buttigieg, Alfred},
  title = {Maltimanija 6: Malti għas-sitt sena: Grammatika u Orthografija},
  publisher = {Klabb Kotba Maltin},
  address = {Valletta},
  year = {2006},
  note = {31 S. : Ill}
Buttigieg, Alfred Maltimanija 6: Malti għas-sitt sena: Kitba u Vokabularju Book 2006
  author = {Buttigieg, Alfred},
  title = {Maltimanija 6: Malti għas-sitt sena: Kitba u Vokabularju},
  publisher = {Klabb Kotba Maltin},
  address = {Valletta},
  year = {2006}
Buttigieg, Alfred Maltimanija 2: Malti għat-tieni sena: Grammatika u Ortografija Book 2006
  author = {Buttigieg, Alfred},
  title = {Maltimanija 2: Malti għat-tieni sena: Grammatika u Ortografija},
  publisher = {Klabb Kotba Maltin},
  address = {Valletta},
  year = {2006},
  note = {31 S. : Ill}
Buttigieg, Alfred Maltimanija 2: Malti għat-tieni sena: Kitba u Vokaularju Book 2006
  author = {Buttigieg, Alfred},
  title = {Maltimanija 2: Malti għat-tieni sena: Kitba u Vokaularju},
  publisher = {Klabb Kotba Maltin},
  address = {Valletta},
  year = {2006}
Buttigieg, Alfred Maltimanija 3: Malti għat-tielet sena: Grammatika u Orthografija Book 2006
  author = {Buttigieg, Alfred},
  title = {Maltimanija 3: Malti għat-tielet sena: Grammatika u Orthografija},
  publisher = {Klabb Kotba Maltin},
  address = {Valletta},
  year = {2006},
  note = {31 S. : Ill}
Buttigieg, Alfred Maltimanija 3: Malti għat-tielet sena: Kitba u Vokabularju Book 2006
  author = {Buttigieg, Alfred},
  title = {Maltimanija 3: Malti għat-tielet sena: Kitba u Vokabularju},
  publisher = {Klabb Kotba Maltin},
  address = {Valletta},
  year = {2006},
  note = {31 S. : Ill}
Buttigieg, Alfred Maltimanija 4: Malti għar-raba' sena: Grammatika u Orthografija Book 2006
  author = {Buttigieg, Alfred},
  title = {Maltimanija 4: Malti għar-raba' sena: Grammatika u Orthografija},
  publisher = {Klabb Kotba Maltin},
  address = {Valletta},
  year = {2006},
  note = {31 S. : Ill}
Buttigieg, Alfred Maltimanija 4: Malti għar-raba' sena: Kitba u Vokabularju Book 2006
  author = {Buttigieg, Alfred},
  title = {Maltimanija 4: Malti għar-raba' sena: Kitba u Vokabularju},
  publisher = {Klabb Kotba Maltin},
  address = {Valletta},
  year = {2006}
Buttigieg, Alfred Maltimanija 5: Malti għall-ħames sena: Grammatika u Orthograija Book 2006
  author = {Buttigieg, Alfred},
  title = {Maltimanija 5: Malti għall-ħames sena: Grammatika u Orthograija},
  publisher = {Klabb Kotba Maltin},
  address = {Valletta},
  year = {2006},
  note = {31 S. : Ill}
Buttigieg, Alfred Maltimanija 5: Malti għall-ħames sena: Kitba u Vokabularju Book 2006
  author = {Buttigieg, Alfred},
  title = {Maltimanija 5: Malti għall-ħames sena: Kitba u Vokabularju},
  publisher = {Klabb Kotba Maltin},
  address = {Valletta},
  year = {2006},
  note = {31 S. : Ill}
Buttigieg, Alfred Diffikultajiet fil-kitba tax-xogħol: studju kritiku ta' tifel E.S.N. Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 1977
  author = {Buttigieg, Alfred},
  title = {Diffikultajiet fil-kitba tax-xogħol: studju kritiku ta' tifel E.S.N.}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1977}
Buttigieg, Linda Id-djalett u l-Malti standard: hemm xi problemi fit-tagħlim? Phdthesis: M. Ed. 1998
  author = {Buttigieg, Linda},
  title = {Id-djalett u l-Malti standard: hemm xi problemi fit-tagħlim?}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1998}
Cachia, Laura It-tagħlim ta' l-istorja tal-lingwa fis-sekondarja: l-iżvilupp tal-Malti miktub fil-gazzetti,1880-1970 [diġ.] Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 2008
  author = {Cachia, Laura},
  title = {It-tagħlim ta' l-istorja tal-lingwa fis-sekondarja: l-iżvilupp tal-Malti miktub fil-gazzetti,1880-1970 [diġ.]}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2008}
Cachia, Lawrenz Ħabbew l-ilsien Malti Book 2000
  author = {Cachia, Lawrenz},
  title = {Ħabbew l-ilsien Malti},
  address = {Malta},
  year = {2000}
Cachia, Lawrenz Grammatika ġdida tal-Malti Book 1994
  author = {Cachia, Lawrenz},
  title = {Grammatika ġdida tal-Malti},
  publisher = {Veritas Press},
  year = {1994}
Cachia, Marianne Il-folklor Malti u l-edukazzjoni Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 1978
  author = {Cachia, Marianne},
  title = {Il-folklor Malti u l-edukazzjoni}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1978}
Cachia, Patricia Aspects of the language of Maltese five year olds Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 1982
  author = {Cachia, Patricia},
  title = {Aspects of the language of Maltese five year olds}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1982}
Cachia, Pierre Cultural cross-currents in Maltese idioms Journal of Maltese studies, Vol. 2 Article 1964 Link
  author = {Cachia, Pierre},
  title = {Cultural cross-currents in Maltese idioms},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese studies},
  year = {1964},
  volume = {2},
  pages = {226--237},
  url = {}
Caligari, Jean Pierre Il-Qagħda tal-Ilsien Malti fix-Xandir fil-Bidu tas-Seklu 21 Phdthesis: M.A. dissertation 2011
  author = {Caligari, Jean Pierre},
  title = {Il-Qagħda tal-Ilsien Malti fix-Xandir fil-Bidu tas-Seklu 21}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2011}
Caligari, Jean-Pierre Ix-Xogħol fil-Barrieri: Xogħol Etnografiku l-Imqabba u lQrendi Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 2007
  author = {Caligari, Jean-Pierre},
  title = {Ix-Xogħol fil-Barrieri: Xogħol Etnografiku l-Imqabba u lQrendi}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2007}
Calleja, M A study of stress and rhythm as used by Maltese speakers of English Phdthesis: B. Ed.(Hons.) 1987
  author = {Calleja, M},
  title = {A study of stress and rhythm as used by Maltese speakers of English},
  address = {Malta}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1987}
Calleja, Sinclair
Editor(s): Pace, Gordon J. and Cordina, Joseph
Maltese speech recognition over mobile telephony Proceedings of CSAW’03 Incollection 2003 Link
  author = {Calleja, Sinclair},
  editor = {Pace, Gordon J. and Cordina, Joseph},
  title = {Maltese speech recognition over mobile telephony},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of CSAW’03},
  address = {Malta},
  year = {2003},
  pages = {45--47},
  url = {}
Camenzuli, Paul G. Reforms in local education with special reference to Maltese: 1990-1940 Phdthesis: M.A. dissertation 1971
  author = {Camenzuli, Paul G.},
  title = {Reforms in local education with special reference to Maltese: 1990-1940}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1971}
Camenzuli, Paul G. Is-sengħa tal-bini tad-dgħajjes f'Malta u f'Għawdex Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 1968
  author = {Camenzuli, Paul G.},
  title = {Is-sengħa tal-bini tad-dgħajjes f'Malta u f'Għawdex}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1968}
Camezuli, Anthony Defamatory nicknames and insult in late eighteenth-century Malta Melita Historica, Vol. Article 2002 Link
Abstract: Language reflects and shapes the society in which it is spoken, being an active force used by individuals for self-defence or for aggression, defamation and insult, and hence to change society or to prevent others from changing it. Defamation dealt not only with slander proper, but also with words spoken in a spirit of malice. Defamation is the act of damaging the reputation of another by means of false and malicious communications that expose that person to contempt, ridicule, hatred, or social ostracism. Also, defamatory libels were a means of reinforcing the impression that they expressed the judgement of the whole community. Verbal insults and defamatory nicknames were part of the everyday life, and were very important to confirm society’s basic values.
  author = {Camezuli, Anthony},
  title = {Defamatory nicknames and insult in late eighteenth-century Malta},
  journal = {Melita Historica},
  year = {2002},
  number = {13},
  pages = {319--327},
  url = {}
Camilleri, Antoinette
Editor(s): Brincat, Joseph M.
An initial analysis of Maltese and English as media of instruction Languages of the Mediterranean - Substrata - The Islands - Malta: Proceedings of the Conference held in Malta 26-29 September 1991 Incollection 1994
  author = {Camilleri, Antoinette},
  editor = {Brincat, Joseph M.},
  title = {An initial analysis of Maltese and English as media of instruction},
  booktitle = {Languages of the Mediterranean - Substrata - The Islands - Malta: Proceedings of the Conference held in Malta 26-29 September 1991},
  publisher = {Institute of Linguistics, University of Malta},
  address = {Msida},
  year = {1994},
  pages = {305--313}
Camilleri, Antoinette
Editor(s): Caubet, Dominique and Vanhove, Martine
Language contact between Maltese and English: Codeswitching and crosslinguistic influence Actes des premières journées internationales de dialectologie arabe de Paris Incollection 1994
  author = {Camilleri, Antoinette},
  editor = {Caubet, Dominique and Vanhove, Martine},
  title = {Language contact between Maltese and English: Codeswitching and crosslinguistic influence},
  booktitle = {Actes des premières journées internationales de dialectologie arabe de Paris},
  publisher = {Inalco},
  address = {Paris},
  year = {1994},
  pages = {431--449}
Camilleri, Alfred Ħiliet fil-Malti komunikattiv Book 2002
  author = {Camilleri, Alfred},
  title = {Ħiliet fil-Malti komunikattiv},
  publisher = {Publishers Enterprise Group (PEG)},
  address = {San Ġwann},
  year = {2002}
Camilleri, Antoinette Language values and identities: Code switching in secondary classrooms in Maltese Linguistics and Education, Vol. 8 Article 1996 Link
Abstract: This article looks at language practices in secondary classrooms in Malta. It shows how teachers and learners employ code switching between Maltese and English as a communicative resource in constructing knowledge across the curriculum, in interacting with monolingual English texts, and in building relationships with one another.
The article also places these bilingual discursive practices against the historical and social background of the islands. It shows how teachers attend to the symbolic values associated with Maltese and English in their classroom conversations with learners. It shows that they do so in two ways. First, Maltese is used to convey friendliness and warmth and to reduce the social distance between the teacher and the learners, although English remains the language of the textbook, and its use increases the social distance between the participants. Secondly, because exclusive use of Maltese is associated with linguistic purism in the Maltese context and exclusive use of English is associated with snobbism, code switching constitutes a means of avoiding being dubbed as either purist or snob.
Code switching by the Maltese teachers in the classroom contexts considered here needs to be seen not only as a communicative resource for accomplishing lessons but also as a means of constructing specific professional identities: using enough English to appear "educated" but, at the same time, espousing a Maltese identity.
  author = {Camilleri, Antoinette},
  title = {Language values and identities: Code switching in secondary classrooms in Maltese},
  journal = {Linguistics and Education},
  year = {1996},
  volume = {8},
  number = {1},
  pages = {85--103},
  url = {}
Camilleri, Antoinette Bilingualism in education. The Maltese experience Book 1995
  author = {Camilleri, Antoinette},
  title = {Bilingualism in education. The Maltese experience},
  publisher = {Julius Groos Verlag},
  address = {Heidelberg},
  year = {1995}
Camilleri, Antoinette Bilingual teacher talk in Maltese secondary classrooms Book 1993
  author = {Camilleri, Antoinette},
  title = {Bilingual teacher talk in Maltese secondary classrooms},
  publisher = {University of Edinburgh},
  year = {1993}
Camilleri, Antoinette Crosslinguistic influence in a bilingual classroom: The example of Maltese and English. Edinburgh Working Papers in Linguistics, Vol. 2 Article 1991 Link
Abstract: Maltese and English are used as media of instruction across the curriculum in Maltese schools. It has been observed that both languages are normally used within any one lesson and, as is here illustrated by a continuum of crosslinguistic influence, they are mixed in complex ways. As within Maltese society at large, a new variety called Mixed Maltese English has emerged and is being used as a medium of instruction. This presents language teachers and language planners with a number of problems, some of which are identified at the end of the article.
  author = {Camilleri, Antoinette},
  title = {Crosslinguistic influence in a bilingual classroom: The example of Maltese and English.},
  journal = {Edinburgh Working Papers in Linguistics},
  year = {1991},
  volume = {2},
  pages = {101--111},
  url = {}
Camilleri, Antoinette Towards a pedagogical grammar of Maltese as a first language Phdthesis: M. Sc. thesis 1988
  author = {Camilleri, Antoinette},
  title = {Towards a pedagogical grammar of Maltese as a first language}
  school = {University of Edinburgh},
  year = {1988}
Camilleri, Antoinette Language, education and socialization in Mġarr Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 1987
  author = {Camilleri, Antoinette},
  title = {Language, education and socialization in Mġarr}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1987}
Camilleri, Catherine Analiżi ta' l-espressjoni lingwistika fil-kotba tat-tfal bilMalti Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 1997
  author = {Camilleri, Catherine},
  title = {Analiżi ta' l-espressjoni lingwistika fil-kotba tat-tfal bilMalti}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1997}
Camilleri, David Bilingualism: the Gozo and Malta divide Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 2007
  author = {Camilleri, David},
  title = {Bilingualism: the Gozo and Malta divide}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2007}
Camilleri, Daniela and Formosa, Michelle The thematic approach: How an integrated methodology through various curricular subjects enhances the teaching of Maltese in Year 3 [diġ.] Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 2008
  author = {Camilleri, Daniela and Formosa, Michelle},
  title = {The thematic approach: How an integrated methodology through various curricular subjects enhances the teaching of Maltese in Year 3 [diġ.]}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2008}
Camilleri, Edel Is-suffissi nominali rumanzi fil-Malti Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 1993
  author = {Camilleri, Edel},
  title = {Is-suffissi nominali rumanzi fil-Malti}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1993}
Camilleri, George Negative transfer in Maltese students' writing in English Journal of Maltese Education Research, Vol. 2 Article 2004
  author = {Camilleri, George},
  title = {Negative transfer in Maltese students' writing in English},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese Education Research},
  year = {2004},
  volume = {2},
  number = {1},
  pages = {3--12}
Camilleri, George The influence of learners' knowledge of L1 (Maltese) on their writing in L2 (English) Phdthesis: MEd 2002
  author = {Camilleri, George},
  title = {The influence of learners' knowledge of L1 (Maltese) on their writing in L2 (English)}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2002}
Camilleri, Josienne Stħarriġ dwar l-eżamijiet u l-effetti tagħhom fit-tagħlim tal-Malti bħala lingwa omm fl-ewwel klassi fil-livell sekondarju Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 1998
  author = {Camilleri, Josienne},
  title = {Stħarriġ dwar l-eżamijiet u l-effetti tagħhom fit-tagħlim tal-Malti bħala lingwa omm fl-ewwel klassi fil-livell sekondarju}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1998}
Camilleri, Jolene and Casha, Adrian D. Sehem l-għaqdiet volontarji fl-iżvilupp ta' l-ilsien Malti fis-seklu għoxrin Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 2000
  author = {Camilleri, Jolene and Casha, Adrian D.},
  title = {Sehem l-għaqdiet volontarji fl-iżvilupp ta' l-ilsien Malti fis-seklu għoxrin}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2000}
Camilleri, Josephine and Cini, Marcia Lejn metodoloġija aktar effettiva tal-Malti fl-ewwel sentejn tas-sekondarja Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 1994
  author = {Camilleri, Josephine and Cini, Marcia},
  title = {Lejn metodoloġija aktar effettiva tal-Malti fl-ewwel sentejn tas-sekondarja}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1994}
Camilleri, James and Galea, Concetta Kif il-Maltin jindirizzaw lill-ġenituri u l-kunjati tagħhom Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 1990
  author = {Camilleri, James and Galea, Concetta},
  title = {Kif il-Maltin jindirizzaw lill-ġenituri u l-kunjati tagħhom}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1990}
Camilleri, John J. A computational grammar and lexicon for Maltese Phdthesis: M. Sc. 2013 Link
Abstract: Maltese is the national language of Malta and an official language of the European Union. While classified as Semitic, Maltese has been heavily influenced by the Romance languages and English, and features both root-and-pattern and concatenative morphologies. Despite its active use, the language is highly under-resourced in digital terms. This thesis contributes two computational resources for Maltese: a grammar and an online full-form lexicon. The first part of this thesis deals with a computational grammar for Maltese, which is implemented using the Grammatical Framework (GF). GF is a multilingual grammar formalism based on using abstract syntax trees as language-independent semantic representations. Its Resource Grammar Library (RGL) already covers the morphology and basic syntax of some 27 languages from around the world. Maltese is the 28th addition to the RGL, and the first Semitic language in the library to be completed. The smart paradigms implemented in the morphological part of grammar allow full inflection tables to be produced for any lexical unit, often requiring only a lemmatised form. This report looks at some of the more interesting implementational details of the grammar, discussing the compromises that had to be made along the way. The second part covers the collection of various Maltese lexical resources into a single searchable collection, using a schema-less database to accommodate partial data from heterogeneous sources. We then use the smart paradigms from the morphological part of the grammar to automatically produce some 4 million inflection forms and extend the collection into a full-form computational lexicon, which can be used in for morphological lookup and spell checking. All the software and resources described in this thesis are open-source and free to use for any purpose.
  author = {Camilleri, John J.},
  title = {A computational grammar and lexicon for Maltese},
  address = {Göteborg}
  school = {Chalmers University of Technology, University of Gothenburg},
  year = {2013},
  url = {}
Camilleri, John J. and Spagnol, Michael An online database of root-and-pattern verbs Inproceedings 2013 Link
Abstract: This work introduces an online database of root-and-pattern verbs in Maltese. Based on (Spagnol 2011)’s exhaustive enumeration of around 2000 roots and over 4000 verbs, the need arose to convert this information from spreadsheet form into a more accessible and manageable storage format. A relational database schema for Maltese roots and verbs was designed, and the contents of the spreadsheet were semi-automatically imported into the database via comma-separated value (CSV) format. A web-based interface was then built around this database, providing powerful search options for searching by root and/or verb using regular expression syntax. In addition to information on roots, classes and derived forms from the original source, fields for English gloss, transitivity information, and verb frequency were also added. This information was partially automatically imported from one of the authors’ personal notes. The rest of the data is being added manually, and we invite other interested researchers to contribute to the database. Hosted by the Maltese Language Resource Server (MRLS), this database is intended to be an open-access resource usable by other researches, students and Maltese language teachers. Apart from the web interface, its contents are also accessible via a REST web service and can additionally be downloaded locally for offline use. This work has already been used as a substantial part of the lexicon for a computational grammar of Maltese (Camilleri 2013). In conjunction with the computational morphology being developed for Maltese, we hope to expand the database to include full-form entries, covering all conjugation and suffixation possibilities. This would boost the number of word forms to roughly 4 million (and that is only counting the root-and-pattern verbs). We also plan to extend the database to cover loan verbs, as well as other lexical categories. We believe this work could serve as the basis for a complete open-access online Maltese lexicon, useful both to end-users and researchers.
  author = {Camilleri, John J. and Spagnol, Michael},
  title = {An online database of root-and-pattern verbs},
  year = {2013},
  url = {}
Camilleri, Leanne L-Integrazzjoni tal-Prietki ta' Ignazio Saverio Mifsud filParti Storika tad-Dizzjunarju ta' Aquilina Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 2011
  author = {Camilleri, Leanne},
  title = {L-Integrazzjoni tal-Prietki ta' Ignazio Saverio Mifsud filParti Storika tad-Dizzjunarju ta' Aquilina}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2011}
Camilleri, Maris
Editor(s): Caruana, Sandro, Fabri, Ray and Stolz, Thomas
On pronominal verbal enclitics in Maltese Variation and Change: The Dynamics of Maltese in Space, Time and Society Incollection 2011
Abstract: Maltese has a separate set of [-NOM] pronouns which are marked for being either a [+/-cl]. The pronominal clitic type which exists in the language is analysed as a morphosyntactic or special clitic which participates in the formation of a lexically-shared phonological word-form with its host.
  author = {Camilleri, Maris},
  editor = {Caruana, Sandro and Fabri, Ray and Stolz, Thomas},
  title = {On pronominal verbal enclitics in Maltese},
  booktitle = {Variation and Change: The Dynamics of Maltese in Space, Time and Society},
  publisher = {Akademie Verlag},
  address = {Berlin},
  year = {2011},
  number = {9},
  pages = {131--156}
Camilleri, Maris
Editor(s): Cummins, Chris, Elder, Chi-Hé, Godard, Thomas, Macleod, Morgan, Schmidt, Elaine and Walkden, George
Relative constructions in Maltese CamLing 2010: Proceedings of the Sixth Cambridge Postgraduate Conference in Language Research Incollection 2010 Link
Abstract: Maltese has a number of formal types of relative constructions (RCs) related with different sorts of relational RCs, including restrictive RCs (RRCs), nonrestrictive/appositive RCs (NRRCs/ARCs), and fused/free RCs (FRCs). Among the formal differences across Maltese RCs is the type of relativisation strategy they employ, such that for example, in the Standard variety, non-RRCs are restricted to complementiser-introducing strategies, unless preposition-fronting is involved, in which case a restricted set of whpronouns is allowed. FRCs, on the other hand, are introduced by a special set of wh-pronouns which narrowly overlaps with the set of wh-pronouns used in preposition-fronted RCs. Another formal difference which exists in Maltese RCs is the nature of the in-clause function, which could be either a GAP, or a pro with a resumptive status. The description of Maltese RCs is followed by a syntactic analysis whereby for each formal type of RC, constituent- and feature-structures are constructed within a Lexical Functional Grammar approach.
  author = {Camilleri, Maris},
  editor = {Cummins, Chris and Elder, Chi-Hé and Godard, Thomas and Macleod, Morgan and Schmidt, Elaine and Walkden, George},
  title = {Relative constructions in Maltese},
  booktitle = {CamLing 2010: Proceedings of the Sixth Cambridge Postgraduate Conference in Language Research},
  publisher = {Cambridge Institute of Language Research (CILR)},
  address = {Cambridge},
  year = {2010},
  pages = {29--42},
  url = {}
Camilleri, Maris
Editor(s): Ralli, Angela, Booij, Geert, Scalise, Sergio and Karasimos, Athanasios
Morphological complexity in Maltese: A divergence from canonicity On-line Proceedings of the Eighth Mediterranean Morphology Meeting (MMM8) Incollection 2011 Link
  author = {Camilleri, Maris},
  editor = {Ralli, Angela and Booij, Geert and Scalise, Sergio and Karasimos, Athanasios},
  title = {Morphological complexity in Maltese: A divergence from canonicity},
  booktitle = {On-line Proceedings of the Eighth Mediterranean Morphology Meeting (MMM8)},
  address = {Patras, Greece},
  year = {2011},
  pages = {92--113},
  url = {}
Camilleri, Maris The functions and the developments of the dual form in Maltese Morphology, Vol. 25 Article 2015 Link
Abstract: This paper investigates the functions associated with the dual form in Maltese. This is established by the positing of (morpho)syntactic tests which help identify what NUM value is realized by specific dual forms within different noun categories. These tests show that while specific dual forms still realize a DU value, other dual forms have developed as PL or SG exponents. It is specifically by analysing the synchronic behaviour of the body part class of dual form-taking nouns that reconstructions of how the function of the dual form has developed are proposed. Moreover, the dual form’s realization of a specific value is also highly dependant on the paradigmatic context it occurs in. Considering the distinct dual form–function (mis)matches present within distinct paradigmatic contexts challenges binary-based overdifferentiated vs. non-overdifferentiated labels and highlights a correlation between canonicity and markedness. For the first time, Maltese dual data will be compared with data from different Arabic vernaculars.
  author = {Camilleri, Maris},
  title = {The functions and the developments of the dual form in Maltese},
  journal = {Morphology},
  year = {2015},
  volume = {25},
  number = {1},
  pages = {111--138},
  url = {},
  doi = {}
Camilleri, Maris The stem in inflectional verbal paradigms in Maltese Phdthesis: Doctoral thesis 2014 Link
Abstract: Maltese verbal morphology has attracted the attention of many due to the co-existence of a Semitic system alongside a separate inflectional pattern reserved for its substantial stock of borrowed items. While this fact has led to split morphological analyses across the lexicon, this study provides a novel unified analysis of the system, using a surface-based approach that focuses on stemalternation patterns internal to inflectional verbal paradigms, derived out of a variety of stemindexing possibilities. It is shown how on this account all Maltese verbs can be categorised within eighteen stem pattern classes, with each class displaying additional paradigmatic stem-space organisations. These patterns also serve as a tool with which to measure the degree of morphological complexity, understood in this study as morphologically-triggered arbitrary stemalternations that correlate with non-canonical paradigmatic behaviours. It is the interwoven complex of phonological, morphophonological and morphological factors (including additional lexical idiosyncrasies), that yields the attested array of output patterns. These factors interact with the base form, which provides three important variables: (i) the verb’s phonological structure, (ii) its stem-vowel(s) and (iii) information about the verb-form’s consonants. A number of paradigmatic dependencies are also shown to exist, projecting the paradigm as a structure of interdependent networks. In most cases the collective information that results is sufficient to deduce the stem-alternation patterns. Other paradigmatic behaviours that result out of morphological-conditioning require the listing of principal parts. By eschewing analyses in terms of consonantal-roots as opposed to stems, this study allows for a unified analysis of the entire Maltese verbal lexicon, including Semitic and non-Semitic verbs, and ‘regular’ and ‘irregular’ verbs alike. On this analysis verbs are classified on the basis of the patterns of stem-alternations displayed in their paradigms, resulting in non-affixal inflectional classes, in contrast to the proposed invariant system of affixation. Analysing such alternations furnishes additional evidence for the salience of the aspectual sub-paradigmatic split in the language, and shows the intricate relation between stems and affixes. The resulting account also reveals a number of parallels between the stem-alternation patterns displayed by argument-structure changing verbs and the pattern changes observed across derivationally-related verbs. It also highlights how the majority of non-Semitic verbs display the same pattern of alternations as the historically għ-final Semitic verbs; a fact that has remained unnoticed, given the traditional morphological split that has long characterised the study and analyses of Semitic vs. non-Semitic verbs in the language.
  author = {Camilleri, Maris},
  title = {The stem in inflectional verbal paradigms in Maltese}
  school = {University of Surrey},
  year = {2014},
  url = {}
Camilleri, Maris Stems as multiple exponents in Maltese and morphological complexity Lingue e linguaggio, Vol. 13 Article 2014 Link
Abstract: This paper is concerned with the behaviour of alternating stems within Maltese verbal paradigms. In their non-canonical alternating behaviour, multiple stems come to realize morphosyntactic and morphosemantic features. This realization is present alongside the inflectional/grammatical information realized via affixal exponents. Different stemalternation patterns are thus taken to represent distinct ways with which grammatical information can be realized through the stem, resulting in a non-affixal dimension to verbal inflection. Other data is provided to illustrate how in Maltese the stem is additionally special as it can interact with both inflectional and derivational morphology, exhibiting simultaneous multiple exponent relations. When interacting with derivational morphology, argument-structure differences are realized through the stem. In assessing this behaviour, where one finds increased interactions between the stem and the affix as these compete to realize the different morphosyntactic and morphosemantic features in the paradigmatic cell, at times resulting in multiple exponence, we explore morphology's autonomous role. Competition is proportionally increased as the number of redundant stem-alternations, attributed to morphological-stipulations, increases. This interaction consequently results in less morphomic stem-realizations and additional feature coherence.
  author = {Camilleri, Maris},
  title = {Stems as multiple exponents in Maltese and morphological complexity},
  journal = {Lingue e linguaggio},
  year = {2014},
  volume = {13},
  number = {1},
  pages = {43--62},
  url = {},
  doi = {}
Camilleri, Maris The Maltese relative clause: a source of Standard-dialect variation Ilsienna - Our Language: Working Papers of the International Association of Maltese Linguistics (GĦILM), Vol. 2 Article 2012 Link
Abstract: The paper will for the first time take a syntactic construction, in this case the relative clause in Maltese, and account fot the ways in which the Standard variety varies from the dialectal variety to be described here: Naxxari. In describing what we find in these systems, while there appears to be no variation across the different types of relative clauses that can be employed in both varieties, one does find variation internal to the restrictive relative clause, however. It is interesting to see that within this relational type of relative clause there is variation in all different sub-types that exist in the language. It will be shown that what variation exists across the three restrictive relative clause sub-types to be discussed here stems from the fact that the different varieties appear to employ their own distinct strict complementary distribution in the different relativisation strategies.
  author = {Camilleri, Maris},
  title = {The Maltese relative clause: a source of Standard-dialect variation},
  journal = {Ilsienna - Our Language: Working Papers of the International Association of Maltese Linguistics (GĦILM)},
  year = {2012},
  volume = {2},
  pages = {1--12},
  url = {}
Camilleri, Maris Morphological complexity in Maltese nominal paradigms Language at the University of Essex (LangUE) 2011 Proceedings Inproceedings 2012 Link
Abstract: This paper discusses the interesting interactions of morphologically-complex phenomena such as syncretism, in relation to stem-patterns, overabundance, and overdifferentiation by observing the changes taking place in Maltese nominal paradigms. The paradigms are taken to be the loci from where to describe, observe, and analyse synchronic facts in the Maltese nominal paradigms. By observing the changes, potential reconstructions of diachronic processes of change are postulated, of which, it is only their final stages that can be observed in synchronic Maltese. In this paper it will be shown how canonical vs. non-canonical attributes to paradigms cannot be taken as parameters that may only render a binary classification. Rather, it is proposed that these attributes should be able to refer to the individual segments themselves. The same will be shown to be the case with the overdifferentiated/non-overdifferentiated sets of lexemes. Such lexemes cannot be solely taken to be members of one set or the other, since, as shown from the body-part set of data in Maltese, a lexeme may have split membership, and may belong in both the overdifferentiated and non-overdifferentiated class of lexemes depending on the paradigm variant involved.
  author = {Camilleri, Maris},
  title = {Morphological complexity in Maltese nominal paradigms},
  booktitle = {Language at the University of Essex (LangUE) 2011 Proceedings},
  year = {2012},
  pages = {1--12},
  url = {}
Camilleri, Maris On relative constructions in Maltese Phdthesis: M.Res. 2010
  author = {Camilleri, Maris},
  title = {On relative constructions in Maltese}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2010}
Camilleri, Maris Clitics in Maltese Phdthesis: unpublished B.A. Thesis 2009
  author = {Camilleri, Maris},
  title = {Clitics in Maltese},
  address = {Msida, Malta}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2009}
Camilleri, Marthese Analiżi sintattika-semantika ta' xi verbi ta' l-għaxar forma fil-Malti Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 1990
  author = {Camilleri, Marthese},
  title = {Analiżi sintattika-semantika ta' xi verbi ta' l-għaxar forma fil-Malti}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1990}
Camilleri, Mario and Caruana, Anthony Il-kompetenza fit-taħdit tal-Malti f'livell sekondarju Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 1992
  author = {Camilleri, Mario and Caruana, Anthony},
  title = {Il-kompetenza fit-taħdit tal-Malti f'livell sekondarju}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1992}
Camilleri, Maris, ElSadek, Shaimaa and Sadler, Louisa A cross dialectal view of the Arabic dative alternation Acta Linguistica Hungarica, Vol. 61 Article 2014 Link
Abstract: This paper is concerned with the syntax of ditransitive verbs in Arabic.We concentrate on the vernaculars, focussing in particular on three geographically spread dialects: Egyptian Cairene Arabic, the dominant vernacular in Egypt, Hijazi Arabic, spoken in Western Saudi Arabia and Maltese, a mixed language with a Magrebi/Siculo-Arabic stratum. We show that all three exhibit an alternation (the dative alternation) between a ditransitive (‘double object’) construction and a corresponding prepositional dative construction, and outline a number of differences between these constructions in the different varieties of Arabic. We consider the distribution of verbs exhibiting the dative alternation in the light of Ryding’s (2011) observations concerning Modern Standard Arabic.
  author = {Camilleri, Maris and ElSadek, Shaimaa and Sadler, Louisa},
  title = {A cross dialectal view of the Arabic dative alternation},
  journal = {Acta Linguistica Hungarica},
  year = {2014},
  volume = {61},
  number = {1},
  pages = {3--44},
  url = {},
  doi = {}
Camilleri, Maris and Gauci, Phyllisienne Syncretism and its effects within Maltese nominal paradigms Folia Linguistica, Vol. 47 Article 2014 Link
Abstract: This article discusses the morphologically complex phenomenon of syncretism in its relation to stem patterns, overabundance and overdifferentiation, by describing and analyzing past and ongoing changes in Maltese nominal paradigms. Pathways of diachronic change leading to nominal paradigms in Present-day Maltese are put forward. It will be shown that the canonical/non-canonical paradigmatic classification cannot be simply reduced to a binary parameter. Rather, canonical or non-canonical behaviour can refer to the stem form, word form, affixes or other potential units in a given inflectional paradigm, separately. On such an account, the same paradigm may have different facets, and can be canonical on one parameter but non-canonical on others. A parallel claim will be made for overdifferentiated vs. non-overdifferentiated sets of lexemes. Such lexemes cannot be exclusively considered as belonging to the overdifferentiated or non-overdifferentiated set. As will be shown from the body-parts set of data in Maltese, a lexeme may have split membership, and may belong within both an overdifferentiated and a non-overdifferentiated class of lexemes depending on the inflectional paradigm employed.
  author = {Camilleri, Maris and Gauci, Phyllisienne},
  title = {Syncretism and its effects within Maltese nominal paradigms},
  journal = {Folia Linguistica},
  year = {2014},
  volume = {47},
  number = {2},
  pages = {323--344},
  url = {},
  doi = {}
Camilleri, Maris and Sadler, Louisa
Editor(s): Butt, Miriam and Holloway King, Tracy
On the analysis of non-selected datives in Maltese Proceedings of the LFG12 Conference Incollection 2012 Link
Abstract: This paper provides a descriptive overview of extra argumental or nonselected datives in Maltese, poorly described in existing grammars. We outline an LFG approach to the facts we describe bulding on existing LFG work and in particular on Kibort (2008)’s approach to dative arguments, extending her approach to the various subclasses of non-selected dative arguments.
  author = {Camilleri, Maris and Sadler, Louisa},
  editor = {Butt, Miriam and Holloway King, Tracy},
  title = {On the analysis of non-selected datives in Maltese},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the LFG12 Conference},
  publisher = {CSLI Publications},
  address = {Stanford},
  year = {2012},
  pages = {118--138},
  url = {}
Camilleri, Maris and Sadler, Louisa
Editor(s): Butt, Miriam and Holloway King, Tracy
Restrictive relative clauses in Maltese Proceedings of the LFG11 Conference Incollection 2011 Link
Abstract: This paper provides a descriptive overview of restrictive relative clauses (henceforth RRCs) in Maltese, a construction which has received little attention to date and which is poorly described in existing grammars. We outline an LFG approach to the facts we describe bulding on existing LFG work on relatives. Further we explore some issues raised by Maltese for approaches to resumption.
  author = {Camilleri, Maris and Sadler, Louisa},
  editor = {Butt, Miriam and Holloway King, Tracy},
  title = {Restrictive relative clauses in Maltese},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the LFG11 Conference},
  publisher = {CSLI Publications},
  address = {Stanford},
  year = {2011},
  pages = {110--130},
  url = {}
Camilleri, Maris and Sadler, Louisa An LFG approach to non-restrictive relative clauses in Maltese Techreport: 6 2011 Link
  author = {Camilleri, Maris and Sadler, Louisa},
  title = {An LFG approach to non-restrictive relative clauses in Maltese},
  address = {Colchester, UK},
  year = {2011},
  number = {60},
  url = {}
Camilleri, Thomas
Editor(s): Borg, Albert, Caruana, Sandro and Vella, Alexandra
The Maltese restrictive relative clause Perspectives on Maltese linguistics Incollection 2014
Abstract: The contributions included in this collection present different perspectives on various aspects of Maltese Linguistics, thereby enriching a field which has been attracting considerably greater interest in recent years than was the case in the past. The papers focus on the Maltese language itself as well as on Maltese in relation to other languages. They provide a picture of Maltese mainly from a synchronic perspective, descriptions ranging from indepth analyses of morphological and syntactic features to contributions on the lexicon, corpus linguistics and sociolinguistics. A number of papers dealing with diachronic considerations are also included. The topics dealt with in this volume show not only that Maltese is the object of research from a variety of perspectives but also that scholars with diverse backgrounds and of different nationalities are studying this language, thus providing an enriching body of knowl-edge, including findings of interest to general linguistics and various other fields in the humanities.
  author = {Camilleri, Thomas},
  editor = {Borg, Albert and Caruana, Sandro and Vella, Alexandra},
  title = {The Maltese restrictive relative clause},
  booktitle = {Perspectives on Maltese linguistics},
  publisher = {Akademie Verlag},
  address = {Berlin},
  year = {2014},
  pages = {161--200}
Camilleri Grima, Antoinette
Editor(s): Arnold, Werner
Issa l-mummy trid tibda tkellimni bil-pulit. A case study of a regional dialect in Malta Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of L'Association Internationale pour la dialectologie Arabe Incollection 1995
  author = {Camilleri Grima, Antoinette},
  editor = {Arnold, Werner},
  title = {Issa l-mummy trid tibda tkellimni bil-pulit. A case study of a regional dialect in Malta},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of L'Association Internationale pour la dialectologie Arabe},
  publisher = {Univ. Publications Centre},
  address = {Cambridge},
  year = {1995},
  pages = {11--20}
Camilleri Grima, Antoinette
Editor(s): Caruana, Sandro, Fabri, Ray and Stolz, Thomas
Giving compliments in Maltese Variation and Change: The Dynamics of Maltese in Space, Time and Society Incollection 2011
Abstract: A compliment is a speech act which explicitly or implicitly attributes credit to someone other than the speaker, usually the person addressed, for some good possession, characteristic, skill etc, which is positively valued by the speakers and the hearer (Holmes 1988).
  author = {Camilleri Grima, Antoinette},
  editor = {Caruana, Sandro and Fabri, Ray and Stolz, Thomas},
  title = {Giving compliments in Maltese},
  booktitle = {Variation and Change: The Dynamics of Maltese in Space, Time and Society},
  publisher = {Akademie Verlag},
  address = {Berlin},
  year = {2011},
  number = {9},
  pages = {45--64}
Camilleri Grima, Antoinette
Editor(s): Comrie, Bernard, Fabri, Ray, Mifsud, Manwel, Stolz, Thomas, Vanhove, Martine and Hume, Elizabeth
Diglossia. Variation on a theme Introducing Maltese linguistics : selected papers from the 1st International Conference on Maltese Linguistics, Bremen, 18 - 20 October, 2007 Incollection 2009
  author = {Camilleri Grima, Antoinette},
  editor = {Comrie, Bernard and Fabri, Ray and Mifsud, Manwel and Stolz, Thomas and Vanhove, Martine and Hume, Elizabeth},
  title = {Diglossia. Variation on a theme},
  booktitle = {Introducing Maltese linguistics : selected papers from the 1st International Conference on Maltese Linguistics, Bremen, 18 - 20 October, 2007},
  publisher = {Benjamins},
  address = {Amsterdam},
  year = {2009},
  volume = {113},
  pages = {379--391}
Camilleri Grima, Antoinette
Editor(s): Fabri, Ray
From "That's correct!" to "Let's explore!" Developments in the teaching of native language grammar Maltese Linguistics: A Snapshot ; In Memory of Joseph A. Cremona (1922 - 2003) Incollection 2009 Link
Abstract: Grammar has always been one of the most important areas in language teaching. In the relatively short period between the 1960s and the 1980s, grammar was included "implicitly" in the native language classroom (e.g. in the U.K., in the USA and in Australia), without being given perspicuous space in the syllabus. However, the discussions have often focussed on how to teach grammat rather than whether to teach it at all. In recent years, there has been a lot of clarification as to "why" grammar should have a place in a language teaching programme, and also as to "how" best to teach it. This paper outlines the developments that have led to a clearer understanding of pedagogic grammar. Both the major shift in applied linguistics that accorded grammar a new role in the classroom and the language awareness movement fall squarely within developments in education that propose learner-centred approaches. This paper examines the rationale for including grammar in the native language lesson, and illustrates haw the stated aims can best be achieved.
  author = {Camilleri Grima, Antoinette},
  editor = {Fabri, Ray},
  title = {From "That's correct!" to "Let's explore!" Developments in the teaching of native language grammar},
  booktitle = {Maltese Linguistics: A Snapshot ; In Memory of Joseph A. Cremona (1922 - 2003)},
  publisher = {Universitätsverlag Brockmeyer},
  address = {Bochum},
  year = {2009},
  number = {1},
  pages = {117--130},
  edition = {1},
  url = {}
Camilleri Grima, Antoinette
Editor(s): Genesee, Fred and Mehisto, Peter
Malta: Bilingual education for self-preservation and global fitness Building Bilingual Education Systems: Forces, Mechanisms and Counterwieghts Incollection 2015 Link
  author = {Camilleri Grima, Antoinette},
  editor = {Genesee, Fred and Mehisto, Peter},
  title = {Malta: Bilingual education for self-preservation and global fitness},
  booktitle = {Building Bilingual Education Systems: Forces, Mechanisms and Counterwieghts},
  publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
  address = {Cambridge},
  year = {2015},
  pages = {217--266},
  url = {}
Camilleri Grima, Antoinette
Editor(s): Yiakoumetti, A.
Dialects, Education and Social Change in Malta and Gozo Multilingualism and Language in Education: Sociolinguistic and Pedagogical Perspectives from Commonwealth Countries Incollection 2015
  author = {Camilleri Grima, Antoinette},
  editor = {Yiakoumetti, A.},
  title = {Dialects, Education and Social Change in Malta and Gozo},
  booktitle = {Multilingualism and Language in Education: Sociolinguistic and Pedagogical Perspectives from Commonwealth Countries},
  publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
  address = {Cambridge},
  year = {2015},
  pages = {267--286}
Camilleri Grima, Antoinette Challenging code-switching in Malta Revue française de linguistique appliquée, Vol. XVIII Article 2013 Link
Abstract: This contribution highlights certain phenomena of language contact that are particularly relevant to the fully bilingual context of Malta. It seeks to illustrate how Maltese bilingual speakers utilize each of the two languages either separately or in a mixed code on a daily basis. This is a challenging reality to the general understanding of bilingual speakers, and bilingual communities who are normally not expected to know and use each language for the same purposes. Furthermore, in the Maltese context code-switching cannot always be explained with reference to conversational cues and/or situational and other variables. Thus it provides an interesting live context of language contact. This is elucidated here with examples from different social domains, focusing particularly on language choice and code-switching in both the written and spoken modes of communication.
  author = {Camilleri Grima, Antoinette},
  title = {Challenging code-switching in Malta},
  journal = {Revue française de linguistique appliquée},
  year = {2013},
  volume = {XVIII},
  number = {2},
  pages = {45--61},
  url = {}
Camilleri Grima, Antoinette A select review of bilingualism in education in Malta International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, Vol. 16 Article 2013 Link
Abstract: This article offers a review of some of the major issues of bilingualism in education in Malta. It starts by contextualising the current situation in a historical perspective. From the macro-perspective it then moves to a micro-perspective to illustrate how, in practice, Maltese and English are used as a bilingual medium of instruction across levels and subjects. It overviews some of the significant dimensions in which these two languages share roles in the teaching–learning process, and gives examples of how code choice fulfils pedagogical, discourse and management functions, paying particular attention to the variety and range of translation switches. It concludes by returning to a number of issues that fuel the continuing national debate about the medium of instruction in local education.
  author = {Camilleri Grima, Antoinette},
  title = {A select review of bilingualism in education in Malta},
  journal = {International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism},
  year = {2013},
  volume = {16},
  number = {5 (Special issue: Language in education in Malta)},
  pages = {1--17},
  url = {},
  doi = {}
Carabott, Rosabelle Id-Damma ta' Agius de Soldanis: il-pedament tallessikografija Maltija (2 vol.) Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 2009
  author = {Carabott, Rosabelle},
  title = {Id-Damma ta' Agius de Soldanis: il-pedament tallessikografija Maltija (2 vol.)}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2009}
Caracausi, Girolamo I documenti medievali siciliani in lingua araba Journal of Maltese studies, Vol. 17-18 Article 1987 Link
  author = {Caracausi, Girolamo},
  title = {I documenti medievali siciliani in lingua araba},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese studies},
  year = {1987},
  volume = {17-18},
  pages = {13--26},
  url = {}
Cardona, Tony Il-Malti standard u d-djalett. Rabta bejn l-ilsien u l-kultura Book 2004
  author = {Cardona, Tony},
  title = {Il-Malti standard u d-djalett. Rabta bejn l-ilsien u l-kultura},
  publisher = {University of Malta},
  year = {2004}
Cardona, Tony Introduzzjoni għal-lingwistika Maltija = Introduction to Maltese linguistics Book 1997
  author = {Cardona, Tony},
  title = {Introduzzjoni għal-lingwistika Maltija = Introduction to Maltese linguistics},
  publisher = {Mireva},
  address = {l-Imsida},
  year = {1997}
Cardona, Tony Il-morfoloġia tal-plural fil-Malti Phdthesis: M.A. dissertation 1996
  author = {Cardona, Tony},
  title = {Il-morfoloġia tal-plural fil-Malti}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1996}
Caruana, Antonio Emanuele Sull' origine della lingua maltese, studio storico, etnografico e filologico Book 1896
  author = {Caruana, Antonio Emanuele},
  title = {Sull' origine della lingua maltese, studio storico, etnografico e filologico},
  publisher = {Selbstverl.},
  address = {Malta},
  year = {1896}
Caruana, Gordon Campus talk: analysing the choice of language and code-switching in the casual speech of Maltese university students Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 2006
  author = {Caruana, Gordon},
  title = {Campus talk: analysing the choice of language and code-switching in the casual speech of Maltese university students}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2006}
Caruana, Joe Construction and annotation of a Maltese corpus Misc 2001 Link
Abstract: This paper describes work in progress towards the creation of a morphosyntactically annotated computer corpus of Maltese. Hitherto, the language has not been the object of much research in either corpus-linguistics or natural language processing, and is largely bereft of the apparatus of computer-linguistic resources and tools available for work on other languages. The texts making up the existing corpus data are preponderantly drawn from written sources, the large majority being newspaper writing. A small proportion of the texts is drawn from transcribed spoken data, largely of broadcast nature. The tension between the availabilty of texts and the linguistic desiderata of "representativeness" and "balance" in corpus design is briefly discussed. The paper then proceeds to outline the choices made with regard to encoding the corpus data. The adoption of XCES/EAGLES corpus architecture and markup guidelines is briefly discussed and motivated. The adaptations that certain linguistic features of Maltese necessitate in both EAGLES and XCES standards are described, and illustrated with reference to the number system of Maltese nouns, the root and pattern morphology of Semitic Maltese, and cliticisation. The paper concludes with a prospectus of further work on the project.
  author = {Caruana, Joe},
  title = {Construction and annotation of a Maltese corpus},
  year = {2001},
  url = {}
Caruana, Sandro
Editor(s): Fabri, Ray, Comrie, Bernard, Stolz, Thomas, Vanhove, Martine, Hume, Elizabeth and Mifsud, Manwel
Terminology of Italian origin used in EU Maltese: A case of linguistic "Europeanisation"? Introducing Maltese linguistics: selected papers from the 1st International Conference on Maltese Linguistics, Bremen, 18 - 20 October, 2007 Incollection 2009
  author = {Caruana, Sandro},
  editor = {Fabri, Ray and Comrie, Bernard and Stolz, Thomas and Vanhove, Martine and Hume, Elizabeth and Mifsud, Manwel},
  title = {Terminology of Italian origin used in EU Maltese: A case of linguistic "Europeanisation"?},
  booktitle = {Introducing Maltese linguistics: selected papers from the 1st International Conference on Maltese Linguistics, Bremen, 18 - 20 October, 2007},
  publisher = {Benjamins},
  address = {Amsterdam},
  year = {2009},
  number = {113},
  pages = {355--378}
Caruana, Sandro
Editor(s): Huguet, Angel and Lasagabaster, David
Language use and attitudes in Malta Language use and attitudes towards multilingualism in bilingual European contexts Incollection 2007 Link
  author = {Caruana, Sandro},
  editor = {Huguet, Angel and Lasagabaster, David},
  title = {Language use and attitudes in Malta},
  booktitle = {Language use and attitudes towards multilingualism in bilingual European contexts},
  publisher = {Multilingual Matters},
  address = {London},
  year = {2007},
  pages = {184--207},
  url = {}
Caruana, Sandro Trilingualism in Malta: Maltese, English and "Italiano Televisivo" International Journal of Multilingualism, Vol. 3 Article 2006 Link
Abstract: Malta has experienced various linguistic influences over the course of time. Maltese and English are presently the official languages of the island. Nevertheless, Italian was never completely erased from the Maltese linguistic scene and over the past years its popularity has increased considerably because of the influence of Italian television programmes. In this study the impact of input from television programmes is investigated, as well as the extent to which the "italiano televisivo" variety is acquired in Malta. Fifty-two subjects, including guided and spontaneous learners of Italian L2, provide an oral narrative account by means of which their degree of competence in Italian verbs is investigated. Results reveal that there are no statistically significant differences in the performance of the two groups of learners and that the influence of the Italian media has been far-reaching. Whilst acknowledging the fact that the degree of spontaneous acquisition via television varies between one learner and another, many Maltese learners develop refined linguistic skills after being regularly exposed to Italian L2 via television. The input from television programmes is also a useful reinforcement tool both for students who are still learning the language and for those who have completed their schooling years. (Contains 2 tables and 2 figures.)
  author = {Caruana, Sandro},
  title = {Trilingualism in Malta: Maltese, English and "Italiano Televisivo"},
  journal = {International Journal of Multilingualism},
  year = {2006},
  volume = {3},
  number = {3},
  pages = {159--172},
  url = {}
Caruana, Sandro Mezzi di comunicazione e input linguistico: l'acquisizione dell'italiano L2 a Malta Book 2003
  author = {Caruana, Sandro},
  title = {Mezzi di comunicazione e input linguistico: l'acquisizione dell'italiano L2 a Malta},
  publisher = {FrancoAngeli},
  year = {2003}
Caruana, Sandro, Vella, Alexandra and Cremona, George
Editor(s): Caruana, Sandro, Coposescu, Liliana and Scaglione, Stefania
Language use, perception and attitudes amongst Maltese primary school children Migration, Multilingualism and Schooling in Southern Europe Incollection 2014 Link
  author = {Caruana, Sandro and Vella, Alexandra and Cremona, George},
  editor = {Caruana, Sandro and Coposescu, Liliana and Scaglione, Stefania},
  title = {Language use, perception and attitudes amongst Maltese primary school children},
  booktitle = {Migration, Multilingualism and Schooling in Southern Europe},
  publisher = {Cambridge Scholars Publishing},
  address = {Cambridge},
  year = {2014},
  pages = {304--342},
  url = {}
Casha, Charles Kun af : aktar dwar ilsienna Book 1997
  author = {Casha, Charles},
  title = {Kun af : aktar dwar ilsienna},
  publisher = {Merlin},
  address = {il-Blata l-Bajda},
  year = {1997}
Casha, Charles Kemm taf : dwar ilsienna Book 1995
  author = {Casha, Charles},
  title = {Kemm taf : dwar ilsienna},
  publisher = {Merlin Library},
  address = {il-Blata l-Bajda},
  year = {1995}
Casha, Charles Kun af: kif tibni Komponiment Book 1989
  author = {Casha, Charles},
  title = {Kun af: kif tibni Komponiment},
  publisher = {Merlin Library},
  address = {il-Blata l-Bajda},
  year = {1989},
  note = {52 S.}
Casha, Tiziana Studju tal-kuntest lingwistiku djalettali f'għażla ta' klassijiet tal-primarja f'Għawdex Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 2006
  author = {Casha, Tiziana},
  title = {Studju tal-kuntest lingwistiku djalettali f'għażla ta' klassijiet tal-primarja f'Għawdex}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2006}
Cassar, Alexander The influence of Italian television on the speech of selected Maltese individuals Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 1989
  author = {Cassar, Alexander},
  title = {The influence of Italian television on the speech of selected Maltese individuals}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1989}
Cassar, Anne Marie Linguistic attitudes and perceptions as indicators of cultural identity: a study of Maltese youth Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 2001
  author = {Cassar, Anne Marie},
  title = {Linguistic attitudes and perceptions as indicators of cultural identity: a study of Maltese youth}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2001}
Cassar, Carmel Malta: Language, literacy and identity in a Mediterranean island society National Identities, Vol. 3 Article 2001 Link
Abstract: Available documentation for the early modern period indicates that the Malta harbour towns achieved literacy earlier than the countryside. The Maltese townsmen lived on a trading route, and it was necessary for them to learn the lingua franca, as the language of trade in the Mediterranean. The educated élite were able to acquire fluent speaking knowledge, as well as the ability to write, Tuscan (a dialect then in the process of becoming standard Italian), while continuing to employ their local Maltese 'dialect' on numerous occasions. By and large, the erosion of the position of Maltese as the subordinate language was an inevitable by-product of this development. The Maltese language was able to attain the function of a literary language in the nineteenth century but it had no standard orthography until 1931 and was only adopted as Malta's official language in 1964.
  author = {Cassar, Carmel},
  title = {Malta: Language, literacy and identity in a Mediterranean island society},
  journal = {National Identities},
  year = {2001},
  volume = {3},
  number = {3},
  pages = {257--275},
  url = {},
  doi = {}
Cassar, Franciana Varjazzjoni djalettali fil-qasam lessikali tal-ħelu Phdthesis: B.A. (HONS) thesis 2013
  author = {Cassar, Franciana},
  title = {Varjazzjoni djalettali fil-qasam lessikali tal-ħelu}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2013}
Cassar, Josanne Is Malta no longer bilingual? The Malta Independent on Sunday, Vol. Article 2001
  author = {Cassar, Josanne},
  title = {Is Malta no longer bilingual?},
  journal = {The Malta Independent on Sunday},
  address = {Malta},
  year = {2001}
Cassar, Joanna Ingliż or Maltese. Bilingual Malta and the linguistic prospects of university students Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 1991
  author = {Cassar, Joanna},
  title = {Ingliż or Maltese. Bilingual Malta and the linguistic prospects of university students}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1991}
Cassar, Mario Maltese surnames: the Sicilian and Italian connections Phdthesis: Ph.D. dissertation 2011
  author = {Cassar, Mario},
  title = {Maltese surnames: the Sicilian and Italian connections}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2011}
Cassar, Mario Ir-reqqa tal kitba : Gwida prattika għall-istudenti tal-Malti Book 2006
  author = {Cassar, Mario},
  title = {Ir-reqqa tal kitba : Gwida prattika għall-istudenti tal-Malti},
  publisher = {Merlin library},
  address = {Il-Blata l-Bajda},
  year = {2006}
Cassar, Mario Vestiges of Arabic nomencalture in Maltese surnames Inproceedings 2005 Link
Abstract: This paper is divided in two sections. The first (and preliminary) part includes (a) a brief account of the Semitic strain in the Maltese language, and (b) a brief account of Arabic naming practices, particulalry the use of ism, kunyah, nisba, and laqab. The second (and main) part analyzes the etymology of several extant Maltese surnames, such as Saliba, Cassar, Abdilla, Farrugia, Micallef, Sammut, Fenech, and Zammit (all dating back to medieval times) which, in some way or another, reflect such Arabic nomenclature. It will be observed that most of these surnames also prevail in present-day Sicily, which was similarly under Arab rule.
  author = {Cassar, Mario},
  title = {Vestiges of Arabic nomencalture in Maltese surnames},
  address = {Pisa},
  year = {2005},
  url = {}
Cassar, Mario The surnames of the Maltese Islands: an etymological dictionary Book 2003
  author = {Cassar, Mario},
  title = {The surnames of the Maltese Islands: an etymological dictionary},
  publisher = {Book Distributors Ltd.},
  address = {San Gwann},
  year = {2003}
Cassar, Marlene Il-mara fil-qwiel Maltin Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 1997
  author = {Cassar, Marlene},
  title = {Il-mara fil-qwiel Maltin}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1997}
Cassar, Wilfred and Diacono, Vincent Analiżi ta‟ l-iżbalji, l-aktar dawk ortografiċi, fl-eżami tal-Malti 1 (matrikola ordinarja), Ġunju 1983 Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 1987
  author = {Cassar, Wilfred and Diacono, Vincent},
  title = {Analiżi ta‟ l-iżbalji, l-aktar dawk ortografiċi, fl-eżami tal-Malti 1 (matrikola ordinarja), Ġunju 1983}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1987}
Cassar Pullicino, Joseph A proposed bulletin of Maltese linguistic studies in 1938 Journal of Maltese studies, Vol. Article 1994 Link
  author = {Cassar Pullicino, Joseph},
  title = {A proposed bulletin of Maltese linguistic studies in 1938},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese studies},
  year = {1994},
  number = {25-26},
  pages = {100--106},
  url = {}
Cassar Pullicino, Joseph Maltese children's rhymes and poetry Journal of Maltese studies, Vol. 15 Article 1983 Link
  author = {Cassar Pullicino, Joseph},
  title = {Maltese children's rhymes and poetry},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese studies},
  year = {1983},
  volume = {15},
  pages = {69--86},
  url = {}
Cassar Pullicino, Joseph The mediterranean islands as places of synthesis between Arab culture and European culture Journal of Maltese studies, Vol. 13 Article 1979 Link
  author = {Cassar Pullicino, Joseph},
  title = {The mediterranean islands as places of synthesis between Arab culture and European culture},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese studies},
  year = {1979},
  volume = {13},
  pages = {17--42},
  url = {}
Cassar Pullicino, Joseph Ethno-linguistic aspects of animals in Malta Journal of Maltese studies, Vol. 4 Article 1967 Link
  author = {Cassar Pullicino, Joseph},
  title = {Ethno-linguistic aspects of animals in Malta},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese studies},
  year = {1967},
  volume = {4},
  pages = {1--68},
  url = {}
Cassar Pullicino, Joseph Voci e termini maltesi usati dai calzolai Journal of Maltese studies, Vol. 2 Article 1964 Link
  author = {Cassar Pullicino, Joseph},
  title = {Voci e termini maltesi usati dai calzolai},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese studies},
  year = {1964},
  volume = {2},
  pages = {238--245},
  url = {}
Cassar Pullicino, Joseph Linguistic analysis of Fr. Magri's folk-tales Journal of Maltese studies, Vol. 1 Article 1961 Link
  author = {Cassar Pullicino, Joseph},
  title = {Linguistic analysis of Fr. Magri's folk-tales},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese studies},
  year = {1961},
  volume = {1},
  pages = {81--116},
  url = {}
Cassar Pullicino, Joseph Social Aspects of Maltese Nicknames Scientia, Vol. 22 Article 1956 Link
  author = {Cassar Pullicino, Joseph},
  title = {Social Aspects of Maltese Nicknames},
  journal = {Scientia},
  year = {1956},
  volume = {22},
  number = {2},
  pages = {66--94},
  url = {}
Cassar Pullicino, Joseph G.F. Abela and the Maltese Language Scientia, Vol. 21 Article 1955 Link
  author = {Cassar Pullicino, Joseph},
  title = {G.F. Abela and the Maltese Language},
  journal = {Scientia},
  year = {1955},
  volume = {21},
  number = {4},
  pages = {162--168},
  url = {}
Cassar Pullicino, Joseph Unpublished Maltese Dictionaries Scientia, Vol. 13 Article 1947 Link
  author = {Cassar Pullicino, Joseph},
  title = {Unpublished Maltese Dictionaries},
  journal = {Scientia},
  year = {1947},
  volume = {13},
  number = {1/3},
  pages = {36--44 / 124--137},
  url = {}
Cassola, Arnold
Editor(s): Borg, Albert, Caruana, Sandro and Vella, Alexandra
A note on the dating of ħ, għ and x in Maltese Perspectives on Maltese linguistics Incollection 2014
Abstract: The contributions included in this collection present different perspectives on various aspects of Maltese Linguistics, thereby enriching a field which has been attracting considerably greater interest in recent years than was the case in the past. The papers focus on the Maltese language itself as well as on Maltese in relation to other languages. They provide a picture of Maltese mainly from a synchronic perspective, descriptions ranging from indepth analyses of morphological and syntactic features to contributions on the lexicon, corpus linguistics and sociolinguistics. A number of papers dealing with diachronic considerations are also included. The topics dealt with in this volume show not only that Maltese is the object of research from a variety of perspectives but also that scholars with diverse backgrounds and of different nationalities are studying this language, thus providing an enriching body of knowl-edge, including findings of interest to general linguistics and various other fields in the humanities.
  author = {Cassola, Arnold},
  editor = {Borg, Albert and Caruana, Sandro and Vella, Alexandra},
  title = {A note on the dating of ħ, għ and x in Maltese},
  booktitle = {Perspectives on Maltese linguistics},
  publisher = {Akademie Verlag},
  address = {Berlin},
  year = {2014},
  pages = {13--22}
Cassola, Arnold
Editor(s): Brincat, Joseph M.
Neologisms and archaisms in the "Regole di la lingua maltese" Languages of the Mediterranean - Substrata - The Islands - Malta: Proceedings of the Conference held in Malta 26-29 September 1991 Incollection 1994
  author = {Cassola, Arnold},
  editor = {Brincat, Joseph M.},
  title = {Neologisms and archaisms in the "Regole di la lingua maltese"},
  booktitle = {Languages of the Mediterranean - Substrata - The Islands - Malta: Proceedings of the Conference held in Malta 26-29 September 1991},
  publisher = {Institute of Linguistics, University of Malta},
  address = {Msida},
  year = {1994},
  pages = {209--217}
Cassola, Arnold
Editor(s): Ellul Micallef, Roger and Fiorini, Stanley
A mixed orthography of the Maltese language: the Latin-Arabic alphabet Collected Papers Incollection 1992
  author = {Cassola, Arnold},
  editor = {Ellul Micallef, Roger and Fiorini, Stanley},
  title = {A mixed orthography of the Maltese language: the Latin-Arabic alphabet},
  booktitle = {Collected Papers},
  publisher = {Malta University Press},
  address = {Malta},
  year = {1992},
  pages = {203--219}
Cassola, Arnold Malta: People, toponymy and language (4BC - 1600) Book 2011
  author = {Cassola, Arnold},
  title = {Malta: People, toponymy and language (4BC - 1600)},
  publisher = {Farsons Foundation},
  address = {Malta},
  year = {2011}
Cassola, Arnold Francesco Vella (1793-1868): An unsung protagonist of Maltese language development Book 2003
  author = {Cassola, Arnold},
  title = {Francesco Vella (1793-1868): An unsung protagonist of Maltese language development},
  publisher = {Minima Publishers},
  year = {2003}
Cassola, Arnold Normatives studies in Malta History of the Language Scienes, Vol. Article 2000
  author = {Cassola, Arnold},
  title = {Normatives studies in Malta},
  journal = {History of the Language Scienes},
  year = {2000},
  pages = {919--924}
Cassola, Arnold L'italiano di Malta: storia, testi, documenti Book 1998
  author = {Cassola, Arnold},
  title = {L'italiano di Malta: storia, testi, documenti},
  publisher = {Malta University Press},
  year = {1998}
Cassola, Arnold Two notes: Brighella and Thezan; the "Cantilena", Maltese and Sicilian proverbs Journal of Maltese studies, Vol. Article 1998
  author = {Cassola, Arnold},
  title = {Two notes: Brighella and Thezan; the "Cantilena", Maltese and Sicilian proverbs},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese studies},
  year = {1998},
  pages = {58--62}
Cassola, Arnold Il Mezzo vocabolario maltese-italiano del '700 Book 1996
  author = {Cassola, Arnold},
  title = {Il Mezzo vocabolario maltese-italiano del '700},
  publisher = {Said international},
  year = {1996}
Cassola, Arnold The Cantilena, Maltese proverbs and Sicily, Sicilian proverbs and Malta Journal of Maltese studies, Vol. 24-25 Article 1994 Link
  author = {Cassola, Arnold},
  title = {The Cantilena, Maltese proverbs and Sicily, Sicilian proverbs and Malta},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese studies},
  year = {1994},
  volume = {24-25},
  pages = {63--66},
  url = {}
Cassola, Arnold La lingua Maltese nel '500 attraverso i resoconti di scrittori stranieri Journal of Maltese studies, Vol. 21-22 Article 1991 Link
  author = {Cassola, Arnold},
  title = {La lingua Maltese nel '500 attraverso i resoconti di scrittori stranieri},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese studies},
  year = {1991},
  volume = {21-22},
  pages = {79--90},
  url = {}
Cassola, Arnold Anthony Burgess's MF: the mediterranean background to a Carribean island Journal of Maltese studies, Vol. 19-20 Article 1989 Link
  author = {Cassola, Arnold},
  title = {Anthony Burgess's MF: the mediterranean background to a Carribean island},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese studies},
  year = {1989},
  volume = {19-20},
  pages = {27--33},
  url = {}
Cassola, Arnold Voci maltesi obsolete e rare di origine italiana nelle Regole per la lingua maltese Archivio Glottologico Italiano, Vol. Article 1989
  author = {Cassola, Arnold},
  title = {Voci maltesi obsolete e rare di origine italiana nelle Regole per la lingua maltese},
  journal = {Archivio Glottologico Italiano},
  year = {1989},
  pages = {201--204}
Cassola, Arnold Una edizione diversa della lista di voci maltese del seicento di Hieronymus Megiser Journal of Maltese studies, Vol. 17-18 Article 1987 Link
  author = {Cassola, Arnold},
  title = {Una edizione diversa della lista di voci maltese del seicento di Hieronymus Megiser},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese studies},
  year = {1987},
  volume = {17-18},
  pages = {72--86},
  url = {}
Cassola, Arnold La lingua maltese ieri ed oggi Misc 1985
  author = {Cassola, Arnold},
  title = {La lingua maltese ieri ed oggi},
  year = {1985},
  note = {NEuropa, Luxembourg XIV 48 S. 21-25}
Cassola, Albert Maltese in easy stages: grammar for beginners; with exercises and their keys, a glossary and vocabulary Book 1979
  author = {Cassola, Albert},
  title = {Maltese in easy stages: grammar for beginners; with exercises and their keys, a glossary and vocabulary},
  publisher = {Progress Press},
  address = {Valetta},
  year = {1979}
Cassola, Arnold, Degabriele, Godwin, Mifsud, Manwel, Pace, Paul and Sammut, Arthur Qawsalla : Antoloġija tal-Letteratura Maltija Book 1993
  author = {Cassola, Arnold and Degabriele, Godwin and Mifsud, Manwel and Pace, Paul and Sammut, Arthur},
  title = {Qawsalla : Antoloġija tal-Letteratura Maltija},
  publisher = {Universita' ta' Malta},
  address = {[Msida]},
  year = {1993}
Cassola, George Dizzjunarju tal-Kontabilità: Ingliż - Malti Book 2002
Abstract: Ilu żmien twil jinħass il-bżonn li d-dixxiplina tal-kontabilita f'Malta jkollha miġbur fi ktieb wieħed espressjonijiet, termini u idjoma bil-Malti. Inhoss ukoll illi dan il-ktieb iservi sabiex ikun hemm uniformita fl-użu ta' kliem bil-Malti fil-kontabilita.
  author = {Cassola, George},
  title = {Dizzjunarju tal-Kontabilità: Ingliż - Malti},
  publisher = {Malta University Press},
  address = {Msida},
  year = {2002}
Cauchi, Marisa It-tagħlim tal-Malti fl-iskejjel tas-snajja' Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 1996
  author = {Cauchi, Marisa},
  title = {It-tagħlim tal-Malti fl-iskejjel tas-snajja'}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1996}
Cauchi, Mary C. A syntactic theory of Maltese Phdthesis: M.A. dissertation 1972
  author = {Cauchi, Mary C.},
  title = {A syntactic theory of Maltese}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1972}
Caxaro, Peter, Weetinger, G. and Fsadni, M. Peter Caxaro's cantilena: a poem in medieval Maltese Book 1968
  author = {Caxaro, Peter and Weetinger, G. and Fsadni, M.},
  title = {Peter Caxaro's cantilena: a poem in medieval Maltese},
  publisher = {Lux Press},
  address = {Malta},
  year = {1968}
Cefai, Ancel Analiżi lingwistika ta’ varjanti fonetiċi-ortografiċi magħżula fil-Malti Phdthesis: B.A. (HONS) thesis 2013
  author = {Cefai, Ancel},
  title = {Analiżi lingwistika ta’ varjanti fonetiċi-ortografiċi magħżula fil-Malti}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2013}
Čeplö, Slavomír "Bulbul"
Editor(s): Borg, Albert, Caruana, Sandro and Vella, Alexandra
An overview of object reduplication in Maltese Perspectives on Maltese linguistics Incollection 2014 Link
Abstract: Dan l-artiklu jittratta strutturi sintattiċi fejn l-oġġett u l-pronom meħmuż li jirreferi għalih jinsabu flimkien fl-istess sentenza. Dan il-fenomenu, magħruf bħala 'id-duplikazzjoni tal-oġġett' jew 'l-irduppjar permezz ta' klitiku', hu kkunsidrat wieħed mill-karatteristiċi tal-ilsna Balkaniċi, imma jinstab ukoll f'ilsna oħra, fosthom l-ilsna Rumanzi minn barra l-pajjiżi Balkani kif ukoll fl-lsna Semitiċi. F'dan l-artiklu nipprovaw nużaw ir-riċerka fid-duplikazzjoni tal-oġġett f'dawn il-lingwi biex nistudjaw u niddeskrivu it-tipi varji ta' dawn l-istrutturi u kif jintużaw fil-Malti.
  author = {Čeplö, Slavomír "Bulbul"},
  editor = {Borg, Albert and Caruana, Sandro and Vella, Alexandra},
  title = {An overview of object reduplication in Maltese},
  booktitle = {Perspectives on Maltese linguistics},
  publisher = {Akademie Verlag},
  address = {Berlin},
  year = {2014},
  pages = {201--224},
  url = {}
Čéplö, Slavomír, Bátora, Ján, Benkato, Adam, Milička, Jiří, Pereira, Christophe and Zemánek, Petr Mutual intelligibility of spoken Maltese, Libyan Arabic and Tunisian Arabic functionally tested: A pilot study Misc Link
Abstract: This paper presents the results of a project designed to functionally test the mutual intelligibility of spoken Maltese, Tunisian Arabic and Benghazi Libyan Arabic. We compiled an audio-based intelligibility test consisting of three components: a word test where the respondents were asked to perform a semantic classification task with 11 semantic categories; a sentence test where the task was to provide a translation of a sentence into the respondent’s native language and a text test where a short text was listened to twice and the respondents were asked to answer 8 multiple-choice questions. We collected data from 24 respondents in Malta, Tunis and Benghazi which we analyzed to determine that there exists asymmetric mutual intelligibility between the two mainstream varieties of Maghrib ī Arabic and Maltese where speakers of Tunisian and Benghazi Arabic are able to understand about 40% of what is being said to them in Maltese, whereas that ratio is about 30% for speakers of Maltese exposed to either variety of Arabic. Additionally, we found that Tunisian Arabic has the highest level of mutual intelligibility with either of the other two varieties. Combining the intelligibility scores with comparative linguistic data, we were able to sketch out the phonological variables involved in enabling and inhibiting mutual intelligibility for all three varieties of Arabic and set stage for further research into the subject.
  author = {Čéplö, Slavomír and Bátora, Ján and Benkato, Adam and Milička, Jiří and Pereira, Christophe and Zemánek, Petr},
  title = {Mutual intelligibility of spoken Maltese, Libyan Arabic and Tunisian Arabic functionally tested: A pilot study},
  url = {}
Chetcuti, Flavia A comparative analysis of the vowels of native speakers of dialectal and standard Maltese Phdthesis: M.A. dissertation 2005
  author = {Chetcuti, Flavia},
  title = {A comparative analysis of the vowels of native speakers of dialectal and standard Maltese}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2005}
Chetcuti, Flavia Lexical variation in the semantic field of agricultural tools Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 2003
  author = {Chetcuti, Flavia},
  title = {Lexical variation in the semantic field of agricultural tools}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2003}
Chetcuti, Ġużè Tgħallem il-Malti f'20 lezzjoni Book 1992
  author = {Chetcuti, Ġużè},
  title = {Tgħallem il-Malti f'20 lezzjoni},
  publisher = {Merlin Library},
  year = {1992}
Chetcuti, Kirsty Dizzjunarju Storiku tal-Malti Msejjes fuq Sentmenat Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 2011
  author = {Chetcuti, Kirsty},
  title = {Dizzjunarju Storiku tal-Malti Msejjes fuq Sentmenat}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2011}
Chircop, Joseph Il lessico Italiano della giustizia a Malta: analisi sociolinguistica Phdthesis: D. Lett. 1997
  author = {Chircop, Joseph},
  title = {Il lessico Italiano della giustizia a Malta: analisi sociolinguistica}
  school = {University of Firence},
  year = {1997}
Chircop, Joseph L' elemento romanzo nelle traduzioni di romanzi italiani in lingua Maltese: le mie prigioni di Silvio Pellica nelle versioni di a.m. Galea (1914) e v. Barbara (s.d. ma 1961) Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 1990
  author = {Chircop, Joseph},
  title = {L' elemento romanzo nelle traduzioni di romanzi italiani in lingua Maltese: le mie prigioni di Silvio Pellica nelle versioni di a.m. Galea (1914) e v. Barbara (s.d. ma 1961)}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1990}
Ciappara, Daniel Ġabra ta' lessiku u espressjonijiet marbutin mal-qasam marittimu Phdthesis: B.A. (HONS) thesis 2014
  author = {Ciappara, Daniel},
  title = {Ġabra ta' lessiku u espressjonijiet marbutin mal-qasam marittimu}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2014}
Ciappara, Daniel Studju dwar il-lessiku tas-sajd bir-rixa Phdthesis 2014 Link
Abstract: Meta ġejt biex nagħżel it-titlu tat-teżi, ridt li jkun wieħed li jagħti kontribut lill-qasam lingwistiku, għalhekk għażilt li nagħmel glossarju li fih ikun hemm ġabra tat-terminoloġija tas-sajd bir-rixa. Għażilt li nagħmel teżi fuq hekk għaliex jien sajjied dilettant u s-sajd, speċjalment dak bir-rixa, huwa għal qalbi ħafna. Ilni nistad minn meta kelli erba’ snin u għalhekk għandi għarfien sew tas-sajd. Ħassejt li jekk nagħmel studju fuq qasam li nħobb, ir-riżultat finali kellu jkun tajjeb. Dan ix-xogħol għandu żewġ partijiet ewlenin: glossarju bi ġbir ta’ termini fuq dan il-qasam u l-intervisti li għamilt ma’ sajjieda Maltin u Għawdxin li jixhdu l-varjazzjonijiet li jeżistu fi nħawi differenti. Fil-glossarju hemm madwar 230 terminu li b’xi mod jew ieħor jintużaw f’dan il-qasam u jinsabu klassifikati b’mod alfabetiku. Dawn it-termini ġbarthom permezz tal-għarfien li għandi f’dan il-qasam, permezz ta’ kitbiet oħra li huma relatati ma’ dan il-qasam u permezz tal-intervisti li għamilt. Kull terminu mbagħad għandu ċertu informazzjoni fuqu; id-definizzjoni li jagħti Erin Serracino Inglott fil-Miklem Malti u d-definizzjoni li jagħti Joseph Aquilina fid-dizzjunarju l-kbir: Maltese-English Dictionary, d-definizzjoni li naf jew li ltqajt magħha jien kemm fl-intervisti u kemm f’kitbiet oħra u s-sors ta’ minn fejn sibt it-terminu u d-definizzjoni tiegħu. Dan il-ġbir ta’ termini jista’ jkun interessanti għal kull min iħobb is-sajd bir-rixa u għal kull min hu interessat f’dan il-qasam lingwistiku. Għażilt li nintervista sajjieda li jgħixu fi nħawi differenti biex niġbor kemm jista’ jkun termini u biex insib varjanti differenti f’dan il-qasam kif fil-fatt sibt. L-inħawi li għażilt huma Marsaxlokk, iż-Żurrieq, l-Għarb, Għawdex u x-Xewkija, Għawdex. Għażilt Marsaxlokk u ż-Żurrieq għaliex huma nħawi popolari ħafna fost is-sajjieda u għażilt l-Għarb u x-Xewkija għaliex kont naf li għandhom varjanti differenti f’dan il-qasam. L-informanti kollha kellhom madwar ħamsin u sebgħin sena u l-fattur kruċjali ta’ dan ix-xogħol huwa dak tal-ġeografija, fil-fatt fl-inħawi li dort dejjem sibt xi varjazzjonijiet. Ta’ min ukoll li jgħid li l-informanti kollha tkellmu bid-djalett tar-raħal tagħhom u mhux bl-istandard. Dan ix-xogħol huwa maqsum f’erba’ kapitli. L-ewwel kapitlu jittratta informazzjoni dwar is-sajd inġenerali, metodi differenti ta’ sajd f’Malta u anki dwar kitbiet relatati mas-sajd. Dan il-kapitlu huwa maqsum fi tliet partijiet. Fl-ewwel parti nitkellem dwar id-definizzjoni ġenerali tal-kelma ‘Sajd’ u wara nitkellem fuq is-sajd u l-bejgħ tal-ħut f’Malta. Fit-tieni parti nsemmi xi wħud mill-iktar metodi popolari tas-sajd f’Malta fosthom is-sajd bir-rixa u fit-tielet parti nsemmi xogħlijiet dwar il-ħut, l-industrija tas-sajd f’Malta u dwar metodi differenti ta’ sajd. It-tieni kapitlu huwa dwar is-soċjolingwistika u hu maqsum fi tliet partijiet. Fl-ewwel parti nitkellem dwar is-soċjolingwistika inġenerali, dwar xi fatturi li jaffettwawha bħas-sess, l-età u l-ġeografija u anki dwar is-soċjolingwiżmu f’Malta. Fit-tieni parti mbagħad nsemmi xi xogħlijiet li nkitbu fuq is-soċjolingwistika u fit-tielet parti nitkellem dwar il-metodoloġija li tintuża f’dan il-qasam. Nikkonkludi din il-parti billi niddeskrivi l-metodoliġija li użajt f’dan ix-xogħol. L-esperiment li għamilt jien jista’ jitqies bħala wieħed kwantitattiv minħabba l-fatt li jien studjajt biss individwi minn kull raħal bl-iskop li dawn jirrappreżentaw lil xi sajjieda ta’ dik l-età li jistadu bir-rixa f’dak ir-raħal partikolari. It-tielet kapitlu huwa dwar l-analiżi tal-intervisti u maqsum fi tliet partijiet ewlenin. Fl-ewwel parti nitkellem fuq l-istudju pilota u l-ħtieġa tiegħu. Fit-tieni parti nsemmi d-diffikultatijiet li ltqajt magħhom waqt it-tħejjija tal-intervisti u nanalizza l-intervisti individwalment però fl-istess ħin inqabbilhom flimkien biex b’hekk l-analiżi tkun waħda iżjed sħiħa. Fit-tielet parti mbagħad ninkludi tabella li fiha wieħed isib it-termini li użaw is-sajjied biex jiddeskrivu l-istampi li wrejthom. L-aħħar kapitlu mbagħad huwa dwar il-glossarju u hu maqsum f’żewġ partijiet. Fl-ewwel parti ngħid fil-qosor x’inhi l-ħtieġa tal-glossarju u nagħti deskrizzjoni tiegħu filwaqt li fit-tieni sezzjoni hemm il-glossarju nnifsu. Fl-aħħar ta’ dan l-istudju wieħed isib l-appendiċi li fih hemm kopja tal-intervista li hi magħmula minn 15-il mistoqsija u 23 stampa. Ma’ dan ix-xogħol ninkludi wkoll CD li fiha hemm l-intervisti li għamilt mas-sajjieda.
  author = {Ciappara, Daniel},
  title = {Studju dwar il-lessiku tas-sajd bir-rixa},
  address = {Valetta}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2014},
  url = {}
Cilia, Roderick and Xuereb, Catherine L-użu tat-televixin għat-tagħlim tal-qwiel Maltin(tinkludi vidjow) Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 2001
  author = {Cilia, Roderick and Xuereb, Catherine},
  title = {L-użu tat-televixin għat-tagħlim tal-qwiel Maltin(tinkludi vidjow)}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2001}
Cini, Antonio and Gratico, M. Origine e progresso della lingua italiana in Malta ossia. La lingua nazionale dei Maltesi: documenti inediti ed appunti storici Book 1931
  author = {Cini, Antonio and Gratico, M.},
  title = {Origine e progresso della lingua italiana in Malta ossia. La lingua nazionale dei Maltesi: documenti inediti ed appunti storici},
  publisher = {Tip. del "Malta"},
  year = {1931}
Cini, Lewis Gramatiċi Maltin Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 1964
  author = {Cini, Lewis},
  title = {Gramatiċi Maltin}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1964}
Cocker, Marcia Translating subtitles: English to Maltese Phdthesis: Unpublished M.A. thesis 2008
  author = {Cocker, Marcia},
  title = {Translating subtitles: English to Maltese},
  address = {Msida, Malta}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2008}
Cohen, David
Editor(s): Schmitt, Ludwig Erich
Contribution à la phonologie diachronique du maltais Verhandlungen des zweiten internationalen Dialektologenkongress Incollection 1967
  author = {Cohen, David},
  editor = {Schmitt, Ludwig Erich},
  title = {Contribution à la phonologie diachronique du maltais},
  booktitle = {Verhandlungen des zweiten internationalen Dialektologenkongress},
  publisher = {Steiner},
  address = {Wiesbaden},
  year = {1967},
  pages = {164--171}
Cohen, David Le systeme phonologique du Maltais: aspects synchroniques et diachroniques Journal of Maltese studies, Vol. 3 Article 1966 Link
  author = {Cohen, David},
  title = {Le systeme phonologique du Maltais: aspects synchroniques et diachroniques},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese studies},
  year = {1966},
  volume = {3},
  pages = {1--26},
  url = {}
Cohen, David and Vanhove, Martine La Cantilene maltaise du 15eme siecle: remarques linguistiques Compes-rendus du Groupe linguistique d'etudes chamito-semitiques XXIX-XXX Inproceedings 1991
  author = {Cohen, David and Vanhove, Martine},
  title = {La Cantilene maltaise du 15eme siecle: remarques linguistiques},
  booktitle = {Compes-rendus du Groupe linguistique d'etudes chamito-semitiques XXIX-XXX},
  year = {1991},
  pages = {177--200}
Colin, Georges S. Mots berbères dans le dialecte arabe de Malte Mémorial André Basset Incollection 1957
  author = {Colin, Georges S.},
  title = {Mots berbères dans le dialecte arabe de Malte},
  booktitle = {Mémorial André Basset},
  publisher = {Adrien Maisonneuve},
  address = {Paris},
  year = {1957},
  pages = {7--16}
Colombo, Daniel Aspetti tal-Kultura Lingwistika kif tidher fil-Gazzetti u filGruppi tad-Diskussjoni fl-Internet Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 2007
  author = {Colombo, Daniel},
  title = {Aspetti tal-Kultura Lingwistika kif tidher fil-Gazzetti u filGruppi tad-Diskussjoni fl-Internet}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2007}
Comrie, Bernard
Editor(s): Fabri, Ray, Mifsud, Manwel, Stolz, Thomas, Vanhove, Martine, Comrie, Bernard and Hume, Elizabeth
Maltese and the World Atlas of Language Structures Introducing Maltese linguistics: selected papers from the 1st International Conference on Maltese Linguistics, Bremen, 18 - 20 October, 2007 Incollection 2009 Link
Abstract: Given that Maltese is a Semitic language that has been heavily influenced by Romance, one might expect that is would stand typologically in between Semitic and Romance. Material from the World Atlas of Language Structures shows that this is indeed the case, although Maltese remains in general closer to Semitic (represented here by Egyptian Arabic) than to Romance (represented here by Spanish).
  author = {Comrie, Bernard},
  editor = {Fabri, Ray and Mifsud, Manwel and Stolz, Thomas and Vanhove, Martine and Comrie, Bernard and Hume, Elizabeth},
  title = {Maltese and the World Atlas of Language Structures},
  booktitle = {Introducing Maltese linguistics: selected papers from the 1st International Conference on Maltese Linguistics, Bremen, 18 - 20 October, 2007},
  publisher = {Benjamins},
  address = {Amsterdam},
  year = {2009},
  number = {113},
  pages = {3--11},
  url = {}
Comrie, Bernard
Editor(s): Kaye, Alan S.
Towards a history of Arabic Maltese Semitic Studies: In honor of Wolf Leslau on the occasion of his eighty-fifth birthday Incollection 1991
  author = {Comrie, Bernard},
  editor = {Kaye, Alan S.},
  title = {Towards a history of Arabic Maltese},
  booktitle = {Semitic Studies: In honor of Wolf Leslau on the occasion of his eighty-fifth birthday},
  publisher = {Harrassowitz},
  address = {Wiesbaden},
  year = {1991},
  pages = {234--244}
Comrie, Bernard
Editor(s): Kenstowicz, Michael
The sun letters in Maltese: between morphophonemics and phonetics Studies in Arabic Linguistics Incollection 1980
  author = {Comrie, Bernard},
  editor = {Kenstowicz, Michael},
  title = {The sun letters in Maltese: between morphophonemics and phonetics},
  booktitle = {Studies in Arabic Linguistics},
  publisher = {University of Illinois, Department of Linguistics},
  address = {Urbana},
  year = {1980},
  pages = {25--37}
Comrie, Bernard
Editor(s): Tasmowski, Liliane and Willems, Dominique
Syntactic-morphological discrepancies in Maltese sentence structure Problems in Syntax Incollection 1983 Link
Abstract: One area of considerable controversy in current linguistic theory and descriptive practice is the relationship between morphology and syntax, the central problem being as follows: does the morphology of a language reflect the structure of the language, i.e. is there a single function for each morphological opposition in the language, or is it possible for there to be discrepancies between form and function, such that a single morphological form would serve a variety of different functions? Transformational-generative grammar has typically emphasized discrepancies between form and function, concentrating for instance on areas where superficially similar constructions can be assigned radically different underlying representations, or where superficially quite distinct constructions can be assigned essentially the same underlying representation. Perhaps in part as a reaction against this, the doctrine ‘one form — one function’, an extreme version of the view that morphology does provide a direct insight into language structure, has become quite popular.
  author = {Comrie, Bernard},
  editor = {Tasmowski, Liliane and Willems, Dominique},
  title = {Syntactic-morphological discrepancies in Maltese sentence structure},
  booktitle = {Problems in Syntax},
  publisher = {Springer},
  address = {New York},
  year = {1983},
  volume = {15},
  pages = {3--28},
  url = {}
Comrie, Bernard The Maltese pharyngeal Zeitschrift für Phonetik, Sprachwissenschaft und Kommunikationsforschung, Vol. Article 1986
  author = {Comrie, Bernard},
  title = {The Maltese pharyngeal},
  journal = {Zeitschrift für Phonetik, Sprachwissenschaft und Kommunikationsforschung},
  year = {1986},
  number = {39},
  pages = {12--18}
Coppini, A. The acquisition of number and gender agreement between nouns and adjectives in 3 to 5 year old Maltese-speaking children Phdthesis: B.Sc. thesis 2003
  author = {Coppini, A.},
  title = {The acquisition of number and gender agreement between nouns and adjectives in 3 to 5 year old Maltese-speaking children}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2003}
Cordina, Jessicar Marie Dizzjunarju Storiku Mibni fuq Żewġ Prietki ta' Ignazio Saverio Mifsud Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 2011
  author = {Cordina, Jessicar Marie},
  title = {Dizzjunarju Storiku Mibni fuq Żewġ Prietki ta' Ignazio Saverio Mifsud}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2011}
Corriente, Federico On the degree of kinship between Andalusi Arabic and Maltese: Some ensuing thoughts about stress patterns in Arabic Folia Orientalia, Vol. 41 Article 2005
  author = {Corriente, Federico},
  title = {On the degree of kinship between Andalusi Arabic and Maltese: Some ensuing thoughts about stress patterns in Arabic},
  journal = {Folia Orientalia},
  year = {2005},
  volume = {41},
  pages = {25--38}
Cowan, William Caxaro's Cantilena: a checkpoint for change in Maltese Journal of Maltese studies, Vol. 10 Article 1975 Link
  author = {Cowan, William},
  title = {Caxaro's Cantilena: a checkpoint for change in Maltese},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese studies},
  year = {1975},
  volume = {10},
  pages = {4--10},
  url = {}
Cowan, William An underground rule in Maltese Journal of Linguistics, Vol. 7 Article 1971
Abstract: This note is concerned with historical sound change expressed in rules added to a previous set of rules that develop a language from an earlier to a later form. I am not prepared at this time to explore in full the relationship between rules of sound change and rules of generative phonology, although it is obvious that this relationship exists in Maltese, as in many languages.
  author = {Cowan, William},
  title = {An underground rule in Maltese},
  journal = {Journal of Linguistics},
  year = {1971},
  volume = {7},
  number = {02},
  pages = {245--251},
  doi = {}
Cowan, William Persistent rule in Maltese Canadian Journal of Linguistics - Revue Canadienne de Linguistique, Vol. 15 Article 1970
  author = {Cowan, William},
  title = {Persistent rule in Maltese},
  journal = {Canadian Journal of Linguistics - Revue Canadienne de Linguistique},
  year = {1970},
  volume = {15},
  number = {2},
  pages = {122--128}
Cowan, William Loss of emphasis in Maltese Journal of Maltese studies, Vol. 3 Article 1966 Link
  author = {Cowan, William},
  title = {Loss of emphasis in Maltese},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese studies},
  year = {1966},
  volume = {3},
  pages = {27--32},
  url = {}
Cowan, William An early Maltese word-list Journal of Maltese studies, Vol. 2 Article 1964 Link
  author = {Cowan, William},
  title = {An early Maltese word-list},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese studies},
  year = {1964},
  volume = {2},
  pages = {217--225},
  url = {}
Cravens, Mitchell Robert Digitization of Aquilina's Maltese-English Dictionary: Towards a comprehensive online lexicon for Maltese speakers Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 2013 Link
  author = {Cravens, Mitchell Robert},
  title = {Digitization of Aquilina's Maltese-English Dictionary: Towards a comprehensive online lexicon for Maltese speakers}
  school = {University of Arizona},
  year = {2013},
  url = {}
Cremona, Antonio Tagħlim fuq il-kitba Maltija: l-ewwel ktieb Book 1970
  author = {Cremona, Antonio},
  title = {Tagħlim fuq il-kitba Maltija: l-ewwel ktieb},
  publisher = {Aquilina & Co.},
  address = {Malta},
  year = {1970},
  edition = {3},
  note = {[Valletta] : A.C. Aquilina}
Cremona, Anthony The word ta' in the Maltese language Journal of Maltese studies, Vol. 4 Article 1967 Link
  author = {Cremona, Anthony},
  title = {The word ta' in the Maltese language},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese studies},
  year = {1967},
  volume = {4},
  pages = {79--80},
  url = {}
Cremona, Anthony The phraseological use of the verbs qies, għadd und dann Journal of Maltese studies, Vol. 3 Article 1966 Link
  author = {Cremona, Anthony},
  title = {The phraseological use of the verbs qies, għadd und dann},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese studies},
  year = {1966},
  volume = {3},
  pages = {75--78},
  url = {}
Cremona, Anthony La marina maltese dal medio evo all'epoca moderna: storia e terminologia Journal of Maltese studies, Vol. 2 Article 1964 Link
  author = {Cremona, Anthony},
  title = {La marina maltese dal medio evo all'epoca moderna: storia e terminologia},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese studies},
  year = {1964},
  volume = {2},
  pages = {177--197},
  url = {}
Cremona, Anthony The classification of the Maltese verb Journal of Maltese studies, Vol. 1 Article 1961 Link
  author = {Cremona, Anthony},
  title = {The classification of the Maltese verb},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese studies},
  year = {1961},
  volume = {1},
  pages = {117--129},
  url = {}
Cremona, Antonio A historical review of the Maltese language Book 1945
  author = {Cremona, Antonio},
  title = {A historical review of the Maltese language},
  publisher = {St. Joseph's Institute Printing Press},
  address = {Malta},
  year = {1945}
Cremona, Antonio A manual of Maltese orthography and grammar Book 1929
  author = {Cremona, Antonio},
  title = {A manual of Maltese orthography and grammar},
  publisher = {Empire Press},
  address = {Valletta},
  year = {1929}
Cremona, Antonio and Saydon, Pietru Pawl The development of Maltese as a written language and its affinities with other Semitic tongues Inproceedings 1928
  author = {Cremona, Antonio and Saydon, Pietru Pawl},
  title = {The development of Maltese as a written language and its affinities with other Semitic tongues},
  publisher = {Empire Press},
  address = {Oxford},
  year = {1928},
  pages = {28}
Cremona, Joseph
Editor(s): Parry, Mair M., Davies, Winifred V. and Temple, Rosalind A. M.
The survival of Arabic in Malta: the Sicilian centuries The changing voices of Europe, papers in honour of Professor Glanville Price Incollection 1994
  author = {Cremona, Joseph},
  editor = {Parry, Mair M. and Davies, Winifred V. and Temple, Rosalind A. M.},
  title = {The survival of Arabic in Malta: the Sicilian centuries},
  booktitle = {The changing voices of Europe, papers in honour of Professor Glanville Price},
  publisher = {University of Wales Press},
  address = {Cardiff},
  year = {1994},
  pages = {281--194}
Cremona, Joseph The Romance element in Maltese Transcations of the Phiological Society, Vol. 88 Article 1990
Abstract: The peripheral dialects of Arabic tend to differ from the core dialects by having an important component derived from anther languages or language group. In the case of Maltese this non-Arabic component has been alost entirely of Romance origin until comparative recently, when English began to play a part. The Romance component is frequently more closely defined by stating that it is Italian, or Sicilian, or Siculo-Italian. It is the purpose of this paper to examine this component and try and understand the role that it has played in the formation of moderbn Maltese.
  author = {Cremona, Joseph},
  title = {The Romance element in Maltese},
  journal = {Transcations of the Phiological Society},
  year = {1990},
  volume = {88},
  number = {2},
  pages = {163--199},
  doi = {}
Cucciardi, Mario A sociolinguistic study of numerical expressions in Malta Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 1990
  author = {Cucciardi, Mario},
  title = {A sociolinguistic study of numerical expressions in Malta}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1990}
Curmi, Edel and Debono, Marthese Il-lessiku: differenzi djalettali f'qasam magħżul Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 1997
  author = {Curmi, Edel and Debono, Marthese},
  title = {Il-lessiku: differenzi djalettali f'qasam magħżul}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1997}
Curmi, Josephine Alice in wonderland, a test case for translatability: a study of the Maltese translation of Alice in Wonderland with reference to the management of linguistic nuance in salient text features Phdthesis: M.A. dissertation 1994
  author = {Curmi, Josephine},
  title = {Alice in wonderland, a test case for translatability: a study of the Maltese translation of Alice in Wonderland with reference to the management of linguistic nuance in salient text features}
  school = {University of Melbourne},
  year = {1994}
Curmi, Marisa L-użu tal-logħob fit-tagħlim tal-Malti fl-ewwel sena sekondarja Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 1995
  author = {Curmi, Marisa},
  title = {L-użu tal-logħob fit-tagħlim tal-Malti fl-ewwel sena sekondarja}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1995}
Curmi, Svetlana Maltese or English?: an analysis of language choice in Maltese society Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 2001
  author = {Curmi, Svetlana},
  title = {Maltese or English?: an analysis of language choice in Maltese society}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2001}
Cusimano, Guiseppe Sugli scriptores melitenses, apendice inserita nel rifacimento inedito della Bibliotheca Sicula di A. Mongitore Journal of Maltese studies, Vol. 17-18 Article 1987 Link
  author = {Cusimano, Guiseppe},
  title = {Sugli scriptores melitenses, apendice inserita nel rifacimento inedito della Bibliotheca Sicula di A. Mongitore},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese studies},
  year = {1987},
  volume = {17-18},
  pages = {139--147},
  url = {}
Cutajar, Daniela Agora It-tagħlim tal-Malti fil-primarja permezz ta' Temi Filosofiċi (tinkludi 2 dvds, cd u ktejjeb) Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 2006
  author = {Cutajar, Daniela Agora},
  title = {It-tagħlim tal-Malti fil-primarja permezz ta' Temi Filosofiċi (tinkludi 2 dvds, cd u ktejjeb)}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2006}
Cutajar, Mario The Maltese secondary education certificate: an evaluation Phdthesis: MEd 2000
  author = {Cutajar, Mario},
  title = {The Maltese secondary education certificate: an evaluation}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2000}
Cutayar, Joseph Dictionnaire maltais-français Dizzjunarju malti-franciz Book 2001
  author = {Cutayar, Joseph},
  title = {Dictionnaire maltais-français Dizzjunarju malti-franciz},
  publisher = {L'Harmattan},
  address = {Paris},
  year = {2001},
  note = {Bibliographie cf le volume: "Dictionnaire français-maltais"}
Dalli, Angelo Computational lexicon for Maltese Phdthesis: M. Sc. thesis
  author = {Dalli, Angelo},
  title = {Computational lexicon for Maltese},
  address = {Malta}
  school = {University of Malta}
Dalli, Angelo Creation and evaluation of extensible language resources for Maltese Inproceedings 2002 Link
Abstract: The creation of Language Resources is a labour intensive process whose difficulty is further compounded when minority languages are concerned (Cunningham, 1999). This paper discusses the creation of an extensible set of Language Resources for Maltese developed by the Maltilex Project at the University of Malta (Rosner et. al., 1999), together with quality evaluation mechanisms for minority languages.
  author = {Dalli, Angelo},
  title = {Creation and evaluation of extensible language resources for Maltese},
  address = {Las Palmas},
  year = {2002},
  url = {}
Dalmas, Josette Il-Malti u l-klassijiet ta' tfal batuti (remedials) Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 1988
  author = {Dalmas, Josette},
  title = {Il-Malti u l-klassijiet ta' tfal batuti (remedials)}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1988}
Dannélls, Dana and Camilleri, John J.
Editor(s): Calzolari, Nicoletta, Choukri, Khalid, Maegaard, Bente, Mariani, Joseph, Odijk, Jan, Piperidis, Stelios, Rosner, Mike and Tapias, Daniel
Verb morphology of Hebrew and Maltese - towards an open source type theoretical resource grammar in GF Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'10) Incollection 2010 Link
Abstract: One of the first issues that a programmer must tackle when writing a complete computer program that processes natural language is how to design the morphological component. A typical morphological component should cover three main aspects in a given language: �1) the lexicon, i.e. how morphemes are encoded, �2) orthographic changes, and �3) morphotactic variations. This is in particular challenging when dealing with Semitic languages because of their non-concatenative morphology called root and pattern morphology. In this paper we describe the design of two morphological components for Hebrew and Maltese verbs in the context of the Grammatical Framework �GF). The components are implemented as a part of larger grammars and are currently under development. We found that although Hebrew and Maltese share some common characteristics in their morphology, it seems difficult to generalize morphosyntactic rules across Semitic verbs when the focus is towards computational linguistics motivated lexicons. We describe and compare the verb morphology of Hebrew and Maltese and motivate our implementation efforts towards a complete open source type theoretical resource grammars for Semitic languages. Future work will focus on semantic aspects of morphological processing.
  author = {Dannélls, Dana and Camilleri, John J.},
  editor = {Calzolari, Nicoletta and Choukri, Khalid and Maegaard, Bente and Mariani, Joseph and Odijk, Jan and Piperidis, Stelios and Rosner, Mike and Tapias, Daniel},
  title = {Verb morphology of Hebrew and Maltese - towards an open source type theoretical resource grammar in GF},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'10)},
  publisher = {European Language Resources Association (ELRA)},
  address = {Valletta},
  year = {2010},
  url = {}
Darmanin, Joanne and Mifsud, Elaenor Competence in spoken Maltese and Italian in local private secondary schools Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 1996
  author = {Darmanin, Joanne and Mifsud, Elaenor},
  title = {Competence in spoken Maltese and Italian in local private secondary schools}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1996}
David, Karine
Editor(s): Häberl, Charles G.
The formation of the plural of Maltese nouns: experiments for a synchronic description Afroasiatic studies in memory of Robert Hetzron: proceedings of the 35th annual meeting of the North American Conference on Afroasiatic Linguistics (NACAL 35) Incollection 2009
  author = {David, Karine},
  editor = {Häberl, Charles G.},
  title = {The formation of the plural of Maltese nouns: experiments for a synchronic description},
  booktitle = {Afroasiatic studies in memory of Robert Hetzron: proceedings of the 35th annual meeting of the North American Conference on Afroasiatic Linguistics (NACAL 35)},
  publisher = {Cambridge Scholars Publishing},
  address = {Cambridge},
  year = {2009},
  pages = {232--244}
David, Karine Number marking in Maltese nouns Texas Linguistic Society, Vol. 9: The Morphosyntax of Underrepresented Languages Article 2007 Link
  author = {David, Karine},
  title = {Number marking in Maltese nouns},
  journal = {Texas Linguistic Society},
  year = {2007},
  volume = {9: The Morphosyntax of Underrepresented Languages},
  pages = {79--88},
  url = {}
Debattista, Charlene Il-Malti fl-Era Diġitali - Studju Soċjolingwistiku Phdthesis: M.A. thesis 2015
  author = {Debattista, Charlene},
  title = {Il-Malti fl-Era Diġitali - Studju Soċjolingwistiku}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2015}
Debattista, Clifford Sengħet il-Mastrudaxxa - Stħarriġ Lessikali fuq Sfond Etnografiku Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 2012
  author = {Debattista, Clifford},
  title = {Sengħet il-Mastrudaxxa - Stħarriġ Lessikali fuq Sfond Etnografiku}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2012}
Debattista, Charlene Dizzjunarju Storiku tal-Malti bbażat fuq il-manuskritt Regole per la lingua Maltese, Malti-Taljan Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 2010
  author = {Debattista, Charlene},
  title = {Dizzjunarju Storiku tal-Malti bbażat fuq il-manuskritt Regole per la lingua Maltese, Malti-Taljan}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2010}
Debono, Joseph Alfred John The language problem and educational policy in Malta, 1800-1975 Phdthesis: Ph.D. dissertation 1982
  author = {Debono, Joseph Alfred John},
  title = {The language problem and educational policy in Malta, 1800-1975}
  school = {University of London},
  year = {1982}
Debono, Karl Studju lessikali dwar iż-Żmien tal-Ġimgħa mqaddsa Phdthesis: B.A. (HONS) thesis 2014
  author = {Debono, Karl},
  title = {Studju lessikali dwar iż-Żmien tal-Ġimgħa mqaddsa}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2014}
Debono, Maria Il-metafora kunċettwali fil-Malti: Analiżi bil-korpus ta' kliem millqasam tal-pjanti Phdthesis: B.A. (HONS) thesis 2014
  author = {Debono, Maria},
  title = {Il-metafora kunċettwali fil-Malti: Analiżi bil-korpus ta' kliem millqasam tal-pjanti}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2014}
De Gabriele, Reuben Is-sengħa tal-kurdar - Studju lessikali dwar il-ħdim tal-ħabel Phdthesis: B.A. (HONS) thesis 2013
  author = {De Gabriele, Reuben},
  title = {Is-sengħa tal-kurdar - Studju lessikali dwar il-ħdim tal-ħabel}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2013}
Deguara, Claudette and Mangion, Valerie Maltimedja: il-binja ta' l-ilsien Malti fuq l-isfond ta' listorja: proġett multimedjali: il-perjodu ta' l-ordni (3 vol.) Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 1999
  author = {Deguara, Claudette and Mangion, Valerie},
  title = {Maltimedja: il-binja ta' l-ilsien Malti fuq l-isfond ta' listorja: proġett multimedjali: il-perjodu ta' l-ordni (3 vol.)}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1999}
Demicoli, Philip Lingwa u soċjetà f‟ħal għaxaq: analiżi soċjolingwistika Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 1993
  author = {Demicoli, Philip},
  title = {Lingwa u soċjetà f‟ħal għaxaq: analiżi soċjolingwistika}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1993}
Depasquale, Victoria Kemm tifhem? (how much do you understand?): a receptive language assessment tool for Maltese children of ages between 3 and 5 years Phdthesis: M.A. dissertation 2004
  author = {Depasquale, Victoria},
  title = {Kemm tifhem? (how much do you understand?): a receptive language assessment tool for Maltese children of ages between 3 and 5 years}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2004}
Desira, Maria Il-kaċċa tal-fniek u l-insib f'Malta: stħarriġ etnografiku bi glossarju Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 2008
  author = {Desira, Maria},
  title = {Il-kaċċa tal-fniek u l-insib f'Malta: stħarriġ etnografiku bi glossarju}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2008}
Dessoulavy, Charles Louis Quelques noms propres maltais Journal of the Faculty of Arts, Vol. 1 Article 1957 Link
  author = {Dessoulavy, Charles Louis},
  title = {Quelques noms propres maltais},
  journal = {Journal of the Faculty of Arts},
  year = {1957},
  volume = {1},
  number = {1},
  pages = {40--47},
  url = {}
Dessoulavy, Charles Louis A Maltese-Arabic word-list: showing which of the corresponding Arabic roots are shared by other Semitic tongues or used in the Quran Book 1938
  author = {Dessoulavy, Charles Louis},
  title = {A Maltese-Arabic word-list: showing which of the corresponding Arabic roots are shared by other Semitic tongues or used in the Quran},
  publisher = {Luzac},
  address = {London},
  year = {1938}
Dessoulavy, Charles Louis The Development of Maltese as a wirtten language and its affinities with other semitic tongues: a paper read by the delegate of the "Ghaqda tal-Kittieba tal-Malti" Book 1928
  author = {Dessoulavy, Charles Louis},
  title = {The Development of Maltese as a wirtten language and its affinities with other semitic tongues: a paper read by the delegate of the "Ghaqda tal-Kittieba tal-Malti"},
  publisher = {Empire Press},
  address = {Valletta},
  year = {1928}
Dimech, Desiree Analiżi tal-iżbalji ortografiċi li saru fl-eżami tal-matrikola tal Malti fl-2011 Phdthesis: B.A. (HONS) thesis 2013
  author = {Dimech, Desiree},
  title = {Analiżi tal-iżbalji ortografiċi li saru fl-eżami tal-matrikola tal Malti fl-2011}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2013}
Doublesin, George Aspects of Maltese semantics Phdthesis: M.A. dissertation 1980
  author = {Doublesin, George},
  title = {Aspects of Maltese semantics}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1980}
Drewes, A.J.
Editor(s): Bakker, Peter and Mous, Maarten
Borrowing in Maltese Mixed languages: 15 case studies in language intertwining Incollection 1994
  author = {Drewes, A.J.},
  editor = {Bakker, Peter and Mous, Maarten},
  title = {Borrowing in Maltese},
  booktitle = {Mixed languages: 15 case studies in language intertwining},
  publisher = {IFOTT},
  address = {Amsterdam},
  year = {1994},
  number = {13},
  pages = {83--111}
Drozdik, Ladislav Three types of inter-systemic restatement in Arabic: a contribution to the study of the Arabic collectives Journal of Maltese studies, Vol. 11 Article 1977 Link
  author = {Drozdik, Ladislav},
  title = {Three types of inter-systemic restatement in Arabic: a contribution to the study of the Arabic collectives},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese studies},
  year = {1977},
  volume = {11},
  pages = {26--38},
  url = {}
Ebert, Karen H.
Editor(s): Dahl, Östen
Aspect in Maltese Tense and Aspect in the Languages of Europe Incollection 2000 Link
  author = {Ebert, Karen H.},
  editor = {Dahl, Östen},
  title = {Aspect in Maltese},
  booktitle = {Tense and Aspect in the Languages of Europe},
  publisher = {De Gruyter Mouton},
  address = {Berlin},
  year = {2000},
  pages = {753--785},
  url = {}
Ellul, Leanne In-Nomi Verbali fil-Malti Phdthesis: M.A. thesis 2015
  author = {Ellul, Leanne},
  title = {In-Nomi Verbali fil-Malti}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2015}
Ellul, Leanne Il-Verbi Kwadrilitteri fil-Malti Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 2010
  author = {Ellul, Leanne},
  title = {Il-Verbi Kwadrilitteri fil-Malti}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2010}
Ellul, Maria Elena Language use in telephone conversations and text messages Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 2005
  author = {Ellul, Maria Elena},
  title = {Language use in telephone conversations and text messages}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2005}
Ellul, Sonia A case study in bilingualism code-switching (between parents and their pre-school children in Malta) Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 1978
  author = {Ellul, Sonia},
  title = {A case study in bilingualism code-switching (between parents and their pre-school children in Malta)}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1978}
Erickson, Jon L. Some Observations on Cowan's Maltese 'Underground' Rule Journal of Linguistics, Vol. 9 Article 1973 Link
  author = {Erickson, Jon L.},
  title = {Some Observations on Cowan's Maltese 'Underground' Rule},
  journal = {Journal of Linguistics},
  year = {1973},
  volume = {9},
  number = {2},
  pages = {307--311},
  note = {ArticleType: research-article / Full publication date: Sep., 1973 / Copyright © 1973 Cambridge University Press},
  url = {},
  doi = {}
EuroTalk Interactive Talk more. Maltese an interactive video CD-ROM. Misc 2009
  author = {EuroTalk Interactive},
  title = {Talk more. Maltese an interactive video CD-ROM.},
  publisher = {Eurotalk},
  address = {London},
  year = {2009}
EuroTalk Interactive Talk now.Tgħallem il-Malti - Learn Maltese. Misc 2003
  author = {EuroTalk Interactive},
  title = {Talk now.Tgħallem il-Malti - Learn Maltese.},
  publisher = {EuroTalk Interactive},
  address = {London},
  year = {2003}
Fabri, Ray
Editor(s): Brincat, Joseph M.
The syntax of numerals in Maltese Languages of the Mediterranean - Substrata - The Islands - Malta: Proceedings of the Conference held in Malta 26-29 September 1991 Incollection 1994
  author = {Fabri, Ray},
  editor = {Brincat, Joseph M.},
  title = {The syntax of numerals in Maltese},
  booktitle = {Languages of the Mediterranean - Substrata - The Islands - Malta: Proceedings of the Conference held in Malta 26-29 September 1991},
  publisher = {Institute of Linguistics, University of Malta},
  address = {Msida},
  year = {1994},
  pages = {228--239}
Fabri, Ray
Editor(s): Caruana, Sandro, Fabri, Ray and Stolz, Thomas
The language of young people and language change in Maltese Variation and Change: The Dynamics of Maltese in Space, Time and Society Incollection 2011
Abstract: This article is based on the idea that the language variety of young speakers can be taken as an indicator of potential change and development in the language. After a discussion of language change and of the role of young people in language development, I briefly examine specific features of the language variety of young Maltese speakers and speculate about them as potential trends in the development of the Maltese language.
  author = {Fabri, Ray},
  editor = {Caruana, Sandro and Fabri, Ray and Stolz, Thomas},
  title = {The language of young people and language change in Maltese},
  booktitle = {Variation and Change: The Dynamics of Maltese in Space, Time and Society},
  publisher = {Akademie Verlag},
  address = {Berlin},
  year = {2011},
  number = {9},
  pages = {89--107}
Fabri, Ray
Editor(s): Comrie, Bernard, Fabri, Ray, Mifsud, Manwel, Stolz, Thomas, Vanhove, Martine and Hume, Elizabeth
Compounding and adjective-noun compounds in Maltese Introducing Maltese linguistics: selected papers from the 1st International Conference on Maltese Linguistics, Bremen, 18 - 20 October, 2007 Incollection 2009 Link
  author = {Fabri, Ray},
  editor = {Comrie, Bernard and Fabri, Ray and Mifsud, Manwel and Stolz, Thomas and Vanhove, Martine and Hume, Elizabeth},
  title = {Compounding and adjective-noun compounds in Maltese},
  booktitle = {Introducing Maltese linguistics: selected papers from the 1st International Conference on Maltese Linguistics, Bremen, 18 - 20 October, 2007},
  publisher = {Benjamins},
  address = {Amsterdam},
  year = {2009},
  number = {113},
  pages = {207--232},
  url = {}
Fabri, Ray
Editor(s): Fabri, Ray
To agree or not to agree: suspension of formal agreement in Maltese Maltese Linguistics: A Snapshot ; In Memory of Joseph A. Cremona (1922 - 2003) Incollection 2009 Link
  author = {Fabri, Ray},
  editor = {Fabri, Ray},
  title = {To agree or not to agree: suspension of formal agreement in Maltese},
  booktitle = {Maltese Linguistics: A Snapshot ; In Memory of Joseph A. Cremona (1922 - 2003)},
  publisher = {Universitätsverlag Brockmeyer},
  address = {Bochum},
  year = {2009},
  number = {1},
  pages = {35--61},
  edition = {1},
  url = {}
Fabri, Ray
Editor(s): Stolz, Thomas
Maltese: the language of the Maltese archipelago Minor Languages of Europe Incollection 2001
  author = {Fabri, Ray},
  editor = {Stolz, Thomas},
  title = {Maltese: the language of the Maltese archipelago},
  booktitle = {Minor Languages of Europe},
  publisher = {Brockmeyer},
  address = {Bochum},
  year = {2001},
  pages = {43--64}
Fabri, Ray
Editor(s): Thieroff, Rolf
The tense and aspect system of Maltese Tempussysteme in europaeischen Sprachen II Incollection 1995 Link
  author = {Fabri, Ray},
  editor = {Thieroff, Rolf},
  title = {The tense and aspect system of Maltese},
  booktitle = {Tempussysteme in europaeischen Sprachen II},
  publisher = {Niemeyer},
  address = {Tübingen},
  year = {1995},
  pages = {327--343},
  url = {}
Fabri, Ray Maltese Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire, Vol. 88 Article 2010 Link
  author = {Fabri, Ray},
  title = {Maltese},
  journal = {Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire},
  year = {2010},
  volume = {88},
  number = {3},
  pages = {791--816},
  url = {},
  doi = {}
Fabri, Ray Stem allomorphy in the Maltese verb Ilsienna - Our Language: Working Papers of the International Association of Maltese Linguistics (GĦILM), Vol. 1 Article 2009 Link
Abstract: After a discussion of the inflectional forms of the Maltese verb, a number of inflectional verb classes are identified, based on the CV pattern of their stems in conjugation. Class change and vocalism are briefly discussed and the variety in form is then analysed and explained on the basis of syllable structure and specific assumptions about the underlying form of lexical entries. The analysis assumes a factorisation of underlying forms for certain classes of verbs and clearly brings out the mixed structure of Maltese morphology.
  author = {Fabri, Ray},
  title = {Stem allomorphy in the Maltese verb},
  journal = {Ilsienna - Our Language: Working Papers of the International Association of Maltese Linguistics (GĦILM)},
  year = {2009},
  volume = {1},
  pages = {1--20},
  url = {}
Fabri, Ray Definiteness marking and the structure of the NP in Maltese Verbum, Vol. 2 Article 2001 Link
Abstract: Cet article décrit le marquage de la définitude dans le NP (syntagme nominal) maltais et discute ses implications vis-à-vis de la structure du NP, ou plus précisément du DP. La définitude en maltais peut être marquée (a) sur le nom et les adjectifs épithètes qui le modifient, (b) sur le nom mis pas sur l'adjectif ou (c) non-marquée, ni sur le nom, ni sur l'adjectif. La quatrième option - marquage de la définitude sur l'adjectif et pas sur le noms - n'apparaît pas. Cet article explore les contextes où (a), (b) et (c) apparaissent, ainsi que d'autres données en rapport avec la définitude, nommément l'occurrence d'un article défini sur d'autres éléments du NP, sa non-occurrence à l'état construit et sa cooccurrence avec le démonstratif. Ces données, nous permettent de tirer des conclusions sur la structure du NP en maltais.
  author = {Fabri, Ray},
  title = {Definiteness marking and the structure of the NP in Maltese},
  journal = {Verbum},
  year = {2001},
  volume = {2},
  pages = {153--172},
  url = {}
Fabri, Ray The construct state and the pseudo-construct state in Maltese Rivista di Linguistica, Vol. 8 Article 1996
  author = {Fabri, Ray},
  title = {The construct state and the pseudo-construct state in Maltese},
  journal = {Rivista di Linguistica},
  year = {1996},
  volume = {8},
  pages = {229--244}
Fabri, Ray Review of Gilbert Puech (1994) 'Ethnotextes maltais' Techreport 1995
  author = {Fabri, Ray},
  title = {Review of Gilbert Puech (1994) 'Ethnotextes maltais'},
  address = {Malta},
  year = {1995}
Fabri, Ray Kongruenz und die Grammatik des Maltesischen Book 1993
  author = {Fabri, Ray},
  title = {Kongruenz und die Grammatik des Maltesischen},
  publisher = {Walter de Gruyter},
  address = {Berlin},
  year = {1993}
Fabri, Ray An analysis of grammatical agreement in Maltese Phdthesis: M.A. dissertation 1987
  author = {Fabri, Ray},
  title = {An analysis of grammatical agreement in Maltese}
  school = {University of Duesseldorf},
  year = {1987}
Fabri, Ray A prosodic model for the CVCVC plural in Maltese Unpublished: unpublished manuscript 1985
  author = {Fabri, Ray},
  title = {A prosodic model for the CVCVC plural in Maltese},
  year = {1985}
Fabri, Ray and Borg, Albert
Editor(s): Youssi, Abderrahim, Benjelloun, Fouzia, Dahbi, Mohamed and Iraqui-Sinaceur, Zakia
Topic, focus and word order in Maltese Aspects of the Dialects of Arabic Today: Proceedings of the 4th Conference of the International Arabic Dialectology Association (AIDA), Marrakesh, April 1-4, 2000. In honour of Professor David Cohen. Incollection 2002
  author = {Fabri, Ray and Borg, Albert},
  editor = {Youssi, Abderrahim and Benjelloun, Fouzia and Dahbi, Mohamed and Iraqui-Sinaceur, Zakia},
  title = {Topic, focus and word order in Maltese},
  booktitle = {Aspects of the Dialects of Arabic Today: Proceedings of the 4th Conference of the International Arabic Dialectology Association (AIDA), Marrakesh, April 1-4, 2000. In honour of Professor David Cohen.},
  publisher = {Ampatril},
  address = {Rabat},
  year = {2002},
  pages = {354--363}
Fabri, Ray, Rosner, Mike and Caruana, Joe
Editor(s): Rosner, Mike
Maltilex: a computational lexicon for Maltese Computational Approaches to Semitic Languages: proceedings of the workshop Incollection 1998 Link
Abstract: The project described in this paper, which is still in the preliminary phase, concerns the design and implementation of a computational lexicon for Maltese, a language very much in current use but so far lacking most of the infrastructure required for NLP. One of the main characteristics of Maltese, a source of many difficulties, is that it is an amalgam of different language types (chiefly Semitic and Romance), as illustrated in the first part of the paper. The latter part of the paper describes our general approach to the problem of constructing the lexicon.
  author = {Fabri, Ray and Rosner, Mike and Caruana, Joe},
  editor = {Rosner, Mike},
  title = {Maltilex: a computational lexicon for Maltese},
  booktitle = {Computational Approaches to Semitic Languages: proceedings of the workshop},
  publisher = {Coling-AG},
  address = {Montreal},
  year = {1998},
  pages = {97--101},
  url = {}
Fabri, Ray, Rosner, Mike, Caruana, Joe, Loughraieb, M., Montebello, Matthew, Galea, David and Mangion, G. Linguistic and computational aspects of Maltilex Proceedings of ATLAS '99, Arabic Translation and Localization Symposium Incollection 1999 Link
Abstract: This paper describes a variety of activities currently in progress under Maltilex, a University-based1 research pro ject whose aim is to create a computational lexicon and other basic infrastructure enabling the computational study of Maltese and the development of language engineering applications for Maltese.
  author = {Fabri, Ray and Rosner, Mike and Caruana, Joe and Loughraieb, M. and Montebello, Matthew and Galea, David and Mangion, G.},
  title = {Linguistic and computational aspects of Maltilex},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of ATLAS '99, Arabic Translation and Localization Symposium},
  address = {Tunis},
  year = {1999},
  pages = {2--9},
  url = {}
Falzon, Elaine Bilingualism: a Gozitan perspective Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 2008
  author = {Falzon, Elaine},
  title = {Bilingualism: a Gozitan perspective}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2008}
Falzon, Glen Il-prietki ta' injazju Saverju Mifsud: kontribut għaddokumentazzjoni tal-Malti qadim Phdthesis: B.A. (HONS) thesis 2014
  author = {Falzon, Glen},
  title = {Il-prietki ta' injazju Saverju Mifsud: kontribut għaddokumentazzjoni tal-Malti qadim}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2014}
Falzon, Grazio Maltese-English, English-Maltese dictionary and phrasebook Book 1998 Link
  author = {Falzon, Grazio},
  title = {Maltese-English, English-Maltese dictionary and phrasebook},
  publisher = {Hippocrene Books},
  year = {1998},
  url = {}
Falzon, Giovanni Battista Dizionario Maltese-Italiano-Inglese. Preceduto da una breve esposizione grammaticale della lingua maltese Book 1845
  author = {Falzon, Giovanni Battista},
  title = {Dizionario Maltese-Italiano-Inglese. Preceduto da una breve esposizione grammaticale della lingua maltese},
  address = {Malta},
  year = {1845}
Falzon, Mark Anthony Secret languages: preliminary notes on four examples from the Maltese islands Journal of Maltese studies, Vol. 25-26 Article 1994 Link
  author = {Falzon, Mark Anthony},
  title = {Secret languages: preliminary notes on four examples from the Maltese islands},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese studies},
  year = {1994},
  volume = {25-26},
  pages = {93--99},
  url = {}
Fanciullo, Franco Maltese /qtextasciitildek/ da romanzo /k/ (con qualche osservazione estesa all'arabo) Incontri Linguistici, Vol. 19 Article 1996
  author = {Fanciullo, Franco},
  title = {Maltese /qtextasciitildek/ da romanzo /k/ (con qualche osservazione estesa all'arabo)},
  journal = {Incontri Linguistici},
  year = {1996},
  volume = {19},
  pages = {103--114}
Farrell, Martin Peter Bilingual competence and students' achievement in Physics and Mathematics International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, Vol. 14 Article 2011 Link
Abstract: Abstract It has long been suggested that, in a bilingual setting, the proficiencies achieved in the first (L1) and second (L2) language may have a bearing on a subject's cognitive and, consequently, academic functioning. The study is set in Malta, a country in which Maltese (L1) and English (L2) are learnt simultaneously at school from age 5. It investigates the performance of 1262 students (aged 13) in examinations of Physics and Mathematics against their respective performance in English and Maltese. The results seem to support the ‘threshold hypothesis’, first proposed by Jim Cummins, in that students who were highly proficient in both languages best performed in their respective Physics and Mathematics examinations.
  author = {Farrell, Martin Peter},
  title = {Bilingual competence and students' achievement in Physics and Mathematics},
  journal = {International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism},
  year = {2011},
  volume = {14},
  number = {3},
  pages = {335--345},
  url = {},
  doi = {}
Farrugia, Adreana Il-varjanti tal-plural fil-Malti Phdthesis: B.A. (HONS) thesis 2013
  author = {Farrugia, Adreana},
  title = {Il-varjanti tal-plural fil-Malti}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2013}
Farrugia, Alex and Rosner, Michael A computational analysis of the Maltese broken plural Inproceedings 2008 Link
Abstract: The Maltese Broken Plurals have always been treated as a mechanism totally lacking in rules or structure. The traditional view has been that there is simply no relation between the singular, and broken plural forms. Tamara Schembri [1], in her B.A. thesis, argues that this view is not entirely correct and offers evidence for regularities governing transformations between the respective forms. In this paper we describe an attempt to examine the computational implications of Schembri’s work for classification of the singular nouns and generation of the corresponding plural form. The solution adopted is based on based on artificial neural networks and involves a pattern associator flanked on both sides by an encoding and decoding unit. We experimented with various encoding schemes and parameter settings and the network produces results that, after optimisation, are closely correlated with Tamara Schembri’s theory. Results indicate that, although we are still far off from creating a complete computational model for the Broken Plural, the classification of nouns in their singular form is not impossible and can be achieved with a relatively high degree of accuracy using machine learning techniques.
  author = {Farrugia, Alex and Rosner, Michael},
  title = {A computational analysis of the Maltese broken plural},
  address = {Malta},
  year = {2008},
  url = {}
Farrugia, George Il-Ġens Grammatikali fil-Malti Phdthesis: Ph.D. dissertation 2010
  author = {Farrugia, George},
  title = {Il-Ġens Grammatikali fil-Malti}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2010}
Farrugia, George Il-ġens grammatikali li jieħdu fil-Malti n-nomi ta' nisel Ingliż Book 2003
  author = {Farrugia, George},
  title = {Il-ġens grammatikali li jieħdu fil-Malti n-nomi ta' nisel Ingliż},
  publisher = {Mireva},
  address = {Msida},
  year = {2003}
Farrugia, George Aspetti lessikali tal-Malti fil-matrikola ordinarja u avvanzata (fit-traduzzjoni) Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 1987
  author = {Farrugia, George},
  title = {Aspetti lessikali tal-Malti fil-matrikola ordinarja u avvanzata (fit-traduzzjoni)}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1987}
Farrugia, Marisa L-istorja ta' l-alfabetti Maltin fil-kitba bil-Malti Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 1988
  author = {Farrugia, Marisa},
  title = {L-istorja ta' l-alfabetti Maltin fil-kitba bil-Malti}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1988}
Farrugia, Marie Therese Moving from informal to formal mathematical language in Maltese classrooms International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, Vol. 16 Article 2013 Link
Abstract: In Malta, mathematics is often taught through code-switching between Maltese and English, mainly due to the use of textbooks published in the UK. The mixing of the languages has been a source of discussion for several years, with some educators accepting the mixed pattern, and others arguing in favour of using English alone. Furthermore, the possibility of using Maltese itself as the language for mathematics has also been mentioned, for both spoken and written modes. In this article, I discuss a potentially standardised Maltese mathematics register and reflect on the choice of the classroom language in terms of the implications of the choice on the use and development of ‘mathematical language’. I illustrate various routes how one might move from informal to formal language, depending on which language/s is or are being used in the classroom. I hence invite educators to consider the language debate not only in terms of medium of instruction issues, but also in terms of the implications on the use and development of mathematical language.
  author = {Farrugia, Marie Therese},
  title = {Moving from informal to formal mathematical language in Maltese classrooms},
  journal = {International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism},
  year = {2013},
  volume = {16},
  number = {5},
  pages = {570--588},
  url = {},
  doi = {}
Farrugia, Ruben Analiżi Akustika u Komparattiva ta' Żewġ Djaletti Għawdxin Phdthesis: M.A. thesis
  author = {Farrugia, Ruben},
  title = {Analiżi Akustika u Komparattiva ta' Żewġ Djaletti Għawdxin}
  school = {University of Malta}
Farrugia, Ruben Aspetti Soċjolingwistiċi tad-Djalett ta' Sannat u sSistema Vokalika tiegħu Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 2010
  author = {Farrugia, Ruben},
  title = {Aspetti Soċjolingwistiċi tad-Djalett ta' Sannat u sSistema Vokalika tiegħu}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2010}
Felice, Alexander E. Genetic origin of contemporary Maltese Sunday Times of Malta, Vol. Article 2007
  author = {Felice, Alexander E.},
  title = {Genetic origin of contemporary Maltese},
  journal = {Sunday Times of Malta},
  year = {2007},
  pages = {60}
Felice Pace, Joe Fifty-'odd' words from Erin Serracino-Inglott's Il-Barrani Ilsienna - Our Language: Working Papers of the International Association of Maltese Linguistics (GĦILM), Vol. 2 Article 2012
  author = {Felice Pace, Joe},
  title = {Fifty-'odd' words from Erin Serracino-Inglott's Il-Barrani},
  journal = {Ilsienna - Our Language: Working Papers of the International Association of Maltese Linguistics (GĦILM)},
  year = {2012},
  volume = {2},
  pages = {95--102}
Felice Pace, Joe Towards a classification of the adverb in Maltese Ilsienna - Our Language: Working Papers of the International Association of Maltese Linguistics (GĦILM), Vol. 2 Article 2012
  author = {Felice Pace, Joe},
  title = {Towards a classification of the adverb in Maltese},
  journal = {Ilsienna - Our Language: Working Papers of the International Association of Maltese Linguistics (GĦILM)},
  year = {2012},
  volume = {2},
  pages = {79--94}
Felice Pace, Joe An unpublished Maltese-English dictionary Ilsienna - Our Language: Working Papers of the International Association of Maltese Linguistics (GĦILM), Vol. 2 Article 2012
  author = {Felice Pace, Joe},
  title = {An unpublished Maltese-English dictionary},
  journal = {Ilsienna - Our Language: Working Papers of the International Association of Maltese Linguistics (GĦILM)},
  year = {2012},
  volume = {2},
  pages = {103--111}
Felice Pace, Joe The tortuous itinerary of the Maltese vowel ie Ilsienna - Our Language: Working Papers of the International Association of Maltese Linguistics (GĦILM), Vol. 1 Article 2009 Link
Abstract: The vowel ie was added to the Maltese alphabet in 1992, 72 years after the standardisation of the alphabet by the Għaqda tal-Kittieba tal-Malti. But its presence in the language can be traced to medieval times. The paper presents historical evidence to prove that the use of the ie has been practically uninterrupted both before and after Mikiel Anton Vassalli's call for its inclusion in the alphabet. However, the proposal by Ġanni Vassallo to have it included in the alphabet devised by the Għaqda 1921 was not accepted. The several attempts, or suggestions, to define the nature of the ie are presented and discussed, followed by a presentation of views regarding its phonological value. Finally, recent influence of English on its pronunciation is spelt out.
  author = {Felice Pace, Joe},
  title = {The tortuous itinerary of the Maltese vowel ie},
  journal = {Ilsienna - Our Language: Working Papers of the International Association of Maltese Linguistics (GĦILM)},
  year = {2009},
  volume = {1},
  pages = {21--50},
  url = {}
Fellman, Jack Maltese, a unique Arabic dialect Anthropos, Vol. 77 Article 1982 Link
  author = {Fellman, Jack},
  title = {Maltese, a unique Arabic dialect},
  journal = {Anthropos},
  year = {1982},
  volume = {77},
  number = {5/6},
  pages = {896--897},
  note = {ArticleType: research-article / Full publication date: 1982 / Copyright © 1982 Anthropos Institute},
  url = {},
  doi = {}
Fellman, Jack Sociolinguistic similarities between two modern Semitic languages: Hebrew and Maltese Anthropos, Vol. 77 Article 1982 Link
  author = {Fellman, Jack},
  title = {Sociolinguistic similarities between two modern Semitic languages: Hebrew and Maltese},
  journal = {Anthropos},
  year = {1982},
  volume = {77},
  number = {5/6},
  pages = {895--896},
  note = {ArticleType: research-article / Full publication date: 1982 / Copyright © 1982 Anthropos Institute},
  url = {},
  doi = {}
Fenech, Conrad Tagħrif Ġdid fuq il-Kitba "Izzueg La Maltia" (1760) u Analiżi Lingwistika tagħha Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 2012
  author = {Fenech, Conrad},
  title = {Tagħrif Ġdid fuq il-Kitba "Izzueg La Maltia" (1760) u Analiżi Lingwistika tagħha}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2012}
Fenech, Chiara Maria Bilingualism and code-switching in Malta: The North-South divide: A sociolinguistic study Phdthesis 2014 Link
Abstract: Language learning is not an individualistic activity but rather an ongoing process which is influenced by one’s background and social factors. On account of Malta’s turbulent political past and having been a colony up until 1964, the Maltese are privileged in having a rich linguistic legacy. In view of Malta’s official bilingual status in Maltese and English the Maltese tend to display distinct linguistic attitudes towards the two main languages spoken in their community. This quantitative study focuses on the phenomenon of the North-South divide and seeks to analyse whether such geographical distinction also manifests itself in linguistic attitudes. This study’s findings reveal that though attitudes towards Maltese and English vary depending on one’s locality, Maltese continues to be the language predominantly heard throughout Malta. Generally, people hailing from certain parts of the island particularly the southern harbour region are looked down upon in terms of English language competency. Residents in other areas especially Sliema and the nearby localities are perceived as using English more frequently. Contrary to what might have been expected, this survey’s findings reveal that Maltese is the language respondents feel most comfortable using when interacting with others regardless of locality, age and gender. Interestingly, only 21 out of the 120 respondents preferred to be interviewed in English. This reveals how Maltese continues to dominate notwithstanding Malta’s official bilingual status.
  author = {Fenech, Chiara Maria},
  title = {Bilingualism and code-switching in Malta: The North-South divide: A sociolinguistic study},
  address = {Malta}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2014},
  url = {}
Fenech, Deborah Ir-reġistru tal-kċina fl-ilsien Malti, b’rabta mal-platti tal-fenek Phdthesis: B.A. (HONS) thesis 2013
  author = {Fenech, Deborah},
  title = {Ir-reġistru tal-kċina fl-ilsien Malti, b’rabta mal-platti tal-fenek}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2013}
Fenech, Dwardu A comparative linguistic study in the translations of the gospel according to Saint John in Maltese and Arabic Phdthesis: M.A. dissertation 1969
  author = {Fenech, Dwardu},
  title = {A comparative linguistic study in the translations of the gospel according to Saint John in Maltese and Arabic}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1969}
Fenech, Dwardu Vassalli u l-appendiċi etimoloġika tiegħu Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 1966
  author = {Fenech, Dwardu},
  title = {Vassalli u l-appendiċi etimoloġika tiegħu}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1966}
Fenech, Edward
Editor(s): Aquilina, Joseph and Isserlin, Benedikt S.J.
The study of Maltese dialects in the past A survey of contemporary dialectal Maltese Volume 1: Gozo Incollection 1981
  author = {Fenech, Edward},
  editor = {Aquilina, Joseph and Isserlin, Benedikt S.J.},
  title = {The study of Maltese dialects in the past},
  booktitle = {A survey of contemporary dialectal Maltese Volume 1: Gozo},
  publisher = {B. S. J. Isserlin},
  address = {Leeds},
  year = {1981},
  pages = {1--32}
Fenech, Edward Functions of the dual suffix in Maltese Rivista di Linguistica, Vol. 8 Article 1998
  author = {Fenech, Edward},
  title = {Functions of the dual suffix in Maltese},
  journal = {Rivista di Linguistica},
  year = {1998},
  volume = {8},
  pages = {89--100}
Fenech, Edel Terminoloġija reliġjuża: stħarriġ semantiku Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 1997
  author = {Fenech, Edel},
  title = {Terminoloġija reliġjuża: stħarriġ semantiku}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1997}
Fenech, Edward Contemporary journalistic Maltese: An analytical and comparative study Book 1978
  author = {Fenech, Edward},
  title = {Contemporary journalistic Maltese: An analytical and comparative study},
  publisher = {BRILL},
  address = {Leiden},
  year = {1978}
Fenech, Edward Three functions of the dual suffix in Maltese Journal of Maltese studies, Vol. 12 Article 1978 Link
  author = {Fenech, Edward},
  title = {Three functions of the dual suffix in Maltese},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese studies},
  year = {1978},
  volume = {12},
  pages = {1--9},
  url = {}
Fenech, Edward Carmel An analytical and comparative study of contemporary journalistic Maltese Phdthesis: dissertation 1975
  author = {Fenech, Edward Carmel},
  title = {An analytical and comparative study of contemporary journalistic Maltese}
  school = {University of Leeds},
  year = {1975}
Fenech, Joseph F. Il-mistier fil-barriera tal-ġebla tal-franka f'Malta: studju lingwistiku u soċjoloġiku Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 1981
  author = {Fenech, Joseph F.},
  title = {Il-mistier fil-barriera tal-ġebla tal-franka f'Malta: studju lingwistiku u soċjoloġiku}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1981}
Fenech, Karm Idjomi Maltin: imfissra u mwettqa b'siltiet minn kitba siewja Book 1984
  author = {Fenech, Karm},
  title = {Idjomi Maltin: imfissra u mwettqa b'siltiet minn kitba siewja},
  publisher = {Ġiżwiti Maltin},
  address = {[S.l.]},
  year = {1984},
  note = {318 S,}
Fenech, Reno Prietki qodma bil-Malti Phdthesis: unpublished M.A. Thesis 2009
  author = {Fenech, Reno},
  title = {Prietki qodma bil-Malti},
  address = {Msida, Malta}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2009}
Fenech, Reno Damma ta' Kliem Malti Mxerred f'Dokumenti Qosra Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 2007
  author = {Fenech, Reno},
  title = {Damma ta' Kliem Malti Mxerred f'Dokumenti Qosra}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2007}
Fenech Magrin, Josette Transferability of polysemous expressions in Maltese bilinguals Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 2003
  author = {Fenech Magrin, Josette},
  title = {Transferability of polysemous expressions in Maltese bilinguals}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2003}
Filipovich, Vladimir and Enriquez Filipovich, Catherine English-Maltese: the Maltese language for all occasions Book 2006
Abstract: A practical phrase-book for tourists.
  author = {Filipovich, Vladimir and Enriquez Filipovich, Catherine},
  title = {English-Maltese: the Maltese language for all occasions},
  year = {2006},
  edition = {3. ed.},
  note = {[Malta] : the Authors : Ill.}
Filipovich, Vladimir and Enriquez Filipovich, Catherine Deutsch-Maltesisch : die Maltesische Sprache in allen Situationen Book 1998
  author = {Filipovich, Vladimir and Enriquez Filipovich, Catherine},
  title = {Deutsch-Maltesisch : die Maltesische Sprache in allen Situationen},
  publisher = {the Authors},
  address = {[Malta]},
  year = {1998}
Filipovich, Vladimir and Enriquez Filipovich, Catherine Français-Maltaise : la langue Maltaise pour tout les occasions Book 1998
  author = {Filipovich, Vladimir and Enriquez Filipovich, Catherine},
  title = {Français-Maltaise : la langue Maltaise pour tout les occasions},
  year = {1998}
Filipovich, Vladimir and Enriquez Filipovich, Catherine Italiano-Maltese : la lingua Maltese per ogni occasione Book 1998
  author = {Filipovich, Vladimir and Enriquez Filipovich, Catherine},
  title = {Italiano-Maltese : la lingua Maltese per ogni occasione},
  publisher = {Selbstverl.},
  year = {1998}
Fina, Cristina Maltese anthroponymy and toponymy Phdthesis: Ph.D. dissertation 1990
  author = {Fina, Cristina},
  title = {Maltese anthroponymy and toponymy}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1990}
Fiorini, Stanley
Editor(s): Xuereb, Paul
Ut vulgo dicitur. Pre- 1600 materials for a documented etymology of Maltese Karissime Gotifride Incollection 1999
  author = {Fiorini, Stanley},
  editor = {Xuereb, Paul},
  title = {Ut vulgo dicitur. Pre- 1600 materials for a documented etymology of Maltese},
  booktitle = {Karissime Gotifride},
  publisher = {Malta University Press},
  address = {Malta},
  year = {1999},
  pages = {161--176}
Fiorini, Stanley A note on evidence for -LL-textgreater-DD- in Maltese onomastics Journal of Maltese studies, Vol. 19-20 Article 1989 Link
  author = {Fiorini, Stanley},
  title = {A note on evidence for -LL-textgreater-DD- in Maltese onomastics},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese studies},
  year = {1989},
  volume = {19-20},
  pages = {24--26},
  url = {}
Fiorini, Stanley Sicilian connexions of some medieval Maltese surnames Journal of Maltese studies, Vol. 17-18 Article 1987 Link
  author = {Fiorini, Stanley},
  title = {Sicilian connexions of some medieval Maltese surnames},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese studies},
  year = {1987},
  volume = {17-18},
  pages = {104--138},
  url = {}
Fiorini, Stanley A survey of Maltese nicknames I : the nicknames of Naxxar, 1832 Journal of Maltese studies, Vol. 16 Article 1986 Link
  author = {Fiorini, Stanley},
  title = {A survey of Maltese nicknames I : the nicknames of Naxxar, 1832},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese studies},
  year = {1986},
  volume = {16},
  pages = {62--93},
  url = {}
Firman, Christine A study of word-level decoding skills of 7-year-old Maltese children in a bilingual environment Phdthesis: Ph.D. dissertation 2007
  author = {Firman, Christine},
  title = {A study of word-level decoding skills of 7-year-old Maltese children in a bilingual environment}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2007}
Francesconi, Sabrina
Editor(s): Palusci, Oriana
Language habits, domains, competence and awareness: the role and use of English in Malta English, But Not Quite: Locating Linguistic Diversity Incollection 2010 Link
Abstract: fter introducing the historical, socio-cultural and political background of the English language in Malta, the paper addresses the phenomenon of language contact following a socio-linguistic method and illustrates the results of a survey conducted in August 2007 by the author. The exploratory study reveals the complexity of the role and use of English in Malta. Language competence, habits, use, opinion and awareness are here far from simple issues. Plural and heterogeneous language contact phenomena, interwoven with unique political, social, linguistic events, have uniquely moulded the identity of a variety of English which keeps refusing pre-established definitory labels.
  author = {Francesconi, Sabrina},
  editor = {Palusci, Oriana},
  title = {Language habits, domains, competence and awareness: the role and use of English in Malta},
  booktitle = {English, But Not Quite: Locating Linguistic Diversity},
  publisher = {Tangram Edizioni Scientifiche},
  address = {Trento},
  year = {2010},
  pages = {257--276},
  url = {}
Francica, Claire The effect of different early support programmes on Maltese bilingual children: three case studies Phdthesis: MEd 2007
  author = {Francica, Claire},
  title = {The effect of different early support programmes on Maltese bilingual children: three case studies}
  school = {University of Wales},
  year = {2007}
Francom, Jerid, LaCross, Amy and Ussishkin, Adam
Editor(s): Calzolari, Nicoletta, Choukri, Khalid, Maegaard, Bente, Mariani, Joseph, Odijk, Jan, Piperidis, Stelios, Rosner, Mike and Tapias, Daniel
How specialized are specialized corpora? Behavioral evaluation of corpus representativeness for Maltese Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'10) Incollection 2010 Link
Abstract: In this paper we bring to light a novel intersection between corpus linguistics and behavioral data that can be employed as an evaluation metric for resources for low-density languages, drawing on well-established psycholinguistic factors. Using the low-density language Maltese as a test case, we highlight the challenges that face researchers developing resources for languages with sparsely available data and identify a key empirical link between corpus and psycholinguistic research as a tool to evaluate corpus resources. Specifically, we compare two robust variables identified in the psycholinguistic literature: word frequency (as measured in a corpus) and word familiarity (as measured in a rating task). We then use three statistical methods to evaluate these comparisons. This research provides a multidisciplinary approach to corpus development and evaluation, in particular for less-resourced languages that lack a wide access to diverse language data.
  author = {Francom, Jerid and LaCross, Amy and Ussishkin, Adam},
  editor = {Calzolari, Nicoletta and Choukri, Khalid and Maegaard, Bente and Mariani, Joseph and Odijk, Jan and Piperidis, Stelios and Rosner, Mike and Tapias, Daniel},
  title = {How specialized are specialized corpora? Behavioral evaluation of corpus representativeness for Maltese},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'10)},
  publisher = {European Language Resources Association (ELRA)},
  address = {Valletta},
  year = {2010},
  pages = {421--427},
  url = {}
Frendo, Henry
Editor(s): Ellul Micallef, Roger and Fiorini, Stanley
Language and nationhood in the Maltese Experience. Some comperative and theoretical approaches Collected papers published on the occasion of the collegium melitense quatercentenary celebrations (1592-1992) Inproceedings 1992
  author = {Frendo, Henry},
  editor = {Ellul Micallef, Roger and Fiorini, Stanley},
  title = {Language and nationhood in the Maltese Experience. Some comperative and theoretical approaches},
  booktitle = {Collected papers published on the occasion of the collegium melitense quatercentenary celebrations (1592-1992)},
  year = {1992},
  pages = {439--471}
Frendo, Henry Language of a colony: a study of the Maltese language question during British colonialism, 1800-1919 Phdthesis: M.A. dissertation 1973
  author = {Frendo, Henry},
  title = {Language of a colony: a study of the Maltese language question during British colonialism, 1800-1919}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1973}
Friggieri, Oliver Dizzjunarju ta' termini letterarji: teorija, metrika, stilistika b'eżempji mil-letteratura Maltija Book 2000
  author = {Friggieri, Oliver},
  title = {Dizzjunarju ta' termini letterarji: teorija, metrika, stilistika b'eżempji mil-letteratura Maltija},
  publisher = {P.E.G.},
  address = {San Gwann},
  year = {2000},
  edition = {It-3et edizzjoni gdida mkabbra},
  note = {904 S.}
Friggieri, Oliver Per una valutazione storico-letteraria del romanticismo maltese Journal of Maltese studies, Vol. 14 Article 1981 Link
  author = {Friggieri, Oliver},
  title = {Per una valutazione storico-letteraria del romanticismo maltese},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese studies},
  year = {1981},
  volume = {14},
  pages = {14--21},
  url = {}
Friggieri, Oliver Momenti fondamentali dell'itinerario leopardiano di Karmenu Vassallo Journal of Maltese studies, Vol. 13 Article 1979 Link
  author = {Friggieri, Oliver},
  title = {Momenti fondamentali dell'itinerario leopardiano di Karmenu Vassallo},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese studies},
  year = {1979},
  volume = {13},
  pages = {43--66},
  url = {}
Friggieri, Oliver Dun Karm tra neoclassicismo e romanticismo Journal of Maltese studies, Vol. 12 Article 1978 Link
  author = {Friggieri, Oliver},
  title = {Dun Karm tra neoclassicismo e romanticismo},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese studies},
  year = {1978},
  volume = {12},
  pages = {10--44},
  url = {}
Gafà, Aurele Il-Malti fl-edizzjonijiet tal-katekiżmu ta' Wizzinu 1752-1911 Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 2009
  author = {Gafà, Aurele},
  title = {Il-Malti fl-edizzjonijiet tal-katekiżmu ta' Wizzinu 1752-1911}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2009}
Galea, Audrey It-tagħlim tal-grammatika ta' l-ilsien nattiv fil-livell primarju Phdthesis: MEd 1999
  author = {Galea, Audrey},
  title = {It-tagħlim tal-grammatika ta' l-ilsien nattiv fil-livell primarju}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1999}
Galea, Anna, Mifsud, Doris and Zammit, Denise Fil-baħar mad-denfil, vol. 1: studju fonoloġiku u sintattiku dwar "id-denfil taż-żgħar" u "id-denfil 1" Phdthesis: PGCE 1978
  author = {Galea, Anna and Mifsud, Doris and Zammit, Denise},
  title = {Fil-baħar mad-denfil, vol. 1: studju fonoloġiku u sintattiku dwar "id-denfil taż-żgħar" u "id-denfil 1"}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1978}
Galea, Luke The representation of strong tri-consonantal Semitic verbs in the Maltese Mental Lexicon Ilsienna - Our Language: Working Papers of the International Association of Maltese Linguistics (GĦILM), Vol. 2 Article 2012
  author = {Galea, Luke},
  title = {The representation of strong tri-consonantal Semitic verbs in the Maltese Mental Lexicon},
  journal = {Ilsienna - Our Language: Working Papers of the International Association of Maltese Linguistics (GĦILM)},
  year = {2012},
  volume = {2},
  pages = {47--66}
Galea, Maria SignWriting (SW) of Maltese Sign Language (LSM) and its development into an orthography: Linguistic considerations Phdthesis: Doctoral thesis 2014
Abstract: This study investigates the use of the Valerie Sutton SignWriting (SW) system, a nonlinear featural writing system for the writing of LSM (Maltese Sign Language). Every SW glyph represents a feature and at times a phone of sign language (SL) articulation. Hence SW may be used to write any sign language. Available LSM SW texts were analysed and a number of reading difficulties were identified. These included LSM pointing signs in the LSM SW texts which were highly ambiguous and their representation in written form caused difficulty in reading the texts. The analysis of the reading difficulties led to the linguistic study of LSM pronouns and agreement verbs and to a consideration of how SW may be used to represent the grammatical level of LSM, rather than just the phonetic level of LSM. One main conclusion of the study was that marking LSM grammatical space in written form helps to disambiguate between LSM pronouns from other pointing signs in LSM and provides a ‘key’ to readable forms of all LSM signs related to pronominal affixing. This work also offers a description of LSM whole entity classifier verbs and handle classifier verbs and their representation in written form. LSM handshape and movement graphemes are suggested where the grapheme is indicative of corresponding LSM phonemes. Recommendations for a reduction in the number of glyphs used to write LSM is included and a manual for the teaching of the SW of LSM is also proposed.
  author = {Galea, Maria},
  title = {SignWriting (SW) of Maltese Sign Language (LSM) and its development into an orthography: Linguistic considerations},
  address = {Malta}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2014}
Galea, Maria Classifier constructions in Maltese Sign Language (LSM): an analysis Phdthesis: M.A. dissertation 2006 Link
  author = {Galea, Maria},
  title = {Classifier constructions in Maltese Sign Language (LSM): an analysis}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2006},
  url = {}
Galea, Rosaire Sitt Prietki Qodma fl-Arkivju tal-Università - traskrizzjoni u analiżi Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 2010
  author = {Galea, Rosaire},
  title = {Sitt Prietki Qodma fl-Arkivju tal-Università - traskrizzjoni u analiżi}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2010}
Galea, Vincent and Tano Analiżi ta' l-iżbalji tal-karta tal-Malti, fl-eżami għad-dħul fil-„junior lyceum‟ Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 1994
  author = {Galea, Vincent and Tano},
  title = {Analiżi ta' l-iżbalji tal-karta tal-Malti, fl-eżami għad-dħul fil-„junior lyceum‟}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1994}
Gardani, Francesco Sicilian (Italian) into Maltese Borrowing of inflectional morphemes in language contact Incollection 2008 Link
  author = {Gardani, Francesco},
  title = {Sicilian (Italian) into Maltese},
  booktitle = {Borrowing of inflectional morphemes in language contact},
  publisher = {Lang},
  address = {Frankfurt am Main},
  year = {2008},
  number = {320},
  pages = {72--75},
  url = {}
Garnier, S. La question du substrat en maltais à la lumière d'al-Himyari Inproceedings 2001
  author = {Garnier, S.},
  title = {La question du substrat en maltais à la lumière d'al-Himyari},
  address = {Paris},
  year = {2001}
Gatt, Albert
Editor(s): Kim, Ji-Yung, Lander, Yuri A. and Partee, Barbara H.
Regular and generic possessives in Maltese Possessives and Beyond: Semantics and Syntax Incollection 2004 Link
  author = {Gatt, Albert},
  editor = {Kim, Ji-Yung and Lander, Yuri A. and Partee, Barbara H.},
  title = {Regular and generic possessives in Maltese},
  booktitle = {Possessives and Beyond: Semantics and Syntax},
  publisher = {GLSA Publications},
  address = {Amherst, Mass., USA},
  year = {2004},
  number = {29},
  pages = {199--215},
  url = {}
Gatt, Albert Dizzjunarju għall-primarja Book 2011
  author = {Gatt, Albert},
  title = {Dizzjunarju għall-primarja},
  publisher = {Merlin},
  address = {Blata l-Bajda},
  year = {2011}
Gatt, Albert On the semantics of possessive constructions in Maltese Phdthesis: M.A. dissertation 2003
  author = {Gatt, Albert},
  title = {On the semantics of possessive constructions in Maltese}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2003}
Gatt, Albert and Čéplö, Slavomír Digital corpora and other electronic resources for Maltese Inproceedings 2013 Link
Abstract: This paper describes the development and current status of digital corpora and other NLP resources for Maltese. After an introduction which briefly examines the linguistic situation and the history of corpus development for Maltese, the paper will focus on the efforts of two teams of researchers to create a digital corpus and set of related tools for contemporary and historical Maltese. These efforts, while largely independent at the outset, are in the process of being aligned.
  author = {Gatt, Albert and Čéplö, Slavomír},
  title = {Digital corpora and other electronic resources for Maltese},
  address = {Lancaster University, UK},
  year = {2013},
  url = {}
Gatt, Albert, Perea, Manuel, Moret-Tatay, Carmen and Fabri, Ray Are all Semitic languages immune to letter transpositions? The case of Maltese Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, Vol. 19 Article 2012 Link
Abstract: Recent research using the rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP) paradigm with English sentences that included words with letter transpositions (e.g., jugde) has shown that participants can readily reproduce the correctly spelled sentences with little cost; in contrast, there is a dramatic reading cost with root-derived Hebrew words (Velan & Frost, Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 14:913–918, 2007, Cognition 118:141–156, 2011). This divergence could be due to (1) the processing of root-derived words in Semitic languages or (2) the peculiarities of the transitional probabilities in root-derived Hebrew words. Unlike Hebrew, Maltese is a Semitic language that does not omit vowel information in print and whose morphology also has a significant non-Semitic (mostly Romance) morphology. Here, we employed the same RSVP technique used by Velan and Frost (Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 14:913–918, 2007, Cognition 118:141–156, 2011), this time with Maltese (and English) sentences. The results showed that Maltese–English bilinguals were able to reproduce the Maltese words—regardless of whether they were misspelled (involving the transposition of two letters from the consonantal root) or not, with no reading cost—just as in English. The apparent divergences between the RSVP data with Hebrew versus Maltese sentences are likely due to the combination of the characteristics of the Hebrew orthographic system with the Semitic morphology.
  author = {Gatt, Albert and Perea, Manuel and Moret-Tatay, Carmen and Fabri, Ray},
  title = {Are all Semitic languages immune to letter transpositions? The case of Maltese},
  journal = {Psychonomic Bulletin and Review},
  year = {2012},
  volume = {19},
  number = {5},
  pages = {942--947},
  url = {},
  doi = {}
Gatt, Albert, Vella, Alexandra and Caruana, Joe Annotating textual and speech data in maltese Technical Note ISO/TC 37/SC, Vol. 4 Article 2003 Link
  author = {Gatt, Albert and Vella, Alexandra and Caruana, Joe},
  title = {Annotating textual and speech data in maltese},
  journal = {Technical Note ISO/TC 37/SC},
  year = {2003},
  volume = {4},
  url = {}
Gatt, Daniela Early expressive lexical development: evidence from children brought up in Maltese-speaking families Phdthesis: unpublished Ph.D. dissertation 2010
  author = {Gatt, Daniela},
  title = {Early expressive lexical development: evidence from children brought up in Maltese-speaking families}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2010}
Gatt, Daniela Establishing the concurrent validity of a vocabulary checklist for young Maltese children Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica, Vol. 59 Article 2007 Link
Abstract: Objective: The current literature highlights the research and clinical applications of parental report in investigating the status of language skills in young children. Since language acquisition norms for Maltese have not yet been established, this study attempts to obtain preliminary indications of developmental trends in early lexical development by adapting an established parent-completed vocabulary checklist for use with Maltese children. Patients and Methods: The concurrent validity of this bilingual adaptation was examined relative to picture naming abilities and spontaneous vocabulary use in a cross-sectional cohort of 10 children aged between 12 and 30 months who were primarily exposed to Maltese. Results: The results indicate a high and significant correlation between lexical production abilities as reported by parents completing the checklist and as measured through confrontation naming and conversational language use. Reported vocabulary measures indicate a steady increase in lexical production with age, with a sharp increment evident beyond the age of 24 months. Conclusion: These findings suggest that the preliminary version of the vocabulary checklist has potential for gauging early lexical growth and point towards the need for further research on a larger scale.
  author = {Gatt, Daniela},
  title = {Establishing the concurrent validity of a vocabulary checklist for young Maltese children},
  journal = {Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica},
  year = {2007},
  volume = {59},
  number = {6},
  url = {}
Gatt, Daniela A case study: patterns of language use employed by a Maltese mother with her language delayed infant Phdthesis: MEd 2001
  author = {Gatt, Daniela},
  title = {A case study: patterns of language use employed by a Maltese mother with her language delayed infant}
  school = {University of Birmingham},
  year = {2001}
Gatt, Daniela, Grech, Helen and Dodd, Barbara Early lexical expression in children exposed to mixed input: A case of monolingual or bilingual development? International Journal of Bilingualism, Vol. Article 2015 Link
Abstract: Aims and objectives: This study documents early lexical expression in children whose language input in the home was predominantly Maltese, accompanied by regular exposure to English lexical mixing. Bilingualism and language contact were also present at the societal level. The study attempts to determine whether the children’s pattern of vocabulary growth corresponded to a monolingual or bilingual mode of development. Methodology: The expressive vocabularies of 60 children aged 1;0 to 2;6 years were measured using caregiver reports and language sampling. Data and analysis: Expressive scores representing total vocabulary, Maltese and English words as well as translation equivalents were derived from the language samples and caregiver-completed vocabulary checklists. Findings and conclusions: Both Maltese and English words were identified in the children’s expressive vocabularies. Higher translation equivalent proportions were reported across daily settings than were sampled. Participants seemed to introduce new equivalents for words previously used in one language according to the needs of the communicative context. These findings demonstrate a basic level of bilingualism in the participants and suggest selective use of equivalents in response to environmental demands. The latter would imply the presence of a double lexical system, indicating a more refined bilingual status, although insufficient contextual evidence made this a tentative proposition. Fragmented exposure to English appeared unable to support the participants’ bilingual development beyond the lexical domain. Originality: While documenting lexical development in children exposed to a distinctive language-learning context that is as yet under-researched, this study adds to the limited evidence on lexical expression in young children exposed to substantial lexical mixing in their input. Significance: These findings highlight the development of bilingual proficiency as a process that spreads across linguistic levels in accordance with input variables. They also suggest that Maltese children’s bilingual lexicons may have the potential to kick-start their sequential bilingual development once systematic exposure to integral English is introduced through schooling.
  author = {Gatt, Daniela and Grech, Helen and Dodd, Barbara},
  title = {Early lexical expression in children exposed to mixed input: A case of monolingual or bilingual development?},
  journal = {International Journal of Bilingualism},
  year = {2015},
  url = {},
  doi = {}
Gatt, Daniela, Grech, Helen and Dodd, Barbara Early lexical expression in typically developing Maltese children: implications for the identification of language delay Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics, Vol. 27 Article 2013 Link
Abstract: Limited word production may be the first indicator of impaired language development. The unavailability of normative data and standardized assessments for young Maltese children hinders the identification of early language delays. This study aimed to document Maltese children's expressive vocabulary growth and accompanying range of variation, to assist identification of children at risk for language impairment. The expressive vocabularies of 44 typically developing children aged 12–30 months were measured through caregiver report. Mean scores at each age point were characterized by substantial individual variation. Gender was not related to mean growth in vocabulary production. Minimum scores were compared to clinical thresholds for English-speaking children. Results emphasized the assessment- and language-specific nature of identification criteria. Nevertheless, established thresholds may be referred to when normative data for particular languages/language pairs are limited. In such contexts, the consideration of other risk markers gains importance in supplementing findings on lexical expression.
  author = {Gatt, Daniela and Grech, Helen and Dodd, Barbara},
  title = {Early lexical expression in typically developing Maltese children: implications for the identification of language delay},
  journal = {Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics},
  year = {2013},
  volume = {27},
  number = {6-7},
  pages = {459--471},
  url = {},
  doi = {}
Gatt, Daniela, Letts, Carolyn and Klee, Thomas Lexical mixing in the early productive vocabularies of Maltese children: Implications for intervention Clinical linguistics & phonetics, Vol. 22 Article 2008
Abstract: Since norms for vocabulary acquisition in Maltese children do not yet exist, documentation of productive vocabulary acquisition may contribute to establishing a baseline of lexical development. Clinical implications may thus be derived. The current study is a small‐scale investigation of the proportions of Maltese and English lexemes in the vocabularies of ten normally‐developing Maltese children aged between 12 and 30 months. The participants were primarily exposed to Maltese within their immediate environments, while receiving indirect exposure to English. Outcomes of parental report and language sampling were analysed for evidence of a bilingual dimension in these children's productive vocabularies. Translation equivalents were reported on by parents, but negligible evidence of equivalents emerged in conversational language use. In contrast, lexical borrowings were both reported and sampled. A substantial proportion of English lexemes were reported by the parents in the absence of Maltese equivalents.
  author = {Gatt, Daniela and Letts, Carolyn and Klee, Thomas},
  title = {Lexical mixing in the early productive vocabularies of Maltese children: Implications for intervention},
  journal = {Clinical linguistics & phonetics},
  year = {2008},
  volume = {22},
  number = {4-5},
  pages = {267--274},
  doi = {}
Gatt, Eric C. The semitic element in the "Damma" of Agius De Soldanis (3 vol.) Phdthesis: M.A. dissertation 1984
  author = {Gatt, Eric C.},
  title = {The semitic element in the "Damma" of Agius De Soldanis (3 vol.)}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1984}
Gatt, Guzi Qieghda fil-ponta ta' lsieni Book 2005
  author = {Gatt, Guzi},
  title = {Qieghda fil-ponta ta' lsieni},
  publisher = {Klabb Kotba Maltin},
  address = {Sta Venera},
  year = {2005}
Gatt, Michael L'influenza Italiana nei romanzi Maltesi tradotti dall'Italiano nell'ottocento: "Gianmaria ovvero L'ultimo dei Baroni Cassia" di Michelangelo Bottari Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 1990
  author = {Gatt, Michael},
  title = {L'influenza Italiana nei romanzi Maltesi tradotti dall'Italiano nell'ottocento: "Gianmaria ovvero L'ultimo dei Baroni Cassia" di Michelangelo Bottari}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1990}
Gatt, M'Dolores and Grixti, Charmaine Id-diffikultajiet fit-tagħlim tal-Malti li jiltaqgħu magħhom l-istudenti meta jgħaddu mill-iskola primarja għassekondarja Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 1994
  author = {Gatt, M'Dolores and Grixti, Charmaine},
  title = {Id-diffikultajiet fit-tagħlim tal-Malti li jiltaqgħu magħhom l-istudenti meta jgħaddu mill-iskola primarja għassekondarja}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1994}
Gatt, Marthese and Muscat, Rita Analiżi tal-lingwa tat-tfal: temi u vokabularju Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 1997
  author = {Gatt, Marthese and Muscat, Rita},
  title = {Analiżi tal-lingwa tat-tfal: temi u vokabularju}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1997}
Gatt, Mary Rose A comparative lexical study of the romance element in Agius de Soldanis' "damma tal kliem kartaginis mscerred fel fom tal Maltin u Ghaucin" (2 vol.) Phdthesis: M.A. dissertation 1974
  author = {Gatt, Mary Rose},
  title = {A comparative lexical study of the romance element in Agius de Soldanis' "damma tal kliem kartaginis mscerred fel fom tal Maltin u Ghaucin" (2 vol.)}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1974}
Gatt, Mary Rose It-tagħlim tal-Malti Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 1964
  author = {Gatt, Mary Rose},
  title = {It-tagħlim tal-Malti}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1964}
Gauci, Marie Prietka qadima ta' Mifsud: kontribut għad-dizzjunarju storiku Phdthesis: B.A. (HONS) thesis 2014
  author = {Gauci, Marie},
  title = {Prietka qadima ta' Mifsud: kontribut għad-dizzjunarju storiku}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2014}
Gauci, Phyllisienne and Camilleri, Maris
Editor(s): Borg, Albert, Caruana, Sandro and Vella, Alexandra
Syncretism in Maltese: the case of the dual Perspectives on Maltese linguistics Incollection 2014
Abstract: F’din il-ktiba nuru d-distinzjoni li teżisti bejn il-forma morfoloġika u l-użu tagħha bħala esponent. F’dan l-istudju, li jiffoka fuq il-partijiet tal-ġisem fil-Malti, naraw kif żviluppat il-forma tal-għadd imtenni u sinkronikamet, f’ċerti kuntesti paradigmatiċi, saret mhux biss esponent tal-plural iżda wkoll tas-singular. Hawn insostnu li dan il-proċess ta’ bidla u żvilupp hu kkawżat mis-sinkretiżmu, fejn il forma li filfatt tibda u żżid tmexxi dal-proċess hija l-forma tal-għadd imtenni. B’konsegwenza ta’ dan il-fenomenu paradigmatiku, il-forma titlef il-funzjoni oriġinali tagħha. F’dan l-istudju nfittxu naraw fejn u meta filfatt iseħħ dan. Filwaqt li nistudjaw is-sinkretiżmu minn ħdan il-paradimma, naraw fenomeni oħra ta’ interess. Fost l-oħrajn nosservaw il-forzi li qegħdin iżidu fil-kumplessità morfoloġika, bħal ma hija l-forza interna li twassal għal-livellar paradigmatiku.
  author = {Gauci, Phyllisienne and Camilleri, Maris},
  editor = {Borg, Albert and Caruana, Sandro and Vella, Alexandra},
  title = {Syncretism in Maltese: the case of the dual},
  booktitle = {Perspectives on Maltese linguistics},
  publisher = {Akademie Verlag},
  address = {Berlin},
  year = {2014},
  pages = {117--128}
Gauci, Sarah L-ideat ta' Vassalli kif xandarhom fil-daħliet tal-kitbiet tiegħu, u t-twettiq tagħhom Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 2008
  author = {Gauci, Sarah},
  title = {L-ideat ta' Vassalli kif xandarhom fil-daħliet tal-kitbiet tiegħu, u t-twettiq tagħhom}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2008}
Gesenius, Wilhelm Versuch über die maltesische Sprache zur Beurtheilung der neulich wiederhohlten Behauptung, dass sie ein Ueberrest der altpunischen sey, und als Beytrag zur arabischen Dialektologie Book 1810 Link
  author = {Gesenius, Wilhelm},
  title = {Versuch über die maltesische Sprache zur Beurtheilung der neulich wiederhohlten Behauptung, dass sie ein Ueberrest der altpunischen sey, und als Beytrag zur arabischen Dialektologie},
  publisher = {Vogel},
  address = {Leipzig},
  year = {1810},
  url = {}
Gialanzè, Ritienne Ħarsa lejn l-iżvilupp lingwistiku tal-lingwa f'tifla Maltija Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 2009
  author = {Gialanzè, Ritienne},
  title = {Ħarsa lejn l-iżvilupp lingwistiku tal-lingwa f'tifla Maltija}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2009}
Giezendanner, Ruedi Review of: a study of aspect in Maltese, by Albert G. Borg Notes on Linguistics, Vol. 25 Article 1983
  author = {Giezendanner, Ruedi},
  title = {Review of: a study of aspect in Maltese, by Albert G. Borg},
  journal = {Notes on Linguistics},
  year = {1983},
  volume = {25},
  pages = {46--47}
Gil, David Maltese"collective nouns": a typological perspective Rivista di lingüística, Vol. 8 Article 1996
  author = {Gil, David},
  title = {Maltese"collective nouns": a typological perspective},
  journal = {Rivista di lingüística},
  year = {1996},
  volume = {8},
  number = {1},
  pages = {53--88}
Gixti, Joe Growing um between cultures: Linguistic and cultural identity among Maltese youth and their ethnic counterparts in Australia Mediterranean Journal of Educational Studies, Vol. 11 Article 2006 Link
Abstract: The paper explores how young people's cultural identities are being increasingly redefined in complex linguistic and performative relation to transcultural experiences. It first considers the situation of young people of Maltese origin whose parents settled in Australia after the Second World War, and critiques the suggestion that these youths' educational performance and access to professional level employment may have been negatively affected by their alleged loss of 'mother tongue', ethnic identity and cultural heritage. The paper challenges this perception by outlining the complex ways in which young people growing up in Malta itself (the 'home' or 'mother' country) perceive, construct and perform their linguistic and cultural identities. It argues that young Maltese people's performative and linguistic constructions of their cultural identities provide a striking example of 'glocal' hybridity, and that, irrespective of whether they choose to claim Maltese or English or a combination of the two as the primary marker of their cultural identity, this hybridity is experienced as a positive performance and expression of selfhood.
  author = {Gixti, Joe},
  title = {Growing um between cultures: Linguistic and cultural identity among Maltese youth and their ethnic counterparts in Australia},
  journal = {Mediterranean Journal of Educational Studies},
  year = {2006},
  volume = {11},
  number = {2},
  pages = {1--15},
  url = {}
Glynnies, Bonnici L-identifikazzjoni u d-definizzjoni ta' għadd magħżul ta' kliem b'kontenut kulturali għad-dizzjunarju elettroniku Malti Phdthesis: B.A. (HONS) thesis 2014
  author = {Glynnies, Bonnici},
  title = {L-identifikazzjoni u d-definizzjoni ta' għadd magħżul ta' kliem b'kontenut kulturali għad-dizzjunarju elettroniku Malti}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2014}
Grech, Helen
Editor(s): McLeod, Sharynne
Maltese speech acquisition The international guide of speech acquisition Incollection 2007
  author = {Grech, Helen},
  editor = {McLeod, Sharynne},
  title = {Maltese speech acquisition},
  booktitle = {The international guide of speech acquisition},
  publisher = {Thomson Delmar Learning},
  address = {Clifton Park, NY},
  year = {2007},
  pages = {483--494}
Grech, Helen
Editor(s): McLeod, Sharynne and Goldstein, Brian
Translation to practice: Phonological analysis of the speech of multilingual children in Malta Multilingual aspects of speech sound disorders in children Incollection 2012 Link
  author = {Grech, Helen},
  editor = {McLeod, Sharynne and Goldstein, Brian},
  title = {Translation to practice: Phonological analysis of the speech of multilingual children in Malta},
  booktitle = {Multilingual aspects of speech sound disorders in children},
  publisher = {Multilingual Matters},
  address = {Bristol},
  year = {2012},
  pages = {211--213},
  url = {}
Grech, Henry Grammatika maltija Book 2004
  author = {Grech, Henry},
  title = {Grammatika maltija},
  publisher = {De La Salle Brothers Publications},
  address = {Cospicua},
  year = {2004}
Grech, Henry Qwiel Maltin Book 2003
  author = {Grech, Henry},
  title = {Qwiel Maltin},
  publisher = {De La Salle Brothers Publications},
  address = {[Cospicua]},
  year = {2003}
Grech, Helen Phonological development of Maltese speaking children Phdthesis: Ph.D. dissertation 1998 Link
  author = {Grech, Helen},
  title = {Phonological development of Maltese speaking children}
  school = {University of Manchester},
  year = {1998},
  url = {}
Grech, Helen and Dodd, Barbara Phonological acquisition in Malta: A bilingual language learning context International Journal of Bilingualism, Vol. 12 Article 2008 Link
Abstract: A total of 241 Maltese children aged 2;0—6;0 years, drawn randomly from the public registry of births, were assessed on a picture naming task to evaluate phone articulation, phonology and consistency of word production. Children were allowed to use the language they chose (either Maltese or English). Ninety-three children (38.6 were reported by parents to speak both Maltese and English at home, 137 (56.9 were reported to speak Maltese and 11 (4.7 only English at home. The data gained were analyzed for percent consonants and vowels correct, adult phonemes absent, developmental speech error patterns, number of English and Maltese words used, and the percentage of children using translation equivalents. The children who were reported to be only exposed to English at home were not compared statistically with other children because of the small number in that group. The data showed an increase in phonological competence over the age range and differences between children reported to be exposed to one as opposed to two languages at home. Many children, irrespective of reported home language context, used both English and Maltese during assessment. The results were interpreted as showing independent phonological systems that nevertheless interacted; a bilingual language learning context affected word naming language choice.
  author = {Grech, Helen and Dodd, Barbara},
  title = {Phonological acquisition in Malta: A bilingual language learning context},
  journal = {International Journal of Bilingualism},
  year = {2008},
  volume = {12},
  number = {3},
  pages = {155--171},
  url = {}
Grech, Jake Aspetti lingwistiċi fil-prietki tas-seklu tmintax Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 2010
  author = {Grech, Jake},
  title = {Aspetti lingwistiċi fil-prietki tas-seklu tmintax}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2010}
Grech, J. J. A study of aspect in English and Maltese Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 1977
  author = {Grech, J. J.},
  title = {A study of aspect in English and Maltese}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1977}
Grech, Marisa The Maltese language in Maltese primary legislation: 1921 to 1947 Phdthesis: LL.D. 2006
  author = {Grech, Marisa},
  title = {The Maltese language in Maltese primary legislation: 1921 to 1947}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2006}
Grech, M'Dolores Il-vokabularju espressiv Malti, Taljan u Ingliż f'erba' oqsma lessikali fit-tfal ta' ħames u sitt snin il-partiċipju attiv Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 1994
  author = {Grech, M'Dolores},
  title = {Il-vokabularju espressiv Malti, Taljan u Ingliż f'erba' oqsma lessikali fit-tfal ta' ħames u sitt snin il-partiċipju attiv}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1994}
Grech, Paul Are there any traces of Punic in Maltese? Journal of Maltese studies, Vol. 1 Article 1961 Link
  author = {Grech, Paul},
  title = {Are there any traces of Punic in Maltese?},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese studies},
  year = {1961},
  volume = {1},
  pages = {130--138},
  url = {}
Grima, Antoinette Camilleri, Buttigieg, Linda and Xerri, Jessica Gozitan dialects in the classroom and language awareness for learner empowerment International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, Vol. 16 Article 2012 Link
Abstract: Abstract Linguistic evidence shows that the dialects of Maltese present on the islands of Malta and Gozo are distinct from Standard Maltese (SM) on all linguistic levels. This article describes the dialectal reality in Gozo and inside Gozitan classrooms on the basis of data collected through classroom observation and interviews. The emphasis on the use of SM varies from one teacher to another, and from one school to another. However, there seems to be a common understanding that Gozitan dialects are important as symbols of identity, but that they make it harder for the pupils to learn how to write in SM. This contribution puts forward a tested recommendation for language awareness activities in the relevant classroom situations. Through language awareness, learners who are dialect speakers become empowered to adopt the appropriate variety in context. Furthermore, from the affective perspective, having their dialect legitimised enhances their self-esteem as learners.
  author = {Grima, Antoinette Camilleri and Buttigieg, Linda and Xerri, Jessica},
  title = {Gozitan dialects in the classroom and language awareness for learner empowerment},
  journal = {International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism},
  year = {2012},
  volume = {16},
  number = {5},
  pages = {1--13},
  url = {},
  doi = {}
Grima, Carlston Studju Soċjolingwistiku fuq ir-Reġistru tal-Piroteknika Maltija Phdthesis: M.A. thesis
  author = {Grima, Carlston},
  title = {Studju Soċjolingwistiku fuq ir-Reġistru tal-Piroteknika Maltija}
  school = {University of Malta}
Grima, Carlston It-Tieni Forma Verbali: Struttura u Tifsir Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 2011
  author = {Grima, Carlston},
  title = {It-Tieni Forma Verbali: Struttura u Tifsir}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2011}
Grima, Jade Ġabra ta‟ Prietki ta‟ Franġisku Saverju Baldacchino Traskritti u Analizzati Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 2012
  author = {Grima, Jade},
  title = {Ġabra ta‟ Prietki ta‟ Franġisku Saverju Baldacchino Traskritti u Analizzati}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2012}
Grima, Kevin L-evalwazzjoni ta' programm kompjuterizzat għattagħlim tal-Malti fl-ewwel sena ta' l-iskola primarja Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 1998
  author = {Grima, Kevin},
  title = {L-evalwazzjoni ta' programm kompjuterizzat għattagħlim tal-Malti fl-ewwel sena ta' l-iskola primarja}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1998}
Grima, Kenneth Ix-xandir bil-Malti Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 1995
  author = {Grima, Kenneth},
  title = {Ix-xandir bil-Malti}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1995}
Grima, Nathalie L-għażla tal-Malti bħala suġġett ta' studju fil-fakultà ta' l-edukazzjoni fl-università ta' Malta Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 1997
  author = {Grima, Nathalie},
  title = {L-għażla tal-Malti bħala suġġett ta' studju fil-fakultà ta' l-edukazzjoni fl-università ta' Malta}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1997}
Grima, Rosann Il-qlib tar-reġistru fit-taħdit tat-tfal Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 1989
  author = {Grima, Rosann},
  title = {Il-qlib tar-reġistru fit-taħdit tat-tfal}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1989}
Grima, Sarah Jane Il-bini tad-dizzjunarju ta' Ġużè Aquilina Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 2005
  author = {Grima, Sarah Jane},
  title = {Il-bini tad-dizzjunarju ta' Ġużè Aquilina}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2005}
Grixti, Joe 'Glocalised' Youth Culture as Linguistic Performance: Media Globalisation and the Construction of Hybrid Identities Noves SL.: Revista de sociolingüística, Vol. Article 2008 Link
Abstract: This article explores how young people’s cultural identities are being increasingly redefined in complex linguistic and performative relation to trans-cultural media experiences. Drawing on intervews with youg people living in Malta, it examines children’s use of and attitudes to language in a post-colonial bilingual context in order to develop a more nuanced understanding of the global-local interface informing the construction of contemporary youth identities provide a striking example of ‘glocal’ hybridity, irrespective of whether they choose to claim Maltese or English or combination of the two as the primary marker of their cultural identity.
  author = {Grixti, Joe},
  title = {'Glocalised' Youth Culture as Linguistic Performance: Media Globalisation and the Construction of Hybrid Identities},
  journal = {Noves SL.: Revista de sociolingüística},
  year = {2008},
  number = {1},
  url = {}
Grixti, Susan Analiżi tal-kotba tat-taħriġ tal-Malti li jistgħu jintużaw fliskola primarja Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 1997
  author = {Grixti, Susan},
  title = {Analiżi tal-kotba tat-taħriġ tal-Malti li jistgħu jintużaw fliskola primarja}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1997}
Grozdanova, Liliana
Editor(s): Brincat, Joseph M.
Typological characteristics of negation in standard Maltese Languages of the Mediterranean - Substrata - The Islands - Malta: Proceedings of the Conference held in Malta 26-29 September 1991 Incollection 1994
  author = {Grozdanova, Liliana},
  editor = {Brincat, Joseph M.},
  title = {Typological characteristics of negation in standard Maltese},
  booktitle = {Languages of the Mediterranean - Substrata - The Islands - Malta: Proceedings of the Conference held in Malta 26-29 September 1991},
  publisher = {Institute of Linguistics, University of Malta},
  address = {Msida},
  year = {1994},
  pages = {240--243}
Grozdanova, Liliana Negation in English and Maltese: common rules and typological differences Journal of Maltese studies, Vol. 19-20 Article 1989 Link
  author = {Grozdanova, Liliana},
  title = {Negation in English and Maltese: common rules and typological differences},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese studies},
  year = {1989},
  volume = {19-20},
  pages = {95--99},
  url = {}
Gulia, W.P. L'għanja ta'Għawdex 1966-67 Journal of Maltese studies, Vol. 5 Article 1968 Link
  author = {Gulia, W.P.},
  title = {L'għanja ta'Għawdex 1966-67},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese studies},
  year = {1968},
  volume = {5},
  pages = {60,62,64,66,68},
  url = {}
Gullick, C. J. M. R. Language and sentiment in Malta Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Vol. 3 Article 1974 Link
  author = {Gullick, C. J. M. R.},
  title = {Language and sentiment in Malta},
  journal = {Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies},
  year = {1974},
  volume = {3},
  number = {1-2},
  pages = {92--103},
  url = {}
Gusman, Natalie Traskrizzjoni u analiżi tas-sitt prietki f‟Ms.195 li jinsabu fl-Arkivju tal-Biblijoteka tal-Università Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 2010
  author = {Gusman, Natalie},
  title = {Traskrizzjoni u analiżi tas-sitt prietki f‟Ms.195 li jinsabu fl-Arkivju tal-Biblijoteka tal-Università}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2010}
Haase, Martin
Editor(s): Bommes, Michael, Noack, Christina and Tophinke, Doris
Mehrschichtiger Sprachkontakt in Malta Sprache als Form. Festschrift fur Utz Maas Incollection 2002 Link
  author = {Haase, Martin},
  editor = {Bommes, Michael and Noack, Christina and Tophinke, Doris},
  title = {Mehrschichtiger Sprachkontakt in Malta},
  booktitle = {Sprache als Form. Festschrift fur Utz Maas},
  publisher = {Westdeutscher Verlag},
  address = {Wiesbaden},
  year = {2002},
  pages = {101--107},
  url = {}
Hagège, D. and Joseph Schuetz, H. de Des Journaux bilingues interessants Journal of Maltese studies, Vol. 5 Article 1968 Link
  author = {Hagège, D. and Joseph Schuetz, H. de},
  title = {Des Journaux bilingues interessants},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese studies},
  year = {1968},
  volume = {5},
  pages = {49--59},
  url = {}
Hammett, Sandra
Editor(s): Grigore, George and Sitaru, Laura
Irregular verbs in Maltese and their counterparts in the Tunisian and Moroccan dialects Romano-Arabica, Vol. XIV Article 2014 Link
Abstract: This paper aims to analyse irregular verbs in Maltese and compares the examples to their counterparts in four Tunisian dialects, mainly the dialect of Sousse, Tunis, Judeo Tunisian Arabic, Tunisian Arabic as described by Stumme and Moroccan. Maltese as any other Arabic dialect has continued to evolve and grow further away from Classical Arabic; the close affinities Maltese shares with the Tunisian dialects are quite obvious as are the several isoglosses attested which distinguish the Maghrebi dialects as a group. It is for this reason that Maltese here is being compared to four Tunisian dialects, with the examples given from Moroccan to often serve as contrast. This paper is partly based on the questionnaire by Dominique Caubet, ‘Questionnaire du Dialectologie du Maghreb’, as well as another unpublished paper by the same author entitled: ‘Towards a dialectological atlas of Maltese; questions to be raised’ (2007), the aims of which was to draw a linguistic atlas of the Maghrebi dialects and Maltese.
  author = {Hammett, Sandra},
  editor = {Grigore, George and Sitaru, Laura},
  title = {Irregular verbs in Maltese and their counterparts in the Tunisian and Moroccan dialects},
  journal = {Romano-Arabica},
  year = {2014},
  volume = {XIV},
  pages = {193--210},
  url = {}
Hammett, Sandra Maltese within the Maghrebi Dialectological Framework: A Study based on the Questionnaire by D. Caubet Phdthesis: Unpublished M.A. thesis 2012
Abstract: This is the dissertation that I presented to the Institute of Linguistics within the University of Malta for the conferral of a Master of Arts (Linguistics). The main aims of this research was to establish which Maghrebi dialects are mostly akin to Maltese and to discover the isoglosses shared with Maltese which distinguish these dialects as a group. Maltese was compared to five Maghrebi dialects mainly Tunis Arabic, Sousse Arabic, Tunisian Arabic (general), Judeo Tunisian Arabic, and Moroccan to serve as contrast. This dissertation was based on the Questionnaire by D. Caubet, the main aims of which were to form a dialectal atlas of the Maghreb including Maltese. From the comparative analysis I concluded that the dialects mostly akin to Maltese are the dialect of Sousse (Tunisia) and also the Judeo Arabic of Tunis. Most of the innovations found in Maltese are also attested in the mentioned dialects, including the Romance element both in the lexicon as well as in their morphophonological makeup.
  author = {Hammett, Sandra},
  title = {Maltese within the Maghrebi Dialectological Framework: A Study based on the Questionnaire by D. Caubet}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2012}
Haspelmath, Martin and Caruana, Josephine Indefinite pronouns in Maltese Rivista di linguistica, Vol. 8 Article 1996 Link
  author = {Haspelmath, Martin and Caruana, Josephine},
  title = {Indefinite pronouns in Maltese},
  journal = {Rivista di linguistica},
  year = {1996},
  volume = {8},
  number = {1},
  pages = {213--228},
  url = {}
Haspelmath, Martin and Caruana, Sandro Subject diffuseness in Maltese: On some subject properties of experiential verbs Folia Linguistica, Vol. 34 Article 2000 Link
Abstract: Like many other languages, Maltese shows some peculiarities in the behavior of its experiential verbs. While the case-marking and agreement properties of these verbs point to (direct or indirect) object status of the experiencer argument, several behavioral properties make the experiencer argument appear more similar to subjects. Different sub-types of experiential verbs can be distinguished, and a number of individual verbs (most notably the possessive verb ghandu/kellu 'have', well-known from the earlier literature) show further peculiarities. The various groups of verbs or individual verbs can be arranged on a continuum which shows an increasing number of subject properties of the experiencer (or possessor) argument. Thus, subject properties are not distributed in a clear-cut manner, and we observe a certain amount of "subject diffuseness".
  author = {Haspelmath, Martin and Caruana, Sandro},
  title = {Subject diffuseness in Maltese: On some subject properties of experiential verbs},
  journal = {Folia Linguistica},
  year = {2000},
  volume = {34},
  number = {3-4},
  pages = {245--266},
  url = {$002fflin.2000.34.issue-3-4$002fflin.2000.34.3-4.245$002fflin.2000.34.3-4.245.xml},
  doi = {}
Hayes, John L The integration of Romance vocabulary in Maltese Romance Philology, Vol. 54 Article 2001 Link
  author = {Hayes, John L},
  title = {The integration of Romance vocabulary in Maltese},
  journal = {Romance Philology},
  year = {2001},
  volume = {54},
  number = {2},
  pages = {393--405},
  url = {}
Herndon, Marcia and McLeod, Norma The use of nicknames as evaluators of personal competence in Malta. Sociolinguistic working paper. Techreport 1972 Link
Abstract: The pragmatic use of nicknames as clarifiers separates the Maltese usage from those so common throughout the world where the nickname is used as a means of hiding identity. The familial character of most nicknames in Malta suggests they are the vestiges of a pre-Christian naming system. The major peculiarity in Malta is in the intermingling of seven naming devices in an evaluative system. The study of evaluative methods reveals a stable set of principles and fluid usage. People are mobile in the system according to their relative ability and the Maltese play with the system and express their personal feelings about others through it, regardless of the correctness of their opinions. In the case of musicians, nicknames are applied based on the musician's competence, and factions develop based on these evaluations and change over time. Personal evaluations used as insults evoke responses that have become institutionalized in the song duel, which creates various interpretations of the evaluation system. The purpose of the duelling is to create a set of situations in which speech is used indirectly in a way that allows for several possible interpretations, representative of some aspects of Maltese society. (MSE)
  author = {Herndon, Marcia and McLeod, Norma},
  title = {The use of nicknames as evaluators of personal competence in Malta. Sociolinguistic working paper.},
  address = {Austin},
  year = {1972},
  pages = {18},
  url = {}
Hilbert, Michaela and Krug, Manfred
Editor(s): Hundt, Marianne and Gut, Ulrike
Progressives in Maltese English: A comparison with spoken and written text types of Bristish and American English Mapping Unity and Diversity World-Wide: Corpus-Based Studies of New Englishes Incollection 2012 Link
Abstract: This volume presents a collection of in-depth cross-varietal studies on a broad spectrum of grammatical features in English varieties spoken all over the world. The contributions explore the structural unity and diversity of New Englishes and thus investigate central aspects of dialect evolution and language change. Moreover, this volume offers new insights into the question as to what constrains new dialect formation, and examines universal trends across a wide range of contact situations. The contributions in this volume further study the possibilities and limitations of quantitative and qualitative corpus analyses in comparative studies of New Englishes and exemplify novel approaches, e.g. the contribution of syntactic corpus annotation (tagging and parsing) to the description of New English structures; the use (and limitations) of web-derived data as an additional source of information; and the possibility to complement corpus data with evidence from sociolinguistic fieldwork.
  author = {Hilbert, Michaela and Krug, Manfred},
  editor = {Hundt, Marianne and Gut, Ulrike},
  title = {Progressives in Maltese English: A comparison with spoken and written text types of Bristish and American English},
  booktitle = {Mapping Unity and Diversity World-Wide: Corpus-Based Studies of New Englishes},
  publisher = {Benjamins},
  address = {Amsterdam},
  year = {2012},
  pages = {103--136},
  url = {}
Hilbert, Michaela and Krug, Manfred The compilation of ICE Malta: State of the art and challenges along the way ICAME Journal, Vol. 34 Article 2010 Link
  author = {Hilbert, Michaela and Krug, Manfred},
  title = {The compilation of ICE Malta: State of the art and challenges along the way},
  journal = {ICAME Journal},
  year = {2010},
  volume = {34},
  pages = {54--63},
  url = {}
Hoberman, Robert D
Editor(s): Kaye, Alan S.
Maltese morphology Morphologies of Asia and Africa Incollection 2007 Link
  author = {Hoberman, Robert D},
  editor = {Kaye, Alan S.},
  title = {Maltese morphology},
  booktitle = {Morphologies of Asia and Africa},
  publisher = {Eisenbrauns},
  address = {Indiana, USA},
  year = {2007},
  volume = {1},
  pages = {257--281},
  url = {}
Hoberman, Robert D. and Aronoff, Mark
Editor(s): Shimron, Joseph
The verbal morphology of Maltese: From Semitic to Romance Language processing and acquisition in languages of Semitic, root-based morphology Incollection 2003
  author = {Hoberman, Robert D. and Aronoff, Mark},
  editor = {Shimron, Joseph},
  title = {The verbal morphology of Maltese: From Semitic to Romance},
  booktitle = {Language processing and acquisition in languages of Semitic, root-based morphology},
  publisher = {Benjamins},
  address = {Amsterdam},
  year = {2003},
  pages = {61--78}
Hopper, Jessica Navigating the space of language: authorized language and symbolic power in Gozo Omertaa, journal for Applied Anthropology, Vol. Article 2008 Link
Abstract: In examining the concepts of authoritative language and symbolic power we often look to one legitimate language placed at the top of a hierarchy that serves to marginalize all others, and in so doing, marginalizes its speakers. We look at subversive moments of resistance to challenge this structure, but more often than not, it would seem, this hierarchical structure of language is the one that prevails. It is important, therefore, to examine language spaces that serve as a counterpoint or a place where the hierarchy isn’t so black and white. The situational context of the dual language system of Malta provides just such juxtaposition, within which to study authoritative language, symbolic power, and strategies of condescension, as it is a place where the normal rules of language hierarchy do not apply. My research and field experience in Malta indicates that while English may be given primacy on a global level, the local reality gives legitimacy to Maltese. While strategies of condescension in the use of English abound, there are still ways to negotiate moments of power and meet in the middle.
  author = {Hopper, Jessica},
  title = {Navigating the space of language: authorized language and symbolic power in Gozo},
  journal = {Omertaa, journal for Applied Anthropology},
  year = {2008},
  pages = {197--204},
  url = {}
Huber, Cecile Variation linguistique dans le cadre du bilinguisme à Malte = Linguistische Variation im Rahmen der Zweisprachigkeit auf Malta Phdthesis 1982
  author = {Huber, Cecile},
  title = {Variation linguistique dans le cadre du bilinguisme à Malte = Linguistische Variation im Rahmen der Zweisprachigkeit auf Malta}
  school = {University of Graz},
  year = {1982}
Huber, Cécile Variation linguistique dans le cadre du bilinguisme à Malte Book 1982
  author = {Huber, Cécile},
  title = {Variation linguistique dans le cadre du bilinguisme à Malte},
  publisher = {Universität Graz},
  year = {1982}
Hull, Geoffrey The Malta language question: a case study in cultural imperialism Book 1993
  author = {Hull, Geoffrey},
  title = {The Malta language question: a case study in cultural imperialism},
  publisher = {Said International Ltd.},
  address = {Malta},
  year = {1993}
Hull, Geoffrey The origin of the name "Kirkop" Journal of Maltese studies, Vol. 19-20 Article 1989 Link
  author = {Hull, Geoffrey},
  title = {The origin of the name "Kirkop"},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese studies},
  year = {1989},
  volume = {19-20},
  pages = {58--61},
  url = {}
Hull, Geoffrey Vicende e caratteristiche del maltese parlato in Egitto Journal of Maltese studies, Vol. 17-18 Article 1987 Link
  author = {Hull, Geoffrey},
  title = {Vicende e caratteristiche del maltese parlato in Egitto},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese studies},
  year = {1987},
  volume = {17-18},
  pages = {87--103},
  url = {}
Hume, Elizabeth Coronal consonant, front vowel parallels in Maltese Natural Language & Linguistic Theory, Vol. 14 Article 1996 Link
Abstract: This paper presents new evidence in support of the view that front vowels and coronal consonants are members of the natural class of coronal sounds. Evidence is drawn from coronal consonant/front vowel parallels in Maltese where these segments pattern together in default assignment, in vowel-to-coronal consonant assimilation, and in the more general process of coronal assimilation. The significance of the present study goes beyond the support that it offers for the coronality of front vowels; it also bears directly on the representation of consonant/vowel interaction in nonlinear phonology. Further, the evidence from consonant/vowel parallels as default segments is of particular interest in light of proposals suggesting that [coronal] is the unmarked place of articulation for consonants. In this work, it is proposed that the unmarked status of [coronal] can be extended naturally to include not only consonants but vowels as well.
  author = {Hume, Elizabeth},
  title = {Coronal consonant, front vowel parallels in Maltese},
  journal = {Natural Language & Linguistic Theory},
  year = {1996},
  volume = {14},
  number = {1},
  pages = {163--203},
  note = {ArticleType: research-article / Full publication date: Feb., 1996 / Copyright © 1996 Springer},
  url = {},
  doi = {}
Hume, Elizabeth Front vowels, coronal consonants, and their interaction in nonlinear phonology Phdthesis: Ph.D. dissertation 1992
  author = {Hume, Elizabeth},
  title = {Front vowels, coronal consonants, and their interaction in nonlinear phonology}
  school = {University of New York},
  year = {1992}
Hume, Elizabeth, Venditti, Jennifer, Vella, Alexandra and Gett, Samantha
Editor(s): Comrie, Bernard, Fabri, Ray, Mifsud, Manwel, Stolz, Thomas, Vanhove, Martine and Hume, Elizabeth
Vowel duration and Maltese 'għ' Introducing Maltese linguistics: selected papers from the 1st International Conference on Maltese Linguistics, Bremen, 18 - 20 October, 2007 Incollection 2009 Link
Abstract: Historically, the Maltese phoneme inventory includet a voiced pharingeal approximant which, in modern Maltese, has been replaced by increased duration of an adjacent vowel. However, the extemd to which increased vowel duration isobserved in all context that contained the pharingeal consonant is controversial. Brame (1972) assumes all contexts yielded increased duration while Puech (1979) shows the situation to be more complex: in some contexts increased vowel duration is constantly observed while in others it is not. In this paper we record on a pilot study examining this issue. As is shown, the extent to which increased duration occurs in the context of a historical pharingeal consonant is affected by syllable type, stress and word position. It is unclear, however, whehter these findings areconsistent with the patterns for other varieties of Maltese. Consequently, in this paper we also report on a study underway that builds on these earlier results. It takes advantage of Malta's rich dialectal landscape to inventigate the realisation of vowel duration in several different Maltese dialects from phonetic, phonological and sociolinguistic perspective.
  author = {Hume, Elizabeth and Venditti, Jennifer and Vella, Alexandra and Gett, Samantha},
  editor = {Comrie, Bernard and Fabri, Ray and Mifsud, Manwel and Stolz, Thomas and Vanhove, Martine and Hume, Elizabeth},
  title = {Vowel duration and Maltese 'għ'},
  booktitle = {Introducing Maltese linguistics: selected papers from the 1st International Conference on Maltese Linguistics, Bremen, 18 - 20 October, 2007},
  publisher = {Benjamins},
  address = {Amsterdam},
  year = {2009},
  number = {113},
  pages = {15--46},
  url = {}
Hume, Elizabeth V. Front vowels, coronal consonants, and their interaction in nonlinear phonology Book 1994
  author = {Hume, Elizabeth V.},
  title = {Front vowels, coronal consonants, and their interaction in nonlinear phonology},
  publisher = {Routledge},
  address = {New York},
  year = {1994}
Hume, Elizabeth V. Theoretical Consequences of Metathesis in Maltese Working Papers in Linguistics, Vol. 41 Article 1992
  author = {Hume, Elizabeth V.},
  title = {Theoretical Consequences of Metathesis in Maltese},
  journal = {Working Papers in Linguistics},
  year = {1992},
  volume = {41},
  pages = {15--45}
Ilg, Bertha and Stumme, Hans Maltesische Volkslieder: Im Urtext mit deutscher Übersetzung Book 1968
  author = {Ilg, Bertha and Stumme, Hans},
  title = {Maltesische Volkslieder: Im Urtext mit deutscher Übersetzung},
  publisher = {Zentralantiquariat der DDR},
  address = {Leipzig},
  year = {1968}
Incorvaja, William Studju Soċjolingwistiku f'Marsaxlokk (2 vol.) Phdthesis: M.A. dissertation 2011
  author = {Incorvaja, William},
  title = {Studju Soċjolingwistiku f'Marsaxlokk (2 vol.)}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2011}
Incorvaja, William Ix-Xlukkajr: is-Sistema Vokalika u Differenzi Lessikali Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 2007
  author = {Incorvaja, William},
  title = {Ix-Xlukkajr: is-Sistema Vokalika u Differenzi Lessikali}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2007}
Isserlin, Benedikt S. J. Sicilian Arabic and Maltese: Some remarks on their phonetic interrelations Journal of Maltese studies, Vol. 11 Article 1977 Link
  author = {Isserlin, Benedikt S. J.},
  title = {Sicilian Arabic and Maltese: Some remarks on their phonetic interrelations},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese studies},
  year = {1977},
  volume = {11},
  pages = {19--25},
  url = {}
Kabazi, Fuad Ulteriori considerazioni linguistiche sulla Cantilena di Pierto Caxaro Journal of Maltese studies, Vol. 19-20 Article 1989 Link
  author = {Kabazi, Fuad},
  title = {Ulteriori considerazioni linguistiche sulla Cantilena di Pierto Caxaro},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese studies},
  year = {1989},
  volume = {19-20},
  pages = {42--45},
  url = {}
Kalmár, Ivan and Agius, Dionisius Verb-subject order and communicative dynamism in Maltese Zeitschrift für Dialektologie und Linguistik, Vol. 50 Article 1983 Link
Abstract: Im Maltesischen, wie auch in anderen modernen arabischen Dialekten, unterscheidet sich die normale Wortstellung im Satz auffallend von der des klassischen Arabisch. Im klassischen Arabisch und im konservativen literarischen Arabisch von heute ist die unmarkierte Wortstellung VS (Verb vor Subjekt). Eine Möglichkeit, die unmarkierte Wortstellung zu finden, besteht darin, die Antworten auf eine sehr neutrale Frage wie "Was ist passiert?" zu analysieren. Dafür erhalten wir im literarischen Arabisch 1. Ma: ða hadaθa ? -? ∫ tara Muham:adtextasciicircumun - kitaibtextasciicircuman was passierte? - kaufte Mohammed (nom.) Buch (Akk.) 'Was ist passiert? Mohammed hat ein Buch gekauft?' Das Subjekt, muham:ad, steht nach dem Verb? ∫ tara. Das Gegenteil gilt für das Maltesische. Die geläufigste Antwort auf "Was ist passiert?" hat das Subjekt vor dem Verb 2. ∫ dƷtara? Muham: ad ∫ tara kti:b was passierte? Mohammed kaufte ein Buch. 'Was ist passiert? Mohammed hat ein Buch gekauft. Es gibt im Maltesischen aber zahlreiche Kontexte, in denen VS-Wortstellung noch neben VS-Wortstellung möglich - bzw. in wenigen Fällen - sogar obligatorisch ist. Der vorliegende Beitrag soll einerseits eine Übersicht über die Arten von VS-Konstruktionen im Maltesischen geben, andererseits aber auch eine Erklärung für ihren Fortbestand in einer "SV-Sprache" anbieten. Unser Erklärungsansatz basiert auf dem Konzept von Bindeglied (link) und Weiterführung (advance). Wir glauben, daß in normaler fortlaufender Rede jede Äußerung ein Element enthält, das eine Verbindung zu dem bereits Gesagten oder zu als allgemein bekannt vorausgesetzten Tatsachen herstellt. Dieses Element nennen wir Bindeglied. Es etabliert eine Referenz auf Bekanntes. Das Hauptanliegen jeder Äußerung besteht jedoch darin, den bekannten Informationen etwas hinzuzufügen, anstatt sie lediglich zu wiederholen. Daher enthalten Äußerungen eine Weiterführung, nämlich die neue Information, die durch das Bindeglied in den Kontext eingefügt wird. In dem Satz John zerbrach das Fenster ist John das Bindeglied, d.h. der Satz würde normalerweise nur geäußert unter der Voraussetzung, daß die Zuhörer wissen, wer John ist. Die Weiterführung bzw. neue Information ist zerbrach das Fenster. (Die Bezeichnungen "Bindeglied" und "Weiterführung" stammen von uns, aber der Grundgedanke ist den Arbeiten von Linguisten wie J. Firbas (1971), M. A. K. Halliday (1967-1968), W. L. Chafe (1976) und anderen verpflichtet.) Folgende Hypothese soll hier verifiziert werden: Im Maltesischen ist VS-Wortstellung nur möglich unter der Bedingung, daß das Subjekt nicht gleichzeitig Bindegliedfunktion hat.
  author = {Kalmár, Ivan and Agius, Dionisius},
  title = {Verb-subject order and communicative dynamism in Maltese},
  journal = {Zeitschrift für Dialektologie und Linguistik},
  year = {1983},
  volume = {50},
  number = {3},
  pages = {335--354},
  note = {ArticleType: research-article / Full publication date: 1983 / Copyright © 1983 Franz Steiner Verlag},
  url = {},
  doi = {}
Kaye, Alan S. and Rosenhouse, Judith
Editor(s): Hetzron, Robert
Arabic dialects and Maltese The Semitic Languages Incollection 1997 Link
Abstract: The Semitic Languages presents a unique, comprehensive survey of individual languages or language clusters from their origins in antiquity to their present-day forms.The Semitic family occupies a position of great historical and linguistic significance: the spoken and written languages of the Phoenicians, Hebrews and Arabs spread throughout Asia and northern and central Africa; the Old Semitic civilizations in turn contributed significantly to European culture; and modern Hebrew, modern literary Arabic, Amharic, and Tigrinya have become their nations' official languages.The book is divided into three parts and each chapter presents a self-contained article, written by a recognized expert in the field.* I. General Issues: providing an introduction to the grammatical traditions, subgrouping and writing systems of this language family.* II. Old Semitic Languages* III. Modern Semitic LanguagesParts II and III contain structured chapters, which enable the reader to access and compare information easily. These individual descriptions of each language or cluster include phonology, morphology, syntax, lexis and dialects.Suggestions are made for the most useful sources of further reading and the work is comprehensively indexed.
  author = {Kaye, Alan S. and Rosenhouse, Judith},
  editor = {Hetzron, Robert},
  title = {Arabic dialects and Maltese},
  booktitle = {The Semitic Languages},
  publisher = {Routledge},
  address = {New York},
  year = {1997},
  pages = {263--311},
  url = {}
Kenner, Julia Maltese dialectology Phdthesis: dipl 2013 Link
Abstract: Maltesisch entwickelte sich aus einem arabischen Dialekt und der Aufnahme von Altsizilianisch, Italienisch und später Englisch in seine Phonologie und sein Vokabular. Maltesische Gelehrte bemerkten und versuchten früh die verschiedenen gesprochenen Varianten und die Unterteilung zwischen ländlichem und städtischem Dialekt zu unterscheiden. Die Forschung der letzten vierzig Jahre erkannte, dass die Grenzen der Standardsprache als Dach des Kommunikationssystems und Dialekt als kleinräumige Kommunikationsform aufweichen. In Form eines aufgezeichneten Monologs in Żejtunischem Dialekt werden Unterschiede zum Standardmaltesischen wie z. B. die Verdumpfung und Diphthongierung der Vokale, die pharyngalisierte Realisation der għV-Verbindungen sowie phonotaktische Anmerkungen zu Vokalen und Konsonanten hervorgehoben.
  author = {Kenner, Julia},
  title = {Maltese dialectology},
  address = {wien}
  school = {uniwien},
  year = {2013},
  url = {}
Kheder, Souad Language contact and noun borrowing in Algerian Arabic and Maltese: A comparative study Phdthesis: M.A. dissertation 2011 Link
Abstract: Due to a long history of contact with other tongues, Algerian Arabic and Maltese have massive borrowings from French and Italian respectively. In the aim of exploring the influence of linguistic contact on the types of loan adaptation in these two historically related dialects, this study analyzed a linguistic corpus of noun loans. The effect of language contact is better observed through a comparative study of the phonological and morphological change each language has undertaken. The study investigated French noun loans in Algerian Arabic, and Italian noun loans in Maltese. It specifically focused on gender, number (singular and plural) and the definite article as a means of defining the noun loans. The analysis has revealed that Maltese and Algerian Arabic both adapted the loans phonologically but also borrowed new foreign phonemes. Morphologically, they mostly preserved the noun loans genders, used the native patterns to make them plural and the article -al in the case of Algerian Arabic ,-il in the case of Maltese to make them definite. Algerian Arabic used the native patterns / a:t/, the broken plural or the collective /-ja/ plural. Maltese used the native /-jiet/ and the broken plural, however, contrary to Algerian Arabic, Maltese has also borrowed Italian plural patterns making the loan plural patterns unpredictable. The linguistic consequences of borrowing on these languages have made of Algerian Arabic a case of diffusion and of Maltese a case of diffusion and loss. Maltese has borrowed new phonemes but has lost a few native ones, notably the emphatic and velar fricative sounds, still in use in the other Arabic dialects. Algerian Arabic borrowed new phonemes but retained the native phonemes. Borrowing could not be the only factor that has ultimately rendered Maltese to be no longer considered an Arabic dialect and has made Algerian Arabic not obvious to other Arabic speakers, yet it has reinforced it. Contact with the foreign language Italian and loss of contact with the mainstream Arabic dialects was another major factor that rendered Maltese a unique Semitic variety alien even to the closest North African dialect.
  author = {Kheder, Souad},
  title = {Language contact and noun borrowing in Algerian Arabic and Maltese: A comparative study}
  school = {Southern Illinois University Carbondale},
  year = {2011},
  url = {}
Kiparsky, Paul Chains or strata? The case of Maltese Phdthesis: Master Thesis 2011 Link
  author = {Kiparsky, Paul},
  title = {Chains or strata? The case of Maltese}
  school = {Stanford University},
  year = {2011},
  url = {}
Kontzi, Reinhold
Editor(s): Baum, Richard, Böckle, Klaus, Hausmann, Franz J. and Lebsanft, Franz
Der Beitrag deutscher Gelehrter zur Erforschung des Maltesischen seit Beginn des 17. Jahrhunderts bis zum Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts Lingua et traditio: Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaft und der neueren Philologen: Festschrift für Hans Helmut Christmann zum 65. Geburtstag Incollection 1994
  author = {Kontzi, Reinhold},
  editor = {Baum, Richard and Böckle, Klaus and Hausmann, Franz J. and Lebsanft, Franz},
  title = {Der Beitrag deutscher Gelehrter zur Erforschung des Maltesischen seit Beginn des 17. Jahrhunderts bis zum Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts},
  booktitle = {Lingua et traditio: Geschichte der Sprachwissenschaft und der neueren Philologen: Festschrift für Hans Helmut Christmann zum 65. Geburtstag},
  publisher = {Narr},
  address = {Tübingen},
  year = {1994},
  pages = {231--258}
Kontzi, Reinhold
Editor(s): Forstner, Martin
Maltesische Redensarten, gesammelt von Bertha Koessler-Ilg Festgabe für Hans-Rudolf Singer Incollection 1991
  author = {Kontzi, Reinhold},
  editor = {Forstner, Martin},
  title = {Maltesische Redensarten, gesammelt von Bertha Koessler-Ilg},
  booktitle = {Festgabe für Hans-Rudolf Singer},
  publisher = {Lang},
  address = {Frankfurt am Main},
  year = {1991},
  pages = {281--297}
Kontzi, Reinhold Sprachkontakt im Mittelmeer: gesammelte Aufsätze zum Maltesischen Book 2001
Abstract: Maltesisch ist eine Mischsprache. Sie ist das Ergebnis der Geschichte der Inselgruppe bei wechselnder Anwesenheit von verschiedenen Völkern mit ihren Sprachen. So erweist sich das Maltesische als ein ursprünglich arabischer Dialekt, der sich durch intensiven Kontakt mit dem Sizilianischen/Hochitalienischen und später dem Englischen zu einer eigenen Sprache entwickelt hat. Die hier erstmalig in einem Band versammelten Aufsätze Reinhold Kontzis zum Maltesischen beschäftigen sich u.a. mit folgenden Themen: Das Maltesische am Schnittpunkt von Abendland und Morgenland, Italienisches im Maltesischen, Maltesisch als Abstandsprache, maltesisch-maghrebinischer Sprachvergleich, methodische Probleme des Maltesischen, der Beitrag deutscher Gelehrter zur Erforschung des Maltesischen, maltesische Redensarten. Der Band ermöglicht somit einen umfassenden Einblick in verschiedene Aspekte des Maltesischen und seiner Erforschung.
  author = {Kontzi, Reinhold},
  title = {Sprachkontakt im Mittelmeer: gesammelte Aufsätze zum Maltesischen},
  publisher = {Narr},
  address = {Tübingen},
  year = {2001}
Kontzi, Reinhold Il-kontribut ta' studjużi Ġermaniżi fl-istudju ta' l-ilsien Malti mill-bidu tas-seklu sbatax sal-bidu tas-seklu għoxrin Journal of Maltese studies, Vol. 25-26 Article 1994 Link
  author = {Kontzi, Reinhold},
  title = {Il-kontribut ta' studjużi Ġermaniżi fl-istudju ta' l-ilsien Malti mill-bidu tas-seklu sbatax sal-bidu tas-seklu għoxrin},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese studies},
  year = {1994},
  volume = {25-26},
  pages = {13--39},
  url = {}
Kontzi, Reinhold The Maltese and the Arabic dialects: an approach from linguistic geography Journal of Maltese studies, Vol. 16 Article 1986 Link
  author = {Kontzi, Reinhold},
  title = {The Maltese and the Arabic dialects: an approach from linguistic geography},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese studies},
  year = {1986},
  volume = {16},
  pages = {22--44},
  url = {}
Kontzi, Reinhold L'elemento maltese nel maltese Journal of Maltese studies, Vol. 14 Article 1981 Link
  author = {Kontzi, Reinhold},
  title = {L'elemento maltese nel maltese},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese studies},
  year = {1981},
  volume = {14},
  pages = {32--47},
  url = {}
Koptjevskaja-Tamm, Maria Possessive noun phrases in Maltese: alienability, iconicity and grammaticalization Rivista di Linguistica, Vol. 8 Article 1996
  author = {Koptjevskaja-Tamm, Maria},
  title = {Possessive noun phrases in Maltese: alienability, iconicity and grammaticalization},
  journal = {Rivista di Linguistica},
  year = {1996},
  volume = {8},
  pages = {245--274}
Krier, Fernande Lehnwort und Fremdwort im Maltesischen Folia Linguistica, Vol. 14 Article 1980 Link
  author = {Krier, Fernande},
  title = {Lehnwort und Fremdwort im Maltesischen},
  journal = {Folia Linguistica},
  year = {1980},
  volume = {14},
  number = {1-2},
  pages = {179--184},
  url = {}
Krier, Fernande Le maltais au contact de l'italien Book 1976
  author = {Krier, Fernande},
  title = {Le maltais au contact de l'italien},
  publisher = {H. Buske},
  address = {Hamburg},
  year = {1976}
Krier, Fernande Analyse phonologique du maltais Book 1975
  author = {Krier, Fernande},
  title = {Analyse phonologique du maltais},
  publisher = {S. Karger},
  address = {Basel/Muenchen/Paris},
  year = {1975}
Krier, Fernande Analyse syntaxique de la phrase nominale en maltais La Linguistique, Vol. 11 Article 1975 Link
  author = {Krier, Fernande},
  title = {Analyse syntaxique de la phrase nominale en maltais},
  journal = {La Linguistique},
  year = {1975},
  volume = {11},
  number = {2},
  pages = {93--116},
  note = {ArticleType: research-article / Full publication date: 1975 / Copyright © 1975 Presses Universitaires de France},
  url = {},
  doi = {}
Krier, Fernande Les emprunts du maltais à l'italien: Etude phonologique grammaticale et lexicale Book 1975
  author = {Krier, Fernande},
  title = {Les emprunts du maltais à l'italien: Etude phonologique grammaticale et lexicale},
  year = {1975}
Krug, Manfred
Editor(s): Williams, Jeffrey P., Schneider, Edgar W., Trudgill, Peter and Schreier, Daniel
Maltese English Further Studies in the Lesser-Known Varieties of English Incollection 2015 Link
  author = {Krug, Manfred},
  editor = {Williams, Jeffrey P. and Schneider, Edgar W. and Trudgill, Peter and Schreier, Daniel},
  title = {Maltese English},
  booktitle = {Further Studies in the Lesser-Known Varieties of English},
  publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
  address = {Cambridge},
  year = {2015},
  pages = {11--50},
  url = {}
Krug, Manfred and Rosen, Anna
Editor(s): Hickey, Raymond
Standards of English in Malta and the Channel Islands Standards of English: Codified varieties around the world Incollection 2012 Link
  author = {Krug, Manfred and Rosen, Anna},
  editor = {Hickey, Raymond},
  title = {Standards of English in Malta and the Channel Islands},
  booktitle = {Standards of English: Codified varieties around the world},
  publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
  address = {Cambridge},
  year = {2012},
  pages = {117--138},
  url = {}
Lafayette, Robert An anthropological examination of aspects of Maltese culture: The Maltese in Malta, and the Maltese in New York City Book 1997
  author = {Lafayette, Robert},
  title = {An anthropological examination of aspects of Maltese culture: The Maltese in Malta, and the Maltese in New York City},
  publisher = {Columbia University},
  year = {1997}
Lafi, Nora Les relations de Malte et de Tripoli de Barbarie au XIX siècle Journal of Maltese studies, Vol. 25-26 Article 1994 Link
  author = {Lafi, Nora},
  title = {Les relations de Malte et de Tripoli de Barbarie au XIX siècle},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese studies},
  year = {1994},
  volume = {25-26},
  pages = {67--81},
  url = {}
Lautier, Mireille L-idjomi b'tema reliġjuża fil-Malti: ġabra u valutazzjoni tagħhom Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 2010
  author = {Lautier, Mireille},
  title = {L-idjomi b'tema reliġjuża fil-Malti: ġabra u valutazzjoni tagħhom}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2010}
Letard, Giuseppe Nicola Nuova guida alla conversazione italiana, inglese e maltese ad uso delle scuole. Book 1866 Link
  author = {Letard, Giuseppe Nicola},
  title = {Nuova guida alla conversazione italiana, inglese e maltese ad uso delle scuole.},
  publisher = {Paolo Calleja},
  address = {Valletta (?)},
  year = {1866},
  url = {}
Louis, Andre Famille et vie familiale a travers les proverbes tunisiens Journal of Maltese studies, Vol. 11 Article 1977 Link
  author = {Louis, Andre},
  title = {Famille et vie familiale a travers les proverbes tunisiens},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese studies},
  year = {1977},
  volume = {11},
  pages = {77--109},
  url = {}
Lucas, Christopher
Editor(s): Borg, Albert, Caruana, Sandro and Vella, Alexandra
Indefinites and negative concord in Maltese: towards a dynamic account Perspectives on Maltese linguistics Incollection 2014
Abstract: This paper examines the properties of indefinite pronouns and negative concord in Maltese, building on work bz Haspelmath and Caruna (1996), and offers an account of these data from the perspective of Dynamic Syntax (DS; Kempson et al. 2001, Cann et al. 2005), a grammar formalism which models real-time language comprehension in terms of the goal-directed growth of semantic trees.
  author = {Lucas, Christopher},
  editor = {Borg, Albert and Caruana, Sandro and Vella, Alexandra},
  title = {Indefinites and negative concord in Maltese: towards a dynamic account},
  booktitle = {Perspectives on Maltese linguistics},
  publisher = {Akademie Verlag},
  address = {Berlin},
  year = {2014},
  pages = {225--248}
Lucas, Christopher and Spagnol, Michael When junk gets hoarded, not recycled or discarded: numeral morphosyntax in Maltese Inproceedings 2013 Link
  author = {Lucas, Christopher and Spagnol, Michael},
  title = {When junk gets hoarded, not recycled or discarded: numeral morphosyntax in Maltese},
  address = {Oslo},
  year = {2013},
  url = {}
Ludtke, Helmut Epistemological remarks on language change and language universals Journal of Maltese studies, Vol. 11 Article 1977 Link
  author = {Ludtke, Helmut},
  title = {Epistemological remarks on language change and language universals},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese studies},
  year = {1977},
  volume = {11},
  pages = {3--18},
  url = {}
Maas, Utz
Editor(s): Comrie, Bernard, Fabri, Ray, Mifsud, Manwel, Stolz, Thomas, Vanhove, Martine and Hume, Elizabeth
Complex predicates in Maltese Introducing Maltese linguistics : selected papers from the 1st International Conference on Maltese Linguistics, Bremen, 18 - 20 October, 2007 Incollection 2009 Link
Abstract: Complex predicate formation in Maltese follows a drift in all Neo-Arabic varieties towards grammaticalizing coverbal modification in the predicate, whereby all elements, both modifying and modified verbs, remain morphologically finite. After defining coverbal modification from a morphosyntactic as well as a semantic (functional) point of view, the etymological resources for this construction in Old (Classical) Arabic are inventorized and checked against documented grammaticalized forms in several Neo-Arabic varieties, thus showing that Maltese belongs to this linguistic family (although with some particularities). Examples of the use of coverbal modification in oral varieties (exemplified by Tunisian Arabic) illustrate this difference, which remains to be explored.
  author = {Maas, Utz},
  editor = {Comrie, Bernard and Fabri, Ray and Mifsud, Manwel and Stolz, Thomas and Vanhove, Martine and Hume, Elizabeth},
  title = {Complex predicates in Maltese},
  booktitle = {Introducing Maltese linguistics : selected papers from the 1st International Conference on Maltese Linguistics, Bremen, 18 - 20 October, 2007},
  publisher = {Benjamins},
  address = {Amsterdam},
  year = {2009},
  number = {113},
  pages = {113--132},
  url = {}
Maas, Utz Mirative im Maltesischen: ein Fall von Grammati (kali) sierung? Linguistische Berichte, Vol. 2007 Article 2007 Link
Abstract: Maltese presents a particular construction that should be classified as Mirative, although this has not been noted in Arabic linguistics. In fact, other Neo-Arabic varieties, e.g. the closely related Moroccan Arabic, do not show this category. What is present in all Arabic varieties are forms of syntactic reduplication that are grammaticalized in Maltese as miratives. This is why we need to differentiate belween grammatization, i.e. giving a notional category a grammatical expression in a language, and grammaticalizafion, i.e. changing the (semantic) function of a form into a grammatical function. In the article, the uses of the Maltese mirative are explored in some detail and compared to another better known case, the Albanian (Ad-)Mirative. The fonnal resources of the Maltese mirative, the syntactic reduplication of a verbal predicate by a masdar as the reduplicand, is discussed and put in relation to its Old Arabic sources. The paper is presented as a methodological contribution, demonstrating the diffrculties of exploring a "covert category" when doing field work.
  author = {Maas, Utz},
  title = {Mirative im Maltesischen: ein Fall von Grammati (kali) sierung?},
  journal = {Linguistische Berichte},
  year = {2007},
  volume = {2007},
  number = {210},
  pages = {129--146},
  url = {}
Macaluso, Rosalba G. P. F. Agius De Soldanis (1712-1770) and his writings on the history and language of Malta and Gozo Phdthesis: Ph.D. dissertation 1990
  author = {Macaluso, Rosalba},
  title = {G. P. F. Agius De Soldanis (1712-1770) and his writings on the history and language of Malta and Gozo}
  school = {University of Paris},
  year = {1990}
Magri, Josianne Sett ta' riżorsi interattivi għat-tagħlim tal-Malti għar-raba' sena tal-primarja Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 2004
  author = {Magri, Josianne},
  title = {Sett ta' riżorsi interattivi għat-tagħlim tal-Malti għar-raba' sena tal-primarja}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2004}
Magro, Elgar-Paul
Editor(s): Lopez-Muñoz, Juan-Manuel, Marnette, Sophie and Rosier, Laurence
Le discours rapporté et l’oral spontané: l’exemple de deux récits en maltais Le Discours rapporté dans tous ses états: question de frontières Incollection 2004
  author = {Magro, Elgar-Paul},
  editor = {Lopez-Muñoz, Juan-Manuel and Marnette, Sophie and Rosier, Laurence},
  title = {Le discours rapporté et l’oral spontané: l’exemple de deux récits en maltais},
  booktitle = {Le Discours rapporté dans tous ses états: question de frontières},
  publisher = {L'Harmattan},
  address = {Paris},
  year = {2004},
  pages = {287--296}
Magro, Elgar-Paul La chute de la mélodie dans les énoncés assertifs en maltais: finalité ou continuation? Actes des XXVes journées d’Etude sur la Parole, Vol. Article 2004 Link
Abstract: It is very often claimed that most languages mark finality through a fall in pitch and continuation through a rise in pitch at the end of the utterance. This article shows that in Maltese both final and non-final declarative utterances can have a falling pitch contour and yet native speakers can make a clear-cut perceptual distinction between the two. Basing his analysis on a corpus of several pairs of morphosyntactically identical utterances, the author studies the intonational features that come into play so as to distinguish between the terminal fall and the continuation fall in declaratives. He then explores briefly the relationship of the falling contour of non-final declaratives with that of vocatives, imperatives, question tags as well as wh-questions in Maltese.
  author = {Magro, Elgar-Paul},
  title = {La chute de la mélodie dans les énoncés assertifs en maltais: finalité ou continuation?},
  journal = {Actes des XXVes journées d’Etude sur la Parole},
  year = {2004},
  pages = {333--336},
  url = {}
Magro, Elgar-Paul Le paragraphe oral et ses constituants discursifs en français et en maltais oral spontané: ébauche d'une comparaison Actes des VIes Rncontres de Jeunes Chercheurs, Vol. 268 (Langage et langues) Article 2004
  author = {Magro, Elgar-Paul},
  title = {Le paragraphe oral et ses constituants discursifs en français et en maltais oral spontané: ébauche d'une comparaison},
  journal = {Actes des VIes Rncontres de Jeunes Chercheurs},
  year = {2004},
  volume = {268 (Langage et langues)},
  pages = {37--40}
Magro, Elgar-Paul Propriétés intonatives du maltais, à partir de deux enregistrements de 'récit de vie' (deux locutrices de 80 ans et 30 ans) Phdthesis: DEA 2000
  author = {Magro, Elgar-Paul},
  title = {Propriétés intonatives du maltais, à partir de deux enregistrements de 'récit de vie' (deux locutrices de 80 ans et 30 ans)}
  school = {University of Paris},
  year = {2000}
Magro, Elgar-Paul Souvenir de jeunesse d'une grand-mère Maltaise. analyse d'un récit en Maltais oral contemporain Phdthesis: M.A. dissertation 1999
  author = {Magro, Elgar-Paul},
  title = {Souvenir de jeunesse d'une grand-mère Maltaise. analyse d'un récit en Maltais oral contemporain}
  school = {University of Paris},
  year = {1999}
Magro, Janica Patri Pelagju – Kittieb Malti tas-Seklu 18 Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 2012
  author = {Magro, Janica},
  title = {Patri Pelagju – Kittieb Malti tas-Seklu 18}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2012}
Majus, Johann H. Specimen linguae punicae in hodierna melitensium superstitis Book 1718
  author = {Majus, Johann H.},
  title = {Specimen linguae punicae in hodierna melitensium superstitis},
  address = {Marburg},
  year = {1718}
Mallette, Karla The Ramparts of Europe: The Invention of the Maltese Language European modernity and the Arab mediterranean: Toward a new philology and a counter-orientalism Incollection 2010 Link
  author = {Mallette, Karla},
  title = {The Ramparts of Europe: The Invention of the Maltese Language},
  booktitle = {European modernity and the Arab mediterranean: Toward a new philology and a counter-orientalism},
  publisher = {University of Pennsylvania Press},
  address = {Philadelphia},
  year = {2010},
  pages = {100--131},
  url = {}
Mallia, Magdalen It-tagħlim tal-Malti permezz ta' "topics" għal form ii Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 1986
  author = {Mallia, Magdalen},
  title = {It-tagħlim tal-Malti permezz ta' "topics" għal form ii}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1986}
Mallia, Phyllisienne Il-logħob tan-nar: stħarriġ etnografiku bi glossarju Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 2008
  author = {Mallia, Phyllisienne},
  title = {Il-logħob tan-nar: stħarriġ etnografiku bi glossarju}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2008}
Manara, Ernesto La lingua di Malta traverso i secoli: saggio storico Book 1886
  author = {Manara, Ernesto},
  title = {La lingua di Malta traverso i secoli: saggio storico},
  publisher = {Detken},
  address = {Napoli},
  year = {1886}
Mangion, Giovanni Giovan Francesco Buonamico scienziato e letterato maltese del Seicento Studi Secenteschi, Vol. Article 1971
  author = {Mangion, Giovanni},
  title = {Giovan Francesco Buonamico scienziato e letterato maltese del Seicento},
  journal = {Studi Secenteschi},
  year = {1971},
  number = {12},
  pages = {285--321}
Marshall, David R. A comparative study of some semantic differences between Maltese and Koranic Arabic Journal of Maltese studies, Vol. 9 Article 1973 Link
  author = {Marshall, David R.},
  title = {A comparative study of some semantic differences between Maltese and Koranic Arabic},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese studies},
  year = {1973},
  volume = {9},
  pages = {1--44},
  url = {}
Marshall, David R. History of the Maltese language in local education Book 1971
  author = {Marshall, David R.},
  title = {History of the Maltese language in local education},
  publisher = {Malta University Press},
  year = {1971}
Marshall, David R. A comparative table of the meaning patterns of the derived forms of the verb in Arabic and Maltese Journal of Maltese studies, Vol. 5 Article 1968 Link
  author = {Marshall, David R.},
  title = {A comparative table of the meaning patterns of the derived forms of the verb in Arabic and Maltese},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese studies},
  year = {1968},
  volume = {5},
  pages = {14--24},
  url = {}
Marshall, David R. Some discrepancies in the reasoning of the Arab grammarians Journal of Maltese studies, Vol. 4 Article 1967 Link
  author = {Marshall, David R.},
  title = {Some discrepancies in the reasoning of the Arab grammarians},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese studies},
  year = {1967},
  volume = {4},
  pages = {69--78},
  url = {}
Martino, Massimiliana de Analiżi lingwistika ta' prietki kontemporanji bil-Malti Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 2009
  author = {Martino, Massimiliana de},
  title = {Analiżi lingwistika ta' prietki kontemporanji bil-Malti}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2009}
Masini, Ilona Il-Logħob bil-Lingwa Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 2010
  author = {Masini, Ilona},
  title = {Il-Logħob bil-Lingwa}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2010}
Mayer, Thomas, Spangnol, Michael and Schönhuber, Florian
Editor(s): Borg, Albert, Caruana, Sandro and Vella, Alexandra
Fixing the broken plural in Maltese Perspectives on Maltese linguistics Incollection 2014
Abstract: Classifications of Maltese broken plural (BP) forms differ in the number of types, ranging from 11 (Schembri 2006) over 22 (Sutcliffe 1924) to 37 (Aquilina 1959), and in the criteria used for the classifications, i.e., on historical grounds (Borg 1978; Mifsud 1994) and on the basis of CV structures with same (Sutcliffe 1936; Aquilina 1959; Borg & Azzopardi-Alexander 1997) or different vowel melodies (Mifsud 1994; Schmebri 2006) in the plural.
  author = {Mayer, Thomas and Spangnol, Michael and Schönhuber, Florian},
  editor = {Borg, Albert and Caruana, Sandro and Vella, Alexandra},
  title = {Fixing the broken plural in Maltese},
  booktitle = {Perspectives on Maltese linguistics},
  publisher = {Akademie Verlag},
  address = {Berlin},
  year = {2014},
  pages = {129--160}
Mazzon, Gabriella
Editor(s): Sardo, Rosaria and Soravia, Giulio
Il ‘bilinguismo’ delle giovani generazioni a Malta Malta e Sicilia. Continuità e contiguità linguistica e culturale Incollection 1988
  author = {Mazzon, Gabriella},
  editor = {Sardo, Rosaria and Soravia, Giulio},
  title = {Il ‘bilinguismo’ delle giovani generazioni a Malta},
  booktitle = {Malta e Sicilia. Continuità e contiguità linguistica e culturale},
  publisher = {C.U.L.C.},
  address = {Catania},
  year = {1988},
  pages = {181--188}
Mazzon, Gabriella Bilinguismo della società e bilinguismo della rete a Malta: globalizzazione o colonizzazione Quaderni della Facoltà di Lingue e Letterature Straniere dell'Università di Cagliari, Vol. 10 Article 2008 Link
  author = {Mazzon, Gabriella},
  title = {Bilinguismo della società e bilinguismo della rete a Malta: globalizzazione o colonizzazione},
  journal = {Quaderni della Facoltà di Lingue e Letterature Straniere dell'Università di Cagliari},
  year = {2008},
  volume = {10},
  pages = {105--117},
  url = {}
Mazzon, Gabriella L'inglese di Malta Book 1992
  author = {Mazzon, Gabriella},
  title = {L'inglese di Malta},
  publisher = {Liguori},
  address = {Napoli},
  year = {1992}
Mazzon, Gabriella Politica linguistica vs identita culturale : alcuni aspetti della questione della lingua a Malta nel secondo '800 Journal of Maltese studies, Vol. 19-20 Article 1989 Link
  author = {Mazzon, Gabriella},
  title = {Politica linguistica vs identita culturale : alcuni aspetti della questione della lingua a Malta nel secondo '800},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese studies},
  year = {1989},
  volume = {19-20},
  pages = {100--109},
  url = {}
Micallef, Audrey R. Grammatika pedagoġika forma ta' sillabu spirall: studju sinkroniku tal-verb Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 1995
  author = {Micallef, Audrey R.},
  title = {Grammatika pedagoġika forma ta' sillabu spirall: studju sinkroniku tal-verb}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1995}
Micallef, G. Memorandum on the maltese language Book 1931
  author = {Micallef, G.},
  title = {Memorandum on the maltese language},
  address = {Malta},
  year = {1931}
Micallef, Joanne Traduzzjoni tal-ktieb Many Lives, Many Masters ta' Dr Brian Weiss li jittratta l-perċezzjoni ekstra sensorjali u r-riinkarnazzjoni Phdthesis: Unpublished M.A. thesis 2010
  author = {Micallef, Joanne},
  title = {Traduzzjoni tal-ktieb Many Lives, Many Masters ta' Dr Brian Weiss li jittratta l-perċezzjoni ekstra sensorjali u r-riinkarnazzjoni},
  address = {Msida, Malta}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2010}
Micallef, John Il contributo del maltese allo studio del siciliano: problemi di fonetiv´ca siciliana e maltese Bollettino del Centro Studi Filologici e Linguistici Siciliani, Vol. Article 1962
  author = {Micallef, John},
  title = {Il contributo del maltese allo studio del siciliano: problemi di fonetiv´ca siciliana e maltese},
  journal = {Bollettino del Centro Studi Filologici e Linguistici Siciliani},
  year = {1962},
  number = {7},
  pages = {274--287}
Micallef, John The Sicilian element in Maltese Phdthesis: M.A. dissertation 1959
  author = {Micallef, John},
  title = {The Sicilian element in Maltese}
  school = {University of London},
  year = {1959}
Micallef, Maria Il-Korrispondenza ta' Agius De Soldanis Libr. 146 V III Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 2010
  author = {Micallef, Maria},
  title = {Il-Korrispondenza ta' Agius De Soldanis Libr. 146 V III}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2010}
Micallef, Marlene Linguistic attitudes and code-switching patterns in Malta Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 1999
  author = {Micallef, Marlene},
  title = {Linguistic attitudes and code-switching patterns in Malta}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1999}
Micallef, Nevisse A. L-analiżi ta' l-istrutturi sintattiċi fil-komponiment ġenerali fl-eżami taċ-ĊES tal-Malti, Mejju 2007 Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 2008
  author = {Micallef, Nevisse A.},
  title = {L-analiżi ta' l-istrutturi sintattiċi fil-komponiment ġenerali fl-eżami taċ-ĊES tal-Malti, Mejju 2007}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2008}
Micallef, Paul
Editor(s): Rosner, Michael
Rule based lexical analysis of Maltese Proceedings of the Workshop on Computational Approaches to Semitic Languages Incollection 1998 Link
Abstract: Since no computer based dictionaries exist for Maltese, the only analysis that can be made at present is rule based. The paper describes a rule based system taking into account the mixed origins, (semitic and romance), of Maltese to categorise function and verb words. The system separates the database, the rule formalisms and the rule definitions, enabling easier analysis and quicker changes to rules when necessary.
  author = {Micallef, Paul},
  editor = {Rosner, Michael},
  title = {Rule based lexical analysis of Maltese},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Computational Approaches to Semitic Languages},
  publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics},
  address = {Stroudsburg, PA, USA},
  year = {1998},
  pages = {102--105},
  url = {}
Micallef, Paul A text to speech synthesis system for Maltese Book 1997
  author = {Micallef, Paul},
  title = {A text to speech synthesis system for Maltese},
  publisher = {University of Surrey},
  year = {1997}
Micallef, Paul and Psaila, Anthony Building an Automatic Speech Annotation System Proceedings of WICT08 Incollection 2008 Link
Abstract: The availability of phonetically annotated and labelled speech corpora is highly desirable from the point of view of speech research and speech technology development. Corpora that are built by the generation of manual phoneme annotation are a laborious and time-consuming task normally carried out by expert phoneticians. The adoption of automatic phoneme annotation for the Maltese language is highly desirable for the building of a Maltese Language Central Corpus database. For this purpose, two automated methods will be proposed. The first will include phoneme annotation by utilising the English- American TIMIT database, while the second will utilise a set of manually-segmented Maltese utterances tailor-made for this project. In order to do this, it is required to have a previously- annotated set of utterances up to phoneme level, and to train a set of models, one for each phoneme. For the building of phoneme models, several algorithms may be used, based on, among others, Neural Networks, Hidden Markov Models (HMMs), Wavelets and Dynamic Time Warping. The Hidden Markov Model algorithm was preferred, being the one that is most widely used, and also due to the ready availability of the HTK software suite. Initially, the system will automatically annotate simple Maltese words, but eventually it will be expanded to perform generic Maltese Speech Annotation. This paper will present the methods applied in more detail together with the results obtained.
  author = {Micallef, Paul and Psaila, Anthony},
  title = {Building an Automatic Speech Annotation System},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of WICT08},
  publisher = {University of Malta},
  year = {2008},
  url = {}
Micallef, Rita An investigation into the language skills of monolingual Maltese and English subjects with down syndrome Phdthesis: M. Sc. thesis 1996
  author = {Micallef, Rita},
  title = {An investigation into the language skills of monolingual Maltese and English subjects with down syndrome}
  school = {University of Dublin},
  year = {1996}
Micallef Trigona, Michael Il-qawl, b'riferenza għall-qawl Malti fil-biedja Maltija Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 1975
  author = {Micallef Trigona, Michael},
  title = {Il-qawl, b'riferenza għall-qawl Malti fil-biedja Maltija}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1975}
Micheli, Silvia Language attitudes of the young generation in Malta Phdthesis: M.A. dissertation 2001
  author = {Micheli, Silvia},
  title = {Language attitudes of the young generation in Malta}
  school = {University of Vienna},
  year = {2001}
Mifsud, Emanuel The demonstrative in Maltese Journal of Maltese studies, Vol. 7 Article 1971 Link
  author = {Mifsud, Emanuel},
  title = {The demonstrative in Maltese},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese studies},
  year = {1971},
  volume = {7},
  pages = {77--91},
  url = {}
Mifsud, Francis Paul Studju komparattiv ta' l-ideat lingwistiċi u letterarji ta' MA Vassalli u A.E. Caruana fl-isfond ta' l-istorja ta' iIlsien Malti Phdthesis: M.A. dissertation 1979
  author = {Mifsud, Francis Paul},
  title = {Studju komparattiv ta' l-ideat lingwistiċi u letterarji ta' MA Vassalli u A.E. Caruana fl-isfond ta' l-istorja ta' iIlsien Malti}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1979}
Mifsud, Jeanelle Tibdil fil-morfoloġija u fis-sintassi fil-Malti Modern Phdthesis: B.A. (HONS) thesis 2014
  author = {Mifsud, Jeanelle},
  title = {Tibdil fil-morfoloġija u fis-sintassi fil-Malti Modern}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2014}
Mifsud, Josephine It-tagħlim tal-Malti lit-tfal batuti fl-ewwel tliet klassijiet ta' l-iskejjel primarji Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 1982
  author = {Mifsud, Josephine},
  title = {It-tagħlim tal-Malti lit-tfal batuti fl-ewwel tliet klassijiet ta' l-iskejjel primarji}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1982}
Mifsud, Manwel
Editor(s): Brincat, Joseph M.
The weak-final conjugation in the Semitic component of Maltese Languages of the Mediterranean - Substrata - The Islands - Malta: Proceedings of the Conference held in Malta 26-29 September 1991 Incollection 1994
  author = {Mifsud, Manwel},
  editor = {Brincat, Joseph M.},
  title = {The weak-final conjugation in the Semitic component of Maltese},
  booktitle = {Languages of the Mediterranean - Substrata - The Islands - Malta: Proceedings of the Conference held in Malta 26-29 September 1991},
  publisher = {Institute of Linguistics, University of Malta},
  address = {Msida},
  year = {1994},
  pages = {244--265}
Mifsud, Manwel
Editor(s): Caubet, Dominique and Vanhove, Martine
Internal pluralization in Maltese: continuity and innovation Actes des Premières Journees de Dialectologie Arabe Incollection 1994
  author = {Mifsud, Manwel},
  editor = {Caubet, Dominique and Vanhove, Martine},
  title = {Internal pluralization in Maltese: continuity and innovation},
  booktitle = {Actes des Premières Journees de Dialectologie Arabe},
  publisher = {Inalco},
  address = {Paris},
  year = {1994},
  pages = {91--105}
Mifsud, Manwel
Editor(s): Comrie, Bernard, Fabri, Ray, Hume, Elizabeth, Mifsud, Manwel, Vanhove, Martine and Stolz, Thomas
"Imma l-oriġinal oriġinali?": A noun-adjective opposition in some Maltese word-classes of Romance origin Introducing Maltese linguistics : selected papers from the 1st International Conference on Maltese Linguistics, Bremen, 18 - 20 October, 2007 Incollection 2009
  author = {Mifsud, Manwel},
  editor = {Comrie, Bernard and Fabri, Ray and Hume, Elizabeth and Mifsud, Manwel and Vanhove, Martine and Stolz, Thomas},
  title = {"Imma l-oriġinal oriġinali?": A noun-adjective opposition in some Maltese word-classes of Romance origin},
  booktitle = {Introducing Maltese linguistics : selected papers from the 1st International Conference on Maltese Linguistics, Bremen, 18 - 20 October, 2007},
  publisher = {Benjamins},
  address = {Amsterdam},
  year = {2009},
  number = {113},
  pages = {309--320}
Mifsud, Manwel
Editor(s): Cremona, Joseph, Holes, Clive and Khan, Geoffrey
The productivity of Arabic in Maltese Proceedings of the 2nd Conference of the International Association for Arabic Dialectology (AIDA) Incollection 1995
  author = {Mifsud, Manwel},
  editor = {Cremona, Joseph and Holes, Clive and Khan, Geoffrey},
  title = {The productivity of Arabic in Maltese},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2nd Conference of the International Association for Arabic Dialectology (AIDA)},
  publisher = {University Publications Centre},
  address = {Cambridge},
  year = {1995},
  pages = {151--160}
Mifsud, Manwel
Editor(s): Lüdtke, Jens
The Loanword in Maltese: A Romance-Arabic crossbreed Romania Arabica: Festschrift für Reinhold Kontzi zum 70. Geburtstag Incollection 1996 Link
  author = {Mifsud, Manwel},
  editor = {Lüdtke, Jens},
  title = {The Loanword in Maltese: A Romance-Arabic crossbreed},
  booktitle = {Romania Arabica: Festschrift für Reinhold Kontzi zum 70. Geburtstag},
  publisher = {Narr},
  address = {Tübingen},
  year = {1996},
  pages = {117--128},
  url = {}
Mifsud, Maria A study of superordinates & hyponyms in Maltese Sign Language Phdthesis: M.A. dissertation 2010
  author = {Mifsud, Maria},
  title = {A study of superordinates & hyponyms in Maltese Sign Language}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2010}
Mifsud, Manwel The collective in Maltese Rivista di Linguistica, Vol. 8 Article 1996
  author = {Mifsud, Manwel},
  title = {The collective in Maltese},
  journal = {Rivista di Linguistica},
  year = {1996},
  volume = {8},
  pages = {29--52}
Mifsud, Manwel Loan verbs in Maltese: a descriptive and comparative study Book 1995
  author = {Mifsud, Manwel},
  title = {Loan verbs in Maltese: a descriptive and comparative study},
  publisher = {BRILL},
  address = {Leiden},
  year = {1995}
Mifsud, Maria The extent of English/Maltese usage among university students: sociolinguistic considerations Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 1993
  author = {Mifsud, Maria},
  title = {The extent of English/Maltese usage among university students: sociolinguistic considerations}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1993}
Mifsud, Manwel The non-semitic element in Maltese verbal morphology: a descriptive and comparative study of loanverbs in Maltese (2 vol.) Phdthesis: Ph.D. dissertation 1992
  author = {Mifsud, Manwel},
  title = {The non-semitic element in Maltese verbal morphology: a descriptive and comparative study of loanverbs in Maltese (2 vol.)}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1992}
Mifsud, Manwel and Borg, Albert J. Fuq l-għatba tal-Malti : deskrizzjoni kommunikattiva ta' l-ilsien Malti fuq il-mudell tat-"Threshold level 1990" Book 1997
  author = {Mifsud, Manwel and Borg, Albert J.},
  title = {Fuq l-għatba tal-Malti : deskrizzjoni kommunikattiva ta' l-ilsien Malti fuq il-mudell tat-"Threshold level 1990"},
  publisher = {Council of Europe Publ.},
  address = {Strasbourg},
  year = {1997}
Mifsud, Mary Rose A translation of Hotel Rwanda (screenplay) Phdthesis: Unpublished M.A. thesis 2010
  author = {Mifsud, Mary Rose},
  title = {A translation of Hotel Rwanda (screenplay)},
  address = {Msida, Malta}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2010}
Mifsud, Neville Id-djarju ta' de Soldanis - tagħrif bijografiku u soċjali Phdthesis: B.A. (HONS) thesis 2014
  author = {Mifsud, Neville},
  title = {Id-djarju ta' de Soldanis - tagħrif bijografiku u soċjali}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2014}
Mifsud, Ruth and Sammut, Moira L-iskills tas-smigħ tat-taħdit fil-lingwa Maltija fil-livell primarju mill-kindergarten sat-tielet sena Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 1996
  author = {Mifsud, Ruth and Sammut, Moira},
  title = {L-iskills tas-smigħ tat-taħdit fil-lingwa Maltija fil-livell primarju mill-kindergarten sat-tielet sena}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1996}
Mifsud, Steven Il-Karti Manwali tas-Soċjetà Museumina - Studju Kritiku Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 2012
  author = {Mifsud, Steven},
  title = {Il-Karti Manwali tas-Soċjetà Museumina - Studju Kritiku}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2012}
Mifsud Chircop, George Towards a structural analysis of the Maltese riddle on Maranda's metaphoric structures Journal of Maltese studies, Vol. 12 Article 1978 Link
  author = {Mifsud Chircop, George},
  title = {Towards a structural analysis of the Maltese riddle on Maranda's metaphoric structures},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese studies},
  year = {1978},
  volume = {12},
  pages = {63--69},
  url = {}
Mifsud Grimaud, Veronique Websites in Maltese - How important are they for research purposes for year 5 and 6 pupils? Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 2009
  author = {Mifsud Grimaud, Veronique},
  title = {Websites in Maltese - How important are they for research purposes for year 5 and 6 pupils?}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2009}
Miller, Frederic P., Vandome, Agnes F. and McBrewster, John Maltese Language Book 2009
Abstract: Maltese is the national language of Malta, and a co-official language of the country alongside English, while also serving as an official language of the European Union, the only Semitic language so distinguished. Maltese is descended from Siculo-Arabic (the Arabic dialect that developed in Malta, Sicily and the rest of Southern Italy between the ninth and the fourteenth centuries). About half of the vocabulary is borrowed from Italian and Sicilian,[4] and English words make up to 20% of the Maltese vocabulary. It is the only Semitic language written in the Latin alphabet in its standard form.
  author = {Miller, Frederic P. and Vandome, Agnes F. and McBrewster, John},
  title = {Maltese Language},
  publisher = {Alphascript Publishing},
  year = {2009}
Miller Amberber, Amanda, Nickels, Lyndsey A., Crain, Stephen and Coltheart, Max Switching languages in bilingual aphasia : evidence of grammatical impairment from Rarotongan, Maltese, French and English textbar Macquarie University ResearchOnline, Switching languages in bilingual aphasia : evidence of grammatical impairment from Rarotongan, Maltese, French and English Proceedings of the 12th International Science of Aphasia (SoA) Conference Inproceedings 2011 Link
Abstract: Macquarie University ResearchOnline
  author = {Miller Amberber, Amanda and Nickels, Lyndsey A. and Crain, Stephen and Coltheart, Max},
  title = {Switching languages in bilingual aphasia : evidence of grammatical impairment from Rarotongan, Maltese, French and English textbar Macquarie University ResearchOnline, Switching languages in bilingual aphasia : evidence of grammatical impairment from Rarotongan, Maltese, French and English},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 12th International Science of Aphasia (SoA) Conference},
  publisher = {Science of Aphasia},
  address = {Barcelona},
  year = {2011},
  pages = {104--107},
  url = {}
Milton, Josephine 'Speak in English!' : the language use of student teachers teaching English in Maltese primary schools : case studies Phdthesis: Doctoral thesis 2010 Link
Abstract: The National Minimum Curriculum recommends that English lessons should be taught in English, with some code-switching if necessary for the pupils to understand. Maltese and English are the official languages of Malta and both are used in primary education. The aim of this study was to explore the actual use of Maltese and English by student teachers during English lessons. This was done through the use of case studies of three participants: Anne, Suzanne and Lisa. I was interested in how the student teachers used English and why and when they drew on Maltese during their lessons. Through the process of data collection, coding and analysis I became more aware of the possible pedagogic use of Maltese that was involved in the teaching and learning process. I came to the conclusion that both languages were being used to mediate learning and to negotiate meaning and understanding in Maltese primary school classrooms. I also realised that the choice of using Maltese or English in the classroom depended on the identity of the user, as constructed through lived experiences, knowledge about language, and beliefs about language use and teaching as well as the social, cultural, educational and linguistic context. In the classrooms I observed, Maltese was drawn on frequently to ensure understanding and learning, for procedural issues, to address classroom management issues and at times to establish a friendly atmosphere during English lessons. Thus, I came to question the 'English-only' immersion policy in view of the use of Maltese as an additional pedagogical resource in the classroom.
  author = {Milton, Josephine},
  title = {'Speak in English!' : the language use of student teachers teaching English in Maltese primary schools : case studies}
  school = {University of Sheffield},
  year = {2010},
  url = {}
Mizzi, Carole As a matter of tact: a sociolinguistic perspective of English and Maltese euphemisms Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 2006
  author = {Mizzi, Carole},
  title = {As a matter of tact: a sociolinguistic perspective of English and Maltese euphemisms}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2006}
Mizzi, Lewis F. What is the Maltese Language? Book 1923
  author = {Mizzi, Lewis F.},
  title = {What is the Maltese Language?},
  publisher = {Progress Printing Press},
  year = {1923}
Mizzi, Rosario A speech intelligibility test for Maltese speaking children between 5 to 10 years: A pilot study. Phdthesis: M.A. dissertation 2010
  author = {Mizzi, Rosario},
  title = {A speech intelligibility test for Maltese speaking children between 5 to 10 years: A pilot study.}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2010}
Mizzi, Veronica Ir-reġistru tat-tisjir tal-ħelu bl-ilsien Malti Phdthesis: B.A. (HONS) thesis 2013
  author = {Mizzi, Veronica},
  title = {Ir-reġistru tat-tisjir tal-ħelu bl-ilsien Malti}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2013}
Mori, Laura
Editor(s): Caruana, Sandro, Fabri, Ray and Stolz, Thomas
Linguistic variation in legal Maltese: EU directives compared to national implementation laws Variation and Change: The Dynamics of Maltese in Space, Time and Society Incollection 2011
Abstract: This research focuses on legal Maltese in European Directives and in national implemetation laws in order to highlight linguistic variation within the process of intra-linguistic tranlsation.
  author = {Mori, Laura},
  editor = {Caruana, Sandro and Fabri, Ray and Stolz, Thomas},
  title = {Linguistic variation in legal Maltese: EU directives compared to national implementation laws},
  booktitle = {Variation and Change: The Dynamics of Maltese in Space, Time and Society},
  publisher = {Akademie Verlag},
  address = {Berlin},
  year = {2011},
  number = {9},
  pages = {109--127}
Mori, Laura
Editor(s): Comrie, Bernard, Fabri, Ray, Mifsud, Manwel, Stolz, Thomas, Vanhove, Martine and Hume, Elizabeth
The shaping of Maltese troughout the centuries Introducing Maltese linguistics : selected papers from the 1st International Conference on Maltese Linguistics, Bremen, 18 - 20 October, 2007 Incollection 2009 Link
Abstract: Throughout the centuries the Maltese morphological system has undergone restructuring with the integration of morphological processes from Romance languages and it was affected by mixture with a Semitic and Romance component. Thus a series of contact-induced changes have shaped Maltese as a "mixed type".
  author = {Mori, Laura},
  editor = {Comrie, Bernard and Fabri, Ray and Mifsud, Manwel and Stolz, Thomas and Vanhove, Martine and Hume, Elizabeth},
  title = {The shaping of Maltese troughout the centuries},
  booktitle = {Introducing Maltese linguistics : selected papers from the 1st International Conference on Maltese Linguistics, Bremen, 18 - 20 October, 2007},
  publisher = {Benjamins},
  address = {Amsterdam},
  year = {2009},
  number = {113},
  pages = {291--307},
  url = {}
Moser, Manfred, Meyer, Sharon and Felice-Pace, Joe Malti-Ġermaniż, dizzjunarju kbir = Deutsch-Maltesisch, großes Wörterbuch Book 2005
  author = {Moser, Manfred and Meyer, Sharon and Felice-Pace, Joe},
  title = {Malti-Ġermaniż, dizzjunarju kbir = Deutsch-Maltesisch, großes Wörterbuch},
  publisher = {Reichert},
  address = {Wiesbaden},
  year = {2005}
Müller, Stefan
Editor(s): Comrie, Bernard, Fabri, Ray, Mifsud, Manwel, Stolz, Thomas, Vanhove, Martine and Hume, Elizabeth
A head-driven phrase structure grammar for Maltese Introducing Maltese linguistics: selected papers from the 1st International Conference on Maltese Linguistics, Bremen, 18 - 20 October, 2007 Incollection 2009 Link
  author = {Müller, Stefan},
  editor = {Comrie, Bernard and Fabri, Ray and Mifsud, Manwel and Stolz, Thomas and Vanhove, Martine and Hume, Elizabeth},
  title = {A head-driven phrase structure grammar for Maltese},
  booktitle = {Introducing Maltese linguistics: selected papers from the 1st International Conference on Maltese Linguistics, Bremen, 18 - 20 October, 2007},
  publisher = {Benjamins},
  address = {Amsterdam},
  year = {2009},
  number = {113},
  pages = {83--112},
  url = {}
Müller, Stefan Towards an HPSG analysis of constituent order in Maltese Inproceedings 2008 Link
Abstract: This paper deals with the constituent order in Maltese. The next section describes the orders that are possible, including cases in wich objects are realized both by clitics and by full NPs. Section 2 provides an analysis and Section 3 gives a summary and an outlook.
  author = {Müller, Stefan},
  title = {Towards an HPSG analysis of constituent order in Maltese},
  address = {Keihanna, Japan},
  year = {2008},
  url = {}
Muscat, Amanda Speaker specific characteristics in Maltese: potential indicators for use in forensic settings Phdthesis: B.A. (HONS) thesis 2014 Link
  author = {Muscat, Amanda},
  title = {Speaker specific characteristics in Maltese: potential indicators for use in forensic settings}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2014},
  url = {}
Muscat, Adrian and Saliba, Charles Daniel Malti aħjar bi sforzi żgħar! Book 2010
Abstract: Dan il-ktieb qiegħed imfassal apposta biex, permezz t’eżerċizzji varji fuq suġġetti speċifiċi u oħrajn ġenerali, inti taġġorna ruħek fil-grammatika Maltija, titgħallem ir-regolamenti l-ġodda tal-ortografija u b’hekk ittejjeb il-livell tal-kitba tiegħek bil-Malti. Dan il-ktieb hu miktub minn għalliem tal-Malti li għallem il-livelli kollha tal-Matsec għalhekk l-eżerċizzji li fih huma prattiċi li jirriflettu minn xiex ibatu studenti ta’ livelli differenti fil-kitba tagħhom.
  author = {Muscat, Adrian and Saliba, Charles Daniel},
  title = {Malti aħjar bi sforzi żgħar!},
  publisher = {BDL},
  address = {[San Gwann]},
  year = {2010},
  edition = {2. ed.},
  note = {72 S. : Ill.}
Muscat, Adrian and Saliba, Charles Daniel Aċċess: Grammatika għall-eżami taċ-ĊES fil-livell ordinarju Book 2006
  author = {Muscat, Adrian and Saliba, Charles Daniel},
  title = {Aċċess: Grammatika għall-eżami taċ-ĊES fil-livell ordinarju},
  publisher = {Merlin},
  address = {Blata il-Bajda},
  year = {2006}
Muscat, Charlie Lejn ir-rebħa ta' l-ilsien Malti, 1921-1940 Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 1973
  author = {Muscat, Charlie},
  title = {Lejn ir-rebħa ta' l-ilsien Malti, 1921-1940}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1973}
Muscat, Derek A contrastive study of German and Maltese constituent order and its application in translation practices Phdthesis: Unpublished M.A. thesis 2011
  author = {Muscat, Derek},
  title = {A contrastive study of German and Maltese constituent order and its application in translation practices},
  address = {Msida, Malta}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2011}
Muscat, Keith Il-lingwaġġ tar-reklamar bil-Malti Phdthesis: B.A. (HONS) thesis 2014
  author = {Muscat, Keith},
  title = {Il-lingwaġġ tar-reklamar bil-Malti}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2014}
Muscat, Liliana Napoleon Tagliaferro: his life and works with an edition of his "vocabolario topografico di Malta" Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 1970
  author = {Muscat, Liliana},
  title = {Napoleon Tagliaferro: his life and works with an edition of his "vocabolario topografico di Malta"}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1970}
Muscat, Maria Dizzjunarju storiku msejjes fuq ix-xhieda tal-ismijiet talinħawi mxandrin fil-Place-Names ta' Wettinger: A-H Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 2009
  author = {Muscat, Maria},
  title = {Dizzjunarju storiku msejjes fuq ix-xhieda tal-ismijiet talinħawi mxandrin fil-Place-Names ta' Wettinger: A-H}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2009}
Neame, Josephine Code-switching in Sliema Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 2006
  author = {Neame, Josephine},
  title = {Code-switching in Sliema}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2006}
Ohk, Brigitte Dizzjunarju: Malti-Germaniż Book 1999
  author = {Ohk, Brigitte},
  title = {Dizzjunarju: Malti-Germaniż},
  publisher = {Grima Print.},
  address = {Marsa},
  year = {1999},
  edition = {1. Ausg.},
  note = {XLI, 407 S. 2 Mal}
Ohk, Kim Maltesisch - Wort für Wort Book 1997
  author = {Ohk, Kim},
  title = {Maltesisch - Wort für Wort},
  publisher = {Reise-Know-How-Verl. Rump},
  address = {Bielefeld (Brackwede},
  year = {1997}
Olevano, Alessandra L'interferenza Semitico-Romanza e i processi di grammaticalizzazione nel Maltese Phdthesis: Ph.D. dissertation 1999
  author = {Olevano, Alessandra},
  title = {L'interferenza Semitico-Romanza e i processi di grammaticalizzazione nel Maltese}
  school = {University of Rom},
  year = {1999}
Oman, Giovanni I termini arabi relativi alla sogliola nel mediterrano Journal of Maltese studies, Vol. 11 Article 1977 Link
  author = {Oman, Giovanni},
  title = {I termini arabi relativi alla sogliola nel mediterrano},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese studies},
  year = {1977},
  volume = {11},
  pages = {59--68},
  url = {}
Paavola, Hanna Features of Maltese-English Phdthesis: M.A. dissertation 1987
  author = {Paavola, Hanna},
  title = {Features of Maltese-English}
  school = {University of Turku, Finland},
  year = {1987}
Pace, Gordon J.
Editor(s): Pace, Gordon J. and Cordina, Joseph
Monadic compositional parsing with context using maltese as a case study Proceedings of the Computer Science Annual Workshop (CSAW’04) Incollection 2004 Link
Abstract: Combinator-based parsing using functional programming provides an elegant, and compositional approach to parser design and development. By its very nature, sensitivity to context usually fails to be properly addressed in these approaches. We identify two techniques to deal with context compositionally, particularly suited for natural language parsing. As case studies, we present parsers for Maltese definite nouns and conjugated verbs of the first form.
  author = {Pace, Gordon J.},
  editor = {Pace, Gordon J. and Cordina, Joseph},
  title = {Monadic compositional parsing with context using maltese as a case study},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the Computer Science Annual Workshop (CSAW’04)},
  address = {Valletta},
  year = {2004},
  pages = {60--70},
  url = {}
Pace, Paul The language question, 1920-1934: a critical edition of the relevant documents Phdthesis: M.A. dissertation 1975
  author = {Pace, Paul},
  title = {The language question, 1920-1934: a critical edition of the relevant documents}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1975}
Pace, Pawlu Mikiel Anton Vassalli u l-industrija tal-qoton, b'żieda ta' tixbih mat-terminoloġija fid-dizzjunarji ta' de Soldanis, Falzon u Caruana Phdthesis: M.A. dissertation 1970
  author = {Pace, Pawlu},
  title = {Mikiel Anton Vassalli u l-industrija tal-qoton, b'żieda ta' tixbih mat-terminoloġija fid-dizzjunarji ta' de Soldanis, Falzon u Caruana}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1970}
Pace, Thomas Il-Lingwa ta' l-Ugwaljanza: lejn Diskors Ġust bejn il-Ġeneri Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 2007
  author = {Pace, Thomas},
  title = {Il-Lingwa ta' l-Ugwaljanza: lejn Diskors Ġust bejn il-Ġeneri}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2007}
Pace, Tony and Pace, Joan Merlin Malti : kors bażiku fil-Malti Book 2001
  author = {Pace, Tony and Pace, Joan},
  title = {Merlin Malti : kors bażiku fil-Malti},
  publisher = {Merlin Library},
  address = {Blata l-Bajda},
  year = {2001},
  volume = {1}
Pace, Tony and Pace, Joan Merlin Malti 2: aqra, ifhem u wieġeb Book 1991
  author = {Pace, Tony and Pace, Joan},
  title = {Merlin Malti 2: aqra, ifhem u wieġeb},
  publisher = {Merlin Library},
  address = {Blata l-Bajda},
  year = {1991},
  volume = {2}
Paggio, Patrizia and Vella, Alexandra
Editor(s): Paggio, Patrizia and Wessel-Tolvig, Bjørn
Overlaps in Maltese Conversational and Task-Oriented Dialogues Proceedings from the 1st European Symposium on Multimodal Communication Incollection 2014 Link
Abstract: This paper deals with overlaps in spoken Maltese. Overlaps are studied in two different corpora recorded in different communicative situations. One is a multimodal corpus involving first acquaintance conversations; the other consists of Map Task dialogues. The results show that the number of overlaps is larger in the free conversations, where it varies depending on specific aspects of the interaction. They also show that overlaps in the MapTask dialogues tend to be longer, serving the function of establishing common understanding to achieve optimal task completion.
  author = {Paggio, Patrizia and Vella, Alexandra},
  editor = {Paggio, Patrizia and Wessel-Tolvig, Bjørn},
  title = {Overlaps in Maltese Conversational and Task-Oriented Dialogues},
  booktitle = {Proceedings from the 1st European Symposium on Multimodal Communication},
  publisher = {Linköping University Electronic Press},
  address = {Linköping},
  year = {2014},
  number = {101},
  pages = {55--64},
  url = {}
Panzavecchia, Fortunato Grammatica della lingua Maltese. Spiegata secondo i principj delle lingale orientali e della lingua italiana Book 1845 Link
  author = {Panzavecchia, Fortunato},
  title = {Grammatica della lingua Maltese. Spiegata secondo i principj delle lingale orientali e della lingua italiana},
  publisher = {Weiss},
  address = {Malta},
  year = {1845},
  url = {}
Parawahera, Nimal Pannakitti Lexical strata in Maltese Journal of Maltese studies, Vol. 25-26 Article 1994 Link
  author = {Parawahera, Nimal Pannakitti},
  title = {Lexical strata in Maltese},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese studies},
  year = {1994},
  volume = {25-26},
  pages = {166--178},
  url = {}
Pascale, Natalie Maltese dialects: the effects of globalization and changing attitudes on Malta’s linguistic diversity Omertaa, journal for Applied Anthropology, Vol. Article 2011 Link
  author = {Pascale, Natalie},
  title = {Maltese dialects: the effects of globalization and changing attitudes on Malta’s linguistic diversity},
  journal = {Omertaa, journal for Applied Anthropology},
  year = {2011},
  pages = {526--539},
  url = {}
Payne, John R. The syntax of the Maltese cardinal numerals Rivista di lingüística, Vol. 8 Article 1996
  author = {Payne, John R.},
  title = {The syntax of the Maltese cardinal numerals},
  journal = {Rivista di lingüística},
  year = {1996},
  volume = {8},
  number = {1},
  pages = {175--182}
Peretti, Joseph Les aspects linguistiques, litteraires, artistiques et folkloriques de l'Italianite de Malte Phdthesis: dissertation 1964
  author = {Peretti, Joseph},
  title = {Les aspects linguistiques, litteraires, artistiques et folkloriques de l'Italianite de Malte}
  school = {University of Paris},
  year = {1964}
Peterson, John
Editor(s): Comrie, Bernard, Fabri, Ray, Mifsud, Manwel, Stolz, Thomas, Vanhove, Martine and Hume, Elizabeth
"Pseudo-verbs": an analysis of non-verbal (co-)predication in Maltese Introducing Maltese linguistics : selected papers from the 1st International Conference on Maltese Linguistics, Bremen, 18 - 20 October, 2007 Incollection 2009 Link
Abstract: This study deals with the so-called pseudo-verbs of Maltese, a small, closed part-of-speech catergory specialized for (co-)predication but whose members are not verbs. The study first reviews evidence showing that these units do indeed form a separate part-of-speech catergory in Maltese. The study then discusses grammatical relations in Maltese in general, as the morphosyntactic characteristics of the pseudo-verbs show that the traditional notions of 'subject' and 'object' are descriptively inadequate for Maltese. Instead, I show that the notion of 'macrorole' from Role and Reference Grammar (RRG) better accounts for the data in Maltese.
  author = {Peterson, John},
  editor = {Comrie, Bernard and Fabri, Ray and Mifsud, Manwel and Stolz, Thomas and Vanhove, Martine and Hume, Elizabeth},
  title = {"Pseudo-verbs": an analysis of non-verbal (co-)predication in Maltese},
  booktitle = {Introducing Maltese linguistics : selected papers from the 1st International Conference on Maltese Linguistics, Bremen, 18 - 20 October, 2007},
  publisher = {Benjamins},
  address = {Amsterdam},
  year = {2009},
  number = {113},
  pages = {181--204},
  note = {ed. by Bernard Comrie ....; XI, 422 S. : Ill., graph. Darst; Includes bibliographical references and index.; International Conference on Maltese Linguistics; 113 (DE-601)130068012},
  url = {}
Plank, Frans Domains of the dual, in Maltese and in general Rivista di Linguistica, Vol. 8 Article 1996 Link
Abstract: The dual in Maltese does not extend beyond nouns and is in fact limited to a small subset of them, comprising traditional counting and measuring units and a few familiar objects frequently counted. This is a domain which is unusual. In order to put Maltese perspectives, the possible domains of duals are surveyed across languages, in terms of the word classes of nouns and personal pronouns and their subclasses, and the typological potential of this taxonomy is explored.
  author = {Plank, Frans},
  title = {Domains of the dual, in Maltese and in general},
  journal = {Rivista di Linguistica},
  year = {1996},
  volume = {8},
  number = {1},
  pages = {123--140},
  url = {}
Plank, Frans and Moravcsik, Edith The Maltese article: Language-particulars and universals Rivista di lingüística, Vol. 8 Article 1996
  author = {Plank, Frans and Moravcsik, Edith},
  title = {The Maltese article: Language-particulars and universals},
  journal = {Rivista di lingüística},
  year = {1996},
  volume = {8},
  number = {1},
  pages = {183--212}
Polidano, Mary Anne L-element dijakroniku fil-Malti: tfassil ta' sillabu ġdid Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 1995
  author = {Polidano, Mary Anne},
  title = {L-element dijakroniku fil-Malti: tfassil ta' sillabu ġdid}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1995}
Polidano, Rosaria Mill-ħajja taż-żrieraq: aspetti folkloristiċi Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 1989
  author = {Polidano, Rosaria},
  title = {Mill-ħajja taż-żrieraq: aspetti folkloristiċi}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1989}
Pollacco, Norberta Dizzjunarju Storiku msejjes fuq il-"Mezzo Vocabolario Maltese-Italiano del '700" Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 2011
  author = {Pollacco, Norberta},
  title = {Dizzjunarju Storiku msejjes fuq il-"Mezzo Vocabolario Maltese-Italiano del '700"}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2011}
Portelli, Josette The mean length of utterance in Maltese speaking children (2 vol.) Phdthesis: M.A. dissertation 2005
  author = {Portelli, Josette},
  title = {The mean length of utterance in Maltese speaking children (2 vol.)}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2005}
Portelli, John R. Language: An important signifier of masculinity in a bilingual context Gender and Education, Vol. 18 Article 2006 Link
Abstract: This paper is based upon a case study in an all boys’ church comprehensive secondary school in Malta which explored teachers’ awareness of boys’ attitudes and interests. It uncovered a number of practices across the school’s official and ‘hidden’ curricula and at its administrative level, which, together with the student peer culture present on site, influence the construction of student masculine identities. This article argues that the decision by boys to speak one language rather than another in a bilingual context, is very much influenced by norms of masculinity. These are strengthened by the student peer group as well as by the male teachers within the institution and suggests that language is an important signifier of masculinity in a bilingual school, a masculinity which, in a post‐colonial context, is shown to be heavily linked to national pride and identity.
  author = {Portelli, John R.},
  title = {Language: An important signifier of masculinity in a bilingual context},
  journal = {Gender and Education},
  year = {2006},
  volume = {18},
  number = {4},
  pages = {413--430},
  url = {},
  doi = {}
Preca, Annibale Malta Cananea ossia investigazioni filologico-etimologiche nel linguaggio maltese Book 1904
  author = {Preca, Annibale},
  title = {Malta Cananea ossia investigazioni filologico-etimologiche nel linguaggio maltese},
  publisher = {Tipografia del Malta},
  year = {1904}
Preca, Annibale Saggio intorno alla lingua maltese come affine dell'ebraico Book 1880
  author = {Preca, Annibale},
  title = {Saggio intorno alla lingua maltese come affine dell'ebraico},
  publisher = {Selbstverl.},
  address = {Malta},
  year = {1880}
Preca, Anthony George Studju lingwistiku folkloristiku ta' snajja' bikrin Maltin Phdthesis: M.A. dissertation 1978
  author = {Preca, Anthony George},
  title = {Studju lingwistiku folkloristiku ta' snajja' bikrin Maltin}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1978}
Prevaes, Math De plaats van het Maltees binnen de Arabische dialekten = The place of Maltese within the Arabic dialects Phdthesis: M.A. dissertation 1984
  author = {Prevaes, Math},
  title = {De plaats van het Maltees binnen de Arabische dialekten = The place of Maltese within the Arabic dialects}
  school = {Instituut TCMO, Nijmegen, l-Olanda},
  year = {1984}
Prevaes, Mathias Hubertus The emergence of standard Maltese: The Arabic factor Book 1993 Link
  author = {Prevaes, Mathias Hubertus},
  title = {The emergence of standard Maltese: The Arabic factor},
  publisher = {Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen},
  year = {1993},
  url = {}
Privitera, Viktor Id-dizzjunarji Maltin Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 1964
  author = {Privitera, Viktor},
  title = {Id-dizzjunarji Maltin}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1964}
Puech, Gilbert
Editor(s): Borg, Albert, Caruana, Sandro and Vella, Alexandra
Prime constituents of Maltese sounds Perspectives on Maltese linguistics Incollection 2014
Abstract: The contributions included in this collection present different perspectives on various aspects of Maltese Linguistics, thereby enriching a field which has been attracting considerably greater interest in recent years than was the case in the past. The papers focus on the Maltese language itself as well as on Maltese in relation to other languages. They provide a picture of Maltese mainly from a synchronic perspective, descriptions ranging from indepth analyses of morphological and syntactic features to contributions on the lexicon, corpus linguistics and sociolinguistics. A number of papers dealing with diachronic considerations are also included. The topics dealt with in this volume show not only that Maltese is the object of research from a variety of perspectives but also that scholars with diverse backgrounds and of different nationalities are studying this language, thus providing an enriching body of knowl-edge, including findings of interest to general linguistics and various other fields in the humanities.
  author = {Puech, Gilbert},
  editor = {Borg, Albert and Caruana, Sandro and Vella, Alexandra},
  title = {Prime constituents of Maltese sounds},
  booktitle = {Perspectives on Maltese linguistics},
  publisher = {Akademie Verlag},
  address = {Berlin},
  year = {2014},
  pages = {61--88}
Puech, Gilbert
Editor(s): Caruana, Sandro, Fabri, Ray and Stolz, Thomas
Syllabic structure and stress in Maltese Variation and Change: The Dynamics of Maltese in Space, Time and Society Incollection 2011
Abstract: The first part of this paper examines all major contributions which, in the context of generative studies in Arabic linguistics, have been devoted to the syllabic structure in Maltese, Cast into the framework of rule-based phonology, of feature geometry and of metrical grid theories, these contributions have in common to consider that the 'Stress Palestinian Rule' applies to Maltese and that stress assignment is a prerequisite to vowel syncope.
  author = {Puech, Gilbert},
  editor = {Caruana, Sandro and Fabri, Ray and Stolz, Thomas},
  title = {Syllabic structure and stress in Maltese},
  booktitle = {Variation and Change: The Dynamics of Maltese in Space, Time and Society},
  publisher = {Akademie Verlag},
  address = {Berlin},
  year = {2011},
  number = {9},
  pages = {277--316}
Puech, Gilbert An 'elementary' analysis of speech sounds in Maltese Inproceedings 2011
  author = {Puech, Gilbert},
  title = {An 'elementary' analysis of speech sounds in Maltese},
  address = {Malta},
  year = {2011}
Puech, Gilbert Ethnotextes maltais Book 1994
  author = {Puech, Gilbert},
  title = {Ethnotextes maltais},
  publisher = {Harrassowitz},
  address = {Wiesbaden},
  year = {1994}
Puech, Gilbert Production et perception des voyelles brèves du maltais gozitain Pholia, Vol. 2 Article 1987
  author = {Puech, Gilbert},
  title = {Production et perception des voyelles brèves du maltais gozitain},
  journal = {Pholia},
  year = {1987},
  volume = {2},
  pages = {125--138}
Puech, Gilbert Les parlers Maltais. Essai de phonologie polylectale Phdthesis: Ph.D. dissertation 1979
  author = {Puech, Gilbert},
  title = {Les parlers Maltais. Essai de phonologie polylectale}
  school = {University of Lyon},
  year = {1979}
Puech, Gilbert A cross-dialectal study of vowel harmony in Maltese Inproceedings 1978
  author = {Puech, Gilbert},
  title = {A cross-dialectal study of vowel harmony in Maltese},
  address = {Chicago},
  year = {1978}
Pullicino, Graziella Il-Kollokazzjoni fil-Malti Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 2007
  author = {Pullicino, Graziella},
  title = {Il-Kollokazzjoni fil-Malti}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2007}
Raggio, Christian L-ornamenti u l-oġġetti sagri fil-knejjes: Reġistru lingwistiku Phdthesis: B.A. (HONS) thesis 2013
  author = {Raggio, Christian},
  title = {L-ornamenti u l-oġġetti sagri fil-knejjes: Reġistru lingwistiku}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2013}
Rapa, Josette Il-lessiku: differenzi djalettali f'qasam magħżul Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 1995
  author = {Rapa, Josette},
  title = {Il-lessiku: differenzi djalettali f'qasam magħżul}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1995}
Rivetta, Pietro Silvio Il centauro Maltese; ovvero, Mostruosità linguistiche nell'isola dei cavalieri. Book 1940
  author = {Rivetta, Pietro Silvio},
  title = {Il centauro Maltese; ovvero, Mostruosità linguistiche nell'isola dei cavalieri.},
  publisher = {Ceschina},
  address = {Milano},
  year = {1940}
Rosner, Michael
Editor(s): Comrie, Bernard, Fabri, Ray, Mifsud, Manwel, Stolz, Thomas, Vanhove, Martine and Hume, Elizabeth
Electronic language resources for Maltese Introducing Maltese linguistics: selected papers from the 1st International Conference on Maltese Linguistics, Bremen, 18 - 20 October, 2007 Incollection 2009 Link
  author = {Rosner, Michael},
  editor = {Comrie, Bernard and Fabri, Ray and Mifsud, Manwel and Stolz, Thomas and Vanhove, Martine and Hume, Elizabeth},
  title = {Electronic language resources for Maltese},
  booktitle = {Introducing Maltese linguistics: selected papers from the 1st International Conference on Maltese Linguistics, Bremen, 18 - 20 October, 2007},
  publisher = {Benjamins},
  address = {Amsterdam},
  year = {2009},
  number = {113},
  pages = {251--278},
  url = {}
Rosner, Michael
Editor(s): Cordina, Joseph and Pace, Gordon J.
Finite state analysis of prepositional phrases in Maltese Proceedings of CSAW'03 Incollection 2003 Link
Abstract: We address the general problem faced by designers of computational lexica: that of relating surface forms to underlying lexical forms through the vehicle of a precise linguistic description expressed in a suitable formalism. For such a description to be useful, it must be possible for the relation to be computable: given a surface element, we need to compute the corresponding lexical element or elements, and vice cersa. Below we concentrate upon the description of a minimal example: prepositional phrases, a reasonably well-defined and compact subset of Maltese surface phenomena that exemplifies many of the difficulties that are typical of Semitic languages.
  author = {Rosner, Michael},
  editor = {Cordina, Joseph and Pace, Gordon J.},
  title = {Finite state analysis of prepositional phrases in Maltese},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of CSAW'03},
  address = {Malta},
  year = {2003},
  pages = {92--98},
  url = {}
Rosner, Michael The Future of Maltilex Inproceedings 2002
Abstract: The Maltilex project, supported by the University of Malta, has now been running for approximately 3 years. Its aim is to create a computational lexicon of Maltese to serve as the basic infrastructure for the development of a wide variety of language-enabled applications. The project is further described in Rosner et. al. (Rosner et-al 1999, Rosner et al., 1998). This paper discusses the background, achievements, and immediate future aims of the project. It concludes with a discussion of some themes to be pursued in the medium term.
  author = {Rosner, Michael},
  title = {The Future of Maltilex},
  address = {Las Palmas},
  year = {2002}
Rosner, Michael, Gatt, Albert, Attard, Andrew and Joachimsen, Jan
Editor(s): Calzolari, Nicoletta, Choukri, Khalid, Declerck, Thierry, Doğan, Mehmet Uğur, Maegaard, Bente, Mariani, Joseph, Moreno, Asuncion, Odijk, Jan and Piperidis, Stelios
Incorporating an error corpus into a spellchecker for Maltese Proceedings of the Eight International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'12) Incollection 2012 Link
Abstract: This paper discusses the ongoing development of a new Maltese spell checker, highlighting the methodologies which would best suit such a language. We thus discuss several previous attempts, highlighting what we believe to be their weakest point: a lack of attention to context. Two developments are of particular interest, both of which concern the availability of language resources relevant to spellchecking: (i) the Maltese Language Resource Server (MLRS) which now includes a representative corpus of c. 100M words extracted from diverse documents including the Maltese Legislation, press releases and extracts from Maltese web-pages and (ii) an extensive and detailed corpus of spelling errors that was collected whilst part of the MLRS texts were being prepared. We describe the structure of these resources as well as the experimental approaches focused on context that we are now in a position to adopt. We describe the framework within which a variety of different approaches to spellchecking and evaluation will be carried out, and briefly discuss the first baseline system we have implemented. We conclude the paper with a roadmap for future improvements.
  author = {Rosner, Michael and Gatt, Albert and Attard, Andrew and Joachimsen, Jan},
  editor = {Calzolari, Nicoletta and Choukri, Khalid and Declerck, Thierry and Doğan, Mehmet Uğur and Maegaard, Bente and Mariani, Joseph and Moreno, Asuncion and Odijk, Jan and Piperidis, Stelios},
  title = {Incorporating an error corpus into a spellchecker for Maltese},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the Eight International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'12)},
  publisher = {European Language Resources Association (ELRA)},
  address = {Istanbul, Turkey},
  year = {2012},
  pages = {743--750},
  url = {}
Rosner, Michael and Micallef, Paul The development of language resources for Maltese Inproceedings 2000 Link
Abstract: This paper describes two aspects of the work going on to computerise resources for the Maltese language. The first part describes work on labelling and annotation of spoken Maltese to generate a database suitable for use in deriving speech and speaker recognition tools. It also describes an interactive development system SSUNN that is being used for this work. The second part describes approaches taken in the Maltilex project to the problem of discovering an exhaustive list of headwords for a computational lexicon of Maltese.
  author = {Rosner, Michael and Micallef, Paul},
  title = {The development of language resources for Maltese},
  address = {Athens},
  year = {2000},
  url = {;jsessionid=F1EE8DA8A8C3AE099405F1CEFECA9218?doi=}
Rossi, Ettore Carta di affrancamento di uno schiavo maltese Book 1958
  author = {Rossi, Ettore},
  title = {Carta di affrancamento di uno schiavo maltese},
  publisher = {Türk Tarih Kurumu Basimevi},
  address = {Ankara},
  year = {1958}
Roudanovsky, Basil Quelques particularités du dialecte arabe de Malte Book 1911
  author = {Roudanovsky, Basil},
  title = {Quelques particularités du dialecte arabe de Malte},
  publisher = {Impr. cath.},
  address = {Beyrouth},
  year = {1911},
  edition = {2}
Ruggier, Joe M., Karm, Dun and Friggieri, Oliver In the suburbs of Europe: Perspectives on Maltese language & literature Book 1991 Link
  author = {Ruggier, Joe M. and Karm, Dun and Friggieri, Oliver},
  title = {In the suburbs of Europe: Perspectives on Maltese language & literature},
  publisher = {Multicultural Books},
  year = {1991},
  url = {}
Saade, Benjamin Pro-drop system in Maltese and Italian: a quantitative approach Ilsienna - Our Language: Working Papers of the International Association of Maltese Linguistics (GĦILM), Vol. 2 Article 2012
  author = {Saade, Benjamin},
  title = {Pro-drop system in Maltese and Italian: a quantitative approach},
  journal = {Ilsienna - Our Language: Working Papers of the International Association of Maltese Linguistics (GĦILM)},
  year = {2012},
  volume = {2},
  pages = {67--78}
Saari, Rami
Editor(s): Feigenbaum, Susanne and Kurzon, Dennis
Quddiem and some remarks on grammatical aspects of Maltese prepositions Prepositions in their Syntactic, Semantic and Pragmatic Context Incollection 2002 Link
Abstract: The goal of this paper is to present several grammatival aspects of Maltese prepositions and to expose some of the main problems to be dealt with in research into the comlpicated definition of the Maltese parts of speech in general and the Maltese prepositions in particular. Though this paper concentrates on only one preposition, quddiem, the examples which are used in it help to refer to some of the essential questions about Maltese prepositions in a more general way.
  author = {Saari, Rami},
  editor = {Feigenbaum, Susanne and Kurzon, Dennis},
  title = {Quddiem and some remarks on grammatical aspects of Maltese prepositions},
  booktitle = {Prepositions in their Syntactic, Semantic and Pragmatic Context},
  publisher = {Benjamins},
  address = {Amsterdam},
  year = {2002},
  pages = {269--282},
  url = {}
Saari, Rami
Editor(s): Goldenberg, Gideon, Bar, Tali and Cohen, Eran
Maltese ilu - The only postposition in a language of prepositions? Studies in Semitic and general linguistics in honor of Gideon Goldenberg Incollection 2007
  author = {Saari, Rami},
  editor = {Goldenberg, Gideon and Bar, Tali and Cohen, Eran},
  title = {Maltese ilu - The only postposition in a language of prepositions?},
  booktitle = {Studies in Semitic and general linguistics in honor of Gideon Goldenberg},
  publisher = {Ugarit-Verlag},
  address = {Münster},
  year = {2007},
  pages = {75--88}
Sadler, Louisa and Camilleri, Maris Ditransitive predicates and dative arguments in Maltese Lingua, Vol. 134 Article 2013 Link
Abstract: This paper is concerned with the syntactic expression of three argument (ditransitive) predicates in Maltese. We provide the first detailed description of the ditransitive constructions found in Maltese, which have been largely ignored in the substantial literature on ditransitive predicates, and show that the primary means of expression for these predicates uses a canonical dative construction. We argue that the canonical dative construction (with ditransitive predicates) is distinct from both a double object construction and a prepositional oblique construction in terms of the mapping of arguments to surface grammatical functions. We provide an analysis of Maltese ditransitives in the Lexical Mapping Theory of Lexical Functional Grammar.
  author = {Sadler, Louisa and Camilleri, Maris},
  title = {Ditransitive predicates and dative arguments in Maltese},
  journal = {Lingua},
  year = {2013},
  volume = {134},
  pages = {36--61},
  url = {},
  doi = {}
Said, Lara Attitudes towards Maltese and English Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 1991
  author = {Said, Lara},
  title = {Attitudes towards Maltese and English}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1991}
Said, M. Il plurilinguismo nei nomi di battesimo a Gozo (dal 1948 al 2005) Phdthesis: unpublished B.A. Thesis 2007
  author = {Said, M.},
  title = {Il plurilinguismo nei nomi di battesimo a Gozo (dal 1948 al 2005)}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2007}
Said, Mary Joyce In-Naduri: is-Sistema Vokalika u Differenzi Lessikali Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 2007
  author = {Said, Mary Joyce},
  title = {In-Naduri: is-Sistema Vokalika u Differenzi Lessikali}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2007}
Said, Nadine Il-Vanġelu ta' San Ġwann tradott minn Dr. Giuseppe Grima Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 2010
  author = {Said, Nadine},
  title = {Il-Vanġelu ta' San Ġwann tradott minn Dr. Giuseppe Grima}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2010}
Salerno, Diana, Sciberras, M. Antoinette and Spiteri, Pamela-Marie Studju fi klassijiet tar-raba' sena dwar l-istruzzjoni talkitba bil-Malti Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 2003
  author = {Salerno, Diana and Sciberras, M. Antoinette and Spiteri, Pamela-Marie},
  title = {Studju fi klassijiet tar-raba' sena dwar l-istruzzjoni talkitba bil-Malti}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2003}
Saliba, Charles Daniel Teaching Maltese as a second language to adults Phdthesis: Ph.D. dissertation 2015
  author = {Saliba, Charles Daniel},
  title = {Teaching Maltese as a second language to adults}
  school = {University of Sheffield},
  year = {2015}
Saliba, Charles Daniel Idjomi maltin għal studenti għaqlin Book 2010
  author = {Saliba, Charles Daniel},
  title = {Idjomi maltin għal studenti għaqlin},
  publisher = {Selbstverl.},
  address = {Malta},
  year = {2010}
Saliba, Charles Daniel Qwiel Maltin għal studenti ħabrikin Book 2010
  author = {Saliba, Charles Daniel},
  title = {Qwiel Maltin għal studenti ħabrikin},
  publisher = {[Selbstverl.]},
  address = {[Malta]},
  year = {2010},
  edition = {1. ed.},
  note = {128 S. ; 24 cm : Ill.}
Saliba, John The relationship between teacher's sex and pupils' attainment: a study of the attainment in Maltese, mathematics and English in years 3, 4, 5 and 6 Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 1987
  author = {Saliba, John},
  title = {The relationship between teacher's sex and pupils' attainment: a study of the attainment in Maltese, mathematics and English in years 3, 4, 5 and 6}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1987}
Sammut, Antony L-evalwazzjoni tal-Malti mitkellem fil-ħames klassi tassekondarja (2 vol.) Phdthesis: M.A. dissertation 2000
  author = {Sammut, Antony},
  title = {L-evalwazzjoni tal-Malti mitkellem fil-ħames klassi tassekondarja (2 vol.)}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2000}
Sammut, Arthur Studju fuq il-grammatki Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 1968
  author = {Sammut, Arthur},
  title = {Studju fuq il-grammatki}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1968}
Sammut, Christina Il-Pronunzja tas-Suffiss Pronominali: Studju Soċjolingwistiku tal-Varjanti:[ɐ:]textasciitilde['ɐħħɐ];[ɔ:m] textasciitilde ['ɐħħɔm]; [ɐ'ulu]textasciitilde[ɐħ'ħulu] Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 2011
  author = {Sammut, Christina},
  title = {Il-Pronunzja tas-Suffiss Pronominali: Studju Soċjolingwistiku tal-Varjanti:[ɐ:]textasciitilde['ɐħħɐ];[ɔ:m] textasciitilde ['ɐħħɔm]; [ɐ'ulu]textasciitilde[ɐħ'ħulu]}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2011}
Sammut, Diane Il-Ħidma tal-Accademia Filologica Maltia Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 2010
  author = {Sammut, Diane},
  title = {Il-Ħidma tal-Accademia Filologica Maltia}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2010}
Sammut, Marceline Placenames and definiteness in Maltese Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 1987
  author = {Sammut, Marceline},
  title = {Placenames and definiteness in Maltese}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1987}
Sammut, Maria Kristina Is-Sengħa tal-Bini: Studju Lingwistiku Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 2012
  author = {Sammut, Maria Kristina},
  title = {Is-Sengħa tal-Bini: Studju Lingwistiku}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2012}
Sammut, Rita The design and evaluation of a Maltese reading scheme Phdthesis: MEd 2009
  author = {Sammut, Rita},
  title = {The design and evaluation of a Maltese reading scheme}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2009}
Sammut, Robert and Zerafa, John It-tagħlim tal-vokabularju permezz ta' damma ta' sinonimi Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 1998
  author = {Sammut, Robert and Zerafa, John},
  title = {It-tagħlim tal-vokabularju permezz ta' damma ta' sinonimi}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1998}
Sandreczki, Carl Die maltesische Mundart Zeitschrift der morgenländischen Gesellschaft, Vol. 33 Article 1876 Link
  author = {Sandreczki, Carl},
  title = {Die maltesische Mundart},
  journal = {Zeitschrift der morgenländischen Gesellschaft},
  year = {1876},
  volume = {33},
  pages = {225--247},
  url = {}
Sanguy, Patrice About the meanings of żurrieq, wied iż-żurrieq and wied iż-żerqa Journal of Maltese studies, Vol. 25-26 Article 1994 Link
  author = {Sanguy, Patrice},
  title = {About the meanings of żurrieq, wied iż-żurrieq and wied iż-żerqa},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese studies},
  year = {1994},
  volume = {25-26},
  pages = {52--57},
  url = {}
Sant, Carmel Protestant bible translation into Maltese: the Book of psalms 1919-1926 Journal of Maltese studies, Vol. 15 Article 1983 Link
  author = {Sant, Carmel},
  title = {Protestant bible translation into Maltese: the Book of psalms 1919-1926},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese studies},
  year = {1983},
  volume = {15},
  pages = {3--13},
  url = {}
Sant, Carmel Protestant Maltese bible translation: the gospel of St Mark 1914-1915 Journal of Maltese studies, Vol. 13 Article 1979 Link
  author = {Sant, Carmel},
  title = {Protestant Maltese bible translation: the gospel of St Mark 1914-1915},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese studies},
  year = {1979},
  volume = {13},
  pages = {80--120},
  url = {}
Sant, Carmel Protestant Maltese bible translation 1870-1872 Journal of Maltese studies, Vol. 11 Article 1977 Link
  author = {Sant, Carmel},
  title = {Protestant Maltese bible translation 1870-1872},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese studies},
  year = {1977},
  volume = {11},
  pages = {118--144},
  url = {}
Sant, Michael A. Għaqdiet għat-tixrid ta' l-ilsien Malti Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 1964
  author = {Sant, Michael A.},
  title = {Għaqdiet għat-tixrid ta' l-ilsien Malti}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1964}
Sardo, Rosaria and Soravia, Giulio Malta e Sicilia: Continuitā e contiguitā linguistica e culturale Book 1989
  author = {Sardo, Rosaria and Soravia, Giulio},
  title = {Malta e Sicilia: Continuitā e contiguitā linguistica e culturale},
  publisher = {C.U.L.C.},
  year = {1989}
Sayahi, Lotfi The Case of Maltese Diglossia and Language Contact: Language Variation and Change in North Africa Incollection 2014 Link
  author = {Sayahi, Lotfi},
  title = {The Case of Maltese},
  booktitle = {Diglossia and Language Contact: Language Variation and Change in North Africa},
  publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
  address = {Cambridge},
  year = {2014},
  pages = {203--208},
  url = {}
Saydon, Pietru Pawl I Maltesi parlavano latino? Il Ponte, Vol. Article 1966
  author = {Saydon, Pietru Pawl},
  title = {I Maltesi parlavano latino?},
  journal = {Il Ponte},
  year = {1966},
  number = {4},
  pages = {15--17}
Saydon, Pietru Pawl The vocalization of the verb in Maltese Orbis, Vol. 7 Article 1958
  author = {Saydon, Pietru Pawl},
  title = {The vocalization of the verb in Maltese},
  journal = {Orbis},
  year = {1958},
  volume = {7},
  pages = {168--82}
Saydon, Pietru Pawl The pre-arabic Latin element in Maltese toponymy Orbis, Vol. 5 Article 1956
  author = {Saydon, Pietru Pawl},
  title = {The pre-arabic Latin element in Maltese toponymy},
  journal = {Orbis},
  year = {1956},
  volume = {5},
  pages = {191--197}
Saydon, Pietru Pawl Some unusual ways of expressing the superlative in Hebrew and Maltese Vetus Testamentum, Vol. 4 Article 1954 Link
  author = {Saydon, Pietru Pawl},
  title = {Some unusual ways of expressing the superlative in Hebrew and Maltese},
  journal = {Vetus Testamentum},
  year = {1954},
  volume = {4},
  number = {4},
  pages = {432--433},
  note = {ArticleType: research-article / Full publication date: Oct., 1954 / Copyright © 1954 BRILL},
  url = {},
  doi = {}
Saydon, Pietru Pawl Bibliographical aids to the study of Maltese Journal of Near Eastern Studies, Vol. 12 Article 1953 Link
  author = {Saydon, Pietru Pawl},
  title = {Bibliographical aids to the study of Maltese},
  journal = {Journal of Near Eastern Studies},
  year = {1953},
  volume = {12},
  number = {1},
  pages = {20--30},
  note = {ArticleType: misc / Full publication date: Jan., 1953 / Copyright © 1953 The University of Chicago Press},
  url = {},
  doi = {}
Saydon, Pietru Pawl Il-Malti u l-Ilsna Semin = Maltese and the Semitic languages Book 1929
  author = {Saydon, Pietru Pawl},
  title = {Il-Malti u l-Ilsna Semin = Maltese and the Semitic languages},
  address = {Malta},
  year = {1929}
Scerri, Geraldine L-attitudni lejn it-tagħlim tal-Malti ta' studenti fit-tielet sena sekondarja Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 1999
  author = {Scerri, Geraldine},
  title = {L-attitudni lejn it-tagħlim tal-Malti ta' studenti fit-tielet sena sekondarja}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1999}
Schabert, Peter Laut-und Formenlehre des Maltesischen anhand zweier Mundarten Book 1976 Link
  author = {Schabert, Peter},
  title = {Laut-und Formenlehre des Maltesischen anhand zweier Mundarten},
  publisher = {Palm & Enke},
  address = {Erlangen},
  year = {1976},
  volume = {16},
  url = {}
Schembri, Edward Il-furnara u l-fran ta' Ħal Qormi: studju etnografiku b'ġabra ta' termini kuntestwali Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 2008
  author = {Schembri, Edward},
  title = {Il-furnara u l-fran ta' Ħal Qormi: studju etnografiku b'ġabra ta' termini kuntestwali}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2008}
Schembri, Jessica L-Integrazzjoni fid-Dizzjunarju ta' Aquilina tal-Ismijiet talInħawi Miġburin fid-"Descrittione di Malta" ta' Ġan Franġisk Abela Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 2012
  author = {Schembri, Jessica},
  title = {L-Integrazzjoni fid-Dizzjunarju ta' Aquilina tal-Ismijiet talInħawi Miġburin fid-"Descrittione di Malta" ta' Ġan Franġisk Abela}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2012}
Schembri, Ludovik Dictionary Maltese-English, English-Maltese Book 1998
  author = {Schembri, Ludovik},
  title = {Dictionary Maltese-English, English-Maltese},
  publisher = {Colour Image},
  address = {Mġarr},
  year = {1998},
  note = {554 S}
Schembri, Ludovik Vokabularju Malti-Ingliż-Taljan Book 1997
  author = {Schembri, Ludovik},
  title = {Vokabularju Malti-Ingliż-Taljan},
  publisher = {Colour Image},
  address = {Mġarr},
  year = {1997},
  note = {437 S.}
Schembri, Natalie Noun phrase structures in Maltese university students' commerce texts : a study in academic Maltese English Book 2005
  author = {Schembri, Natalie},
  title = {Noun phrase structures in Maltese university students' commerce texts : a study in academic Maltese English},
  publisher = {Lincom-Europa},
  address = {Munich},
  year = {2005}
Schembri, Ruth Il-Malti u l-ingliż bħala għodda ta' komunikazzjoni fittagħlim fil-fakultà ta' l-edukazzjoni Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 1999
  author = {Schembri, Ruth},
  title = {Il-Malti u l-ingliż bħala għodda ta' komunikazzjoni fittagħlim fil-fakultà ta' l-edukazzjoni}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1999}
Schembri, Tamara The broken plural in Maltese: a description Book 2012 Link
Abstract: In this study, Schembri explores, describes and analyses the broken plural in Maltese, one of many intriguing areas in Maltese grammar that have not been studied in great detail up to now.
  author = {Schembri, Tamara},
  title = {The broken plural in Maltese: a description},
  publisher = {Universitätsverlag Brockmeyer},
  address = {Bochum},
  year = {2012},
  number = {3},
  edition = {1},
  url = {}
Schembri, Tamara The broken plural in Maltese: an analysis Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 2006
  author = {Schembri, Tamara},
  title = {The broken plural in Maltese: an analysis}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2006}
Schinas, M. Futurity in Maltese and English Phdthesis: M.A. dissertation 1977
  author = {Schinas, M.},
  title = {Futurity in Maltese and English}
  school = {University College of North Wales},
  year = {1977}
Schweiger, Fritz
Editor(s): Brincat, Joseph M.
To what extent is Maltese a Semitic language? Languages of the Mediterranean - Substrata - The Islands - Malta: Proceedings of the Conference held in Malta 26-29 September 1991 Incollection 1994
  author = {Schweiger, Fritz},
  editor = {Brincat, Joseph M.},
  title = {To what extent is Maltese a Semitic language?},
  booktitle = {Languages of the Mediterranean - Substrata - The Islands - Malta: Proceedings of the Conference held in Malta 26-29 September 1991},
  publisher = {Institute of Linguistics, University of Malta},
  address = {Msida},
  year = {1994},
  pages = {266--275}
Sciberras, Christiana Traduzzjoni tal-poeżiji tal-ewwel gwerra ta' Wilfred Owen Phdthesis: unpublished M.A. Thesis 2009
  author = {Sciberras, Christiana},
  title = {Traduzzjoni tal-poeżiji tal-ewwel gwerra ta' Wilfred Owen},
  address = {Msida, Malta}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2009}
Scicluna, Antonella and Xerri, Anna Maria The suitability of denfil as textbook for the development of Maltese as an l1 Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 1991
  author = {Scicluna, Antonella and Xerri, Anna Maria},
  title = {The suitability of denfil as textbook for the development of Maltese as an l1}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1991}
Sciriha, Lydia
Editor(s): Brincat, Joseph M.
Sociolinguistic aspects of language use in Malta Languages of the Mediterranean - Substrata - The Islands - Malta: Proceedings of the Conference held in Malta 26-29 September 1991 Incollection 1994
  author = {Sciriha, Lydia},
  editor = {Brincat, Joseph M.},
  title = {Sociolinguistic aspects of language use in Malta},
  booktitle = {Languages of the Mediterranean - Substrata - The Islands - Malta: Proceedings of the Conference held in Malta 26-29 September 1991},
  publisher = {Institute of Linguistics, University of Malta},
  address = {Msida},
  year = {1994},
  pages = {314--323}
Sciriha, Lydia
Editor(s): Pascoe, Robert and Ronayne, Jarlath
One country, two languages? Malta: A siege and a journey Incollection 1997
  author = {Sciriha, Lydia},
  editor = {Pascoe, Robert and Ronayne, Jarlath},
  title = {One country, two languages?},
  booktitle = {Malta: A siege and a journey},
  publisher = {Victoria University of Technology},
  address = {Victoria, Australia},
  year = {1997},
  pages = {69--90}
Sciriha, Lydia Trilingualism in Malta: Social and educational perspectives International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, Vol. 4 Article 2001
Abstract: Malta's two official languages, Maltese and English, are both vestiges of the island's former colonisers. Maltese children are taught the country's two official languages as soon as they start school. Furthermore, at secondary school level all children are required to learn, in addition to English and Maltese, at least a third and preferably a fourth language. This paper seeks to discover the reasons behind Maltese children's selection of languages. In the choice of language, persons do not simply select an instrument for mutual understanding and communication. Language is used to define worldviews and construct meanings about the speakers and the geo-political reality around them. What do the results of a large-scale linguistic survey conducted by the present author in 1999 reveal about the popularity of the languages on offer? Why is it that although the country's indigenous language, Maltese, is a variety of Arabic, few if any respondents choose to learn Arabic?
  author = {Sciriha, Lydia},
  title = {Trilingualism in Malta: Social and educational perspectives},
  journal = {International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism},
  year = {2001},
  volume = {4},
  number = {1},
  pages = {23--37},
  doi = {}
Sciriha, Lydia Beginning Maltese Book 1996 Link
  author = {Sciriha, Lydia},
  title = {Beginning Maltese},
  publisher = {Malta University Publishers Limited},
  year = {1996},
  url = {}
Sciriha, Lydia Language maintenance and language shift of the Maltese migrants in Canada Journal of Maltese studies, Vol. 19-20 Article 1989 Link
  author = {Sciriha, Lydia},
  title = {Language maintenance and language shift of the Maltese migrants in Canada},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese studies},
  year = {1989},
  volume = {19-20},
  pages = {34--41},
  url = {}
Sciriha, Lydia A sociolinguistic study of monophthongisation in Maltese Phdthesis: Ph.D. dissertation 1986
  author = {Sciriha, Lydia},
  title = {A sociolinguistic study of monophthongisation in Maltese}
  school = {University of Victoria, Toronto},
  year = {1986}
Sciriha, Lydia An analysis of select morphological errors in Maltese matriculation scripts Phdthesis: PGCE 1981
  author = {Sciriha, Lydia},
  title = {An analysis of select morphological errors in Maltese matriculation scripts}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1981}
Sciriha, Lydia and Vassallo, Mario Malta: A Linguistic Landscape Book 2001
  author = {Sciriha, Lydia and Vassallo, Mario},
  title = {Malta: A Linguistic Landscape},
  publisher = {Socrates},
  year = {2001}
Sciriha, Lydia and Vassallo, Mario Images of social class through language in Malta Plurilinguismes, Vol. Article 1998
Abstract: L'A. examine la validité des modèles sociologiques décrivant la stratification sociale, pour des petites sociétés insulaires comme Malte. A la conception marxiste de division des classes, basée sur des critères économiques, elle préfère la notion weberienne de classe de statut qui s'applique mieux à la société maltaise. A partir de trois études portant a) sur l'usage de certains termes d'adresse, b) sur la distribution de deux langues officielles, maltaise et anglaise, au sein de la famille, c) sur l'usage de certaines variables phonologiques dialectales et de leurs correspondants standard, elle montre comment la langue devient un outil de stratification et comment des usages linguistiques diversifiés peuvent nous aider à procéder à des coupures dans la masse sociale
  author = {Sciriha, Lydia and Vassallo, Mario},
  title = {Images of social class through language in Malta},
  journal = {Plurilinguismes},
  year = {1998},
  number = {15},
  pages = {171--199}
Serracino-Inglott, Erin Il-Miklem Malti. 10 Volumes Book 2000
Abstract: A milestone in the study of Maltese as a semitic language. This Dictionary includes over 30,000 entries, with each entry explained from its etymological origin to its common use. It also includes toponomy, names of plants, animals, birds and fish, proverbs and popular idioms. To mark the twenty-fifth anniversary from its publication, Midsea Books, republished the Dictionary in a limited hardback edition. An additional volume was produced to include new words, an index of linguistic roots and related grammatical description.
  author = {Serracino-Inglott, Erin},
  title = {Il-Miklem Malti. 10 Volumes},
  publisher = {Midsea Books Limited.},
  year = {2000}
Serracino-Inglott, Erin The triliterality of quadriliterals in Semitic Maltese Journal of Maltese Studies, Vol. 3 Article 1966 Link
  author = {Serracino-Inglott, Erin},
  title = {The triliterality of quadriliterals in Semitic Maltese},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese Studies},
  year = {1966},
  volume = {3},
  pages = {47--67},
  url = {}
Serracino-Inglott, Mario Id-Dizzjunarju Malti u Teżawru ta' Malti mħaddem Book 2003
  author = {Serracino-Inglott, Mario},
  title = {Id-Dizzjunarju Malti u Teżawru ta' Malti mħaddem},
  publisher = {Merlin},
  address = {Blata l-Bajda},
  year = {2003},
  edition = {2. ed.},
  note = {xvii, 720 S.}
Seychell, Laurent La traduction spécialisée: l'exemple de l'énonciation en linguistique Française = It-traduzzjoni speċjalizzata: l-eżempju tat-tlissina fil-lingwistika Franċiża Book 2011
  author = {Seychell, Laurent},
  title = {La traduction spécialisée: l'exemple de l'énonciation en linguistique Française = It-traduzzjoni speċjalizzata: l-eżempju tat-tlissina fil-lingwistika Franċiża},
  publisher = {Universitätsverlag Brockmeyer},
  address = {Bochum},
  year = {2011},
  volume = {2},
  number = {2}
Seychell, Rueben How we neologise in Maltese Misc: Power Point Presentation 2011 Link
  author = {Seychell, Rueben},
  title = {How we neologise in Maltese},
  year = {2011},
  url = {}
Sgroi, Salvatore Claudio L'articolo indeterminativo del siciliano e la sua agglutinazione nei sicilianismi del maltese Journal of Maltese studies, Vol. 17-18 Article 1987 Link
  author = {Sgroi, Salvatore Claudio},
  title = {L'articolo indeterminativo del siciliano e la sua agglutinazione nei sicilianismi del maltese},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese studies},
  year = {1987},
  volume = {17-18},
  pages = {32--52},
  url = {}
Sgroi, Salvatore Claudio Interferenze fonologiche, morfo-sintattiche e lessicali fra l'arabo e il siciliano Book 1986
  author = {Sgroi, Salvatore Claudio},
  title = {Interferenze fonologiche, morfo-sintattiche e lessicali fra l'arabo e il siciliano},
  publisher = {Centro di studi filologici e linguistici siciliani},
  address = {Palermo},
  year = {1986},
  number = {7}
Shwayder, Kobey Interaction of phonology and morphology in Maltese and Makassarese clitics University of Pennsylvania Working Papers in Linguistics, Vol. 20 Article 2014 Link
  author = {Shwayder, Kobey},
  title = {Interaction of phonology and morphology in Maltese and Makassarese clitics},
  journal = {University of Pennsylvania Working Papers in Linguistics},
  year = {2014},
  volume = {20},
  number = {1},
  pages = {300--310},
  url = {}
Simeone-Senelle, Marie-Claude and Vanhove, Martine La formation et l'évolution d'auxiliaires et particules verbales dans des langues sémitiques: les langues sudarabiques modernes et le maltais Grammaticalisation et Reconstruction Incollection 1997 Link
Abstract: Après avoir posé les bases des principes généraux qui gouvernent la reconnaissance et la morphogenèse de la classe des auxiliaires tels que les a dégagés David Cohen, cet article étudie successivement la grammaticalisation de quelques auxiliaires dans les systèmes verbaux des langues sudarabiques modernes (futur) et du maltais (injonctif), dans leurs aspects fonctionnels et historiques.
  author = {Simeone-Senelle, Marie-Claude and Vanhove, Martine},
  title = {La formation et l'évolution d'auxiliaires et particules verbales dans des langues sémitiques: les langues sudarabiques modernes et le maltais},
  booktitle = {Grammaticalisation et Reconstruction},
  publisher = {Klincksieck},
  address = {Paris},
  year = {1997},
  number = {5},
  pages = {85--102},
  url = {}
Slavik, Hannah Language maintenance and language shift among Maltese migrants in Ontario and British Columbia International Journal of the Sociology of Language, Vol. 2001 Article 2001
Abstract: This paper investigates the levels of language maintenance and language shift among Maltese-Canadian immigrants living in Ontario and British Columbia. The results of this study show that the Maltese language is used widely among first-generation migrants, but the majority of second-generation respondents do not use Maltese in many domains, if at all.
  author = {Slavik, Hannah},
  title = {Language maintenance and language shift among Maltese migrants in Ontario and British Columbia},
  journal = {International Journal of the Sociology of Language},
  year = {2001},
  volume = {2001},
  number = {152},
  pages = {131--152},
  doi = {}
Spagnol, Michael
Editor(s): Breu, Walter
L'intergrazione delle costruzioni italiane con il si in Maltese L'influsso dell'italiano sul sistema del verbo delle lingue minoritarie: resistenza e mutamento nella morfologia e nella sintassi : atti del 2o convegno internazionale Incollection 2011 Link
  author = {Spagnol, Michael},
  editor = {Breu, Walter},
  title = {L'intergrazione delle costruzioni italiane con il si in Maltese},
  booktitle = {L'influsso dell'italiano sul sistema del verbo delle lingue minoritarie: resistenza e mutamento nella morfologia e nella sintassi : atti del 2o convegno internazionale},
  publisher = {Brockmeyer},
  address = {Konstanz},
  year = {2011},
  volume = {29},
  pages = {211--226},
  url = {}
Spagnol, Michael
Editor(s): Caruana, Sandro, Fabri, Ray and Stolz, Thomas
The causative-inchoative alternation in Maltese Variation and Change: The Dynamics of Maltese in Space, Time and Society Incollection 2011 Link
Abstract: This paper provides an analysis of the causative-inchoative alternation in Maltese, which revolves around three main issuses: (i) the direction of derivation of the causative and inchoative alternants, (ii) the instability of the alternation and anticausative morphology in Maltese, and (iii) the derivational relationship between transitive and intransitive variants that share the same verbal form.
  author = {Spagnol, Michael},
  editor = {Caruana, Sandro and Fabri, Ray and Stolz, Thomas},
  title = {The causative-inchoative alternation in Maltese},
  booktitle = {Variation and Change: The Dynamics of Maltese in Space, Time and Society},
  publisher = {Akademie Verlag},
  address = {Berlin},
  year = {2011},
  number = {9},
  pages = {157--181},
  url = {}
Spagnol, Michael A tale of two morphologies. Verb structure and argument alternations in Maltese Phdthesis: Ph.D. dissertation 2011 Link
  author = {Spagnol, Michael},
  title = {A tale of two morphologies. Verb structure and argument alternations in Maltese}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2011},
  url = {}
Spagnol, Michael Lexical and grammatical aspect in Maltese Ilsienna - Our Language: Working Papers of the International Association of Maltese Linguistics (GĦILM), Vol. 1 Article 2009 Link
  author = {Spagnol, Michael},
  title = {Lexical and grammatical aspect in Maltese},
  journal = {Ilsienna - Our Language: Working Papers of the International Association of Maltese Linguistics (GĦILM)},
  year = {2009},
  volume = {1},
  pages = {51--86},
  url = {}
Spagnol, Michael L-aspett lessikali fil-verb Malti Phdthesis: Unpublished M.A. thesis 2007
  author = {Spagnol, Michael},
  title = {L-aspett lessikali fil-verb Malti},
  address = {Msida, Malta}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2007}
Spagnol, Michael Muftieħ għall-vokabolarju malti: mudell għat-twessigħ tar-riżorsi lessikali Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 2006
  author = {Spagnol, Michael},
  title = {Muftieħ għall-vokabolarju malti: mudell għat-twessigħ tar-riżorsi lessikali}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2006}
Spiteri, Alexander It-tagħlim tal-kitba bil-Malti bħala lsien nattiv: proposta paradigmatika u metodoloġika (tinkludi żewġ fuljetti bħala appendiċi) Phdthesis: M.A. dissertation 1998
  author = {Spiteri, Alexander},
  title = {It-tagħlim tal-kitba bil-Malti bħala lsien nattiv: proposta paradigmatika u metodoloġika (tinkludi żewġ fuljetti bħala appendiċi)}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1998}
Spiteri, Alexander A grammatical analysis of select mixed Maltese English features Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 1988
  author = {Spiteri, Alexander},
  title = {A grammatical analysis of select mixed Maltese English features}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1988}
Spiteri, Janika Traduzzjoni u analiżi ta'tliet diski ta' The Beatles mill-musical "Madwar dal-Univers" Phdthesis: unpublished M.A. Thesis 2010
  author = {Spiteri, Janika},
  title = {Traduzzjoni u analiżi ta'tliet diski ta' The Beatles mill-musical "Madwar dal-Univers"},
  address = {Msida}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2010}
Spiteri, Janika Analiżi lingwistika tal-lingwaġġ tax-xandara ta' laħbarijiet fuq it-televixin lokali Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 2008
  author = {Spiteri, Janika},
  title = {Analiżi lingwistika tal-lingwaġġ tax-xandara ta' laħbarijiet fuq it-televixin lokali}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2008}
Spiteri, Miran An English Maltese dictionary of medical and pharmaceutical terms Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 2010
  author = {Spiteri, Miran},
  title = {An English Maltese dictionary of medical and pharmaceutical terms}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2010}
Spiteri, Marsilv and Theuma, Charmaine L-għażla u t-tagħlim tal-Malti bħala suġġett ta' studju f'livell avvanzat Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 1997
  author = {Spiteri, Marsilv and Theuma, Charmaine},
  title = {L-għażla u t-tagħlim tal-Malti bħala suġġett ta' studju f'livell avvanzat}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1997}
Spiteri, Richard Malte et deux ecrivains français Journal of Maltese studies, Vol. 25-26 Article 1994 Link
  author = {Spiteri, Richard},
  title = {Malte et deux ecrivains français},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese studies},
  year = {1994},
  volume = {25-26},
  pages = {52--57},
  url = {}
Stanyer, Ritianne Glossarju Ġermaniż-Malti / Malti-Ġermaniż għall-istudenti fil-livell sekondarju fl-iskejjel Maltin Phdthesis: Unpublished M.A. thesis 2011
  author = {Stanyer, Ritianne},
  title = {Glossarju Ġermaniż-Malti / Malti-Ġermaniż għall-istudenti fil-livell sekondarju fl-iskejjel Maltin},
  address = {Msida, Malta}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2011}
Stepanov, Arthur V. Automatic typological analysis of Semitic morphology Journal of Quantitative Linguistics, Vol. 2 Article 1995
Abstract: It is shown that the quantitative approach to morphological typology presented by Greenberg (1960) has considerable potential as a sensitive and powerful device for capturing morphological phenomena in natural languages, provided the up‐to‐date statistical techniques and effective computer support are involved. In the present paper, the method of quantitative typology is extended by introducing automatic typological analysis of a large text corpus in a language under investigation. This analysis allows for investigation of distribution functions of quantitative exponents (indices) standing for the relevant morphological features. A computer program is developed which performs automatic typological analysis of Semitic languages. Its performance is exemplified by analysis of Literary Arabic and Maltese.
  author = {Stepanov, Arthur V.},
  title = {Automatic typological analysis of Semitic morphology},
  journal = {Journal of Quantitative Linguistics},
  year = {1995},
  volume = {2},
  number = {2},
  pages = {141--150}
Stojanovic, Svetislav L. Српско-МаЛтешки Речник / Dizzjunarju Malti-Serb Book 2005
  author = {Stojanovic, Svetislav L.},
  title = {Српско-МаЛтешки Речник / Dizzjunarju Malti-Serb},
  publisher = {Grima Print. and Publ.},
  address = {Gzira},
  year = {2005}
Stolz, Christel
Editor(s): Comrie, Bernard, Fabri, Ray, Mifsud, Manwel, Stolz, Thomas, Vanhove, Martine and Hume, Elizabeth
A different kind of gender problem: Maltese loanword gender from a typological perpective Introducing Maltese linguistics: selected papers from the 1st International Conference on Maltese Linguistics, Bremen, 18 - 20 October, 2007 Incollection 2009 Link
  author = {Stolz, Christel},
  editor = {Comrie, Bernard and Fabri, Ray and Mifsud, Manwel and Stolz, Thomas and Vanhove, Martine and Hume, Elizabeth},
  title = {A different kind of gender problem: Maltese loanword gender from a typological perpective},
  booktitle = {Introducing Maltese linguistics: selected papers from the 1st International Conference on Maltese Linguistics, Bremen, 18 - 20 October, 2007},
  publisher = {Benjamins},
  address = {Amsterdam},
  year = {2009},
  number = {113},
  pages = {321--354},
  url = {}
Stolz, Christel
Editor(s): Comrie, Bernard, Fabri, Ray, Mifsud, Manwel, Stolz, Thomas, Vanhove, Martine and Hume, Elizabeth
Loan word gender in Maltese, with special focus on Gender Copy Introducing Maltese linguistics : selected papers from the 1st International Conference on Maltese Linguistics, Bremen, 18 - 20 October, 2007 Incollection 2009 Link
  author = {Stolz, Christel},
  editor = {Comrie, Bernard and Fabri, Ray and Mifsud, Manwel and Stolz, Thomas and Vanhove, Martine and Hume, Elizabeth},
  title = {Loan word gender in Maltese, with special focus on Gender Copy},
  booktitle = {Introducing Maltese linguistics : selected papers from the 1st International Conference on Maltese Linguistics, Bremen, 18 - 20 October, 2007},
  publisher = {Benjamins},
  address = {Amsterdam},
  year = {2009},
  number = {113},
  pages = {321--353},
  url = {}
Stolz, Thomas
Editor(s): Borg, Albert, Caruana, Sandro and Vella, Alexandra
It-tlieta li aħna = the three of us. Numerically quantified person reference Perspectives on Maltese linguistics Incollection 2014
Abstract: The contributions included in this collection present different perspectives on various aspects of Maltese Linguistics, thereby enriching a field which has been attracting considerably greater interest in recent years than was the case in the past. The papers focus on the Maltese language itself as well as on Maltese in relation to other languages. They provide a picture of Maltese mainly from a synchronic perspective, descriptions ranging from indepth analyses of morphological and syntactic features to contributions on the lexicon, corpus linguistics and sociolinguistics. A number of papers dealing with diachronic considerations are also included. The topics dealt with in this volume show not only that Maltese is the object of research from a variety of perspectives but also that scholars with diverse backgrounds and of different nationalities are studying this language, thus providing an enriching body of knowl-edge, including findings of interest to general linguistics and various other fields in the humanities.
  author = {Stolz, Thomas},
  editor = {Borg, Albert and Caruana, Sandro and Vella, Alexandra},
  title = {It-tlieta li aħna = the three of us. Numerically quantified person reference},
  booktitle = {Perspectives on Maltese linguistics},
  publisher = {Akademie Verlag},
  address = {Berlin},
  year = {2014},
  pages = {249--296}
Stolz, Thomas
Editor(s): Caruana, Sandro, Fabri, Ray and Stolz, Thomas
The possesive relative clause in Maltese Variation and Change: The Dynamics of Maltese in Space, Time and Society Incollection 2011
Abstract: This paper introduces the Maltese possessive relative clause as a morpho-syntactic strategy in its own right. On the basis of a sizable literary corpus of modern Maltese prose, it is shown that this strategy is a pervasive phenomenon within the system of possessive constructions.
  author = {Stolz, Thomas},
  editor = {Caruana, Sandro and Fabri, Ray and Stolz, Thomas},
  title = {The possesive relative clause in Maltese},
  booktitle = {Variation and Change: The Dynamics of Maltese in Space, Time and Society},
  publisher = {Akademie Verlag},
  address = {Berlin},
  year = {2011},
  number = {9},
  pages = {183--232}
Stolz, Thomas
Editor(s): Comrie, Bernard, Fabri, Ray, Mifsud, Manwel, Stolz, Thomas, Vanhove, Martine and Hume, Elizabeth
Splitting the verb chain in modern literary Maltese Introducing Maltese linguistics : selected papers from the 1st International Conference on Maltese Linguistics, Bremen, 18 - 20 October, 2007 Incollection 2009 Link
Abstract: This article adresses one of the problems posed by the Maltese verb chain. Where exactly and by which elements precisely can the verb chain be interrupted? Are insertions arbitrary or do they obey certain rules? It is shown that the relatively high drgree of positional flexibility, notwithstanding, insertees display clear preferences which allow us to formulate default rules for their placement. What is more, on the basis of sizeable corpus study, insertion in demoonstratedto be motivated largely by pragmatic factors.
  author = {Stolz, Thomas},
  editor = {Comrie, Bernard and Fabri, Ray and Mifsud, Manwel and Stolz, Thomas and Vanhove, Martine and Hume, Elizabeth},
  title = {Splitting the verb chain in modern literary Maltese},
  booktitle = {Introducing Maltese linguistics : selected papers from the 1st International Conference on Maltese Linguistics, Bremen, 18 - 20 October, 2007},
  publisher = {Benjamins},
  address = {Amsterdam},
  year = {2009},
  number = {113},
  pages = {133--180},
  note = {ed. by Bernard Comrie ....; XI, 422 S. : Ill., graph. Darst; Includes bibliographical references and index.; International Conference on Maltese Linguistics; 113 (DE-601)130068012},
  url = {}
Stolz, Thomas
Editor(s): Kortmann, Bernd and Auwera, Johan van der
Maltese The Languages and Linguistics of Europe, A Comprehensive Guide Incollection 2011 Link
  author = {Stolz, Thomas},
  editor = {Kortmann, Bernd and Auwera, Johan van der},
  title = {Maltese},
  booktitle = {The Languages and Linguistics of Europe, A Comprehensive Guide},
  publisher = {De Gruyter Mouton},
  year = {2011},
  number = {1},
  pages = {241--255},
  url = {}
Stolz, Thomas
Editor(s): Matras, Yaron and Bakker, Peter
Not quite the right mixture. Chamorro and Malti as candidates for the status of mixed language. Advances in Mixed Language Debate. Theoretical and Empirical Advances Incollection 2003
Abstract: The chapter serves two purposes. It assigns two difficult cases their adequate position in the typology of language contacts. It also assesses the validity of the dichotomy of massive borrowin vs. language intertwining put forward by Bakker and Mous (1994).
  author = {Stolz, Thomas},
  editor = {Matras, Yaron and Bakker, Peter},
  title = {Not quite the right mixture. Chamorro and Malti as candidates for the status of mixed language.},
  booktitle = {Advances in Mixed Language Debate. Theoretical and Empirical Advances},
  publisher = {Mouton de Gruyter},
  address = {Berlin, New York},
  year = {2003},
  number = {145},
  pages = {271--315}
Stolz, Thomas and Ammann, Andreas
Editor(s): Verhoeven, Elisabeth, Skopeteas, Stavros, Shin, Yong-Min, Nishina, Yoko and Helmbrecht, Johannes
The Maltese continuative : a grammaticalization borderliner Studies on Grammaticalization Incollection 2008
Abstract: The verbal categories of Modern Maltese are the subject of a variety of relatively recent in-depth studies.
  author = {Stolz, Thomas and Ammann, Andreas},
  editor = {Verhoeven, Elisabeth and Skopeteas, Stavros and Shin, Yong-Min and Nishina, Yoko and Helmbrecht, Johannes},
  title = {The Maltese continuative : a grammaticalization borderliner},
  booktitle = {Studies on Grammaticalization},
  publisher = {Mouton de Gruyter},
  address = {Berlin, New York},
  year = {2008},
  number = {205},
  pages = {169--184}
Stolz, Thomas and Ammann, Andreas Beda u qabad: the Maltese inchoative / ingressive Peripheral Arabic Dialects, Vol. 6-7 Article 2006 Link
  author = {Stolz, Thomas and Ammann, Andreas},
  title = {Beda u qabad: the Maltese inchoative / ingressive},
  journal = {Peripheral Arabic Dialects},
  year = {2006},
  volume = {6-7},
  pages = {149--158},
  url = {}
Stolz, Thomas, Levkovych, Nataliya and Dewein, Barbara Reduplicative stem formation: a comparative look at Maltese and Chamorro Ilsienna - Our Language: Working Papers of the International Association of Maltese Linguistics (GĦILM), Vol. 1 Article 2009 Link
Abstract: Reduplicative stem-formation is a widespread phenomenon in the languages of the world which nevertheless has not been studied in sufficient detail corsslinguistically. The paper seeks to identify the patterns and idiosyncrasies of reduplicative stem-formation in two genetically and typologically unrelated languages from Europe and Oceania, viz. Maltese and Chamorro. The formal properties of reduplicative ftem-formation are discussed for each of the sample languages seperately. Similarly, semantic aspects are highlighted for each language. Similarities and dissimilarities are focussed upon. Tasks for future research are outlined in the conclusion.
  author = {Stolz, Thomas and Levkovych, Nataliya and Dewein, Barbara},
  title = {Reduplicative stem formation: a comparative look at Maltese and Chamorro},
  journal = {Ilsienna - Our Language: Working Papers of the International Association of Maltese Linguistics (GĦILM)},
  year = {2009},
  volume = {1},
  pages = {87--133},
  url = {}
Stumme, Hans Maltesische Studien. Eine Sammlung prosaischer und poetischer Texte in maltesischer Sprache. Book 1968
  author = {Stumme, Hans},
  title = {Maltesische Studien. Eine Sammlung prosaischer und poetischer Texte in maltesischer Sprache.},
  publisher = {Zentralantiquariat der DDR},
  address = {(Leipzig},
  year = {1968}
Stumme, Hans Maltesische Märchen: Gedichte und Rätsel in deutscher Übersetzung Book 1904 Link
Abstract: Book digitized by Google from the library of the University of Michigan and uploaded to the Internet Archive by user tpb.
  author = {Stumme, Hans},
  title = {Maltesische Märchen: Gedichte und Rätsel in deutscher Übersetzung},
  publisher = {J. C. Hinrichs},
  year = {1904},
  url = {}
Sultana, Carmelita Raisa Il-Malti Tekniku: Ir-Reġistru Filosofiku Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 2011
  author = {Sultana, Carmelita Raisa},
  title = {Il-Malti Tekniku: Ir-Reġistru Filosofiku}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2011}
Sultana, Kurt Towards the extension of a Maltese bilingual dictionary using automatic methods Phdthesis: M.SC. COMP. SCI. & ART. INT 2014 Link
  author = {Sultana, Kurt},
  title = {Towards the extension of a Maltese bilingual dictionary using automatic methods}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2014},
  url = {}
Sumikazu, Yoda
Editor(s): Comrie, Bernard, Fabri, Ray, Mifsud, Manwel, Stolz, Thomas, Vanhove, Martine and Hume, Elizabeth
The vowel system of Cantilena Introducing Maltese linguistics : selected papers from the 1st International Conference on Maltese Linguistics, Bremen, 18 - 20 October, 2007 Incollection 2009 Link
  author = {Sumikazu, Yoda},
  editor = {Comrie, Bernard and Fabri, Ray and Mifsud, Manwel and Stolz, Thomas and Vanhove, Martine and Hume, Elizabeth},
  title = {The vowel system of Cantilena},
  booktitle = {Introducing Maltese linguistics : selected papers from the 1st International Conference on Maltese Linguistics, Bremen, 18 - 20 October, 2007},
  publisher = {Benjamins},
  address = {Amsterdam},
  year = {2009},
  number = {113},
  pages = {279--290},
  url = {}
Sutcliffe, Edmund F. The vowels of verbs with third weak radical Journal of the Faculty of Arts, Vol. 1 Article 1957 Link
  author = {Sutcliffe, Edmund F.},
  title = {The vowels of verbs with third weak radical},
  journal = {Journal of the Faculty of Arts},
  year = {1957},
  volume = {1},
  number = {1},
  pages = {37--39},
  url = {}
Sutcliffe, Edmund F. A grammar of the Maltese language: with chrestomathy and vocabulary Book 1949
  author = {Sutcliffe, Edmund F.},
  title = {A grammar of the Maltese language: with chrestomathy and vocabulary},
  publisher = {Oxford Univ. Press},
  address = {London},
  year = {1949},
  edition = {2. impr},
  note = {XV, 282 S}
Tabone, Marisa L-użu tar-riżorsi fit-"tagħlim" tal-folklor Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 2004
  author = {Tabone, Marisa},
  title = {L-użu tar-riżorsi fit-"tagħlim" tal-folklor}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2004}
Tagliaferro, Napoleon L'Elemento neo-latino nel lessico maltese Book 1915
  author = {Tagliaferro, Napoleon},
  title = {L'Elemento neo-latino nel lessico maltese},
  address = {Malta},
  year = {1915}
Tagliaferro, Napoleon On the Similarity between certain names of places in western Palestine and in Malta Archivum Melitense, Vol. 1 Article 1911 Link
  author = {Tagliaferro, Napoleon},
  title = {On the Similarity between certain names of places in western Palestine and in Malta},
  journal = {Archivum Melitense},
  year = {1911},
  volume = {1},
  number = {11-12},
  pages = {229--234},
  url = {}
Tagliaferro, Napoleon Sugli elementi costitutivi del linguaggio maltese Archivum Melitense, Vol. 1 Article 1910 Link
  author = {Tagliaferro, Napoleon},
  title = {Sugli elementi costitutivi del linguaggio maltese},
  journal = {Archivum Melitense},
  year = {1910},
  volume = {1},
  number = {1},
  pages = {8--14},
  url = {}
Talaat, Ahmed Al-lughat al-Maltiya wa usuwluha al-'Arabiya: diraasa muqaarina = The Maltese language and its Arabic origins: a comparative study Phdthesis: Ph.D. dissertation 1985
  author = {Talaat, Ahmed},
  title = {Al-lughat al-Maltiya wa usuwluha al-'Arabiya: diraasa muqaarina = The Maltese language and its Arabic origins: a comparative study}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1985}
Talaat, Ahmed A comparative study of Maltese as an Arabic dialect Phdthesis: dissertation 1977
  author = {Talaat, Ahmed},
  title = {A comparative study of Maltese as an Arabic dialect}
  school = {University of Lixandra},
  year = {1977}
Talaat, Ahmed Comparative study of Maltese and Egyptian proverbs Journal of Maltese Studies, Vol. 10 Article 1975 Link
  author = {Talaat, Ahmed},
  title = {Comparative study of Maltese and Egyptian proverbs},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese Studies},
  year = {1975},
  volume = {10},
  url = {}
Tanti, Mark Unsupervised lexcial substitution for Maltese : steps toward lexical simplification Phdthesis: M.SC. ICT 2014 Link
  author = {Tanti, Mark},
  title = {Unsupervised lexcial substitution for Maltese : steps toward lexical simplification}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2014},
  url = {}
Teuma, Edmund Il-Malti tal-Idjomi Book 2010
Abstract: Hawn issib ġabra ta’ idjomi Maltin magħżulin li fihom għandom kliem qadim li bosta minnu llum ma għadux jingħad ħlief fihom, jew jekk għadu, qajla għadek tisimgħu. Jien dawn l-idjomi mhux biss fissirtu u nsiġt il-filoloġija jew it-tnissil tiegħu megħjun minn żewġ dizzjunarji kbar: dak ta’ Ġuże’ Aquilina u l-ieħor ta’ Erin Serracino-Inglott. Uħud mill-idjomi huma marbutin ma’ xi ġrajja jew leġġenda dew ħrafa. Oħrajn ma’ xi personaġġ storiku. Fejn stajt dħalt ukoll f’dawn u fissirt kif idjomi bħal dawn nibtu fuq fomm il-poplu. Dan mhux dejjem stajt nagħmlu u xi drabi kelli nikkuntenta b’tifsiriet dubjużi.
  author = {Teuma, Edmund},
  title = {Il-Malti tal-Idjomi},
  publisher = {Klabb Kotba Maltin},
  address = {Valetta},
  year = {2010},
  note = {VI, 65 S}
Thusat, Joshua, Anderson, Emily, Davis, Shante, Ferris, Mike, Javed, Amber, Laughlin, Angela, McFarland, Christopher, Sangsiri, Raknakwan, Sinclair, Judith, Vastalo, Victoria, Whelan, Win and Wrubel, Jessica Maltese English and the nativization phase of the dynamic model English Today, Vol. 25 Article 2009
Abstract: Research on new varieties of English often reflects specific lexical shifts between a standard variety of English and an outer or expanding variety of English. Studies conducted on Nigerian English, Indian English, Malaysian English, etc., list examples of morphological, syntactical, and lexical nativization without mentioning the evolutionary progression of a post colonial English (PCE). Edgar Schneider (2007) posits a Dynamic Model for plotting the timeline of any post colonial variety of English (PCE). The model reveals five fundamental evolutionary phases to any new English: foundation, exonormative stabilization, nativization, endonormative stabilization, and differentiation. At each phase, the structure of the settler strand (STL) and the indigenous strand (IDG) of English is affected at four different linguistic levels: history/politics, identity construction, sociolinguistics, and linguistic developments. In each phase, researchers of a PCE must find specific instances of development that correspond to the correct phase of evolution. In an attempt to assess the universal applicability of Schneider's (2007) Dynamic Model, this study seeks to use the country of Malta as an example of a new post colonial English residing primarily in phase three: nativization.
  author = {Thusat, Joshua and Anderson, Emily and Davis, Shante and Ferris, Mike and Javed, Amber and Laughlin, Angela and McFarland, Christopher and Sangsiri, Raknakwan and Sinclair, Judith and Vastalo, Victoria and Whelan, Win and Wrubel, Jessica},
  title = {Maltese English and the nativization phase of the dynamic model},
  journal = {English Today},
  year = {2009},
  volume = {25},
  number = {2},
  pages = {25--32},
  doi = {}
Tosco, Mauro
Editor(s): Contini, Riccardo, Pennacchietti, Fabrizio and Tosco, Mauro
Morfologia Italiana in Maltese Semitica. Serta Philologica Constantino Tsereteli Dicata Incollection 1993
  author = {Tosco, Mauro},
  editor = {Contini, Riccardo and Pennacchietti, Fabrizio and Tosco, Mauro},
  title = {Morfologia Italiana in Maltese},
  booktitle = {Semitica. Serta Philologica Constantino Tsereteli Dicata},
  publisher = {Silvio Zamorani},
  address = {Torino},
  year = {1993},
  pages = {319--331}
Trevisan, Joanne Id-Damma ta' Agius de Soldanis fid-dawl tallessikografija Maltija u Ewropea sas-seklu tmintax (2 vol.) Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 2009
  author = {Trevisan, Joanne},
  title = {Id-Damma ta' Agius de Soldanis fid-dawl tallessikografija Maltija u Ewropea sas-seklu tmintax (2 vol.)}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2009}
Trimble, Louis P. Some linguistic comments on religious terms in Maltese Journal of Maltese studies, Vol. 9 Article 1973 Link
  author = {Trimble, Louis P.},
  title = {Some linguistic comments on religious terms in Maltese},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese studies},
  year = {1973},
  volume = {9},
  pages = {59--67},
  url = {}
Trimble, Louis P. The phonemic change and the growth of homophones in Maltese Journal of Maltese studies, Vol. 7 Article 1971 Link
  author = {Trimble, Louis P.},
  title = {The phonemic change and the growth of homophones in Maltese},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese studies},
  year = {1971},
  volume = {7},
  pages = {92--98},
  url = {}
Tucker, Archibald Norman
Editor(s): Bynon, James
Maltese and Nubi: two 'Fringe Semitic' languages Current progress in Afro-Asiatic linguistics: papers of the 3rd international Hamito-Semitic congress, at the School of Oriental and African Studies, Univ. of London, from the 29th to the 31st of March, 1978 Incollection 1984
Abstract: In our analysis of Cushitic languages for the Handbook of African Languages, Miss Bryan and I found ourselves working on languages which could only be assessed as being on the 'fringe' of the group. We found it profitable to work out a list of typological criteria which, in our opinion, could act as a grid to seperate both Semitic on the one hand and, on the other, 'fringe' languages such as Mbugu (in Tanzania) which we regarded as insufficiently 'Cushitic' to warrant full inclusion. It has been my good fortune, during the last few weeks, to trz out out grid on two more suspected 'fringe' languages - this time 'Fringe Semitic' - namely Maltese and Nubi (in Uganda).
  author = {Tucker, Archibald Norman},
  editor = {Bynon, James},
  title = {Maltese and Nubi: two 'Fringe Semitic' languages},
  booktitle = {Current progress in Afro-Asiatic linguistics: papers of the 3rd international Hamito-Semitic congress, at the School of Oriental and African Studies, Univ. of London, from the 29th to the 31st of March, 1978},
  publisher = {Benjamins},
  address = {Amsterdam},
  year = {1984},
  volume = {28},
  pages = {405--412}
Tucker, Matthew Alan Building verbs in Maltese Phdthesis: Dissertation 2013 Link
Abstract: This dissertation examines the morphosyntactic implications of verb-building in the Semitic language Maltese. Theoretically, the dissertation examines the role of functional heads in defining clausal morphosyntactic properties and the interaction of syntax and morphology in the domain of cliticization. The phenomena examined herein are: (i) the major clausal constituency of Maltese and the derivation of subject agreement morphology in periphrastic complex tense constructions, (ii) morphological and periphrastic causative formation and the absence of non-finite verb forms, (iii) the argument structure of ditransitives and the syntax of cliticization, and (iv) the implications of ditransitive argument structure as it pertains to analyses of the Person Case Constraint. The dissertation shows that these phenomena support a view of syntax wherein lexical properties of heads determine agreement morphology and the structure of clausal complements and a view of morphology wherein morphological constraints can influence the output of syntactic computation.I show that a pervasive feature of Maltese is the appearance of phi&8722;features on lexical items which would be devoid of phi&8722;features in other languages. Data from floating quantification and word order in complex tense constructions are used to argue that verbs in periphrastic tense constructions receive agreement features via successive-cyclic movement of the subject through intermediate specifier positions. Data from available morphology and adverbial interpretation are presented which suggests that periphrastic causatives in Maltese em- bed a reduced clause wherein a polarity phrase may host agreement features, accounting for finite verb forms in semantically non-finite causative complements. Moreover, agreement and case are argued to be computed distinctly, given that causative subjects appear with accusative case yet still trigger subject agreement on the complement predicate. I show that while Agree can account for subject agreement in the usual way, the Maltese causative facts necessitate pairing Agree with a theory of case in which morphological case values are assigned disjunctively based on the number of nominals in a clause.I also show that Maltese non-causative ditransitives bifurcate into two distinct classes: (i) a majority class which only allows prepositional dative constructions and (ii) a minority, lexically idiosyncratic class which allows a limited double object construction involving two accusatives. I show that these facts can be accounted for by positing a VP-movement in these ditransitives which interacts with structural Case licensing to derive the appearance of a restricted double accusative case frame.Finally, I show that data from potential intervention contexts require treat- ing cliticization in Maltese as an instance of head movement of a simultaneously minimal and maximal determiner element. This view of cliticization is shown to be more appropriate than phrasal movement for the Maltese facts insofar as it correctly predicts that clitic movement should be possible despite the presence of a DP between the base generation site of the clitic and its position on the verb. This view of cliticization is also shown to have ramifications for syntactic treatments of the Person Case Constraint as dative intervention: I argue that not all datives are generated higher than accusatives, falsifying predictions made by syntactic accounts of the Person Case Constraint based on Agree. In place of these, I provide a modern morphological account which calls off cliticization in the morphology in Person Case Constraint-violating contexts.
  author = {Tucker, Matthew Alan},
  title = {Building verbs in Maltese},
  address = {Santa Cruz}
  school = {University of California},
  year = {2013},
  url = {}
Tucker, Matthew Alan Diagnosing syntax-morphology interactions from clitic restrictions: The case of Maltese Inproceedings 2012 Link
  author = {Tucker, Matthew Alan},
  title = {Diagnosing syntax-morphology interactions from clitic restrictions: The case of Maltese},
  year = {2012},
  url = {}
Turek, Przemysław Od lirycznych początków po Homera i Corneille'a w arabsko-romańskich szatach. Przekłady klasyki na język maltański [From the Lyrical Beginnings until Homer and Corneille in Arabic-Romance Clothing: The Translations of the Classic Works of World Literature into Maltese] W kręgu zagadnień świata arabskiego Incollection 2015
  author = {Turek, Przemysław},
  title = {Od lirycznych początków po Homera i Corneille'a w arabsko-romańskich szatach. Przekłady klasyki na język maltański [From the Lyrical Beginnings until Homer and Corneille in Arabic-Romance Clothing: The Translations of the Classic Works of World Literature into Maltese]},
  booktitle = {W kręgu zagadnień świata arabskiego},
  publisher = {Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza},
  address = {Poznań},
  year = {2015},
  pages = {31--53}
Twist, Alina
Editor(s): Botinis, Antonis
Morphological productivity in Maltese verbs Proceedings of the third ISCA Tutorial and Research Workshop on Experimental Linguistics ExLing 2010 Incollection 2010 Link
Abstract: This paper describes an experiment that was designed to determine the morphological productivity of two possible verb formation strategies in Maltese: root and pattern on the one hand, and suffixation on the other. Native Maltese speakers created novel words in response to nonce stimuli. The stimuli ranged from phonotactically and prosodically acceptable, but non-existent nonce forms to those that contained segments and/or prosodic patterns typically found in English or Italian, but not native Maltese words. The results show that speakers are able to utilize both non-concatenative and concatenative strategies of word formation.
  author = {Twist, Alina},
  editor = {Botinis, Antonis},
  title = {Morphological productivity in Maltese verbs},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the third ISCA Tutorial and Research Workshop on Experimental Linguistics ExLing 2010},
  publisher = {ISCA and the University of Athens},
  address = {Athens},
  year = {2010},
  pages = {193--196},
  url = {}
Twist, Alina Evelyn A psycholinguistic investigation of the verbal morphology of Maltese Phdthesis: Ph.D. dissertation 2006 Link
Abstract: This dissertation focuses on the unique aspects of Maltese morphology brought about by its genetic and geographic history. The experiments conducted and described here build on past research in Indo-European languages and new research in other Semitic languages to determine how different word formation systems function. Applying experimental techniques to the study of Maltese is crucial for two reasons. First, though Maltese is a Semitic language, recent extensive contact with English has greatly impacted its vocabulary and the structure of its verbs. Though the effects of persistent language contact is pervasive, clear and systematic differences may be observed between native Semitic verbs and those borrowed from English. Secondly, unlike other Semitic languages, the Maltese writing system uses the Roman alphabet. This allows for tests that require the reading of written stimuli to be performed in the same writing system as previous studies in Indo-European languages, eliminating a number of confounding factors.A masked priming experiment asked Maltese speakers to judge whether or not test items were words of their language. The test items included real and nonce verbs of both Semitic and English origin. Accuracy rates and reaction time were recorded and compared across speakers. The results of this experiment support the psychological salience of the consonantal root as a unit of lexical organization.An elicitation experiment asked native speakers of Maltese to provide a verb form that corresponded to a given noun or adjective. The test items were nouns of Semitic and English origin and non-words constructed to resemble such nouns. Responses were broadly transcribed and analyzed for their similarity to the expected patterns. The results show that speakers are able to use two morphological strategies to form new words. The factors affecting the choice between morphological systems include linguistic structure and social variables.Collectively, this pair of experiments indicate that the consonantal root is a viable morphological and psychological unit of lexical organization, supporting a search-based approach to lexical access. Furthermore, speakers are able to form new words on the basis of whole words, showing that this level of organization must also be present to facilitate lexical access.
  author = {Twist, Alina Evelyn},
  title = {A psycholinguistic investigation of the verbal morphology of Maltese}
  school = {University of Arizona},
  year = {2006},
  url = {}
Ungaro, Melanie It-Tfassil ta' Grammatika Pedagoġika tal-Malti bħala Lsien Nattiv għas-Sekondarja: Studju tan-Nom u l-Verb Phdthesis: M.A. dissertation 2007
  author = {Ungaro, Melanie},
  title = {It-Tfassil ta' Grammatika Pedagoġika tal-Malti bħala Lsien Nattiv għas-Sekondarja: Studju tan-Nom u l-Verb}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2007}
Ussishkin, Adam, Dawson, Colin Reimer, Wedel, Andrew and Schluter, Kevin Auditory masked priming in Maltese spoken word recognition Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, Vol. ahead-of-print Article 2015 Link
Abstract: This study investigated lexical access in Maltese, an understudied Semitic language. We report here on a series of four lexical decision experiments designed to test the hypothesis that the consonantal root and the word pattern may each prime lexical access in Maltese. Priming of morphologically related forms is generally taken as evidence consistent with morphological decomposition in processing. Here, we used two speech priming techniques: auditory priming in which primes and targets were equally audible, and auditory masked priming in which primes are masked from conscious perception by volume-attenuation and compression. Our results show priming of targets by forms sharing a consonantal root, but not by forms sharing a word pattern.
  author = {Ussishkin, Adam and Dawson, Colin Reimer and Wedel, Andrew and Schluter, Kevin},
  title = {Auditory masked priming in Maltese spoken word recognition},
  journal = {Language, Cognition and Neuroscience},
  year = {2015},
  volume = {ahead-of-print},
  url = {},
  doi = {}
Ussishkin, Adam, Francom, Jerid and Woudstra, Dainon Creating a web-based lexical corpus and information-extraction tools for the Semitic language Maltese. Proceedings of the SEPLN-SALTMIL 2009 Workshop: Information Retrieval and Information Extraction for Less Resourced Languages Inproceedings 2009 Link
Abstract: In this paper, we document the creation of a web-based lexical corpus and a set of lexical tools for the less-resourced Semitic language Maltese. The benefits and shortcomings of using the web as a source of textual information are discussed in addition to the practical steps taken to develop and evaluate the resulting resources. We believe this preliminary work sets the groundwork for further development of Semitic language resources, as well as for less-resourced languages in general, and contributes to a growing interest to apply corpus data in theoretical analysis.
  author = {Ussishkin, Adam and Francom, Jerid and Woudstra, Dainon},
  title = {Creating a web-based lexical corpus and information-extraction tools for the Semitic language Maltese.},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the SEPLN-SALTMIL 2009 Workshop: Information Retrieval and Information Extraction for Less Resourced Languages},
  address = {University of the Basque Country},
  year = {2009},
  pages = {9--16},
  url = {}
Ussishkin, Adam and Twist, Alina
Editor(s): Comrie, Bernard, Fabri, Ray, Mifsud, Manwel, Stolz, Thomas, Vanhove, Martine and Hume, Elizabeth
Auditory and visual lexical decision in Maltese Introducing Maltese linguistics: selected papers from the 1st International Conference on Maltese Linguistics, Bremen, 18 - 20 October, 2007 Incollection 2009 Link
  author = {Ussishkin, Adam and Twist, Alina},
  editor = {Comrie, Bernard and Fabri, Ray and Mifsud, Manwel and Stolz, Thomas and Vanhove, Martine and Hume, Elizabeth},
  title = {Auditory and visual lexical decision in Maltese},
  booktitle = {Introducing Maltese linguistics: selected papers from the 1st International Conference on Maltese Linguistics, Bremen, 18 - 20 October, 2007},
  publisher = {Benjamins},
  address = {Amsterdam},
  year = {2009},
  number = {113},
  pages = {233--250},
  url = {}
Vanhove, Martine
Editor(s): Aguadé, Jordi, Cressier, Patrice and Vincente, Ángeles
De quelques traits préhilaliens en maltais Peuplement et arabisation au Maghreb occidental: dialectologie et histoire Incollection 1998 Link
  author = {Vanhove, Martine},
  editor = {Aguadé, Jordi and Cressier, Patrice and Vincente, Ángeles},
  title = {De quelques traits préhilaliens en maltais},
  booktitle = {Peuplement et arabisation au Maghreb occidental: dialectologie et histoire},
  publisher = {Casa de Velázquez},
  address = {Zaragoza},
  year = {1998},
  pages = {97--108},
  url = {}
Vanhove, Martine
Editor(s): Brincat, Joseph M.
The islands of Malta, a crossroad for influences? The case of auxiliary verbs Languages of the Mediterranean - Substrata - The Islands - Malta: Proceedings of the Conference held in Malta 26-29 September 1991 Incollection 1994
  author = {Vanhove, Martine},
  editor = {Brincat, Joseph M.},
  title = {The islands of Malta, a crossroad for influences? The case of auxiliary verbs},
  booktitle = {Languages of the Mediterranean - Substrata - The Islands - Malta: Proceedings of the Conference held in Malta 26-29 September 1991},
  publisher = {Institute of Linguistics, University of Malta},
  address = {Msida},
  year = {1994},
  pages = {286--292}
Vanhove, Martine
Editor(s): Caubet, Dominique, Chaker, Salem and Sibille, Jean
La langue maltaise et le passage à l’écriture Codification des langues de France Incollection 2002 Link
Abstract: La création du code écrit pour le maltais, à l'époque de la tutelle britannique, n'a pas été, comme souvent pendant la période coloniale, l'œuvre de missionnaires, mais l'entreprise des Maltais eux-mêmes. Les raisons politiques du moment ont fait que le colonisateur s'est associé à cette démarche, dans le but de promouvoir sa propre langue et de contribuer ainsi à asseoir sa domination, et d'évincer définitivement, tant culturellement que politiquement et économiquement, l'ancienne tutelle italienne, en cette époque troublée de la montée du fascisme en Europe. Une aspiration nationaliste, doublée d'une revendication linguistique, et un expansionnisme colonisateur ont conjugué leurs efforts pour imposer un changement de statut à une langue de tradition orale et vaincre des adversaires locaux, nationalistes eux aussi, mais avant tout attachés aux privilèges que leur conférait le monopole culturel et économique de l'italien. Le maltais est un exemple où politique, économie et idéologie sont intervenus sur la langue jusque dans sa codification. Le choix même d'une graphie latine l'illustre aussi à sa manière puisque l'alphabet arabe, un temps promu, a été abandonné plus pour des raisons idéologiques et religieuses que pratiques ou scientifiques, et malgré la volonté puriste, dite sémitisante, des grammairiens qui visait à éliminer de la langue tous les éléments d'origine italienne.
  author = {Vanhove, Martine},
  editor = {Caubet, Dominique and Chaker, Salem and Sibille, Jean},
  title = {La langue maltaise et le passage à l’écriture},
  booktitle = {Codification des langues de France},
  publisher = {L'Harmattan},
  address = {Paris},
  year = {2002},
  pages = {369--382},
  url = {}
Vanhove, Martine
Editor(s): Cristofaro, Sonia and Putzu, Ignazio
Le maltais et les interférences linguistiques Language in the Mediterranean Area. Typology and Convergence. Il Progetto MEDTYP: Studio dell'area linguistica mediterranea Incollection 2000 Link
Abstract: Le mélange de langues de structures morphologiques radicalement différentes n'a pas entraîné que des adaptations à sens unique du maltais vers les autres langues ou inversement. D'emprunts de morphèmes à des accommodements de l'arabe au superstrat siculo-italien, en passant par des créations originales étrangères aux langues sources, toute la gamme du métissage s'est jouée pour résoudre les conflits structuraux nés de ces rencontres. Des compromis formels originaux se sont aussi mis en place, mêlant la morphologie des schèmes à la morphologie concaténative du sicilien et de l'italien. La masse des emprunts de vocabulaire a fait diminuer les restrictions pesant sur la structure syllabique et fragilisé la structure lexématique fondée sur le croisement d'une racine et d'un schème, mais de manière inégale dans les systèmes verbaux et nominaux. Les schèmes sont encore vivants et productifs dans la formation des pluriels nominaux, même pour les emprunts, mais ils sont au contraire moribonds comme procédé de dérivation verbale. Désormais, toute création lexicale se fait au moyen d'emprunts directs et non plus par dérivation.
  author = {Vanhove, Martine},
  editor = {Cristofaro, Sonia and Putzu, Ignazio},
  title = {Le maltais et les interférences linguistiques},
  booktitle = {Language in the Mediterranean Area. Typology and Convergence. Il Progetto MEDTYP: Studio dell'area linguistica mediterranea},
  publisher = {FrancoAngeli},
  address = {Milan},
  year = {2000},
  pages = {187--199},
  url = {}
Vanhove, Martine
Editor(s): Fabri, Ray
The nominal quantifier xi in Maltese Maltese Linguistics: A Snapshot ; In Memory of Joseph A. Cremona (1922 - 2003) Incollection 2009
  author = {Vanhove, Martine},
  editor = {Fabri, Ray},
  title = {The nominal quantifier xi in Maltese},
  booktitle = {Maltese Linguistics: A Snapshot ; In Memory of Joseph A. Cremona (1922 - 2003)},
  publisher = {Universitätsverlag Brockmeyer},
  address = {Bochum},
  year = {2009},
  number = {1},
  pages = {17--33},
  edition = {1}
Vanhove, Martine
Editor(s): Kaye, Alan S.
L'Expression du parfait en maltais Semitic Studies in honor of Wolf Leslau on the occasion of his eighty-fifth birthday November 14th, 1991 Incollection 1991
  author = {Vanhove, Martine},
  editor = {Kaye, Alan S.},
  title = {L'Expression du parfait en maltais},
  booktitle = {Semitic Studies in honor of Wolf Leslau on the occasion of his eighty-fifth birthday November 14th, 1991},
  publisher = {Harrassowitz},
  address = {Wiesbaden},
  year = {1991},
  pages = {1601--1618}
Vanhove, Martine
Editor(s): Mifsud, Manwel
Future, injunctive and purpose subordinating conjunctions. The case of Maltese ħalli, ħa and biex Proceedings of the Third International Conference of AIDA. Association Internationale de Dialectologie Arabe Incollection 1998 Link
  author = {Vanhove, Martine},
  editor = {Mifsud, Manwel},
  title = {Future, injunctive and purpose subordinating conjunctions. The case of Maltese ħalli, ħa and biex},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the Third International Conference of AIDA. Association Internationale de Dialectologie Arabe},
  publisher = {Salesian Press},
  address = {Malta},
  year = {1998},
  pages = {235--240},
  url = {}
Vanhove, Martine
Editor(s): Robert, Stéphane
Auxiliaires, grammaticalisation et transcatégorialité: Le cas des marqueurs de futur et d'injonction en maltais Perspectives synchroniques sur la grammaticalisation. Polysémie, transcatégorialité et échelles syntaxiques Incollection 2003 Link
Abstract: Le maltais possède trois marqueurs communs au futur et à l'injonctif qui sont le produit de la grammaticalisation d'un verbe auxiliaire et d'un syntagme interrogatif. Tous connaissent aussi un fonctionnement transcatégoriel de conjonction de subordination à valeur finale. La description de leurs propriétés syntaxiques et sémantiques montrent que, synchroniquement, c'est la notion de « visée », déjà présente dans les étymons, qui les unit, mais que les différences de portée syntaxique et les sèmes particuliers à chacun expliquent leur polysémie et les changements catégoriels. Deux chaînes de grammaticalisation différentes sont proposées en fonction de l'origine des marqueurs.
  author = {Vanhove, Martine},
  editor = {Robert, Stéphane},
  title = {Auxiliaires, grammaticalisation et transcatégorialité: Le cas des marqueurs de futur et d'injonction en maltais},
  booktitle = {Perspectives synchroniques sur la grammaticalisation. Polysémie, transcatégorialité et échelles syntaxiques},
  publisher = {Peeters},
  address = {Paris},
  year = {2003},
  pages = {149--162},
  url = {}
Vanhove, Martine
Editor(s): Rothstein, Björn and Tieroff, Rolf
Mood in Maltese Mood systems in the languages of Europe Incollection 2010
Abstract: This paper shows that although Maltese has a set of morphological moods limited to two categories: an assertive mood, the Indicative, and an illocutionary mood, the Imperative; the two basic aspects of the Indicative mood can also bring modal values, which are in line with their semantics. The Perfective is used for the expression of epistemic values (counterfactual, evidential); the Imperfective for the expression of epistemic values (possibility eventuality, optative, hortative) and the prohibitive. In addition a set of periphrastic constructions with auxiliary verbs has been developed for the expression of (mainly) deontic values.
  author = {Vanhove, Martine},
  editor = {Rothstein, Björn and Tieroff, Rolf},
  title = {Mood in Maltese},
  booktitle = {Mood systems in the languages of Europe},
  publisher = {John Benjamins},
  address = {Amsterdam},
  year = {2010},
  number = {120},
  pages = {571--583}
Vanhove, Martine Migrations in the Maltese islands: a linguistic melting pot Colloque" Migrations", 5-7 septembre 2007, Porquerolles Inproceedings 2007 Link
  author = {Vanhove, Martine},
  title = {Migrations in the Maltese islands: a linguistic melting pot},
  booktitle = {Colloque" Migrations", 5-7 septembre 2007, Porquerolles},
  year = {2007},
  url = {}
Vanhove, Martine Contacts de langues et complexification des systèmes: le cas du maltais Faits de Langues. Langues de diaspora. Langues en contact, Vol. 18 Article 2001 Link
  author = {Vanhove, Martine},
  title = {Contacts de langues et complexification des systèmes: le cas du maltais},
  journal = {Faits de Langues. Langues de diaspora. Langues en contact},
  year = {2001},
  volume = {18},
  pages = {65--74},
  url = {}
Vanhove, Martine La dialectologie du maltais et son histoire Revue d'Ethnolinguistique. Diasystème et longue durée (Cahiers du Lacito), Vol. 8 Article 1999 Link
  author = {Vanhove, Martine},
  title = {La dialectologie du maltais et son histoire},
  journal = {Revue d'Ethnolinguistique. Diasystème et longue durée (Cahiers du Lacito)},
  year = {1999},
  volume = {8},
  pages = {171--191},
  url = {}
Vanhove, Martine Interférences morphosyntaxiques entre maltais, italien et anglais Inproceedings 1998
  author = {Vanhove, Martine},
  title = {Interférences morphosyntaxiques entre maltais, italien et anglais},
  year = {1998}
Vanhove, Martine La langue maltaise : un carrefour linguistique Revue du monde musulman et de la Méditerranée, Vol. 71 Article 1994 Link
  author = {Vanhove, Martine},
  title = {La langue maltaise : un carrefour linguistique},
  journal = {Revue du monde musulman et de la Méditerranée},
  year = {1994},
  volume = {71},
  number = {1},
  pages = {167--183},
  url = {},
  doi = {}
Vanhove, Martine Sur le fonctionnement de la négation en maltais Matériaux Arabes et Sudarabiques. MAS - GELLAS, Vol. 6 Article 1994
  author = {Vanhove, Martine},
  title = {Sur le fonctionnement de la négation en maltais},
  journal = {Matériaux Arabes et Sudarabiques. MAS - GELLAS},
  year = {1994},
  volume = {6},
  pages = {141--167}
Vanhove, Martine La langue maltaise. Études syntaxiques d'un dialecte arabe péiphérique Book 1993 Link
  author = {Vanhove, Martine},
  title = {La langue maltaise. Études syntaxiques d'un dialecte arabe péiphérique},
  publisher = {Harrassowitz},
  address = {Wiesbaden},
  year = {1993},
  number = {11},
  url = {}
Vanhove, Martine Un manuscrit inédit de Georges S. Colin: "Le Supplément au dictionnaire maltais". Edition partielle et commentaires Matériaux Arabes et Sudarabiques. MAS - GELLAS, Vol. 3 Article 1991
  author = {Vanhove, Martine},
  title = {Un manuscrit inédit de Georges S. Colin: "Le Supplément au dictionnaire maltais". Edition partielle et commentaires},
  journal = {Matériaux Arabes et Sudarabiques. MAS - GELLAS},
  year = {1991},
  volume = {3},
  pages = {137--225}
Vanhove, Martine On the survival of [ʕ] in a Maltese idiolect at Mtaħleb in Malta Journal of Afroasiatic Languages 3, Vol. 3 Article 1991
Abstract: This paper deals with the discovery of a sound that was supposed to have completely disappeared from the Maltese language during the 20th century: the voiced pharyngeal fricative [ʕ]. It was found in the idiolect of a speaker living in an isolated area in the Western part of the island of Malta. The articulation [ʕ] of this phoneme is less frequent than its other phonetic variants and does not even exist any more when final in the root. This idiolect brings also a new testimony of the confusion of [ʕ] and the voiced velar fricative [ɣ] to the benefit of [ʕ] that had already been descibed at the end of the 18th century by Vassalli as typical in the capital city Valletta and the cities surrounding the Ground Harbour.
  author = {Vanhove, Martine},
  title = {On the survival of [ʕ] in a Maltese idiolect at Mtaħleb in Malta},
  journal = {Journal of Afroasiatic Languages 3},
  year = {1991},
  volume = {3},
  pages = {22--34}
Vanhove, Martine Morphosyntaxe et stylistique en Maltais. le système verbal et la phrase nominale (2 vol.) Phdthesis: Ph.D. dissertation 1990
  author = {Vanhove, Martine},
  title = {Morphosyntaxe et stylistique en Maltais. le système verbal et la phrase nominale (2 vol.)}
  school = {University of Paris},
  year = {1990}
Vanhove, Martine Remarques sur quelques auxiliaires et particules verbales en maltais Matériaux Arabes et Sudarabiques. MAS - GELLAS, Vol. 1 Article 1987
  author = {Vanhove, Martine},
  title = {Remarques sur quelques auxiliaires et particules verbales en maltais},
  journal = {Matériaux Arabes et Sudarabiques. MAS - GELLAS},
  year = {1987},
  volume = {1},
  pages = {35--51}
Vanhove, Martine Aspects de la mise en relief en Maltais Phdthesis: M.A. dissertation 1983
  author = {Vanhove, Martine},
  title = {Aspects de la mise en relief en Maltais}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1983}
Vanhove, Martine and Camilleri, Antoinette A Phonetic and phonological description of the Maltese dialect of Mġarr (Malta) Zeitschrft für arabische Linguistik, Vol. 28 Article 1994 Link
  author = {Vanhove, Martine and Camilleri, Antoinette},
  title = {A Phonetic and phonological description of the Maltese dialect of Mġarr (Malta)},
  journal = {Zeitschrft für arabische Linguistik},
  year = {1994},
  volume = {28},
  pages = {87--110},
  url = {}
Vanhove, Martine, Miller, Catherine and Caubet, Dominique
Editor(s): Hansen, Björn and Haan, Ferdinand de
The grammaticalization of modal auxiliaries in Maltese and Arabic vernaculars of the Mediterranean area Modals in the Languages of Europe Incollection 2009 Link
  author = {Vanhove, Martine and Miller, Catherine and Caubet, Dominique},
  editor = {Hansen, Björn and Haan, Ferdinand de},
  title = {The grammaticalization of modal auxiliaries in Maltese and Arabic vernaculars of the Mediterranean area},
  booktitle = {Modals in the Languages of Europe},
  publisher = {Mouton de Gruyter},
  address = {Berlin, New York},
  year = {2009},
  pages = {325--362},
  url = {}
Varvaro, Alberto
Editor(s): Sardo, Rosaria and Soravia, Giulio
Maltese e siciliano: varietà a contatto nel tempo Malta e Sicilia. Continuità e contiguità linguistica e culturale Incollection 1989
  author = {Varvaro, Alberto},
  editor = {Sardo, Rosaria and Soravia, Giulio},
  title = {Maltese e siciliano: varietà a contatto nel tempo},
  booktitle = {Malta e Sicilia. Continuità e contiguità linguistica e culturale},
  publisher = {C.U.L.C.},
  address = {Catania},
  year = {1989},
  pages = {205--215}
Varvaro, Alberto La lingua in Sicilia e a Malta nel medioevo Journal of Maltese studies, Vol. 17-18 Article 1987 Link
  author = {Varvaro, Alberto},
  title = {La lingua in Sicilia e a Malta nel medioevo},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese studies},
  year = {1987},
  volume = {17-18},
  pages = {1--5},
  url = {}
Vassalli, Mikiel Anton Għajdun il-għaqal, kliem il-għerf u qwiel Maltin Book 2006
  author = {Vassalli, Mikiel Anton},
  title = {Għajdun il-għaqal, kliem il-għerf u qwiel Maltin},
  publisher = {Argo},
  address = {Malta},
  year = {2006}
Vassalli, Mikiel Anton Grammatica della lingua maltese Book 1827 Link
  author = {Vassalli, Mikiel Anton},
  title = {Grammatica della lingua maltese},
  publisher = {Stampata per l'autore},
  address = {Malta},
  year = {1827},
  url = {}
Vassalli, Mikiel Anton Lexicon Melitense-Latino-Italum Book 1796
  author = {Vassalli, Mikiel Anton},
  title = {Lexicon Melitense-Latino-Italum},
  publisher = {Selbstverl.},
  year = {1796}
Vassalli, Mikiel Anton Mylsen Phoenico-Punicum, sive, Grammatica Melitensis Book 1791
  author = {Vassalli, Mikiel Anton},
  title = {Mylsen Phoenico-Punicum, sive, Grammatica Melitensis},
  publisher = {Selbstverl.},
  year = {1791}
Vassallo, Dorianne Il-lingwa ta' l-SMS: Il-każ tal-Malti mqabbel ma' dak ta' lingwi oħra Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 2005
  author = {Vassallo, Dorianne},
  title = {Il-lingwa ta' l-SMS: Il-każ tal-Malti mqabbel ma' dak ta' lingwi oħra}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2005}
Vassallo, Giovanni Antonio L'ortografia maltese Book 1928
  author = {Vassallo, Giovanni Antonio},
  title = {L'ortografia maltese},
  publisher = {Empire Press},
  address = {Malta},
  year = {1928}
Vassallo, Giovanni Antonio Esperimenti di verseggiare maltese su i metri italiani Mogħdija taż-Żmien fl-ilsien Malti Incollection 1843
  author = {Vassallo, Giovanni Antonio},
  title = {Esperimenti di verseggiare maltese su i metri italiani},
  booktitle = {Mogħdija taż-Żmien fl-ilsien Malti},
  address = {Malta},
  year = {1843}
Vassallo, Richard Il-„linguistic pot-pourri‟ ta' Ġużè Aquilina (Jaquil) fis-Sunday Times of Malta (1984-1993): analiżi u indiċi tematiku Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 2006
  author = {Vassallo, Richard},
  title = {Il-„linguistic pot-pourri‟ ta' Ġużè Aquilina (Jaquil) fis-Sunday Times of Malta (1984-1993): analiżi u indiċi tematiku}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2006}
Vassallo, Yanica Prietka f'Ġieħ is-Santissmu Sagrament ta' Ignazio Saverio Mifsud Integrata fid-Dizzjunarju ta' Aquilina Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 2012
  author = {Vassallo, Yanica},
  title = {Prietka f'Ġieħ is-Santissmu Sagrament ta' Ignazio Saverio Mifsud Integrata fid-Dizzjunarju ta' Aquilina}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2012}
Vella, Alexandra
Editor(s): Botinis, Antoni, Kouroupetroglou, Georgios and Carayiannis, George
Intonational variation across dialects: an intonational phonology approach Intonation theory, models and applications: Proceedings of an ESCA Workshop, September 18 - 20, Athens, Greece Incollection 1997 Link
Abstract: Working on the intonation of Maltese within the framework of intonational phonology ([12], [10]), Vella [13] notes an asymmetry in the timing implementation of the nuclear statement tune as compared with that of the nuclear question tune. Vella's preliminary conclusion regarding the former is that there is a tendency for early alignment of H* with the stressed syllable; in the latter case, the tendency is rather for late alignment of L* with the stressed syllable. This paper uses interview data to corroborate preliminary evidence relating to the timing of the peak in the nuclear statement tune in Standard Maltese. At the same time, it investigates the timing of pitch accent alignment in the nuclear statement tune in one particular dialect of Maltese. The difference in the timing implementation of the peak across the two varieties is accounted for by means of a phonological feature [early peak].
  author = {Vella, Alexandra},
  editor = {Botinis, Antoni and Kouroupetroglou, Georgios and Carayiannis, George},
  title = {Intonational variation across dialects: an intonational phonology approach},
  booktitle = {Intonation theory, models and applications: Proceedings of an ESCA Workshop, September 18 - 20, Athens, Greece},
  publisher = {European Speech Communication Association (ESCA)},
  year = {1997},
  pages = {325--328},
  url = {}
Vella, Alexandra
Editor(s): Branmuller, Kurt and Ferraresi, Gisella
Effects of language contact on Maltese intonation Aspects of Multilingualism in European language history Incollection 2003
Abstract: This paper seeks to throw new light on the way Maltese has envolved in a context of language contact, paying particular attention to an area which has to date been completely neglected by scholars in this field, namely the intonation of Maltese.
  author = {Vella, Alexandra},
  editor = {Branmuller, Kurt and Ferraresi, Gisella},
  title = {Effects of language contact on Maltese intonation},
  booktitle = {Aspects of Multilingualism in European language history},
  publisher = {Benjamins},
  address = {Amsterdam},
  year = {2003},
  pages = {261--283}
Vella, Alexandra
Editor(s): Brincat, Joseph M.
The intonation of Maltese: a preliminary investigation of statements and yes-no questions Languages of the Mediterranean - Substrata - The Islands - Malta: Proceedings of the Conference held in Malta 26-29 September 1991 Incollection 1994
  author = {Vella, Alexandra},
  editor = {Brincat, Joseph M.},
  title = {The intonation of Maltese: a preliminary investigation of statements and yes-no questions},
  booktitle = {Languages of the Mediterranean - Substrata - The Islands - Malta: Proceedings of the Conference held in Malta 26-29 September 1991},
  publisher = {Institute of Linguistics, University of Malta},
  address = {Msida},
  year = {1994},
  pages = {293--304}
Vella, Alexander
Editor(s): Comrie, Bernard, Fabri, Ray, Mifsud, Manwel, Stolz, Thomas, Vanhove, Martine and Hume, Elizabeth
On Maltese prosody Introducing Maltese linguistics : selected papers from the 1st International Conference on Maltese Linguistics, Bremen, 18 - 20 October, 2007 Incollection 2009 Link
  author = {Vella, Alexander},
  editor = {Comrie, Bernard and Fabri, Ray and Mifsud, Manwel and Stolz, Thomas and Vanhove, Martine and Hume, Elizabeth},
  title = {On Maltese prosody},
  booktitle = {Introducing Maltese linguistics : selected papers from the 1st International Conference on Maltese Linguistics, Bremen, 18 - 20 October, 2007},
  publisher = {Benjamins},
  address = {Amsterdam},
  year = {2009},
  number = {113},
  pages = {47--68},
  url = {}
Vella, Alexandra
Editor(s): Fabri, Ray
Maltese intonation and focus structure Maltese Linguistics: A Snapshot ; In Memory of Joseph A. Cremona (1922 - 2003) Incollection 2009 Link
  author = {Vella, Alexandra},
  editor = {Fabri, Ray},
  title = {Maltese intonation and focus structure},
  booktitle = {Maltese Linguistics: A Snapshot ; In Memory of Joseph A. Cremona (1922 - 2003)},
  publisher = {Universitätsverlag Brockmeyer},
  address = {Bochum},
  year = {2009},
  number = {1},
  pages = {63--92},
  edition = {1},
  url = {}
Vella, Alexandra
Editor(s): Romero, J. and Solé, M. J.
Phrase accents in Maltese: distribution and realization Proceedings of the 15th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences Incollection 2003
  author = {Vella, Alexandra},
  editor = {Romero, J. and Solé, M. J.},
  title = {Phrase accents in Maltese: distribution and realization},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 15th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences},
  publisher = {Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona},
  address = {Barcelona},
  year = {2003},
  pages = {1775--1778}
Vella, Alexandra Languages and language varieties in Malta International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, Vol. 16 Article 2013 Link
Abstract: Maltese, the national language of Malta, is, without doubt, the dominant language of most Maltese in most domains of language use in Malta. It however shares official status with English, which is also in regular use. Most Maltese can, in fact, be said to be bilingual to differing degrees. This article begins by providing some background information and a brief outline of the geographical and historical origins of Maltese. This separate ‘entity’ – one which also has its own dialects – has developed by melding elements from different sources. The internal heterogeneity of Maltese can be seen to be a reflection of the complex external situation of language use on the Islands. Official bilingualism in fact gives rise to a rich linguistic context of use within which Maltese speakers, bilingual and/or bidialectal to different degrees, operate. The notion of a continuum of use is employed as a means of explaining the complex linguistic behaviour of bilingual Maltese speakers. The effects of regular use of English alongside Maltese on the English of speakers of Maltese are also discussed briefly.
  author = {Vella, Alexandra},
  title = {Languages and language varieties in Malta},
  journal = {International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism},
  year = {2013},
  volume = {16},
  number = {5 (Special Issue: Language in Education in Malta)},
  pages = {532--552},
  url = {},
  doi = {}
Vella, Alexandra Asking or not asking in Maltese, that is the question Inproceedings 2010 Link
Abstract: This paper provides an overview of the form and function of questions in Maltese. An attempt to determine whether information-seeking questions differ from confirmationseeking ones is made. Map Task questions coded for function as QUERY-YN and CHECK/ALIGN, as well as QUERY-WH questions , are examined. The paper aims to establish whether choice of tune in Maltese is determined by function, or whether function is subordinate to other factors such as information structure, the accentability or otherwise of specific structures etc. Accentability is found to have primacy of some sort over other factors, no categorical distinction in choice of tune being found to be associated with informationseeking type questions (QUERY-YN), as opposed to confirmation-seeking ones (CHECK/ALIGN).
  author = {Vella, Alexandra},
  title = {Asking or not asking in Maltese, that is the question},
  address = {Chicago},
  year = {2010},
  url = {}
Vella, Alexandra The intonational phonology of Maltese Inproceedings 2007 Link
Abstract: This paper reports on work which is currently being carried out to consolidate the phonological analysis of Maltese within the AutosegmentalMetrical framework used in other work on intonation and in previous work of the author. Consolidation of the phonological analysis of prosodic structure and intonation in Maltese is expected to go hand in hand with annotation of data from a small corpus of spoken standard Maltese using MalToBI or ToBI-style conventions adapted for use with Maltese, similar to those which have been developed for other languages. The MalToBI adaptation will serve as the basis for the annotation of data from the corpus of spoken standard Maltese currently being undertaken as part of SPAN, as well as, eventually, of other data. It is hoped that annotated data from the project will be used to establish the distribution of intonation patterns and their functions in Maltese, and that such a functional analysis will contribute to a better understanding of the workings of prosodic structure and intonation in Maltese in the broader context of prosodic typology.
  author = {Vella, Alexandra},
  title = {The intonational phonology of Maltese},
  address = {Saarbrücken},
  year = {2007},
  url = {}
Vella, Alexandra The phonetics and phonology of wh-question intonation in Maltese Proceedings of the 16th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences Inproceedings 2007 Link
Abstract: This paper reports on a preliminary analysis of wh-question intonation in Maltese. The study aims to provide evidence for a characterisation of one aspect of the intonation of wh-questions in Maltese. It focuses on the initial H tone reported to occur at the beginning of such questions in Maltese and tries to establish an empirical basis for an analysis of this H tone. Results show that a H tone target is indeed always present on the wh-word in Maltese wh-questions. Moreover, the H target seems to be associated with the first syllable of the wh-word, whether this syllable is accented or not. Furthermore, the H tone in question is characterised by a raising in F0 as compared to other H tone targets across a range of different sentence types.
  author = {Vella, Alexandra},
  title = {The phonetics and phonology of wh-question intonation in Maltese},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 16th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences},
  year = {2007},
  pages = {1285--1288},
  url = {}
Vella, Alexandra Dialects of Maltese: A pilot study Unpublished: In-house unpublished paper 2004
  author = {Vella, Alexandra},
  title = {Dialects of Maltese: A pilot study},
  address = {Leeds},
  year = {2004}
Vella, Alexandra Xlukkajr: A preliminary analysis of select characteristics of the dialect Unpublished: In-house unpublished paper 2004
  author = {Vella, Alexandra},
  title = {Xlukkajr: A preliminary analysis of select characteristics of the dialect},
  address = {Leeds},
  year = {2004}
Vella, Alexandra Prosodic structure and intonation in Maltese and its influence on Maltese English Phdthesis: M. Sc. thesis 1994
  author = {Vella, Alexandra},
  title = {Prosodic structure and intonation in Maltese and its influence on Maltese English}
  school = {University of Edinburgh},
  year = {1994}
Vella, Alexandra A preliminary investigation of some aspects of the intonation of Maltese Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 1988
  author = {Vella, Alexandra},
  title = {A preliminary investigation of some aspects of the intonation of Maltese}
  school = {University of Edinburgh},
  year = {1988}
Vella, Alexandra, Chetcuti, Flavia, Grech, Sarah and Spagnol, Michael
Editor(s): Calzolari, Nicoletta, Choukri, Khalid, Maegaard, Bente, Mariani, Joseph, Odijk, Jan, Piperidis, Stelios, Rosner, Mike and Tapias, Daniel
Integrating annotated spoken Maltese data into corpora of written Maltese Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'10) Incollection 2010 Link
Abstract: Spoken data features to a lesser extent in corpora available for languages than do written data. This paper addresses this issue by presenting work carried out to date on the development of a corpus of spoken Maltese. It outlines the standards for the PRAAT annotation of Maltese data at the orthographic level, and reports on preliminary work on the annotation of Maltese prosody and development of ToBI-style standards for Maltese. Procedures being developed for exporting PRAAT TextGrid information for the purposes of incorporation into a predominantly written corpus of Maltese are then discussed. The paper also demonstrates how characteristics of speech notoriously difficult to deal with have been tackled and how the exported output from the PRAAT annotations can be enhanced through the representation also of phenomena, sometimes referred to as "normal disfluencies", which include "filled pauses" and other vocalisations of a quasi-lexical nature having various functions of a discourse-management type such as "backchannelling".
  author = {Vella, Alexandra and Chetcuti, Flavia and Grech, Sarah and Spagnol, Michael},
  editor = {Calzolari, Nicoletta and Choukri, Khalid and Maegaard, Bente and Mariani, Joseph and Odijk, Jan and Piperidis, Stelios and Rosner, Mike and Tapias, Daniel},
  title = {Integrating annotated spoken Maltese data into corpora of written Maltese},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'10)},
  publisher = {European Language Resources Association (ELRA)},
  address = {Valetta, Malta},
  year = {2010},
  pages = {83--90},
  url = {}
Vella, Alexandra and Farrugia, Paulseph-John MalToBI–building an annotated corpus of spoken Maltese Proceedings of Speech Prosody 2006 Incollection 2006 Link
Abstract: Research on the phonetics and phonology of Maltese, and in particular on different aspects of its prosody, is, thus far, rather limited. This is in part due to the lack of structured resources for use in research. One resource which, to date, has been unavailable, is a corpus of spoken Maltese. Such a corpus, could, amongst other things, be used as a ready resource for the analysis of various aspects of the phonetics and phonology of Maltese. Moreover, given the limited research in the area of Maltese prosody, a speech corpus including an element of prosodic annotation could be particularly important for the continuing development of resources in the domain of Text-toSpeech (TTS) in the local context. Recognition of the requirement of such a corpus gave rise to MalToBI, a project involving the collection of a relatively small body of spoken Maltese, together with the development of a Tone and Break Indices (ToBI) framework adapted for use with Maltese. This paper gives a brief outline of some aspects of the prosody of Maltese and describes the development of this corpus. It discusses design considerations in some detail, and it outlines the progress made so far as well as the intentions for future work.
  author = {Vella, Alexandra and Farrugia, Paulseph-John},
  title = {MalToBI–building an annotated corpus of spoken Maltese},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of Speech Prosody 2006},
  address = {Dresden},
  year = {2006},
  url = {}
Vella, Alexandra and Paggio, Patrizia
Editor(s): Allwood, Jens, Ahlsén, Elisabeth, Paggio, Patrizia, Navarretta, Costanza and Jokinen, Kristiina
Overlaps in Maltese: a comparison between map task dialogues and multimodal conversational data NEALT Proceedings Series, Vol. 21 (Proceedings of the 4th Nordic Symposium on Multimodal Communication) Article 2012 Link
Abstract: This paper deals with overlaps in spoken Maltese. Overlaps are studied in samples from two different corpora, one consisting of Map Task dialogues, and the other of free face-to-face conversations. The results show that the number and function of the overlaps vary with the presence or absence of pre-defined roles, the nature of the dialogue and the subjects’ familiarity with the situation. Overlaps are used to achieve optimal information exchange in the Map Task dialogues, and are a sign of ease and familiarity in the free conversations.
  author = {Vella, Alexandra and Paggio, Patrizia},
  editor = {Allwood, Jens and Ahlsén, Elisabeth and Paggio, Patrizia and Navarretta, Costanza and Jokinen, Kristiina},
  title = {Overlaps in Maltese: a comparison between map task dialogues and multimodal conversational data},
  journal = {NEALT Proceedings Series},
  year = {2012},
  volume = {21 (Proceedings of the 4th Nordic Symposium on Multimodal Communication)},
  pages = {21--30},
  url = {}
Vella, Alexandra, Spagnol, Michael, Grech, Sarah and Chetcuti, Flavia
Editor(s): Borg, Albert, Caruana, Sandro and Vella, Alexandra
The role of silence in spoken Maltese: durational and distributional characteristics of breaks and pauses Perspectives on Maltese linguistics Incollection 2014 Link
Abstract: The contributions included in this collection present different perspectives on various aspects of Maltese Linguistics, thereby enriching a field which has been attracting considerably greater interest in recent years than was the case in the past. The papers focus on the Maltese language itself as well as on Maltese in relation to other languages. They provide a picture of Maltese mainly from a synchronic perspective, descriptions ranging from indepth analyses of morphological and syntactic features to contributions on the lexicon, corpus linguistics and sociolinguistics. A number of papers dealing with diachronic considerations are also included. The topics dealt with in this volume show not only that Maltese is the object of research from a variety of perspectives but also that scholars with diverse backgrounds and of different nationalities are studying this language, thus providing an enriching body of knowl-edge, including findings of interest to general linguistics and various other fields in the humanities.
  author = {Vella, Alexandra and Spagnol, Michael and Grech, Sarah and Chetcuti, Flavia},
  editor = {Borg, Albert and Caruana, Sandro and Vella, Alexandra},
  title = {The role of silence in spoken Maltese: durational and distributional characteristics of breaks and pauses},
  booktitle = {Perspectives on Maltese linguistics},
  publisher = {Akademie Verlag},
  address = {Berlin},
  year = {2014},
  pages = {89--116},
  url = {}
Vella, Alexandra, Spagnol, Michael, Grech, Sarah and Chetcuti, Flavia
Editor(s): Caruana, Sandro, Fabri, Ray and Stolz, Thomas
A preliminary investigation of filled pauses in Maltese Variation and Change: The Dynamics of Maltese in Space, Time and Society Incollection 2011
Abstract: Spontaneous speech, unlike read speech, is replete with filled pauses (FP's) and other disfluencies. Evidence exists that FP's have their own specific phonetic, including prosodic, characteristics, as well as an important discourse function. This paper reports preliminary results on Maltese FP's based on analysis of a corpus of Maltese Map Task dialogues.
  author = {Vella, Alexandra and Spagnol, Michael and Grech, Sarah and Chetcuti, Flavia},
  editor = {Caruana, Sandro and Fabri, Ray and Stolz, Thomas},
  title = {A preliminary investigation of filled pauses in Maltese},
  booktitle = {Variation and Change: The Dynamics of Maltese in Space, Time and Society},
  publisher = {Akademie Verlag},
  address = {Berlin},
  year = {2011},
  number = {9},
  pages = {255--275}
Vella, Claire Idjomi għaż-żgħar. Riżorsi għat-tagħlim tal-idjomi fil-primarja Phdthesis: B.A. (HONS) thesis 2013
  author = {Vella, Claire},
  title = {Idjomi għaż-żgħar. Riżorsi għat-tagħlim tal-idjomi fil-primarja}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2013}
Vella, Carmen Interferenzi tal-Malti fl-istudju ta' l-Għarbi Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 1992
  author = {Vella, Carmen},
  title = {Interferenzi tal-Malti fl-istudju ta' l-Għarbi}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1992}
Vella, Francis Maltese grammar for the use of the English Book 1831 Link
  author = {Vella, Francis},
  title = {Maltese grammar for the use of the English},
  publisher = {printed by Glaucus Masi},
  address = {Leghorn [Livorno?]},
  year = {1831},
  url = {}
Vella, Godfrey The language of the establishments in Maltese law, 1814-1921 Phdthesis: LLD 2006
  author = {Vella, Godfrey},
  title = {The language of the establishments in Maltese law, 1814-1921}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2006}
Vella, Giovanni Il dialetto maltese: studio comparativo Book 1929
  author = {Vella, Giovanni},
  title = {Il dialetto maltese: studio comparativo},
  address = {Malta},
  year = {1929}
Vella, Joseph Learn Maltese: why not? Book 2004
  author = {Vella, Joseph},
  title = {Learn Maltese: why not?},
  publisher = {Valetta Publishing},
  address = {Valetta},
  year = {2004},
  note = {215 S.}
Vella, Joseph Proposta għaż-żamma u l-iżvilupp tal-vokabularju tekniku f'qasam magħżul (il-ġeografija) Phdthesis: M.A. dissertation 1999
  author = {Vella, Joseph},
  title = {Proposta għaż-żamma u l-iżvilupp tal-vokabularju tekniku f'qasam magħżul (il-ġeografija)}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1999}
Vella, Joseph L-ilsien Malti fil-gazzetti ta' l-emigranti Maltin ta' l-eġittu Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 1993
  author = {Vella, Joseph},
  title = {L-ilsien Malti fil-gazzetti ta' l-emigranti Maltin ta' l-eġittu}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1993}
Vella, Joseph A comparative study in Maltese and Libyan (Benghazi dialect) phonetics, morphology, syntax and lexicon Phdthesis: M.A. dissertation 1970
  author = {Vella, Joseph},
  title = {A comparative study in Maltese and Libyan (Benghazi dialect) phonetics, morphology, syntax and lexicon}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1970}
Vella, Joseph L-iżvilupp tal-Katekiżmu Malti Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 1964
  author = {Vella, Joseph},
  title = {L-iżvilupp tal-Katekiżmu Malti}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1964}
Vella, Lara
Editor(s): Borg, Albert, Caruana, Sandro and Vella, Alexandra
Language used in Internet chatting and its effect on spelling Perspectives on Maltese linguistics Incollection 2014
Abstract: The contributions included in this collection present different perspectives on various aspects of Maltese Linguistics, thereby enriching a field which has been attracting considerably greater interest in recent years than was the case in the past. The papers focus on the Maltese language itself as well as on Maltese in relation to other languages. They provide a picture of Maltese mainly from a synchronic perspective, descriptions ranging from indepth analyses of morphological and syntactic features to contributions on the lexicon, corpus linguistics and sociolinguistics. A number of papers dealing with diachronic considerations are also included. The topics dealt with in this volume show not only that Maltese is the object of research from a variety of perspectives but also that scholars with diverse backgrounds and of different nationalities are studying this language, thus providing an enriching body of knowl-edge, including findings of interest to general linguistics and various other fields in the humanities.
  author = {Vella, Lara},
  editor = {Borg, Albert and Caruana, Sandro and Vella, Alexandra},
  title = {Language used in Internet chatting and its effect on spelling},
  booktitle = {Perspectives on Maltese linguistics},
  publisher = {Akademie Verlag},
  address = {Berlin},
  year = {2014},
  pages = {319--340}
Vella, Olvin L-għejun ta' l-istorja ta' l-ilsien Malti: ġabra ta' dokumenti bil-Malti mill-bidu sa Vassalli Phdthesis: M.A. dissertation 2006
  author = {Vella, Olvin},
  title = {L-għejun ta' l-istorja ta' l-ilsien Malti: ġabra ta' dokumenti bil-Malti mill-bidu sa Vassalli}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2006}
Vella, Olvin Il-pjanifikazzjoni lingwistika: il-każ tal-Malti fl-isfond internazzjonali Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 1997
  author = {Vella, Olvin},
  title = {Il-pjanifikazzjoni lingwistika: il-każ tal-Malti fl-isfond internazzjonali}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1997}
Vella, Victoria L-istat kostrutt fil-Malti Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 1993
  author = {Vella, Victoria},
  title = {L-istat kostrutt fil-Malti}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1993}
Visanich, Emily Translation and analysis of part of Khaled Hosseini's The Kite Runner Phdthesis: Unpublished M.A. thesis 2011
  author = {Visanich, Emily},
  title = {Translation and analysis of part of Khaled Hosseini's The Kite Runner},
  address = {Msida, Malta}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2011}
Walter, Mary Ann
Editor(s): Boudlaa, Saami
Pharyngealization effects in Maltese Arabic Perspectives on Arabic Linguistics: Proceedings of the 16 th Arabic Linguistics Society Symposium Incollection 2006 Link
  author = {Walter, Mary Ann},
  editor = {Boudlaa, Saami},
  title = {Pharyngealization effects in Maltese Arabic},
  booktitle = {Perspectives on Arabic Linguistics: Proceedings of the 16 th Arabic Linguistics Society Symposium},
  publisher = {Benjamins},
  address = {Amsterdam},
  year = {2006},
  pages = {161--175},
  url = {}
Wettinger, Godfrey
Editor(s): Fabri, Ray
Gozitan women in Tunis ransomed from captivity, ca. 1486 Maltese linguistics: a snapshot ; in memory of Joseph A. Cremona (1922 - 2003) Incollection 2009 Link
Abstract: Documents of the Cathedral Museum in Mdina record the case of a Gozitan woman, Donna Constancia, who accused a cleric, Don Angelus Mannara, of having defrauded her by keeping for himself the ransom money that he was intrusted with. During the hearing, reference was expressly made to the "vernacular" of Gozo, in contrast to that of Tunis. This is a significant reference to the variety Arabic we would now call Maltese.
  author = {Wettinger, Godfrey},
  editor = {Fabri, Ray},
  title = {Gozitan women in Tunis ransomed from captivity, ca. 1486},
  booktitle = {Maltese linguistics: a snapshot ; in memory of Joseph A. Cremona (1922 - 2003)},
  publisher = {Universitätsverlag Brockmeyer},
  address = {Bochum},
  year = {2009},
  number = {1},
  pages = {1--5},
  edition = {1},
  url = {}
Wettinger, Godfrey Kliem Malti Qadim Book 2006
  author = {Wettinger, Godfrey},
  title = {Kliem Malti Qadim},
  publisher = {Istitut tal-Lingwistika : Dipt. tal-Malti, Universita' ta' Malta},
  address = {Malta},
  year = {2006}
Wettinger, Godfrey Place-names of the Maltese islands: Ca. 1300-1800 Book 2000
  author = {Wettinger, Godfrey},
  title = {Place-names of the Maltese islands: Ca. 1300-1800},
  publisher = {Publishers Enterprises Group (PEG)},
  address = {San Gẇann},
  year = {2000}
Wettinger, Godfrey The origin of Maltese surnames Melita Historica, Vol. 12 Article 1999
  author = {Wettinger, Godfrey},
  title = {The origin of Maltese surnames},
  journal = {Melita Historica},
  year = {1999},
  volume = {12},
  number = {4},
  pages = {333--344}
Wettinger, Godfrey Some grammatical characteristics of the place-names of Malta and Gozo in early modern times Journal of Maltese studies, Vol. 15 Article 1983 Link
  author = {Wettinger, Godfrey},
  title = {Some grammatical characteristics of the place-names of Malta and Gozo in early modern times},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese studies},
  year = {1983},
  volume = {15},
  pages = {31--68},
  url = {}
Wettinger, Godfrey Late medieval Judaeo-Arabic poetry in Vatican Hebrew Ms. 411: A postscript Journal of Maltese studies, Vol. 14 Article 1981 Link
  author = {Wettinger, Godfrey},
  title = {Late medieval Judaeo-Arabic poetry in Vatican Hebrew Ms. 411: A postscript},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese studies},
  year = {1981},
  volume = {14},
  pages = {56--58},
  url = {}
Wettinger, Godfrey Late Medieval Judaeo-Arabic poetry in Vatican Ms. 411: links with Maltese and Sicilian Arabic Journal of Maltese studies, Vol. 13 Article 1979 Link
  author = {Wettinger, Godfrey},
  title = {Late Medieval Judaeo-Arabic poetry in Vatican Ms. 411: links with Maltese and Sicilian Arabic},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese studies},
  year = {1979},
  volume = {13},
  pages = {1--16},
  url = {}
Wettinger, Godfrey Looking back on 'The Cantilena of Peter Caxaro' Journal of Maltese studies, Vol. 12 Article 1978 Link
  author = {Wettinger, Godfrey},
  title = {Looking back on 'The Cantilena of Peter Caxaro'},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese studies},
  year = {1978},
  volume = {12},
  pages = {88--105},
  url = {}
Wettinger, Godfrey Late medieval Maltese nicknames Journal of Maltese studies, Vol. 6 Article 1971 Link
  author = {Wettinger, Godfrey},
  title = {Late medieval Maltese nicknames},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese studies},
  year = {1971},
  volume = {6},
  pages = {1--33},
  url = {}
Wettinger, Godfrey The distribution of surnames in Malta in 1419 and the 1480s Journal of Maltese studies, Vol. 5 Article 1968 Link
  author = {Wettinger, Godfrey},
  title = {The distribution of surnames in Malta in 1419 and the 1480s},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese studies},
  year = {1968},
  volume = {5},
  pages = {25--48},
  url = {}
Wolf, Matthew
Editor(s): Pater, Joe and McCarthy, John
Cyclicity and non-cyclicity in Maltese: Local ordering of phonology and morphology in OT-CC Harmonic Grammar and Harmonic Serialism Incollection Link
Abstract: Stress in Maltese provides some of the foundational arguments for the cycle in phonology (Brame 1974). One piece of evidence for the cycle in Maltese occurs in perfective verbs with pronominal (object-marking) suffixes. Here, syncope of vowels in unstressed, non-final open syllables underapplies in manner which suggests that, prior to object suffixation, there is a cycle of stress on the stem (plus the subject suffix, if any). Odden (1990, 1993) points out a paradoxical exception to this pattern: vowel-final (third weak radical) verbs with object suffixes fail to show this evidence of an inner-cycle stress. In this paper I propose an analysis of the asymmetry between C-final and V-final stems cast within Optimal Interleaving (OI: Wolf 2008), a theory of phonology-morphology interaction situated within McCarthy's (2007) OT with Candidate Chains. The analysis relies crucially on the fact that extrinsic ordering in OT-CC is enforced via pairwise ordering requirements (the PREC constraints) which are violable and potentially conflicting: normally Maltese requires that stress be assigned prior to object suffixation, but this is over-ridden with V-final stems by a requirement that stress assignment take place after (pre-suffixal) vowel lengthening. It has previously been noted (Wilson 2006; Wolf 2009, 2010) that OT-CC is able to produce such transitivity paradoxes in ordering, echoing in certain ways Anderson's (1969, 1974) theory of Local Ordering, which also treats ordering as a pairwise relation. The Maltese facts suggest that this ability is desirable in a theory of phonology-morphology ordering relations.
  author = {Wolf, Matthew},
  editor = {Pater, Joe and McCarthy, John},
  title = {Cyclicity and non-cyclicity in Maltese: Local ordering of phonology and morphology in OT-CC},
  booktitle = {Harmonic Grammar and Harmonic Serialism},
  publisher = {Equinox},
  address = {London},
  url = {}
Xerri, Jessica Deskrizzjoni tas-Sitwazzjoni Lingwistika fi Skola Primarja Statali f‟Għawdex Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 2009
  author = {Xerri, Jessica},
  title = {Deskrizzjoni tas-Sitwazzjoni Lingwistika fi Skola Primarja Statali f‟Għawdex}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2009}
Xuereb, John A sociolinguistic analysis of select linguistic features in Gozo Phdthesis: M.A. dissertation 1996
  author = {Xuereb, John},
  title = {A sociolinguistic analysis of select linguistic features in Gozo}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1996}
Xuereb, Raisa Dizzjunarju Storiku tal-Malti bbażat fuq it-'Tagħlim Nisrani' tar-Reverendu Franciscu Wzzino Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 2012
  author = {Xuereb, Raisa},
  title = {Dizzjunarju Storiku tal-Malti bbażat fuq it-'Tagħlim Nisrani' tar-Reverendu Franciscu Wzzino}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2012}
Xuereb, Rachael Literacy skills in Maltese–English bilingual children Journal of Research in Reading, Vol. 32 Article 2009 Link
Abstract: This research considers aspects of literacy in Maltese–English bilingual children. The study examined the reading and phonological awareness skills in English and Maltese of children whose home language is Maltese and second language English. A sample of 50 typically developing Maltese pupils aged 8 years 0 months to 10 years 5 months was selected. Since commencing school at the age of 5 years, the children have been learning to read in Maltese and also in English. For the purpose of this study, Maltese reading and reading-related tests were constructed to parallel the UK and US standardised assessments. The novel tests and the standardised tests were administered to all the children. Results showed that Maltese children read better in their first language (Maltese) than in English, the language of instruction. Findings also showed that phonological awareness measures correlated across first and second languages. The results are discussed in terms of L1 and L2 transfer, whereby the transparency of Maltese orthography and English phonological processing skills facilitate performance on phonological tasks in both Maltese and English.
  author = {Xuereb, Rachael},
  title = {Literacy skills in Maltese–English bilingual children},
  journal = {Journal of Research in Reading},
  year = {2009},
  volume = {32},
  number = {3},
  pages = {327--348},
  url = {},
  doi = {}
Xuereb, Rachael Literacy skills in Maltese English bilingual children Phdthesis: M. Sc. thesis 2003
  author = {Xuereb, Rachael},
  title = {Literacy skills in Maltese English bilingual children}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2003}
Xuereb, Rachael, Grech, Helen and Dodd, Barbara The development of a literacy diagnostic tool for Maltese children Clinical linguistics & phonetics, Vol. 25 Article 2011 Link
Abstract: This article focuses on the development of a Literacy Assessment Battery for the diagnosis of Maltese children with specific learning difficulties. It forms part of a wider research study involving testing of 549 children in Malta as well as standardisation of the tool. Results of the children's performance and psychometric validation go beyond the scope of this article and therefore will not be recorded here.
  author = {Xuereb, Rachael and Grech, Helen and Dodd, Barbara},
  title = {The development of a literacy diagnostic tool for Maltese children},
  journal = {Clinical linguistics & phonetics},
  year = {2011},
  volume = {25},
  number = {5},
  pages = {379--398},
  url = {}
Xuereb, Victor Franġisku Saverju Baldacchino - prepostu ta' l-oratorjani ta' San Filippu ta' l-isla: kittieb bikri ta' proża u poeżija bil-Malti Journal of Maltese studies, Vol. 25-26 Article 1994 Link
  author = {Xuereb, Victor},
  title = {Franġisku Saverju Baldacchino - prepostu ta' l-oratorjani ta' San Filippu ta' l-isla: kittieb bikri ta' proża u poeżija bil-Malti},
  journal = {Journal of Maltese studies},
  year = {1994},
  volume = {25-26},
  pages = {40--51},
  url = {}
Zahra, Clifford Sehem ix-xogħlijiet letterarji ewlenin ta' Juann Mamo għad dizzjunarju tal-Malti Phdthesis: B.A. (HONS) thesis 2013
  author = {Zahra, Clifford},
  title = {Sehem ix-xogħlijiet letterarji ewlenin ta' Juann Mamo għad dizzjunarju tal-Malti}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2013}
Zammit, Christina Investigating the spelling performance of Maltese children Phdthesis: Bachelor Thesis 2014 Link
Abstract: This research investigates Maltese word and non-word spelling abilities of Maltese children. A total of 82 typically developing students attending state and church schools in grades 4, 5 and 6 participated in the research. Spelling abilities were assessed using a Maltese word spelling test developed by Agius (2012) and a non-word spelling test developed to parallel the existing word spelling test for the purpose of this study. A comparison of the children’s performance in these tests was undertaken and discussed in terms of their grade and school-language. Reliability and correlation analyses of both tests were carried out. Spelling patterns were analyzed and discussed in light of the dual route model. Four distinctive categories of spelling patterns emerged in this study, which indicated the use of lexical and sub-lexical processes. Findings show that word and non-word spelling abilities are only significantly affected by grade and school-language.
  author = {Zammit, Christina},
  title = {Investigating the spelling performance of Maltese children}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2014},
  url = {}
Zammit, Elaine In-Nom Mimmat fil-Malti – Struttura u Tifsir Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 2012
  author = {Zammit, Elaine},
  title = {In-Nom Mimmat fil-Malti – Struttura u Tifsir}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2012}
Zammit, Felicienne Analiżi lingwistika ta' qasam lessikali magħżul Phdthesis: B. Ed. Thesis 1993
  author = {Zammit, Felicienne},
  title = {Analiżi lingwistika ta' qasam lessikali magħżul}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1993}
Zammit, Isabel Il-lessiku: differenzi djalettali fil-qasam ta' l-armar tal-festi Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 2008
  author = {Zammit, Isabel},
  title = {Il-lessiku: differenzi djalettali fil-qasam ta' l-armar tal-festi}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2008}
Zammit, Jacqueline Il-ġeneru tal-kumpliment Phdthesis: M.A. dissertation 2006
  author = {Zammit, Jacqueline},
  title = {Il-ġeneru tal-kumpliment}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2006}
Zammit, Karm Kelmet ommi Book 1987
  author = {Zammit, Karm},
  title = {Kelmet ommi},
  publisher = {North Star Publications},
  address = {Zurrieq},
  year = {1987}
Zammit, Martin
Editor(s): Mifsud, Manwel
Cognate Roots in Qur’anic Arabic and Maltese (with an analysis of the lexical relationship between Maltese and dialectal varieties of Arabic) Proceedings of the Third international conference of AIDA Incollection 1998
  author = {Zammit, Martin},
  editor = {Mifsud, Manwel},
  title = {Cognate Roots in Qur’anic Arabic and Maltese (with an analysis of the lexical relationship between Maltese and dialectal varieties of Arabic)},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the Third international conference of AIDA},
  publisher = {Association Internationale de Dialectologie Arabe},
  address = {Malta},
  year = {1998},
  pages = {241--245}
Zammit, Maria Il-kreattività lingwistika: proposta mill-kitbiet ta' Manwel Dimech u Juann Mamo Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 2006
  author = {Zammit, Maria},
  title = {Il-kreattività lingwistika: proposta mill-kitbiet ta' Manwel Dimech u Juann Mamo}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2006}
Zammit, Marjes and Mifsud, Charles
Editor(s): Newby, David
Language learning and teaching in Malta Mediating Between Theory and Practice in the Context of Different Learning Cultures and Languages Incollection 2003 Link
  author = {Zammit, Marjes and Mifsud, Charles},
  editor = {Newby, David},
  title = {Language learning and teaching in Malta},
  booktitle = {Mediating Between Theory and Practice in the Context of Different Learning Cultures and Languages},
  publisher = {Council of Europe Publishing},
  address = {Strasbourg},
  year = {2003},
  pages = {137--148},
  url = {}
Zammit, Martin R.
Editor(s): Borg, Albert, Caruana, Sandro and Vella, Alexandra
The Sfaxi (Tunisian) element in Maltese Perspectives on Maltese linguistics Incollection 2014
Abstract: The contributions included in this collection present different perspectives on various aspects of Maltese Linguistics, thereby enriching a field which has been attracting considerably greater interest in recent years than was the case in the past. The papers focus on the Maltese language itself as well as on Maltese in relation to other languages. They provide a picture of Maltese mainly from a synchronic perspective, descriptions ranging from indepth analyses of morphological and syntactic features to contributions on the lexicon, corpus linguistics and sociolinguistics. A number of papers dealing with diachronic considerations are also included. The topics dealt with in this volume show not only that Maltese is the object of research from a variety of perspectives but also that scholars with diverse backgrounds and of different nationalities are studying this language, thus providing an enriching body of knowl-edge, including findings of interest to general linguistics and various other fields in the humanities.
  author = {Zammit, Martin R.},
  editor = {Borg, Albert and Caruana, Sandro and Vella, Alexandra},
  title = {The Sfaxi (Tunisian) element in Maltese},
  booktitle = {Perspectives on Maltese linguistics},
  publisher = {Akademie Verlag},
  address = {Berlin},
  year = {2014},
  pages = {23--44}
Zammit, Martin R.
Editor(s): Mejri, Salah
Unrecognizable Arabic-Maltese: The innovative Maltese element in the Maltese language L'arabe dialectal: enquêtes, descriptions, interprétations. Actes d'AIDA 6. Travaux offerts au professeur Taieb Baccouche Incollection 2006
  author = {Zammit, Martin R.},
  editor = {Mejri, Salah},
  title = {Unrecognizable Arabic-Maltese: The innovative Maltese element in the Maltese language},
  booktitle = {L'arabe dialectal: enquêtes, descriptions, interprétations. Actes d'AIDA 6. Travaux offerts au professeur Taieb Baccouche},
  publisher = {Imprimerie Officielle de la République Tunisienne},
  address = {Tunis},
  year = {2006},
  pages = {487--498}
Zammit, Martin R. Andalusi Arabic and Maltese: a preliminary survey Folia Orientalia, Vol. Article 2009
  author = {Zammit, Martin R.},
  title = {Andalusi Arabic and Maltese: a preliminary survey},
  journal = {Folia Orientalia},
  year = {2009},
  number = {45},
  pages = {15--56}
Zammit, Martin R. Al-bahr – il-baħar: Arab-Maltese shared awareness of the chaotic primeval element Journal of the Faculty of Arts, Vol. 2 Article 2003
  author = {Zammit, Martin R.},
  title = {Al-bahr – il-baħar: Arab-Maltese shared awareness of the chaotic primeval element},
  journal = {Journal of the Faculty of Arts},
  year = {2003},
  volume = {2},
  pages = {173--194}
Zammit, Sylvana Awturi Barranin li taw kontribut fl-istudju ta' l-ilsien Malti (tinkludi cd) Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 2006
  author = {Zammit, Sylvana},
  title = {Awturi Barranin li taw kontribut fl-istudju ta' l-ilsien Malti (tinkludi cd)}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2006}
Zammit Ciantar, Joseph Il-Priedki bil-Malti ta' Ignazio Saverio Mifsud Phdthesis: unpublished Ph.D. thesis 2005
  author = {Zammit Ciantar, Joseph},
  title = {Il-Priedki bil-Malti ta' Ignazio Saverio Mifsud},
  address = {Msida, Malta}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2005}
Zammit Ciantar, Joseph Il-priedki ta‟ Ignazio Saverio Mifsud – edizzjoni k-kummentata bi studju kritiku Phdthesis: Ph.D. dissertation 2005
  author = {Zammit Ciantar, Joseph},
  title = {Il-priedki ta‟ Ignazio Saverio Mifsud – edizzjoni k-kummentata bi studju kritiku}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2005}
Zammit Ciantar, Joseph A linguistic study of Gozitan toponymy Phdthesis: M.A. dissertation 1978
  author = {Zammit Ciantar, Joseph},
  title = {A linguistic study of Gozitan toponymy}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1978}
Zammit Mangion, Dorothy Some aspects of the Maltese verb in relation to the teaching of English Phdthesis: M.A. dissertation 1977
  author = {Zammit Mangion, Dorothy},
  title = {Some aspects of the Maltese verb in relation to the teaching of English}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1977}
Zarb, A. Tagħlim prattiku fuq il-kitba Maltija Book 1962
  author = {Zarb, A.},
  title = {Tagħlim prattiku fuq il-kitba Maltija},
  publisher = {Lux Press},
  address = {Malta},
  year = {1962}
Zarb, S. M. The origin of the Maltese language and its bearing on orthography Scientia, Vol. 12 Article 1946 Link
  author = {Zarb, S. M.},
  title = {The origin of the Maltese language and its bearing on orthography},
  journal = {Scientia},
  year = {1946},
  volume = {12},
  number = {3},
  pages = {121--142},
  url = {}
Zarb, S. M. The Maltese language: Phoenician or Arabic? Scientia, Vol. 10 Article 1944 Link
  author = {Zarb, S. M.},
  title = {The Maltese language: Phoenician or Arabic?},
  journal = {Scientia},
  year = {1944},
  volume = {10},
  number = {4},
  pages = {185--190},
  url = {}
Zarb, S. M. The Maltese language: Aryan or Semitic? Scientia, Vol. 9 Article 1943 Link
  author = {Zarb, S. M.},
  title = {The Maltese language: Aryan or Semitic?},
  journal = {Scientia},
  year = {1943},
  volume = {9},
  number = {1},
  pages = {35--44},
  url = {}
Zarb, S. M. The Maltese language: In search of a method Scientia, Vol. 8 Article 1942 Link
  author = {Zarb, S. M.},
  title = {The Maltese language: In search of a method},
  journal = {Scientia},
  year = {1942},
  volume = {8},
  number = {2},
  pages = {90--93},
  url = {}
Zarb, Tarċisju Grammatika f'Kuntest 1 Book 2001
  author = {Zarb, Tarċisju},
  title = {Grammatika f'Kuntest 1},
  publisher = {Merlin Library},
  address = {Blata l-Bajda},
  year = {2001}
Zarb, Tarċisju Grammatika f'Kuntest 2 Book 2001
  author = {Zarb, Tarċisju},
  title = {Grammatika f'Kuntest 2},
  publisher = {Merlin},
  address = {Blata l-Bajda},
  year = {2001},
  note = {320 S. : Ill.}
Zarb, Tarcisio Language and taboos in Malta with special reference to ħal sajjied Phdthesis: M.A. dissertation 1978
  author = {Zarb, Tarcisio},
  title = {Language and taboos in Malta with special reference to ħal sajjied}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {1978}
Zerafa, Anton Traduzzjoni ta' kapitlu minn "The Sicilian" ta' Mario Puzo: B'ħarsa lejn il verżjoni Taljana Phdthesis: Unpublished M.A. thesis 2011
  author = {Zerafa, Anton},
  title = {Traduzzjoni ta' kapitlu minn "The Sicilian" ta' Mario Puzo: B'ħarsa lejn il verżjoni Taljana},
  address = {Msida, Malta}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2011}
Zerafa, Claire Il-kbar ikellmu liż-Żgħar: Xi osservazzjonijiet kritiċi Phdthesis: B.A. (HONS) thesis 2013
  author = {Zerafa, Claire},
  title = {Il-kbar ikellmu liż-Żgħar: Xi osservazzjonijiet kritiċi}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2013}
Zerafa, Roberta Sitt Prietki mill-Arkivju tal-Università traskritti u analizzati Phdthesis: B.A. thesis 2010
  author = {Zerafa, Roberta},
  title = {Sitt Prietki mill-Arkivju tal-Università traskritti u analizzati}
  school = {University of Malta},
  year = {2010}
Zitouni, Imed Natural language processing of semitic languages Book 2014
  author = {Zitouni, Imed},
  title = {Natural language processing of semitic languages},
  publisher = {Springer},
  address = {London},
  year = {2014}

Editor(s): Aquilina, Joseph and Isserlin, Benedikt S.J.
A survey of contemporary dialectal Maltese: Gozo Book 1981
  editor = {Aquilina, Joseph and Isserlin, Benedikt S.J.},
  title = {A survey of contemporary dialectal Maltese: Gozo},
  publisher = {B. S. J. Isserlin},
  address = {Leeds},
  year = {1981}

Editor(s): Borg, Albert, Caruana, Sandro and Vella, Alexandra
Perspectives on Maltese linguistics Book 2014
Abstract: The contributions included in this collection present different perspectives on various aspects of Maltese Linguistics, thereby enriching a field which has been attracting considerably greater interest in recent years than was the case in the past. The papers focus on the Maltese language itself as well as on Maltese in relation to other languages. They provide a picture of Maltese mainly from a synchronic perspective, descriptions ranging from indepth analyses of morphological and syntactic features to contributions on the lexicon, corpus linguistics and sociolinguistics. A number of papers dealing with diachronic considerations are also included. The topics dealt with in this volume show not only that Maltese is the object of research from a variety of perspectives but also that scholars with diverse backgrounds and of different nationalities are studying this language, thus providing an enriching body of knowl-edge, including findings of interest to general linguistics and various other fields in the humanities.
  editor = {Borg, Albert and Caruana, Sandro and Vella, Alexandra},
  title = {Perspectives on Maltese linguistics},
  publisher = {Akademie Verlag},
  address = {Berlin},
  year = {2014}

Editor(s): Borg, A. and Plank, Frans
The Maltese noun phrase meets typology Rivista di Linguistica, Vol. 8.1 Article 1996
  editor = {Borg, A. and Plank, Frans},
  title = {The Maltese noun phrase meets typology},
  journal = {Rivista di Linguistica},
  year = {1996},
  volume = {8.1}

Editor(s): Briffa, Charles
Dictionary for specific purposes : English-Maltese - Maltese-English Book 2007
  editor = {Briffa, Charles},
  title = {Dictionary for specific purposes : English-Maltese - Maltese-English},
  publisher = {Midsea Books.},
  address = {Valletta},
  year = {2007}

Editor(s): Brincat, Joseph M.
Languages of the Mediterranean - Substrata - The Islands - Malta: Proceedings of the Conference held in Malta 26-29 September 1991 Book 1994
  editor = {Brincat, Joseph M.},
  title = {Languages of the Mediterranean - Substrata - The Islands - Malta: Proceedings of the Conference held in Malta 26-29 September 1991},
  publisher = {Institute of Linguistics, University of Malta},
  address = {Msida},
  year = {1994}

Editor(s): Caruana, Sandro, Fabri, Ray and Stolz, Thomas
Variation and change: the dynamics of Maltese in space, time and society Book 2011
Abstract: The twelve contributions to this collection of articles focus on variation and change in the lexicon, morphology, syntax and phonology of Maltese. Various aspects of lectal variation are addressed: the properties of sociolects, technolects, regional varieties, and different registers of present-day Maltese are discussed. On-going changes are looked at in several of the papers. The questions of whether or not there is a typical Maltese EU-variety or a distinct sociolect spoken by the younger generation are raised. Not all of the phenomena which attest variation can be ascribed to the sociolinguistic sphere. Morpho-syntactic issues like the definition of clitics, the causative-inchoative alternation and the employment of the possessive relative clause are linked more closely to structural and functional factors. Suprasegmental issues like the use of pauses in spoken Maltese and the syllable structure of Maltese are scrutinized as well. These topics are complemented by dialectological studies, investigations of the pragmatics of Maltese and the description of literary Maltese. The range of topics covered in this collection proves that it is worth the while studying Maltese from the perspective of general linguistics.
  editor = {Caruana, Sandro and Fabri, Ray and Stolz, Thomas},
  title = {Variation and change: the dynamics of Maltese in space, time and society},
  publisher = {Akademie Verlag},
  address = {Berlin},
  year = {2011},
  number = {9}

Editor(s): Cassola, Arnold
The biblioteca Vallicelliana regole per la lingua Maltese, the earliest extant grammar and dictionary of the Maltese language Book 1992
  editor = {Cassola, Arnold},
  title = {The biblioteca Vallicelliana regole per la lingua Maltese, the earliest extant grammar and dictionary of the Maltese language},
  publisher = {Said International Ltd.},
  address = {Valetta},
  year = {1992}

Editor(s): Comrie, Bernard, Fabri, Ray, Mifsud, Manwel, Stolz, Thomas, Vanhove, Martine and Hume, Elizabeth
Introducing Maltese linguistics: selected papers from the 1st International Conference on Maltese Linguistics, Bremen, 18 - 20 October, 2007 Book 2009 Link
Abstract: This collection of articles highlights a selection of on-going research projects. Phonological, morphological, and syntactic issues are addressed by international experts on Maltese. The diachronic development of Maltese, its age-long contact with Italo-Romance, and the present diglossic situation with co-official English are the topics of a variety of contributions to this volume. The repercussions that the promotion of Maltese to the status of official working language of the EU has on the Maltese lexicon are discussed. A project on the sociolinguistics of non-native Maltese-English is presented. The problems posed by the creation of electronic resources for Maltese are equally focused upon. The papers amply demonstrate that Maltese Linguistics can stand on its own outside the traditional field of Oriental Studies.
  editor = {Comrie, Bernard and Fabri, Ray and Mifsud, Manwel and Stolz, Thomas and Vanhove, Martine and Hume, Elizabeth},
  title = {Introducing Maltese linguistics: selected papers from the 1st International Conference on Maltese Linguistics, Bremen, 18 - 20 October, 2007},
  publisher = {Benjamins},
  address = {Amsterdam},
  year = {2009},
  number = {113},
  url = {}

Editor(s): Cortis, Toni, Fenech, Reno, Vella, Olvin and Zammit, William
Xoghlijiet maghżula ta' Ġużè Gatt Book 2010
  editor = {Cortis, Toni and Fenech, Reno and Vella, Olvin and Zammit, William},
  title = {Xoghlijiet maghżula ta' Ġużè Gatt},
  publisher = {L-Akkademja tal-Malti [u.a.]},
  address = {[Malta]},
  year = {2010},
  note = {VII, 147 S : Ill.}

Editor(s): Fabri, Ray
Maltese linguistics: a Snapshot ; in memory of Joseph A. Cremona (1922 - 2003) Book 2009 Link
  editor = {Fabri, Ray},
  title = {Maltese linguistics: a Snapshot ; in memory of Joseph A. Cremona (1922 - 2003)},
  publisher = {Universitätsverlag Brockmeyer},
  address = {Bochum},
  year = {2009},
  number = {1},
  edition = {1},
  url = {}

Editor(s): tal Malti, Akkademja
Il- Malti: rivista tal-akkademja tal-malti Book 2010
  editor = {Akkademja tal-Malti},
  title = {Il- Malti: rivista tal-akkademja tal-malti},
  publisher = {Klabb Kotba Maltin},
  address = {Valletta},
  year = {2010}

Editor(s): Manduca, Joseph S and Mifsud, Ġorġ
Il-qawl iqul : ġabra ta' qwiel Maltin Book 1989
  editor = {Manduca, Joseph S and Mifsud, Ġorġ},
  title = {Il-qawl iqul : ġabra ta' qwiel Maltin},
  publisher = {Publishers Enterprises Group},
  address = {Il-Marsa, Malta},
  year = {1989}

Editor(s): Rehm, Georg and Uszkoreit, Hans
The Maltese language in the digital age Book 2012 Link
Abstract: This white paper is part of a series that promotes knowledge about language technology and its potential. It addresses educators, journalists, politicians, language communities and others. The availability and use of language technology in Europe varies between languages. Consequently, the actions that are required to further support research and development of language technologies also differ for each language. The required actions depend on many factors, such as the complexity of a given language and the size of its community.
  editor = {Rehm, Georg and Uszkoreit, Hans},
  title = {The Maltese language in the digital age},
  publisher = {Springer},
  address = {London},
  year = {2012},
  url = {}
A short grammar of the Maltese language Book 1845 Link
  title = {A short grammar of the Maltese language},
  address = {Malta},
  year = {1845},
  url = {}
Created by JabRef on 16/11/2015.